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The Scotch King: Book One by Penelope Sky (18)



As the night progressed, we were moved inside the palace for dessert and wine. Men lit up cigars, and people spoke quietly together, the mingling continuing. Even though I knew the date, it seemed like I had stepped back in time to another era. I was standing among monarchs whose blood ran deep into history.

Including my date.

Crewe was social as he chatted with people he’d known since childhood, princes from distant lands and monarchs from other countries. His hand was usually around my waist, keeping me close to his side like I might drift away.

We moved away and approached the dessert table, the decadent sweets appeared almost fake because they looked so good. I wanted to try one of the brownies, but I was terrified of getting anything on my dress. Normally, I wouldn’t care. But this gown cost a fortune, and I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of these noble people.

“Are you going to get anything?” Crewe asked quietly, standing beside me.

“I want to but…” My hand moved to my stomach. “I shouldn’t.”

He rolled his eyes. “You’re drop-dead gorgeous, and you know it. You can eat everything on this table and still be the most beautiful woman in this room.”

His compliment swept through my entire body, making me feel warmth that had nothing to do with the wine. “I’m just afraid I’ll stain my dress…”

“Oh…” He smirked and covered it as he drank his wine. “Well, yeah. You better not do that.”

I had the strength to turn away from the delicious morsels, but I secretly knew I would regret not trying everything at this dinner. “I have to ask you something.”

“Great,” he said with a sigh. “I knew the questions would start eventually.”

“You sell intelligence to people, right?”

His eyes darkened at the topic. “Yes. It’s one of my many businesses.”

“So, you mingle with all these monarchs like you’re friends and then turn around and sell their secrets for cash? Correct me if I’m wrong, but you seem rich enough to not have to resort to such betrayal.” I couldn’t keep the accusation out of my tone. Sometimes he did thoughtful things that surprised me, and then I remembered he did unforgivable things too.

“You’re right, for the most part.”

“Why would you do such a thing?”

He didn’t even bother to pretend to look guilty. “I have my reasons.”

“There’s a reason besides money?”

He discreetly glanced around to make sure no one was eavesdropping on us. “I don’t sell intelligence from my allies. That would be treason.”

My eyebrows narrowed in confusion. “I don’t understand…”

He turned his back to the rest of the room, giving us more privacy. He lowered his voice as he spoke. “A lot of these officials have information about other parts of the world, from threatening countries. I extract that information and sell it to the highest bidder.”

While I was still confused, that didn’t sound nearly as bad as I initially thought. “And what’s the point of all this?”

He brought his wine to his lips and took a drink. “You take down leaders without declaring war.”

This had to be about more than just money. It seemed like a lot of work for a rich man of royalty. “There’s something you aren’t telling me.”

His eyes softened as he looked into mine. “As a member of Scottish royalty, I can’t directly do anything against the men I despise. If I did, it could be considered an act of war from the United Kingdom. The queen is a very peaceful person and has already lived through one great war. I doubt she wants to live through another.” He took another drink, his eyes dark with simmering aggression.

“So you’re basically selling intelligence to men who have a common enemy?”

He nodded. “Exactly.”

“And you’re making money off it at the same time?”

He nodded again. “You’re bright and beautiful.”

The compliment washed over me without seeping into my skin because I was too invested in the conversation to care about anything else. “Who is your enemy and why?” It was a personal question, but since I’d been sleeping with him for two months, I had the right to ask.

He inserted one hand into his pocket and glanced around to make sure no one was looking. “Russia. Not the people but the leaders. Secretary-General, Boris Peskov, was responsible for the death of my parents, and later, my older brother, Alec.”

I’d wondered about his family halfway through dinner. If they were alive, they would have been there, so I already made the assumption they were dead. I didn’t realize their death was caused by an international breach of code. “I…I’m sorry.” I actually felt pity in my heart, instantly sad for this man who kept me as a prisoner against my will. When he hurt, I hurt too. He didn’t deserve an ounce of my sympathy, but yet, he had it. I moved into his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him because that was all I knew how to do.

He stiffened at the touch then wrapped his arms around my waist. He rested his chin on my head and took a deep breath, his powerful chest expanding against my cheek. “It was a long time ago.”

When I pulled away, I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss. Our soft mouths pressed together, both tasting like wine and scotch. I stepped back, knowing I shouldn’t give him too much affection in a public place like this.

He stared at me blankly, like he could hardly believe what I just did.

“What happened?” I finally asked.

