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The Shifter's Wish: A Ghost Shifters Novel by R. A. Boyd (7)

Chapter 7

Jax watched Cass as she sat between him and Damon in the truck. One of her hands sat on his knee, and the other was entangled within Damon’s fingers. He smiled at the thought of her picking up on their traits already. She was finding peace in their touch.

Hell, none of the members in the clan were too touchy-feely, but when shit hit the fan and things went bad for them a reassuring touch did something that helped ease their pain. The memory of what Heaven was like or how it felt to fly with their brothers and sisters had been pulled away from them as a mercy. But even back then, he knew they had all relied on one another and that touch was important, too.

The animal inside him was a pack animal, and packs calmed their members with touch and with sound. Cass took that part of them already. When he first saw her yesterday she looked like she didn’t even want to be in her own skin, let alone be comforted by someone else. Now, here she was drawing strength from them.

And they were getting it from her, too. She’d changed since last night. She sat up straighter, held her chin high, and her voice was stronger. Cass was healing herself and he was proud and thankful that he got to witness it.

While they sat at a red light, Jax took his hand and rubbed it against her cheek. She leaned into him, turned her beautiful face toward caress, and kissed his palm.

A deep, robust purr sounded off in Jax’s chest. He slapped his hand over his throat and winced. “Woman, we haven’t even claimed you yet and you’re already bringing out more of my animal than I’ve seen since the ability to shift was taken away from us.”

Leaning over, she smiled and kissed his chin. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” she asked with a wicked grin. “I made you purr.”

His cock swelled and thumped against his sweatpants. Jax sat forward in the bench seat to adjust himself. “Saber-tooth’s don’t purr.”

“Sure sounded like you did, brother,” Damon said, teasing.

“I’m sure your turn is coming too, brother.” Jax would have reached out and punched him in the arm if Cass hadn’t been there between them, laughing her sexy little ass off.

“Well,” she said, still holding on to his leg as he began to drive. “I will take that as a compliment.”

Jax shook his head and put on his blinker, turning down a long road that led to their property. Besides her sitting on his face this morning and then sinking his cock into her as he watched her orgasm, this was the most fun he’d had in a long time. The woman sitting next to him had his animal wrapped around her finger. He would do anything for her.

“We’re almost home,” Damon said, a tinge of concern in his voice.

And that quick, the atmosphere in the truck shifted. Jax knew exactly what troubled Damon. Even though most of the members in their group would be fucking ecstatic that their Alpha and Omega had found their mate, there was one that might not take to it. Truth be told, the other natural borne shifters in the surrounding communities may not take to it. Them being able to be whole again opened a can of worms that some weren’t too comfortable with.

“What’s wrong?” Cass asked, looking between the two of them.

Jax shrugged and gave her a tight smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Nothing.”

“That’s bull,” Cass said, taking her hands away from them and folding them in her lap. “We’re not going to play that game. Are they not going to like me? Because I’m human?”

Damon ran his tongue along his bottom lip, and Jax squeezed the wheel so tight that the soft sound of leather being strangled to death bounced around inside the truck.

Jax took a breath and held it in for a few seconds. “When Damon went this morning to let everyone know he got some mixed reactions. Some want to know why this is happening now. What makes now so special.”

“And,” Damon said, reaching for her hand, “some are concerned that we’ll be made equal to lesser shifters. That we’ll no longer be immortal.”

She let off a soft ‘oh’ so quiet that they barely heard her. “So you really don’t know what’s going to happen when you claim me. You don’t know if I’ll be turned, you don’t know if you’ll live a normal shifter life-span, and you don’t know how the other shifters will take this.” Running her hands up and down her legs, she pursed her lips.

Damon cleared his throat. “We also don’t know whether or not our changing will affect the rest of the clan,” he said, clearly bothered that Cass wouldn’t let him take her hand. “Jax and I could get our animals back and the rest of them could be left unchanged until they found their mate.”

Cass clapped her hands together and then splayed them in front of her as if holding the answers. “Well, I suppose that would be the best case scenario. You two would be changed and the rest could decide on their own, regardless of if they found their mate. Right?”

Jax nodded and made another turn of the truck, not even bothering to put on his blinker this time.

The roads were clear of any other vehicles. New Rose, Maryland got fourteen inches of snow dumped on them overnight, and there was barely anyone driving around. Most people were busy shoveling their cars out, or waiting for the city to send trucks to move the bulk of the snow and salt the streets. But out there in the middle of nowhere where the clan lived, it was a ghost town.

