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Titus (Big Cats Book 2) by Crystal Dawn (5)


Chapter 5




There was a pounding on the door that woke her. Beth was in bed with warmth all around her. She didn’t want to get up when she felt so protected and comfortable. It took a few seconds to realize a naked male was holding her and a few more seconds to realize it was Titus. Jerking out of his arms, she got out of bed then saw she was mostly undressed.

Her clothes were on a chair so she threw her pants on then went to open the door as Titus got up naked as the day he was born. Dear God! The male looked amazing. She looked away quickly. Hurrying to the door, when she opened it Damon and Marissa stood there.

“Come in.” She invited as she stepped out of the way.

“What’s happening with Dale?” Damon got right to the point.

“I’m not sure. I just woke up and I don’t remember a thing.”

“That’s because he knocked you out, Sweetie.” Marissa explained. “Titus came and got him to give up the keys and your purse. He went to his room while Titus got Ariel and her doctor to see how you were. Doc asked him to stay the night with you.”

“And I did.” Titus said from where he now stood leaning against the doorway. He was only wearing his pants and looking too good to believe. “He said not to wake her and Ariel suggested I put her in her bed and lay down with her. She just woke up.”

“I thought they usually said not to let them sleep.” Marissa said.

“That’s what I thought too so I asked. He said to wait until she woke on her own.” Titus explained. “Looks like it’s been eight hours. He said to stay with her twenty-four.”

“Maybe he did, but I’m going to work in the morning. What time is it?” Beth asked.

“It’s ten.” Damon said. “I had to drive back from St. Louis then pick up Marissa.”

“What’s going on with Dale?” Beth asked.

“He wasn’t supposed to be released to you for several weeks. He’s not even completely clean yet.” Damon admitted.

“What now?” Beth asked.

“I’ll take him to the facility in Springfield. It’ll be easier for family to visit.” Damon added.

“Just me. None of the others visit.” Beth observed.

“Some of us will visit. We didn’t know about him.” Marissa declared.

“It’s a lot to ask when you guys barely know him.” Beth said. Her eyes were watery and she looked so sad. This boy meant a lot to her.

“Could she keep him with help?” Titus asked.

“She could after he has at least another week to get that stuff out of his system. Being human is a blessing and a curse with it. Shifters are hit the hardest, but they heal from it quicker. Until it leaves his system fully, there’s no hope. He might not realize it, but if he’d gone to anyone to buy it, they would kill him. They even put a hit out on him.” Damon explained.

“One week, and if you need me, I’ll stay with you to help with Dale.” Titus offered.

“Why would you do that? You’ve seen the worst of him.” Beth asked.

“Dale and I have an understanding.” Titus said with a predatory grin.

“You can only take him back if you have help.” Damon insisted. “Meanwhile, I need to get him to come down. It’s time to take him where he needs to be.”

“Damon, is that you down there?” Dale called.

“Yes.” Damon answered.

“Can you save me? There’s a tiger downstairs that wants to eat me.” Dale explained.

“I ran him off.” Damon offered. “Let’s get you out of here before he comes back.”

Dale appeared on the stairs. “What about Beth?”

“The tiger likes her.” Damon said.

“Oh, okay. Is it a pet or something?” Dale asked.

“Something like that, but it only likes females.” Damon explained.

“Do I need to pack a bag?” Dale asked.

“No, we’ll be fine where we’re going. You’ll come back once the tiger is placated.” Damon offered.

“Okay. I don’t like that Beth lives alone.” Dale observed.

“She won’t be alone much longer.” Damon said.

“Good. She needs someone. Let’s go in case that tiger’s stalking us.” Dale interjected.

Damon and Dale left, but Marissa stayed behind a moment. “You look confused, Titus.”