He stared at me for a few more minutes, his brown eyes soft like melted chocolate. He set his glass down on an empty tray a waiter carried as he passed, and then Crewe inserted his other hand into his pocket. “My father was a duke as well as a diplomat, so they traveled to Russia to discuss an international children’s program. During transfer from the airport to the palace, a lone gunman fired into their car and shot both of my parents. Alec survived and was rescued by Russian police. But he mysteriously fell ill during transport and died before he returned home. At the time, I was very young, so I stayed in Glasgow with Finley. I was just six at the time.”

I didn’t know what to say. The story was appalling and devastating. One day, his family left and never returned home. “Did they ever figure out who the gunman was?”

Crewe shook his head. “No. I think the Secretary-General of Russia was behind it.”

“That’s quite an accusation…”

“I have my reasons,” he said quietly. “I found out he used to be in love with my mother. He pursued her, but she denied his advances. Then she married my father, someone with more money and power. I suspect he never got over the rejection. So he murdered all of them, including her oldest son.” He said everything without an ounce of emotion, like this wasn’t his own family he was discussing.

“The queen never moved against them?”

“Russia is a terrifying country. Without any evidence, there was nothing we could do. The public was angry for the first year, but eventually, people moved on with their lives. Obviously, I never have. So I encourage Russian enemies to do the dirty work for me.”

I wasn’t expecting such an extravagant tale. It was mind-boggling and heartbreaking at the same time. “I’m sorry. I know I said that already, but I mean it…”

“I know.” He moved his hand to my chest and brushed his fingers against my soft skin. He watched my lips for a moment like he might kiss me, but then he thought better of it. He lowered his hand. “He’ll get what’s coming to him eventually.”

“So, Finley raised you?” Now it made sense why they were so close.

“For the most part. He’s been part of the family for a very long time.”

“Do you have any other family?”

Crewe shook his head. “I’m the last of the bloodline.”

“That means you need to have children.”

He nodded. “I do.”

That meant he would let me go eventually. Obviously, I couldn’t be his wife and give him children. He would have to marry a duchess or a princess or something, not some American woman.

We stared at each other in silence, the sadness hanging in the air between us. I lost my family far too early in life, but he lost his even earlier. My parents weren’t murdered, but we still had a lot in common. “I’m going to use the restroom. Do you know which way it is?” I wanted a moment to compose myself, to really think about what he just said.

His hand moved to my waist, and he nodded to the hallway. “Down and to the left.”

“Thank you.”

He placed a kiss on my temple before he released me, my body feeling warm at the unexpected touch. The second his hand released me, I felt the sting of the cold. He gave me a final look before he walked away, his shoulders broad and powerful. He commanded the room with just his silence, his kingly grace.

My eyes were transfixed before I finally turned away and followed his directions. I entered the hallway and turned to the left. A man stood there in a waiter’s uniform, but he didn’t contain a tray. His eyes honed in on me like he recognized me, but I didn’t have a clue who he was so there was no way I was familiar to him.

He stepped in my way, his hand behind his back. “London Ingram?”

How did he know my name? “Yes?”

“Please come with me.”

“Where?” I demanded. “Why?”

“Just follow me.” He walked down the hallway and turned right, away from the bathroom.

My body told me this wasn’t a good idea, that I could be walking into some kind of trap. But my gut told me to follow because he would lead me somewhere I was meant to be. We were under the queen’s protection, and Crewe was just a room away. If anyone could help me, it would be him.

So I followed.

I walked up the stairs and reached the second landing, which was absolutely silent. The sounds of the merriment from the party drifted to my ears, and my dress trailed across the hardwood floor underneath my heels.

He kept going. “This way.” He reached the fifth door on the left, checked the hallway to make sure no one was watching, and then opened it. “Go inside. We don’t have much time.”

“Who are you?”

“Just go.” He held the door open.

My arms were covered with bumps, and sweat formed on my temple. My heart was beating so fast it hurt. I tried to steady my breath and remain calm as I walked inside, unsure what I would find waiting for me.

A man in all black stood with his back to me, his hands in his pockets as he stared out the window.

I stared at him, recognizing the soft brown hair that was similar to mine. His posture was familiar, the way he shifted his weight to one foot. The build of his arms reminded me of someone I’d known all my life.

The waiter shut the door, leaving us alone together.

Joseph turned around and stared at me, his eyes taking me in like he hadn’t seen me in twenty years. He wasn’t an emotional man, usually teasing me rather than paying me a single compliment. But the moment he looked at me, the sadness took up his entire body. “London…” He closed the distance between us and hugged me, holding me so tight it didn’t seem like he wanted to let me go. “I’m so sorry…”

I held on to my brother, recognizing his cologne instantly. The last time I saw him on his feet, he had come to the city for Christmas. It was just the two of us in my cramped apartment while the snow fell outside. My radiator was broken, so we spent an entire day freezing until he managed to fix it. At the time, it was terrible. But now it was a cherished memory.