Jax made a clicking sound with his tongue and then said, “You’re right. They could choose to stay the way they are. That’s if our change doesn’t directly affect them. We don’t have the answers.”

“Which is one of the biggest things that makes this curse almost unbearable,” Damon said. “We were given the minimum answers and locked out of Heaven. There are no tablets, no prophecies, no heresy of what we’re supposed to do. We weren’t just cursed to live in animal form with no way to communicate and then locked in our human flesh to wander around the Earth. We were completely shut out. You have no idea how calamitous it is to not know anything.”

Jax glanced over at his friend and saw the sorrow etched over his face. “And imagine Damon being the one to bear the brunt of it all, for all of us. I’m the Alpha of this clan, but Damon’s job is the hardest. Millennia of mental anguish to carry for your brethren. Not knowing the answers and still being able to feel their misery. And me as Alpha not being able to do a damn thing about any of it for any of our people. The Creator knew exactly how this curse would haunt us.”

Cass unzipped her coat and pulled it from her shoulders. “If you could go back and change things would you have fought in the war?”

Jax swallowed thickly, feeling the age-old question burn in his mind. It always had. Would he have changed anything? Was free will worth not knowing anything? “Makes sense to say that I would, but I wouldn’t. You have no idea how precious free will is, Cass.”

“And that,” Damon said, finally grabbing hold of her hand, “is the one thing that keeps us going. Look, Cass. We’re home.”

The tree-lined road narrowed where only two cars could probably fit through, but when they cleared the space it opened up into what looked like a tiny town of single-family homes. Almost as if someone had picked up half of a neighborhood, seven houses sat on each side of the well-kept street. Fourteen beautiful single-family, two and three-story homes had already been shoveled out. It looked like the beginning of a Christmas movie scene.

Some were decorated with Halloween lights and spooky shapes on the lawn, and some had already been decked out with Christmas lights and mistletoe. About half looked as if the people who lived there didn’t care what time of year it was. At the apex of the street sat at one story lodge that looked more like a pub than a house.

“Seven of the houses are empty, but we make sure they’re well-kept,” Damon said. “That building you see at the top of the street is where we eat or shoot the shit. It’s almost like a community center,” he said, shrugging and still pointing.

Cass sat in the middle of the truck trying to keep her mouth from falling open. She was in awe. This place sat in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the protection of tall Loblolly Pines and Eastern Hemlock trees. The ghost shifters had carved out a home for themselves to be alone but still had the advantage of being part of the New Rose community. Why did they have seven empty houses?

She sat forward in her seat and looked around like a tourist. “How have I never seen this place before? I’ve driven all over New Rose and I’ve never come across it.”

“It’s a protection ward,” Damon said, smiling at her. “We don’t want to be bothered. The other shifter communities know we’re here, but we like to be left alone. That right there is where we live.”

Damon pointed to a three-story brick house with a long porch that took up the entire front. Two brick columns seemed to hold up the porch roof. A Christmas wreath adorned the large, dark wood door, and big red bows sat in each window.

Cass’s insides bubbled with joy. She was happy to see where her two men lived and wondered how she’d fit in. Did she want to give up her home and live here with them? Damon had mentioned it earlier, but they hadn’t discussed it. Working from home had its perks so she didn’t have to worry about the commute to get back and forth to town. It really wasn’t that far of a drive, but she’d had the luxury of being able to walk to where ever she needed if she had to.

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

By the time they’d pulled to a stop in front of the house, Cass was already taking off her seatbelt. She wanted to see how Damon and Jax lived. She wanted to be in their space. She couldn’t take her eyes off of their house.

Jax parked the truck in the driveway and she pushed at him to let her out of the vehicle.  When he finally got out and helped her get down, she looked in wonder at their community. Her boots crunched on the salted driveway as she walked ahead of them to the door.

A loud whistle sounded off. She turned around to see Jax with his fingers to his mouth. “Meeting in two hours,” he said, not really yelling but loud enough she bet all the shifters here could hear him.

As she went to look back at their house goosebumps sprang up and down her neck and her arms. She rubbed herself, thinking that she should zip her coat back up to her neck, but when she turned to face the house two doors down she saw a man looking at her through the window. It wasn’t a friendly look, and Cass had to stop herself from taking a step back.

The man in the window was tanned, and from what she could see had red hair that could have been shaved on the sides but was longer on the top. It fell in one of his eyes. She couldn’t make out the color.

Cass shivered again and stared at him, wondering why he was looking at her like he freaking hated her guts. Maybe he does, she thought. She, a human, was coming here and shaking everything up for them. From what Damon and Jax said some were happy for them. Apparently, this man in the window was the one who was not.

