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The Vampire King's Cage: A Paranormal Romance by T. S. Ryder (116)

Chapter Two – Rollon


She was pretty. Not a raving beauty, but pretty. The most intoxicating smell clung to her. Oh, she had the same sweet undertones that most females had, but there was something else as well. Rich and mouth-watering. Like the first taste of blood after the June fast. Intoxicating. He understood why Thor had chosen her.

Rollon shook his head, putting his son’s chosen companion from his mind. Shifters had been testing his boundaries again and he was going to lead a group of men to remind them of their place. He fastened a short silver blade to his waist. There was something about silver that slowed the natural healing processes of shifters. It could also cut through vampire flesh, which was otherwise hard as diamonds.

"You will stay at the palace," he ordered his son as Thor laced up a leather jerkin.

Thor looked up. "Dad, I’m just as good a fighter as any of the full-blooded vampires."

Rollon nodded. "You are. You are also my son and will act in my name while I am gone. Your lady will not take kindly to being claimed and then abandoned," he added. "Tindra hasn't let you in her bed yet, has she?"

Thor scowled. "My place is by your side in battle."

"Your place is to obey your king." Rollon couldn't help but smile. Thor would be a fine king one day. He had enough self-control for a dozen vampires. If Rollon had a human so delicious waiting for him, he would have spent half the kingdom to woo her by now. So would a lot of vampires. His smile slipped. "You need to make your claim permanent, and soon."

His son shrugged. "It will happen. But I have to say, I am disappointed that you haven't been nicer to her, Dad. Tindra is a really fun girl if you would give her a chance."


Rollon yanked his jerkin on over his loose shirt. The moment Tindra had slid into the limo he had wanted to do everything with and to her. He had swelled as her scent surrounded him, and when she began to talk, he thought of all the sinful things he could do with a mouth like that. If it had been anybody but his son to choose her, he would have challenged them right then and there. Human or not, he wanted her. And not to be nice too. He wouldn't compel her, but he would damn well seduce her. And she would be putty in his hands.

"I am acting for what is best," he said stiffly, not about to tell his only child the thoughts racing in his head.

"I chose her for a reason. I want you two to get along."

"You know my stance on taking humans as mates. They are fragile and short-lived. I’d sooner see you bind yourself to a she-bear as a mate. They’re at least robust and can be fed vampire blood to extend their lives for thousands of years."

Thor was silent for a moment before cocking his head to one side. There was a familiar look in his eye that had Rollon tensing before he even spoke.

"Humans can live as long as us if they are turned into vampires."

"After what happened to your mother—" Rollon cut himself off and inhaled deeply. "No. The law is a law for a reason and I am not going to change it. Not even for you, Thor. Besides, would you really put someone you love through that?"

Thor shrugged. "I don't know what it’s like. I was born half vampire, remember?"

Rollin's stance softened as he remembered. The day his son had been born was the day his life really began. The squealing red infant had grown so quickly into the man he saw before him. Sometimes it was difficult to believe that Thor was full-grown according to human standards. He had stopped aging almost a hundred years ago, yet Rollon still found himself worrying about him all the time.

"Go inform Zander that we will be heading out shortly."

Thor bowed sharply and left the room. Rollon sighed as the door swung shut. Really, he should be sending Thor out for this mission. It was only going to be a skirmish, if anything. No real danger. The shifters that had encroached onto their territory were scouts, nothing else. But he was worried about his son nonetheless. It was just an excuse to say that he wanted Thor to stay here and woo his lady. As limited as the danger was, shifter teeth were the only things besides silver that could pierce a vampire’s skin.

All the same. He should at least tell the girl that he did not disapprove of her personally before he left. For Thor to be successful, the human had to feel somewhat at ease.

It wasn't just because he wanted to see her again.

He finished strapping on his leather armor and headed to the chambers that had been assigned to her. She was probably moping in her jeans and an oversized sweater, sad that she wasn't permitted to leave the palace just yet. Her family was allowed to come here and see her, but given her new position, it would be dangerous for her to leave without the proper protection.

To his surprise, he heard laughter from her chambers. When he knocked, Ingrid, the head of household affairs here, answered. She curtsied in greeting.