“I find it odd that the boy remembered the tiger, but nothing that he’d done. He worried about Beth, but forgot that he’d injured her. It was something I’d tell him about if I didn’t realize it would piss Beth off. Speaking of being pissed off, once she feels better, I plan to have a discussion about why she hid herself from me.” Titus said. Beth was looking everywhere, but at him. “It isn’t necessary anymore, so I guess Beth will dress better. Maybe it’s alright for her to dress dowdy until we mate. No point in tempting the other males. My tiger approves of the plan, but I know Beth will do as she wishes. She is a strong willed female, but she is also smart and capable. Beth will make a wonderful mate for an alpha like me. I know you’re listening too, Beth. Just know my tiger is on the prowl and you are his target. He will settle for no one else.” Titus promised.

“Well I’m glad we got that out of the way. Are you staying with her? She shouldn’t be alone.” Marissa asked.

“I’ll be with her until the doctor releases her.” Titus declared.

“You don’t have to. I feel fine.” Beth protested.

“Until the doctor releases you, Beth. Don’t even try to argue.”

“I see everything is in hand. Good bye and take care.” Marissa said quickly and then she was gone.

“How are you feeling?” Titus turned to her and asked.

“Ravenous.” She admitted.

“Dale conked you with the pot you were about to cook in.” Titus smirked. “What were you about to fix?”

“A simple stir fry to use up most of the leftover veggies in the fridge drawer. Today is my usual grocery shopping day. I also had some sirloin tips to add and some pie for dessert.” Beth admitted.

“We can do that. I’m hungry too. Are you sure you can walk?” Titus asked cautiously.

“Yes, thanks for your concern.”

“Just sit on a stool and tell me what to do.”

“If you’re worried about me, just bring the vegetables in the drawer to me. This meal requires a lot of prep work.”

She could tell Titus was impressed with her kitchen. Could he tell she had incorporated the old dining room into the kitchen area? A large work/seating area that even had a sink and an extra oven had been added. Eight people could sit there if necessary while someone worked preparing the meal. There was also a smaller work area with a sink and a stove top with two stools for serious meal preparation that had pots and steel bowls hanging overhead. The place Beth sat just had three low hanging lights overhead. It also had covers he might not have noticed for the sink and stove so even more people could sit there.

He went to the fridge, it was a commercial model where everything slid around for easy access and the drawer came out easily so he took the whole thing to her. She began to sort the veggies and when she was through; she handed him the empty drawer. Titus washed it out, dried it, and returned it to its spot. Digging around, he found a knife and washed his hands, then joined her preparing the vegetables. It was relaxing sitting here with him.

“Where did you learn to cook?” Titus asked.

“Ariel taught many of us younger ones. She’s an amazing cook, although she loves the cook she has now.” Beth admitted. “I also took some classes.”

“Why doesn’t she cook anymore?”

“Do you have any idea how much she has on her plate? And she does cook, just rarely.”

“I’ll admit I know she does an amazing amount of things just for the pack and she also has two jobs. You white wolves get a lot done.”

“It’s true, I’ve not met a lazy cousin, but doing too much can lead to a breakdown. Ariel needs to take more time off. The boys leaving hit hard in more ways than one.”

“At least they didn’t go too far. They visit on holidays, right?” Titus quizzed.

“They do, but she never thought they’d leave, especially Danny.”

“Why does everyone always act so surprised that Danny left?”

“He had health problems that made things hard on him. None of us ever understood them or him. As soon as he became a wolf, bam, all the problems were gone. Marissa studied it later and said Danny’s magic was strong and didn’t fit with a fully human body.”

“I’ve heard of that before. They develop seizures, forgetfulness, and other mental problems. He’s lucky he changed, it could have killed him.”

“Yeah, we’re all happy for him. He’s done amazing things since he went wolf. He’s even helping Matt with his new pack.”

“Why is that so hard to believe?”

“He wouldn’t let anyone help him with his. It almost got him killed during an attack because his wolves wouldn’t help him.”

“Those wolves would be dead when I recovered.”

“Danny took any rank they had away and they had to start over. Not an easy thing the way his pack is picking up new members. His first three betas are from outside. Only his fourth and fifth are originally from the pack. He’s had a hard time, but he’s finally got things running well. The construction and security businesses keep all his members working.”