Her breaths were starting to come in pants now, and she could feel her heart banging against her chest. Where most of her body was cold, her ears and cheeks were singed with heat, blood rushing to those spots in worry and concern. She wasn’t afraid. No. She knew her men would protect her at all costs, but she didn’t think that the shifters would hate her on sight. They were angels. Weren’t angels supposed to be loving and nice?

“You must never be intimidated by any of them,” Jax said, whispering in her ear and not even looking at the man. “You are part of the Triad and will be like their Alpha and Omega all rolled into one.”

Did he not want anyone to know she was scared? They would smell it on her as soon as they got close enough to shake her hand.

Cass mustered up all her strength and steeled her face. She fixed her stance, smiled at the man, and gave him the finger. Then she turned on her heels and walked up the five steps that lead to the front door of Damon and Jax’s house like she owned it.

“Good girl,” Damon said. His laugh cracked through the silence, and then he followed her into the house.

Jax walked toward the guy’s house who had been giving Cass the stank-eye. She’d love to hear that conversation. Instead, she reached for the doorknob and let herself in. For a moment, she wondered why they would leave their door unlocked but then she remembered that this was a community full of ghost shifters. God help the person who even managed to make their way into the community, who decided to break into one of these houses. The residents may not be able to shift but Cass knew they could cause some real damage.

Cass walked through the door and took a deep breath. The scent of pine, cinnamon, Jax, and Damon took over her senses.

“Wow,” she said in a hushed tone, looking around their gray and white living room. “It’s so…neat.”

The walls of the foyer and living room were gray with white wainscot paneling in the middle. She looked to her left and wanted to jump inside of the huge silver, L-shaped couch with gold and white pillows littering it. It looked soft and inviting. The huge television mounted on the wall in front of it made her think of evenings sitting with Jax and Damon watching all of their favorite shows and eating popcorn.

Vases and paintings decorated the room. If you looked close enough it was almost as if the pieces gave their history. A vase that looked as if it should have sat in a room in ancient Greece decorated with two warriors standing next to the face of a pale man with a high, pointed nose and sharp chin. What looked like an old scroll, papyrus maybe, was housed inside of a glass frame. Beasts turning into naked, winged men surrounded by other beasts that bowed before them was the main focus of the picture. Looks like someone knew what ghost shifters were back then.

Damon reached around to the front of her and unzipped her coat. He opened a closet door next to her and hung her coat, as well as his, inside. “Take a look around. You can go anywhere you want in here. Last two rooms on the left on the second floor are a surprise. Save those for last. I’ll be in the kitchen making a few calls.” He kissed the back of her neck and whispered in her ear, “Yes. That is from ancient Kemet, and they knew exactly what we were.”

He walked off toward the kitchen, and she followed him. Cass had about a million questions she wanted to ask. Did he know how the pyramids were built? How long did it take? Was there another group of Ghost shifters just like them somewhere else? As she walked through the swinging door behind Damon into the kitchen, all of her questions seemed to fly away.

“Wow,” she said, walking quickly toward the refrigerator. “It’s a glass refrigerator! I’ve always wanted one.” She splayed her hands toward it, and then turned to Damon. “Look at it!” She snatched it open and pulled out a bottle of water.

He shrugged, pulled his phone from his pocket, and started dialing. “You’ve always wanted one. Now you’ve got one. Teague,” he said, his attention now to his phone. “Your shift ends in the morning, yeah?”

Cass left the kitchen and took off her boots. She wanted to feel the plush carpet and hardwood floors beneath her socked feet. She walked around the downstairs area, touching cushions and pieces of art or furniture as she went. She felt like a kid in a grown-up candy store.

The dining room had a table that could seat at least ten people, and there was a half bathroom near the front door that she hadn’t noticed when she first came in. Cass made her way up the stairs, and like a child, she counted as she went. Twelve. Twelve steps until she reached a platform. Damon said that she should check out the last two rooms on this floor last, so she made a sharp turn and went up to the third floor.

When she reached the top of the stairs she was faced with a stained glass window. Yellows, and reds, and blues danced together to make a picture of clouds and a setting sun, and it cast a beautifully colorful shadow in the space around it. She had two options: go right or go left. She went left and the scent of Damon intensified.

“This must be Damon’s space,” she said to herself. Most of the hallway was gray and white, just like downstairs, but as she reached the far end of the corridor the colors began to change. Soft blue and cream.

