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The Scent of You (Saving the Billionaire Book 1) by C.D. Samuda (14)


A high society wedding between two of the most famous families in Cupertino called for celebration. The parents were both elated that the wedding ceremony was near the Cali Mall fountain. On the evening of the wedding, the section to be used would be cordoned off. In addition to the invited guests, the public would get to witness this spectacle. Little treats would be handed to the spectators, adding to the publicity. Of course, the press would be present.

This wasn’t the most famous wedding Leah had ever done, but it was the most difficult to pull off. Both sides had different ideas of what they wanted. The parents had more input than the couple, and this was what made it difficult. It had been a tug of war between the mothers of the bride and groom. Leah thanked heaven it would be over soon.

She took the card and opened it, expecting that one of the parents, or even the bride had sent it. The handwriting was flashy, which told of her the person’s arrogance. She learned to read handwriting over the years and knew that someone cocky sent it. The groom’s father came to mind. A crease entered her forehead as she read:

Leah, you can run but you certainly cannot hide from me. Remember that dinner date you promised. How about this evening at 7? Call me. Quinn.

Below the name was his office and cellphone numbers.

“So you found me, huh?” she laughed. “You cocky bastard.”

Should she ignore it and pretend she never received it? She was tempted to do just that. Then again, if he found her, wouldn’t he hound her until he got what he wanted? Might as well get this over with, Leah.

A smile played on her lips as she dropped the card on her desk. Quinn was a shrewd man, she thought. From the scent of her perfume, he realized she liked orchids. She traced a blush petal with the tip of her finger, thinking that she’d take it home. Then she thought that perhaps leaving it in the office would be best. But where would she put it?

Adjusting it on the desk, she decided to leave it there. This was where it belonged, where she could see it every day. The encounter with Quinn at the lodge resurfaced and she must admit that she enjoyed their brief moment together. Without further thought, she picked up the card and dialed his cell phone.

“Quinn Harrison,” his deep smooth voice answered. Leah closed her eyes as her heart skipped and her throat suddenly went dry. “Hello?”

“Hello, this is Leah.”

“Leah,” he said her name. “Where should I pick you up?”

“You’re one cocky man, aren’t you?”

He laughed. “Not cocky, self-assured.”

Her stomach quivered at the sound of his laughter. “Why are you so sure that we are going to dinner tonight?”

“You called.”

“I called to thank you for the orchid, it’s my favorite.”

“It’s the least I could do,” he returned. “About dinner?”

He was back at the subject. Leah was of two minds to just tell him to forget it. However, she had a feeling that Quinn would find her apartment and camp out there until she agreed.

“Alright Quinn, you can pick me up at seven. One dinner and we’re even, agreed?”

“Am I to understand that if I don’t agree to this condition of yours, you won’t have dinner with me tonight?”

“You got that right,” she remarked.

After another bout of laughter, he agreed. Leah knew he’d said yes to appease her and perhaps had no intention of sticking to it. She supplied her home address although she felt that he already knew where she lived. It wouldn’t be hard to find her now that he knew her name.

“Great, seven it is then,” he said.

“Later,” she croaked.

After ending the conversation, Leah double-checked that everything was in order for the upcoming wedding. By 4:30 she was ready to leave the office and was as nervous as a mouse about to become the cat’s dinner. She was only going along with it to get Quinn off her back, with the hope that after tonight he would consider his debt paid. She was out her cabin and passing through the main office when Bridget stopped her.

“Where are you off to this early?” Bridget asked with a curious gaze.

“I-I-I have an appointment,” she lied.

How could she tell Bridget that the man she’d referred to as ‘fine and drop dead gorgeous’ was the man she’d saved? There was no easy way to tell her friend that same man insisted on this date. Bridget would only find a way to get them walking down the aisle in no time.

“No you don’t. I know about all your appointments, there’s nothing on your schedule,” Bridget replied.

Her assistant rose from her desk and strolled over, standing directly in front of her. Bridget ran her eyes over her before looking directly into hers. Leah dropped her eyes to the floor.

“Hmm,” Bridget murmured knowingly. “Why can’t you meet my eyes?”