He pulled away, the same sadness in his eyes. “I don’t have a lot of time.”

“How did you get in here?”

“We don’t have time for that either,” he said quietly. “I need to get to the point, London. Crewe is a paranoid man.”

“Do you have a plan?”

He nodded. “But you aren’t going to like it.”

“Do you want me to destroy the detonator. I know he keeps it on him most of the time. I don’t know where he puts it when he sleeps…” But if I did enough digging, I could figure it out. He couldn’t keep it from me forever.

“That won’t work,” he said. “Even if you recover it, he’ll have a way of overriding it.”

“You think?”

“Definitely. Crewe always covers his tracks. He’s not a guy you fuck with.”

But yet, you did. “So you’re saying there’s nothing we can do? We aren’t even going to try?”

“There’s only one way out of this. And it’s not a plan either of us will like.”

He was going to ask me to kill Crewe. There was no other way. But the idea of ending his life, stabbing a knife through his heart, brought me nothing but pain. I had every right to do whatever was necessary to save both myself and my brother, but I couldn’t bring myself to do that. Despite what he’d done to both of us, I didn’t want to hurt Crewe.

“You have to get him to fall in love with you.”

I stared at him blankly, unsure if he really said those words. “Are you insane? That’s never going to happen. I thought you were going to ask me to kill him.”

“That would never work,” he said. “Crewe is too smart for that.”

“And he’s too hollow to feel anything real for anyone—especially me.” Crewe had a line of beautiful women at his beck and call. He could be with princesses and foreign diplomats. He could go to Milan and find a model. There was no way I would ever be enough to keep him around.

“I don’t believe that. He took you to one of the biggest social events of the year. He could have taken anyone, but he chose you.”

“That doesn’t mean anything.” I had to admit it was odd to bring some boring American girl. But I couldn’t read too much into it.

“We both know you’re smart, witty, and beautiful.” It was the first time Joseph paid me a real compliment. “The guy would be an idiot not to feel something for you. You’re charming and a smartass—in a good way.”

Since we were in a rush, I didn’t have time to even crack a smile. “I seriously don’t think that’s going to work. We have to think of something else.”

“Just be whatever he wants you to be. Be whatever fantasy he likes. Say the things he wants to hear.”

Easier said than done.

“The only way he’s gonna give up that detonator is if he actually starts caring about you. Otherwise, he’s going to hold it over both of our heads for the rest of our lives. It’s the only way out for both of us.”

I was willing to do anything to free my brother, even something as sinister as this. I didn’t think it was likely to succeed, but I had to try if there was no other alternative. “I’ll do my best…”

“Thanks.” His eyes filled with clouds as the silence stretched between us. He put his hands in his pockets and cleared his throat. “Does he treat you well?” Joseph cringed like he didn’t want to truly hear the answer.

Even if he didn’t, I would have lied about it. “Yeah, he does.”

“Really?” he whispered.

I nodded. “It could be a lot worse. He doesn’t hurt me.”

Joseph suddenly looked away like he was ashamed of the thoughts in his mind. He was probably thinking about the things Crewe did to me at night when we were in bed together. Ashamed that he couldn’t save me, he couldn’t look at me.

“He’s not as bad as he seems.” I wasn’t just saying this to make Joseph feel better. It was the truth. “He doesn’t let the other men touch me. He gives me everything I need. And he protects me against everything. We have dinner together and talk. I would much rather be with him than go to Bones…” That man was utterly terrifying. I wouldn’t be alive right now if I’d been transferred into his care. “I think there’s a chance he could be a good guy underneath all that darkness…”

Joseph looked up, meeting my gaze. “It sounds like you like him.”

“No,” I said quickly. “I just think there’s hope.” Now that I knew he’d lost so much at such a young age, I understood his need for power and control. When he was vulnerable and young, there was nothing he could do to protect his family. He had to wait years before he was even big enough to do anything about it. By the time he was an adult, they’d been gone for twelve years. Now he had to make a name for himself, to be as threatening and terrifying as possible.

I understood him a lot better now.

“I’ll get in contact with you again,” he said. “I don’t know when or how. But I’ll figure it out.”


He sighed when he knew this was goodbye. “I’m so sorry I got you into this.”