It reminded her of Damon’s cool demeanor. He was calming and made her feel comforted.

The bedroom door was open. A large, dark, oak bed seemed to erupt from the wall. It was peaceful in here. Cass ran and jumped onto his bed, and once she stopped giggling she grabbed one of the pillows and pulled it to her face. It smelled just like Damon. Warm, comforting, spicy. A bookshelf sat across from the bed, every shelf filled with books. Old books, new books, audiobooks. A desk was in the corner, but she didn’t want to go look at it. He probably kept his personal business there, and no matter how open to her they were she didn’t want to go snooping.

After going through his bathroom to find out his favorite soap, deodorant, and lotions, she made her way to the opposite side of the third floor. It changed from Damon’s blue and cream, to the neutral gray and white, and then shifted to a maroon and gold pattern. This was Jax’s space.

Where Damon had books, Jax had albums and CDs. His bed was just as big, and the room was almost a mirror image of Damon’s, but Jax’s felt more wild, just like him. It wasn’t messy, but it wasn’t as neat as Damon’s room and the rest of the house. She fingered through his music and made a mental note to ask him to make a playlist for her. After rummaging through his bed and bathroom, she headed back down to the second floor to see the other rooms.

She could hear Damon on the phone downstairs telling the other clan members that they were having a meeting later that evening. Cass walked from room to room, trying her best to save the two rooms that Damon spoke of for last. She found a gym room with weights and other gym-type things, an extra bedroom, a small kitchenette area, and another bathroom.

Cass paused in front of the first door at the end of the hallway on the left and smiled. This room, and the one a little ways down from it, had a folded note on the door. As if she were being let in on a big secret, Cass plucked the note and opened it. It simply said, For Cass. She opened the door and her breath hitched in her throat. Save for piece of paper on the floor with writing on it, the room was empty. It was large and white and empty. A bay window took up most of the wall across from her, and through it she could see a line of trees covered in snow. Behind the trees, she could make out rolling hills.

She walked over to the paper on the floor and read it. Design me any way you want. Cass looked up again at the room and squealed. This was her space. Hers alone. She jumped up and ran to the other room, grabbing the note from the door as she went. It also had her name on it. This room was a bit smaller, but still large compared to the rooms in her house. A desk with a computer sat in the corner. She walked over to it and shook her head. They’d set this up for her. If she chose to live here she could make these rooms whatever she wanted. One was her place to do whatever she wanted, and the other was for work.

Did she want to move in with them? Hell yeah, she did. Part of her wanted to revolt and say that she was independent and didn’t need their help, but deep inside she knew the truth. They weren’t trying to take her independence away from her. They wanted her to be part of them. Part of their clan. She would be the third in their Triad. She wouldn’t be some kept woman. She would be their equal.

As Cass walked back down to the first floor, she saw Damon standing next to the couch massaging the bridge of his nose. His large arm flexed through is beige long-sleeved, thermal shirt and his eyes were closed. He was tense.

She walked behind him and wrapped her arms around his middle. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

He took a deep breath and covered her hands with his. “Surrounding packs know we’ve found you and are getting worried. They’ve always been antsy about us, not knowing exactly what to make of us. But they’ve been okay as long as we’ve been incomplete.”

“But you finally finding your mate makes them worry that you’re what? Going to take over? I can understand the ghost shifters being worried, but them? It doesn’t make sense to me.”

Damon pulled her around until he was looking down into her face. He ran his hands up her shoulders and rested his palms on her neck, his thumbs massaging the soft skin along her jaw. “People, shifters or not, are always scared of what they don’t know and can’t control. They’ve known that we’ve been stuck in this form since anyone can remember, but if we can change… They’re worried we’ll be some type of angel-shifter hybrid. We already know that’s not going to happen.”

Cass smiled up into his hazel eyes and hugged him tighter. “And they don’t either. But they can’t stop it. What do they think is going to happen? I’m going to run away from you?”

He gritted his teeth and swallowed hard, and she saw something in his eyes that he wasn’t sharing with her. He was afraid. For her? For their clan? The tension in his body seemed to intensify by three-hundred-thousand, but Cass did all she could to calm herself. Maybe she could calm him down, too? For so long he’d been the one to carry the burden of their group. Maybe part of Cass’s job here was to make things easier for him.

“I’m here,” she said, looking up at him, trying to be the one he could lean on. “You can talk to me. I’ll listen. Or we can be quiet. It’s up to you. I’m not going anywhere.”

Balancing herself against his hard, warm chest she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his chin.