"Is Tin–the human in?" he asked.

"Yes, my lord." Ingrid opened the door to allow him in. "Lady Tindra, the king is here to see you."

Rollon strode in. His eyes passed over a beautiful maid in a gown . . . and then did a double take. It was Tindra. She wore a sequined blue dress that fell to mid-thigh. The deep cut V on the halter top made her breasts look larger than they had in the sweater he had seen her in before. His pants tightened as he gazed at her. She wasn't the sniveling mess he had expected. That was going to make this all the harder . . . 

"Rolly!" A high child’s voice called, and then a little girl rammed into his side.

"Oof!" Rollon laughed at Hilda, Ingrid’s younger sister. She had been only ten when she had been turned into a vampire. He didn't know if it was fortunate or unfortunate that their minds seemed to freeze as soon as they were turned. Hilda would remain ten forever, a mind to match her body.

"Hilda, we should let them speak." Ingrid took her sister’s hand and pulled her out of the room. She had a secret smile on her face that Rollon didn't like.

He almost protested. Almost. The human stood with her hands clasped behind her back, pushing her breasts out further. It would be easy to shift aside the fabric and access them.

No. Those thoughts were completely inappropriate. "How are you finding your chambers?"

"They’re nice. Pretty. I mean, very elegant. It's like living in a hotel. Have you ever lived in a hotel? I’ve wanted to live in a hotel for a long time, but it's so expensive. I never had money that I could waste on that. Not that I was poor. I just . . . am shutting up now." She pressed her lips tightly together, making him notice how red they were.

Why did she have to be so sexy and adorable all the time? Thor had chosen her.

"You should know that it’s forbidden under pain of death to turn a human into a vampire. You are not going to become one of us."

He could have kicked himself. Really? Really? He came to let her know he had nothing against her and instead he blurted that out?

Tindra blinked, eyes widening. "Okay . . . I didn't want to be a vampire. Not that it wouldn't be awesome. Clearly, you’re very awesome. I mean, because you're a vampire. You’re already a vampire, so of course you’re awesome. I just don't think it's for me. The whole blood drinking thing . . . Is it true that you can drink from other vampires too?"

"Yes. It’s true. Vampire blood isn't as nutritious as human blood, though. It gives us what we need but not enough to be at peak strength." Rollon moved a little closer, noting how her cheeks darkened and her eyes fluttered. "This is why I commission blood collection from humans. Not every vampire can be trusted to have a human companion, after all. Many would simply drain them dry."

"I see . . . "

Rollon breathed in her scent and forced himself to step back. He needed to go. Had a mission to complete . . . 

"Is that what I will do?" Tindra stepped forward, as though drawn by him. "Have my blood collected?"

Stop. "No. Thor will take directly from your vein. Because that is how it is done between mates – companions. Humans are never mated to vampires."

She kept inching forward, eyes locked on him, that familiar flush on her cheeks. Her scent becoming all the sweeter as her blood rushed to the face. "Will Thor be the only one?"

"Yes." It came out harsher than he intended, but there was no point in pussyfooting around. "Thor will be the only one to drink from you. When vampire drinks from a human, it can be very . . . exciting. Not always, though. There has to be a spark of attraction there to begin with. There is a reason why there is that stereotype of vampires seducing their human prey. It's very much true. As soon as our fangs pierce your delicate skin, you are unable to control yourself."

Finally, she showed some sense. She shuddered and stepped back, not looking at him. Her arms wrapped around her middle and she was silent. Roll breathed out a sigh of relief. She belonged to Thor. He could not allow himself to feel these things.

"You will need to give yourself to my son soon." He stood straighter and made his voice cold to hide the bubbling anger he had at the thought of anyone, even his son, laying their hands on this delectable creature but himself. "Your bond will not be complete until that happens. Other vampires will desire you until his scent overpowers yours."

"And if I don't want him?"

"Then go home. But you do want him. He is a proud warrior and a mighty man." His eyes roamed her figure. "I hope to see you ripe with his child soon."

Her whole stance changed. Her spine went rigid and her eyes flashed. "What did you just say?"