Leah inhaled and swallowed. Courageously she met and held Bridget’s stare.

“What do you mean?” she asked, lifting her chin in an attempt at defiance.

“Those orchids.” Bridget narrowed one eye and cocked her head to the side. “Hmm … you’re going on a date aren’t you?” In an instant, Bridget switched off the suspicion and her face enlivened.

“No, don’t be ridiculous.” Leah gave a nervous laugh.

“Then I’ll just go check the card.” Bridget began moving toward the direction of Leah’s office.

“No!” Leah grabbed her by the wrist. How could she let Bridget see the card? She’d left it on her desk. “Okay, I’m going on a date, but it’s not what you think. The guy is just repaying a debt.”

Bridget grinned. “It’s a start. Maybe it will grow into something more.” Leah could see the wheels turning in her friend’s mind and she inwardly groaned. Then her smile faded. “By the way, why was the police here the other day?”

“Oh, that.” Leah hesitated before answering. “He was just asking me if I knew anything about the attack.”

Bridget’s brow creased. “He didn’t ask me anything.”

“Maybe he’ll get to you soon,” she replied. “I forgot something, I’ll be right back.”

This was the excuse she needed to retrieve the card before Bridget saw it. She was in and out of her office in less than ten seconds. When she returned Bridget was busy answering the phone. Leah took the opportunity to slip out. When she was in the hallway, she breathed a sigh.

Although Leah convinced herself that she was only going on this date to appease Quinn’s need for payback, she was secretly excited. It was a weird combination of emotions. She knew nothing about Quinn except what the papers said and what she heard from Bridget. Now she was going on a date with him after someone tried to murder him.

As she entered the elevator and selected the sub-level, a feeling of unease settled over her. What if this man was involved in something sinister? Was it even safe to go out with him?

“No Leah, you must give him the benefit of the doubt,” she told herself.

With that settled, she was on her way home to get ready. This was their only date and he must have hired a bodyguard. Pushing all that aside, she was home in less than fifteen minutes. As she opened the door, Lila sprinted to her, curling her entire body around her leg. Her sweet purring was music to Leah.

She’d been gifted a kitten nine months ago by a couple whose wedding she’d managed to pull off on a tight budget. Their cat had given birth to six sweet little ones and she was fortunate to have Lila.

After breaking up with her boyfriend a year ago, she’d been somewhat depressed. Jonathan was a self-absorbed bastard who only cared about himself, his business and his hair. Her mind flittered over her past relationship and a sour taste appeared on her tongue.

Jonathan slept his way to the top – literally so. He’d managed to screw the woman whose business he stole. He screwed her in more ways than one. The woman was a widow and Jonathan played on her loneliness. When he’d managed to swindle the business from beneath her nose he dumped her.

“Why am I thinking about that prick?” Picking up Lila, she snuggled her close. “Now Lila, you will never cheat on me…right?”

After feeding her cat, Leah showered. All through the process of dressing, she was uncertain as to why she needed to have dinner with Quinn. Was it some deep-seated fear talking or common sense? She was unable to decipher which.

The doorbell echoed through the apartment just as she finished applying her make-up. Slipping into her silver stilettos, she paused to peruse herself in the mirror. Butterflies seemed have taken residence in her stomach as it fluttered uncontrollably.

As she opened the door, she inhaled a steadying breath and set a smile on her face. There he stood in a dark blue blazer and beige slacks. On his face was a smile that sent shivers up her spine. The man was indeed gorgeous and definitely carried an air of overconfidence.

“Hi,” he greeted. Her pulse flickered at the sound of his voice.

“Hi,” she managed, stepping aside and letting him in.

Her voice came out steady, a stark contrast to the quavering inside her. She wasn’t a virgin. Neither was she naïve. She knew exactly what Quinn wanted when his eyes cruised her from head to toe. Finally they came to settle on her breasts. They lingered there for some time, before dropping to her waist and following the tapering of her hips.

“Whoa!” he said, his eyes never once leaving her. “You’re one beautiful woman.”

“Thank you,” she croaked.