He watched her for a moment as if trying to figure her out, and Cass did everything she could to let him know she was there. If he could sense her emotions she was going to make sure he felt nothing but happiness and peace.

Damon leaned down and rubbed his nose against hers, and then he ghosted his lips across hers. He used his thumbs to angle her head higher and licked at the seam of her mouth. “Open.”

She smiled and opened for him, and basked in the feel of his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth, taking over her will.  Cass pressed back into his kiss, moving her body against his in slow undulations. He didn’t need to say the words to let Cass know that he needed her right now. She could feel the thickness and length of him through his pants. He’d been there for her last night to make her forget for a brief moment all the pain and confusion she was feeling, and right now she was going to return the favor.

Cass ran her hands up his strong thighs and up under his shirt. She let her nails scrape across the flesh of his stomach and laughed as a low purr emanated from his chest and vibrated against her lips. She kept moving her hands up until both of his arms were over his head and she was pulling his shirt off.

“I would do anything for you,” he said. He hooked his fingers under her sweater and undershirt and pulled them off.

She nodded as she unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off along with her panties and socks. With as much grace as she could muster, Cass dropped down to her knees and unbuttoned his pants. Butterflies fluttered around her stomach as she pulled his pants down just enough to free his cock.

This’ll be like trying to choke down four hot dogs at once, she thought to herself, and then giggled like a lunatic at the visual. She licked her lips and then looked up at him, and then back to his cock. The head was swollen and shaped like a mushroom. A drop of moisture sat on the head. She took her thumb and rubbed the silken bead into the tip, tracing the veins with her eyes. He wasn’t as big as Jax, but he was still big. Bigger than the other men that she’d been with. She grinned at the thought of taking his heavy, corded cock into her mouth, and licked her lips again to make them ready to receive his wide girth. Cass looked up at Damon and smiled.

Damon furrowed his brow and ran his thumb along her chin. “I hope that’s a happy giggle. Fuck,” he drawled as she sucked his length into her mouth.

She moaned and took as much of him into her mouth as she could, the feel of him hitting the back of her throat sending electric pulses to her core. When she pulled away from him, she suctioned her mouth and let go of him with a loud pop.

Slowly, Damon thrust in and out of her mouth. He seemed as if he didn’t want to go too deep and make her uncomfortable. Cass took one hand and grabbed him by his ass, pulling him closer to her, bringing his cock deeper into her throat. When she felt his large tip go as far as it possibly could, she tried to swallow his length but gagged instead. He was big.

He reached down and massaged her cheeks and around the perimeter of her lips. His butterfly touches sent warmth through her and she fought the urge to reach down and touch herself. Right now was for Damon. She relaxed her throat and was able to take him deeper into her mouth.

“Fuck, Baby,” he said, his voice a low, guttural growl. “Do that again.”

As he grabbed a handful of her hair and guided his hard length deeper into her mouth, she swallowed again and was able to get more of him down her throat. He pulled back and made shallow thrusts into her mouth.

“If you keep doing that I’m going to come in that beautiful mouth of yours.” Damon looked down at her with adoration.

She hummed and thought that making him come from her mouth alone wouldn’t be such a bad thing. She rubbed the base of the head of his cock with her tongue and began to jerk his hard length with one hand and gently rub his balls with the other. Her jaw began to burn from how wide he was, but she didn’t care. Cass wanted to make him forget that he was worried about anything.

As his movements became erratic, he pulled himself completely out of her mouth, reached down, and pulled her up by her underarms. “I going to come in that pretty pussy of yours,” he said. He leaned down and thrust his tongue into her mouth, moving it in an in and out motion as if were fucking her mouth with his.

She watched as he took his hand and stroked himself, coating the length of his cock with her saliva. It was one of the hottest things she’d ever seen. Yeah, she’d watched porn before but it was nothing compared to this beautiful man in front of her, cock long and proud and ready to take her.

“Turn around and bend over,” he said, still working himself.

Cass climbed forward on to the couch. She turned around so that her back was to him. She put her elbows on the back of the couch and pushed her ass toward him. She was so wet she could feel the moisture from her core saturating her sensitive folds.

With gentle care, Damon ran his fingers from the top of her neck to the base of her spine, and goosebumps erupted along the heated path of his touch. He bent down to bite first her left ass cheek and then her right. She squealed and shook her ass at him as if begging him to take her.

“You want my cock in that beautiful pussy of yours?” he asked, leaving a trail of kisses up her back. He used his dick to tease the entrance of her wet heat.

“Yes,” she whispered, pushing herself backward as if to urge him on. “Please.”