“The security business is with Tyne, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, Tyne doesn’t want to be as busy, but he wants to expand. He’s been partnering up with alphas all over.” Beth admitted.

“Seb better watch out.” Titus observed.

“No, they have an agreement that works for both of them. They both have all the business they can handle and often more. I used to work part time for Tyne and it was more like full time.”

“What could you do?”

Beth growled at him. “It’s true I often worked as a detective, but sometimes females don’t want male guards and I could shoot you in the eye from further away than you would expect. I also have some hand to hand skills. No, I can’t take out a male shifter if he knows I can fight, but you’d be surprised or maybe not since you’re one of them, how many underestimate me and end up on the floor.”

Titus held up his hands. “Easy, girl. I was just asking.”

“Looks like the veggies are ready. Why don’t you pull down the big frying pan and we’ll get started?”

She watched as he did as she’d suggested. “Should I use this oil?” Titus asked pointing to a seasoned oil she often cooked with.

“Yes, that’s the one most people like best.” She carried the cut up to him enjoying that he didn’t mind helping in the kitchen. “So what is your favorite dish to cook?”

“I lived in Italy as a child. My mother was Italian and she loved to cook. She taught us all many basic Italian dishes. Sometime, I’d love to make you some of my favorites.”

Beth wrinkled her nose. “As long as there’s no escargot, clams, or oysters I’m fine with it.”

“Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.” He picked up the meat she had brought him first. The veggies were sliced thin so they would cook faster than the chunks of meat. Beth set out her usual spices, some red wine, and soy sauce.

Titus didn’t blink as he tossed everything in. He cooked like she did. She rarely measured anything. The smell of cooking food was delicious and her stomach growled like an angry tiger. Beth grinned at the thought. Her mouth watered, but luckily this would be done soon. Busying herself, she used the microwave to cook a small bowl of noodles.

The veggies and meat were done just a little while before the noodles. When the buzzer sounded, Titus took the noodles out and drained them. Beth had two plates near the stove so he spooned out noodles on each plate them covered them in the veggie meat fry. He dumped the rest of the noodles in the pan and put the bowl in the sink filling it with soap water.

They sat where they’d prepped the food and she’d set sweet tea on the table with two glasses. She filled the glasses and they ate their food and drank their tea quietly. It felt nice to have company even if he didn’t talk much. Maybe she was lucky, because she didn’t want to talk about how she’d hidden herself under baggy clothes and big reading glasses.

“This is good and it didn’t take that long to make.” Titus observed.

“Extra hands make short work of things. Ariel always let us kids help. It was one of the lessons at camp, if you are old enough to walk, you’re old enough to help.”

“How did that work out?”

“Surprisingly well. It’s amazing how many jobs little ones can help with. It also tires them out so they’re ready for nap time.” Beth explained.

“I never thought of kids helping.”

“You saw the younger helpers on the work site. Kids are great to fetch things especially water for the workers. While they do that, they learn a lot too. They also are great for sweeping up and picking up the site. The guys hate to do that.”

“You’re right. I think you’ll make a great mother someday.”

“Maybe. Time will tell.”

They finished eating and put their plates in the sink. Beth pulled out a pie putting a piece for each of them on a small plate. “What kind?”

“Blueberry. It’s my favorite.” Beth replied.

“One of mine, too.”

They wiped out the pie in no time. “I should show you to your room.”

“Oh, no. I sleep with you. The doctor said so.”

“That’s hardly necessary.”

“Twenty four hours of up close watching, then you can be on your own.”

Beth fought a yawn, but it won. “Fine, I’m getting some more sleep.”

Thankfully, he decided to let her sleep because she was exhausted. They turned in with Titus going naked while Beth wore a thin sleep shirt. Once they were asleep, she worried that their bodies would gravitate to each other.

When Beth woke, she knew she was in trouble. Her nightshirt had rode up revealing the inside of her thighs. She was wrapped around Titus’ naked body with one leg thrown over his hip. The tip of his rock hard cock was pressed to the sopping wet opening of her honey hole. Her body was moving pressing against him.