Wearing a figure hugging dress was a bad idea. What she couldn’t figure was why she chose it, knowing how much it accentuated her curvy hips and highlighted the rise of her breasts. She’d bought it several months ago because it made her look and feel sexy.

Quinn’s eyes were like electric anodes leaving shockwaves in their wake wherever they landed. Each time his cobalt eyes moved, she felt a tingle where they trailed. When his eyes captured hers, she was spellbound. Lila’s soft purr cut through the moment.

“Be back in a minute,” she almost whispered.

This was a needed break in the spell. With hastened steps, she rushed to the bathroom and snapped the door shut. Inhaling several deep breaths, she tried to calm her racing heart and the flickering pulse at her throat.

“Stop it Leah,” she said to her reflection.

This irrational attraction to a complete stranger was unlike her. Albeit, he was a fine man, according to Bridget. It was the first time she’d been drawn to a man this quickly. It had taken Jonathan five months of asking before she agreed to a date.

Her mind flicked back to her past relationship. Her trust in men was shaken. Jonathan had been less than honest and certainly not faithful. Her own father abandoned her when she was a baby. It was difficult to believe that Quinn was any different. What was Quinn after and what was he involved in?

“One date, Leah,” she whispered. “It’s not like you’re walking down the aisle. It doesn’t matter now does it?”

With that reminder, she sucked in some air and left the bathroom. It didn’t matter whether Quinn could be trusted. It was only one dinner and then his debt would be paid. That was where their association would end.

When she returned to the living room, Lila was sleeping peacefully in Quinn’s arms. This surprised Leah as the cat would hide whenever she had guests. She took Lila from his arms and set her down in her bed. She could feel him watching her with every move she made.

“I’m ready,” she announced, picking up her purse.

They headed out. The short elevator ride from her third floor apartment was completed in silence. They had left the building and reached his car when his phone rang. He ignored it and opened the door for her.

Leah observed him as he skipped around to the driver side. From the moment Quinn had showed up at the door until now, her heart raced hysterically. Anxiety and excitement was what she was feeling and that was cause for concern. Although she reminded herself that this was only a debt being repaid, she found herself caught in the novelty of a date with this man.

His phone rang again and she was certain he was ignoring it on her behalf. As he slipped into the driver seat, she turned to him.

“Why don’t you get that? It might be important.”

Quin answered the phone. “Terry, I’m on my way to dinner, what’s the matter?” he paused. “No, maybe tomorrow around seven,” he paused. “You seem to be forgetting our arrangement ... I don’t see that’s any of your business … You wanna come over it’s up to you, if not it matters little to me.”

He ended the conversation and started the car. Leah wondered if perhaps he’d been talking to his girlfriend. Shrugging off the conversation, she told herself it was not her business.

In any event, scrutinizing him quickly pushed everything else from her mind. Her eyes glued to his long strong fingers as he gripped the steering wheel while maneuvering the vehicle. She found herself wondering what it would be like feeling those hands running over her skin, caressing her. She broke the thought and turned her head away. No Leah, you will not fall for this man.

The Mediterranean restaurant Quinn chose was exactly the kind of place Leah liked. This was her first time dining at this particular place, not having gone out much. Being out with Quinn reminded her of the few times Jonathan took her out to dinner. Their dates usually consisted of going to the movies or dancing and these were far and few between.

Pushing her ex out of her mind, Leah drank in the cozy atmosphere of the place. While they made their way to the table he reserved, he kept his hand on the small of her back. The heat of his hand seared her skin.

By the time she was sitting at the table across from him, her entire body felt parched. The temperature between them sizzled that Leah expected that she would combust at any moment. The table was so small that their knees glued together sending electrical charges up her thighs. She had no clue how she would get through the evening.

After staring at the menu without seeing anything, she allowed Quinn to order for them both. This was not going well, Leah thought. She wasn’t supposed to be reacting to him this way. Her stomach quivered so much that she was certain she wouldn’t be able to keep her food down.

The only thing she could do was sipping her water and willing herself body to relax. Trying to avoid his penetrating gaze was also useless. Whenever she lifted her eyes, he was regarding her. His electrifying stare made her flush even more.