She was on fire now, and she would give anything to have his cock buried deep inside her, making her come. Making her scream. Making her curse. The feel of the soft pillows on the couch abraded her nipples and shot hot lines of pleasure straight to her core.

Damon continued to tease her, rubbing the large head of his length against her, coating himself with her juices. As she tried to move herself to take him inside, he made two shallow thrusts and then buried himself deep into her pussy.

She called out and dug her nails into the cushions of the couch. He may not have been as long as Jax, but he was definitely wide. Her muscles stretch to accept all of him. She threw her head back and said over and over, “Fuck. Damon, fuck yes.”

He started to move in and out of her, slowly taking his time to make sure he didn’t hurt her. “I’m going to teach you to talk dirty, Cass,” he said, and she could hear the grin in his voice. “Tell me how it feels. Tell me what you want.”

He bent over her, and the warmth of this chest against her back only heightened the feel of him inside her. The feel of him sliding against her inner walls, the tip of his large cock hitting that precious spot just inside her pussy made her descent into an oncoming orgasm so much faster.

“Harder, Damon. Fuck me harder, please,” she said, testing her limits.

The heavy, wide, hard length of Damon’s cock inside of her made her bold. She wanted him to fuck her and make her come. She wanted to make him come. The slick sound of his dick sliding through the wet folds of her pussy and the rough feel of the fabric against her nipples had her orgasm threatening to sing through her body.

“So tight,” he said, hips crashing against her. “You want my cock deeper, baby?” he asked.

No words. She couldn’t speak. She was so close to coming that nothing else mattered. Not the mild discomfort of Damon’s wide cock pummeling her pussy. Not the pleasure that seemed to emanated from the painful, deep strokes of his cock. She loved this. She loved being able to take him.

“Mmm-hmm,” she moaned. She gripped the couch to give herself leverage and began pushing back against him, taking his cock deeper and harder.

She heard the front door open but didn’t care. Cass knew that if it was anyone other than Jax, Damon would have been on them in seconds. Heavy footfalls sounded through the foyer. A light sigh made its way through the room and she smiled as Jax made his way to the back of the couch and looked down at her, lust pooling in his eyes and the bright moon colored shine breaking through his gaze.

He shifted the elastic on his pants and brought out his cock. Cass licked her lips and smiled up at him through hooded eyes. She would be bold now. She would take Jax’s cock into her mouth while Damon fucked her from behind.

“I can’t decide which feels better,” Damon said through panted breaths. “The warmth of her mouth or the tight heat of her pussy.” He didn’t break stride as he spoke to Jax. He still kept fucking her, pleasing her.

She smiled at the thought of being able to make them feel as good as she felt at the same time. Cass knew in the back of her mind that she should feel awkward, Jax and Damon talking, as one fucked her aching pussy and the other ready to take her mouth. But she didn’t.

It made her feel powerful. These two men who had had sex with many women before wanted her. She wasn’t experienced in this, but they made her feel as if she was the most powerful, most adored, most revered woman on the planet.

“I can’t wait to find out for myself,” Jax said, looking at her, full moon eyes shining brighter than anything in the room. “Will you let me find out now, Beautiful?”

He was asking her permission. They all knew that when they claimed her they would have to take her together, but he wanted to make sure it was okay with her.

Cass reached forward and stroked Jax’s cock. It was ready and stood at attention, throbbing with need. He ran his fingers through her hair and guided his cock toward the heat of her mouth. She leaned forward and licked the tip of his sizable cock, tasting the salty drop that was there on the head.

She wondered for a moment how she would be able to focus on pleasing Jax while Damon was driving her toward an orgasm. She was about to find out.

Cass tried to wrap her hand around his length and pulled him inside her mouth. He thrust his hips and she gagged slightly but fought to keep him deep inside her.

“God-damn,” Jax said, hips moving and retreating, retreating and moving toward her face. He grabbed a handful of her hair and held her head at an angle. “Suck it, Cass.”

She doubled down and used her cheeks and tongue to cause more suction, and reveled at the sound of his animal. A low growl emanated in his chest and continued while she sucked his cock. The sound was like a shockwave through her body

Cass moaned deep in her throat. Damon reached around and started massaging her clit as Jax slid his hand down and took one of her heavy, ample breasts in his palm and squeezed. Every plunge of Jax’s cock into her mouth sent white heat to her nipples, her clit, and her pussy.

They were both smooth and hard and hot and driving into her. She loved it. She wanted it. She was being pushed closer and closer to an edge she never imagined existed.