“It’s okay.” He shouldn’t be working in this kind of business, and he certainly shouldn’t have robbed a man of four million dollars. But the time for a lecture had passed. He’d already learned his lesson.

“I would do anything to change places with you.”

“I know, Joey.”

He pulled me in for another hug. “You should get going…he’ll start to get suspicious.”

“I know.” I didn’t want to let go of my brother just yet. He felt like home.

For the first time ever, he kissed me on the head. “We’ll figure this out. I promise.”

“I know.”

He pulled away, reluctant.

Tears pooled in my eyes, but I fought them back. If Crewe saw them, he would ask a million questions. I didn’t want him to figure out what had happened here. And I didn’t want him to hit the trigger on that detonator. “I’ll see you later.”

Joseph gave a quick nod.

I walked out without looking back, knowing I would start to cry if I saw the devastation on my brother’s face. The guilt he carried because of my imprisonment was killing him. I could see it in his limbs as well as his face. I walked down the stairs then returned to the drawing room where everyone was still mingling.

I spotted Crewe against the wall near the window. He was speaking with a beautiful woman with brown hair, wearing a champagne pink dress that complimented her dark skin. She was naturally radiant, looking like a princess without a tiara. She stood close to Crewe like she knew him well, and then her hand moved to his wrist.

As I approached them, I felt the blood pound in my ears. Her blue eyes were glued to Crewe’s like he was the only person in the entire room. She watched his lips as he spoke, hanging on to every word like she was afraid she would miss something.

Now I started to feel angry, wondering what was going on right under my nose. Was she one of the women he slept with on a regular basis? Was this a former lover? A current lover? The second I went to the bathroom, he was already flirting with someone else? If that was the case, the plan would never succeed.

I finally reached Crewe, standing so close to him that it was unmistakable I was his date—not her. I gave her a fake smile, just to make sure I wasn’t offending a monarch who could get me thrown out of this place.

Crewe turned to me when he realized I was there. He didn’t change his posture or look alarmed like he’d been caught doing something wrong. “Hello, Lovely.” He greeted me with a slight smile but didn’t touch me.

The nickname wasn’t enough affection for me. I grabbed his hand and interlocked our fingers. It was the first time we’d held hands this way. It was juvenile affection, something young lovers did. But I wasn’t going to stand there and let this woman think Crewe was available.

Crewe stared at our joined hands but didn’t make a comment. “Allow me to introduce you to Josephine, The Duchess of Cambridge.”

I gave a slight bow, still wearing a forced smile.

“And this is London.” Crewe didn’t refer to me in any possessive manner. But there wasn’t a realistic title to explain what I was to him. Prisoner? I doubt that would go over well with the duchess.

She wore a smile faker than mine. “Pleasure to meet you. Please excuse me.” She walked away, her pink gown moving across the floor. She held her shoulders so far back that her chest looked even more robust. Diamond earrings hung in her lobes, sparkling under the light of the chandeliers. She looked more graceful than the queen herself.

When she was gone, Crewe took his hand away from mine. He placed it around my waist instead. That arrogant smile stretched his lips, and I already knew what he was going to say before he even said it. “You know, it kinda seemed like you were jealous for a moment there.”

I stared him down, not finding his words remotely comical. “I was.”

He was about to chuckle but stopped himself when he heard what I said. He nearly did a double take, surprised by my confession.

“I saw the way she looked at you.”

Crewe’s eyes darkened, his eyebrows slightly furrowing.

“What is she to you? Were you once together?”

Crewe didn’t answer my question. “That’s none of your concern.”

That was enough of an answer for me. “Is it over?”

“I’m here with you, aren’t I?”

That didn’t answer my question. “I want to be the only woman in your bed.”

His eyes narrowed again. “For a prisoner, you sure seem to like me.”

He was a playboy, a dictator, and an asshole. It would be tough work to make this man fall for me, let alone simply care about me. But Joseph was right. Pulling his heartstrings like he was a puppet would be the only way out of this mess. “Is it really so much to ask for your fidelity?” I wouldn’t be able to manipulate him if he was getting action everywhere else.

“It’s too much to ask for anything. I’m in charge here. Don’t forget it.”

I grabbed him by the tie and pulled his mouth to mine, giving him a kiss that was a little too rough for such a public place.

But he didn’t stop the kiss.

I was the first one to pull away, to feel the swelling of my lips.

He stared at me hard, his brown eyes trained on my expression. He looked like he wanted to pick me up and pin me against the wall, fucking me then and there. “We’ll pick this up when we get home.”

“No.” I released his tie and smoothed it out over his chest. “We’ll pick this up in the car.”




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