After the food arrived, Leah dug in. She didn’t have much of an appetite, but she gave it a try. Quinn began regaling more of his college and high school days. Soon she was enjoying her meal and basking in the sound of his voice.

“How is the food?” he asked.

“It’s fine. That story you were telling me, please continue.”

Both he and Alan had snuck a b-b-q grill into the frat house. This was against the rules but Quinn insisted on having a party while the frat president was away one weekend. Most of the other frat-mates had also left for home. They’d invited some of their friends, mostly women. Of course Leah wasn’t surprised about this.

“So we were having a blast, drinking and entertaining when someone spilled alcohol on the grill. The thing started blazing and caught the curtains at the window. Being mostly drunk, Alan proceeded to pour the contents of the punch bowl on the flames,” he told the story.

“My God! Was there alcohol in there?”

“You bet! Someone … I’m not calling any names … spiked the darn thing,” he laughed, winking at her.

Quinn had the uncanny ability to make every conversation interesting. His laugh was infectious and when he smiled at her, she was lost in his presence. His magnetism was irresistible.

Somewhere during dessert, as he continued about his college days, she found her eyes cruising his face, neck and shoulders. At one point, she pictured him without clothes, igniting a spot of in her belly. With every word he spoke, Leah’s eyes followed his lips. Half of those words she never heard.

When he reached over the table and took her hand, she almost jumped out of her skin. With smoldering eyes that he settled on her lips, he spoke in quite a sultry tone.

“I just love your orchid perfume. It drives me crazy.”

Her heart skipped a beat and she inhaled a tremoring breath. What he said next was lost to her she was unable to hear anything. The whirlpool that threatened to suck her into its depths was the only thing she felt in that moment.

Quinn’s touch was electric. Nothing or no one had ever affected her so quickly or in such a manner. His hand on hers opened a force field between them. When she managed to gain some semblance of control, she glanced down at the table. Leah, get a hold of yourself. She heard her own voice echoing in the back of her mind. The heat in her cheeks brought her back to reality. Snatching her hand away, she made an excuse to retreat to the lady’s room.

Once there, she wet her hands and pressed to her cheeks. This wasn’t what she really needed. What she needed was a cold shower to relieve her searing flesh. After almost eight minutes in the lady’s room, she was able to breathe normally and settle her nerves.

Now somewhat composed she planted a smile and returned to the table. Quinn rose to his feet when he approached, concern evident on his face.

“Are you alright?” he asked. “You took a long time in there.”

“Yes, I’m fine,” she replied calmly. “Shall we go?”

Might as well end this right here, she thought. Nothing would come of this anyway. She definitely wasn’t Quinn’s type and she knew the kind of man he was. This was a billionaire business tycoon who needed for nothing. Women like her were a temporary distraction for a man like him.

“Why don’t we take a walk before I take you home?” Quinn suggested.

“I don’t know,” she replied hesitantly.

“I’m not taking no for an answer, moreover, you said that this was our only date...,” he paused while observing her. “Ten minutes and I promise to take you home.”

What was ten minutes more? “Okay.”

She picked up her purse and Quinn gently took her elbow. His nearness was overwhelming. On wobbly legs, she ambled towards the car, where they drove in silence to Shoreline Lake. Since it was night, she didn’t see much of the animals. Nevertheless, the beauty of the plants and the tranquility of atmosphere could not be missed.

The night air was cool, which did a lot to relieve her flushed skin. A shudder ran through her at the chilled wind that came off the hills. When Quinn took his jacket and wrapped it on around her, she felt warmed. It was as if he was embracing her. She shook her head to rid herself of the thought.

“It’s beautiful,” she murmured.

“I know,” he replied.

When she glanced his way, he was looking directly at her. Her stomach fluttered like butterfly wings. Quinn reached a hand up and brushed a wisp of stray hair from her cheek. The touch of his finger was like hot coals to her already burning skin.

“Quite beautiful,” he repeated, tracing her jawline with his thumb.

In a bid to settle the volitant feeling in her chest, she turned away, allowing his hand to drop. She could hear her heart beating loudly in her ears and wondered if he heard it as well. The urge to rest her head on his shoulder and allow him to wrap his arms around her was almost irresistible. The feeling she was having, the intense attraction to a man she barely knew, scared her.