With one hand Damon kept up the sweet assault on her clit, rubbing tight circles and pushing toward her wet cleft every other stroke to keep up the pressure. And with the other hand he rubbed circles around her tight ass, and when one of his fingers dipped into her puckered hole she let out a deep groan around Jax’s cock.

Jax pulled his length away from her, grabbed a handful of her hair, and plunged his tongue into her mouth. He kept the friction constant against her nipples with his large hand, kept the pressure just this side of pain as he fisted her hair, and kept his mouth locked against hers as he fucked her mouth with his tongue.

He bit her bottom lip and said, “Imagine what it will be like when my dick is deep in your ass and Damon’s is deep in your pussy. Can you imagine it?” he asked, pressing her hard bud between his fingers as he kneaded his hand around her breast. “Think of what it will be like when Damon gets to fuck that tight ass of yours and I get to suck your clit into my mouth and let you fuck my hand.”

“Oh, God,” Cass said, closing her eyes and seeing all the deliciously naughty things Jax was saying to her. “Oh, fuck. I’m gonna come. Please, please let me come.”

Damon began pounding at her pussy harder, rubbing her clit harder, and now he had two fingers inside her ass, giving her more sensations than she had ever felt. She was seeing stars and her entire body was on fire from the warmth of one thousand suns.

She ground her ass against Damon’s cock as he slammed into her pussy over and over, her orgasm now roaring closer to push her over. Cass looked up just in time to watch Jax grab his cock and start stroking himself to the rhythm of him caressing her breasts. The muscles in his arm flexed as he fisted himself, squeezing the head and running his palm along it as he rounded the top.

The sight and feel of pleasing them and being pleased by them was too much. Her body froze, and then a wave of pleasure took her over from head to toe. “Oh, God. Oh… fuck. Yes,” she moaned.

Warm jets of heat filled her core as Damon came inside of her, filling her until she could feel his empty seed dripping down her leg. Aftershocks wracked her body as he still moved inside her. The sound of a low hum made her open her eyes, and when she did she saw Jax still pleasing himself. As his hips began to jerk toward her and his eyes rolled back, she sat up, pushing her breasts toward him as an offering.

He looked down at her and after one, two, three pumps of his hand, Jax was emptying himself onto her chest. Wet warmth dripped down her breasts as Jax came on her, and then he reached down and rubbed it into her skin.

Cass bared her teeth as Jax rubbed his cum onto her chest. He bit back a laugh and then moaned again, the stomach contractions from laughing firing off shots of pleasure from the base of his cock to his spine. He didn’t know whether she liked having his seed dripping down her chest or if she was grossed out by it.

“I’ll get a cloth,” Jax said, forcing his wobbly legs to move toward the laundry room.

The sight of her face would forever be engraved in his mind. She looked pleased yet confused, turned on yet slightly grossed out. By the time he made it back to her and Damon, she was straddling him on the couch and looking down at her chest. Damon had already sensed her discomfort and given her a few napkins from the coffee table.

Jax had already washed his hands and toweled off his dick. He was sated, but if she wanted to go another round with the both of them he was ready.

Jax smiled as he reached forward and began to wipe off her chest. “Did that make you uncomfortable?” He was trying so hard not to laugh at her.

He and Damon had talked before about whether or not women liked it when a man came on her. Some did and some didn’t. Their mate seemed to be part of the latter group. He, nor Damon, had done it often but they wanted her covered in their scent.

Cass shook her head and pulled up one of her large breasts, wiping off any cum that was left there. “It’s not that. Stop laughing.” She pouted and he wanted to bite her bottom lip. “No one has ever done that before. I was trying to figure out how I felt about it.”

“I won’t do it again,” Jax said, sitting down next to them.

She shrugged and gave a half smile, and damn-it if she wasn’t the cutest thing he’d ever seen. “I think I want you to,” she whispered, and it seemed as if she were talking to herself. “It was different. Having you on my skin and inside of me, both of you, made me feel… I don’t have the right words for it. It’s not bad. I felt—”

“Almost claimed,” Damon said, finishing her sentence. He kissed the space between her cheek and lips, and then rubbed her hair out of her face.

Right now the coily mass was all over the place, and she looked fucking sexy. Freshly fucked. Like all she needed was a sandwich and some sleep and she would be out for the night.

“Yes,” Cass said, responding to Damon. “Almost claimed. When are we going to do that?”

Damon bit her chin. “Are you in a rush to bear our marks?”

“Yes,” she said simply. “I think you should do it soon.”

Jax reached over and rubbed his hand over her chest, and it made him proud that she leaned in toward his touch. She was comfortable with them, and it showed in her posture. She was naked and still straddling Damon, whose pants were down around his ankles. When he’d reached over to touch her, she didn’t shy away from the idea of being touched by them even though they weren’t having sex.

He would never understand how they got so lucky to have someone as wonderful as her. She was kind, stronger than she knew, and she was sexy. The scent of them mingled with hers. It was like an aphrodisiac to him. He wanted her scent all over this house and hoped that one day she would consider this her home too. Jax wanted to demand that she move in with them right now, but he knew that despite how kind and sweet she was she would never put up with that shit.

His shit. He knew he could be a real bastard and that his temper was like fire, but being in her presence calmed him. Soothed him. Cass was turning him into a kitten. She’d made him purr this morning! He loved every bit of her existence. Part of him wanted to ask why they’d found her now, but he didn’t give a shit. She was there with them and they’d been waiting forever to find her. Their wish had finally come true.

With a kiss to his thumb, Cass broke him out of his spell. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

Jax looked at Damon and knew that his Omega could sense the turmoil rolling around inside him. He wanted to hell her but didn’t have the words. There was no need to alarm her just yet.

“I got a phone call when I went over to talk to Simon, the one who was looking through the window,” he said, taking his phone out of his pocket and putting it on the coffee table.

“So he hates me already.”

Jax pulled his lips in and got pissed off all over again. He told Simon the next time he even thought he was looking at Cass the wrong way he would snatch his fucking eyes out through his mouth. “He doesn’t hate you. Babe,” he said, taking a deep breath and sitting back in the chair. “He’s afraid of change. Hell, most of us are. We’ve been living this life for so long… Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were roaming the Earth when we were cursed. Man hadn’t even been made yet. The Creator let us know what the next creation would be and a lot of angels lost their shit.”

With a look to Damon, Jax knew that his friend could feel what he felt.

“Cass,” Damon said, pulling her attention to him. “We’ve been cursed for so long that living life any other way seems unimaginable. That’s what Simon is, most likely, afraid of. He doesn’t hate you. From talking with everyone this morning they are worried that all of us are going to screw this up. Have we been redeemed? We don’t know. But it must mean something that you’ve been shown to us. Is it because we did something right or was it just supposed to be this way all along?”

She shook her head, finally getting it that it wasn’t about her or her being human. It had everything to do with them feeling pushed away from God, and now? Now, maybe, they were being shown favor.

Cass nodded and stood up from Damon’s lap. She winced and they both saw it. She was sore. Damon went to say something but Cass put her hand up.

“I’m fine. You are large. I’ll get used to it,” she said, fluttering her hand in front of her. “I’m going to take a shower, eat something, and then get ready to meet with the rest of the clan. They may or may not be happy with me being here, but here I am. I’m not going anywhere. So, they’ll just have to get used to me.”

Jax smiled as she bent down and started picking up her clothes. He wanted to follow after her and do everything for her: carry her up the stairs, bathe her, feed her. But he knew that would make her feel coddled, and she’d already made comments in the ride over about being able to take care of herself.

When Damon had mentioned the possibility of her moving in she looked happy and hesitant. She and Andrew had bought that home, and it meant something to her. They’d figure it out. Together.

“Want me to make you a sandwich while you’re in the shower?” Jax asked, standing up to head to the kitchen but stopping to kiss the top of her head first.

She smiled and leaned up on her toes to kiss his chin. “Yes, please. Whatever lunch meat and cheese you have is fine. And just mustard. Mayo makes me want to gag unless it’s in tuna. Or my mom’s potato salad.” She walked back over to Damon and kissed his nose.

They both watched her walk up the stairs, and Jax’s cock thumped against his pants as the delicious globes of her ass swayed back and forth. Taking a deep breath, he looked over to Damon who was now pulling up his jeans.

“Brother,” Damon said, going to stand next to Jax. “Something else is wrong. Go on. Spill it.”

“I hate that sometimes,” Jax said, walking toward the kitchen. Damon being able to read him was a pain in the ass.

“It’s my job in this pack to know,” he said, clapping Jax on the shoulder. “What else is going on?”

Jax could hear the stress in Damon’s voice. Yeah, it was his job to help the clan members through their problems, but this had to do with their mate. That alone made both of them more on edge. He hadn’t even gotten used to the idea of worrying about her more than he did himself. They’d been thrown headlong into falling for this woman.

“Welp,” Jax said, slapping the swinging door open to the kitchen. “The problem in the clan is nothing compared to the war we could be facing.”




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