As if he heard her thoughts, he moved up behind her and pulled her into his warm embrace. The magnetic field engulfed her. She could do nothing but lean back against him. His body was like a tower of strength behind her. That’s when she knew if she didn’t get away from him, she would not be able to resist.

She wiggled and loosened the embrace, then stepped away, but he gently pulled her back in.

“Please, just let me hold you a few minutes,” he said, his voice hoarse. “I promise, I wont do it again, unless you ask me to.”

She turned to him to protest and ended up stepping too close, that she walked into his arms. Everything at that point went out of control. Without a conscious thought, she lifted her head as Quinn dipped his. A bolt of lightning hit her lips, ran through her body and made her hair stand on ends. Gently, his lips probed as hers parted, then his tongue began to explore. Their tongues found each other, instinctively wrapping each other in a searing embrace.

Quinn pulled her closer that her breast crushed into his chest. Ripples of excitement sprinted through her, causing her nipples to hardened beneath the fabric of her dress. It took every ounce of her strength to tear herself away. Staggering back, she gulped the fresh air, feeling her heart going at a billion beats per second.

“I’m sorry,” she breathed. “It’s too soon.”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” Quinn apologized. “It’s just that you’re a very tantalizing woman.”

Leah looked at him incredulously. His eyes were smoldering with desire. She had to do a double take. They were dripping with yearning for her. This gorgeous man that turned heads when he entered the restaurant earlier, desired her. She knew she was beautiful, even sexy. But for a man like Quinn, sexy women were a dime a dozen.

“Please take me home,” she whispered.

This was too much for her … too soon for her. Leah struggled to rein in her emotions. She’d never had a problem controlling herself before. Wait … no … she never had a man make her feel this desirable, this sexy. It was driving her insane - these new feelings - this wantonness that Quinn evoked.

Leah told herself that she had to find a way to deal with it, to crush it. She could not allow herself to fall for Quinn. He was the Cupertino playboy, a fact she learned that very afternoon. After agreeing to the dinner, she thought she needed to find out more about him. A search on the internet revealed women considered him new age alpha and a philanderer. There was no way she was going to get involved with him so that he could break her heart and walk away.

She was lost in thought all the way home. Quinn was quiet, perhaps thinking she was upset about the kiss. She was not upset with him. She rather liked it. She liked the feel of his hard body against hers. She wanted to feel more of him – his large hands to caress her – his tongue to do more than explore her mouth.

Those erotic thoughts assailed her that she was unaware when he pulled up in front of her apartment building. She half expected him to kiss her again when he accompanied her to her apartment door. Should she invite him in? No, she decided. It’s late anyway. She was about to bid him goodnight when he spoke.

“How about lunch on Monday?”

Without thinking about it, she blurted out, “Lunch will be great.”

Shucks. She could kick herself. What’s the matter with you Leah? Didn’t you say one date? Now you just agreed to another. okay, one more and that’s it! Lunch was safe enough. A meal in the middle of the day, what harm could there be in that? Quinn couldn’t seduce her the way he had tonight. Lunch would be fine.

Having just convinced herself that having lunch would be the last date with Quinn, she did something else that was utterly stupid. Her body seemed to be on autopilot when she reached up and kissed his smack on the lips. It was a brief kiss, but one that sent a voltaic charge through her.

When she would have pulled back, Quinn captured her mouth. She could feel the restraint in him and appreciated that. After completely shattering her resolve by pressing his pelvis into her belly, he pulled back. The imprint of his manhood was still prominent where he’d made contact with her.

In a gravelly voice he said, “Goodnight.”

On gelatinous knees, she stepped into her apartment, shutting the door softly behind her. When she was safely inside, she leaned against the frame and closed her eyes. After about two minutes, his footsteps sounded in the corridor. Leah moved to the window where she watched him as he approached his car. When he was about to open the door, he paused looking up at the window. With her heart deafening her, she shrunk back against the wall. Soon, she heard the car roll away. Leah shifted the curtain to watch the tail lights disappear unto the street.




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