Nothing would feel better than letting him sink slowly inside her. She knew if she allowed this, it wouldn’t end with just one beautiful night. Beth tried to back away from him, but he had a tight hold on her, even in his sleep. Instead of separating them, he’d begun to move in deeper. He growled in his sleep every time she tried to move away. His cat must be aware on some level even if the human wasn’t.

He moved and it was all over but the crime. It was a tight fit, but he was all the way in. His eyes popped open staring straight into hers, the amber of his cat glowing bright. Bad kitty! “Goddess!” Titus said then he rolled on top of her to love her completely.

This was nothing like the soft kiss he had given her before. This kiss was a branding one paired with what his cock was doing as he pounded in and out of her. Her body responded, arching to meet each thrust. It felt amazing to be claimed by her tiger as he whispered sweet words in her ear. Friction caused tension which brought them both closer to their release.

“Oh, my God!” Beth screamed as her orgasm hit hard.

“Goddess, yes.” Titus said as he released a jungle call.

Beth’s heart pounded and she struggled to catch her breath. Thank goodness Titus hadn’t mated her. She wasn’t ready for that, not now. He rolled them over so she was splayed across his chest while he rubbed her back. It felt nice, she couldn’t deny it. Somehow, as their breathing calmed, they both fell asleep.

Beth woke to find light streaming through the window. The scent of coffee and bacon filled the air. Her stomach growled like a monster. She hurried to the bathroom to shower then dressed quickly. Stepping into the kitchen, she saw Titus had finished cooking breakfast putting most of the food on two plates. Grabbing a mug, she filled it with coffee adding a squirt of cream. Sipping it, she sighed in contentment.

“Thank you for fixing breakfast.”

“It was my pleasure.” Titus said shooting her a look of adoration.

It made her worry that it was too late to get out of this thing. She knew what they’d done last night and she couldn’t deny she felt a connection. Beth just didn’t want to act on it. Being a mate became the most defining part of a female’s personality. That’s what happened to her cousins over and over. Right now, she wanted to discover herself.

Helping other people was important, but what about her? Beth didn’t want to lose herself. Titus wanted a mate. Did it matter who it was as long as they could fulfill his needs? He’d liked Beth the teacher, but not enough to ever mate her. Boss was the one he’d truly wanted. While Boss was part of her, so was Beth the teacher.

“You’re thinking too hard.” Titus said. “Eat and if something worries you, ask me.”

“You want Boss, not Beth.”

“Beth and I were becoming friends. Isn’t that part of any solid mating? I knew I could count on her if I needed her. She also listened to me and spoke her mind. She wasn’t sexy, but she tried hard not to be. Will you blame me now because she was good at hiding that part of herself?”

“Shouldn’t you have known? You’re a shifter.”

Titus laughed. “My cat knew, but he refused to share with me the reason we were drawn to Beth. Don’t you think the little test you did sets up a male for failure?”

“Maybe.” She said after a moment’s thought.

“You know what I want, but I’m willing to be patient and date.”

He spit out the word like it was a four letter dirty word. Yeah, she knew shifters didn’t date. But he knew humans did. It was a compromise few alphas would consider. “Deal.”

“What do we do today?” Titus asked as he continued to eat. Wolves tended to shovel their food in, but cats seemed to be daintier eaters. Beth watched in fascination. “What are you looking at?”

“I’m glad you have good manners. It’s unusual in males in general.”

“Okay.” He said looking at her suspiciously.

“Today is Saturday?”

“Sorry, Sweetheart. It’s Sunday.”

“I lost a day?”

“It seems like you did. Don’t worry, I’m sure Ariel picked up the slack.”

“I hate to add to her burdens.”

“I suspect she would say family isn’t a burden. My family will come eventually and I look forward to it.”

“Do you have a big family?”

“My mother died several years ago. My dad is around here somewhere, but he loses ground every day. I have two sisters and a pile of brothers. My parents had a streak all on their own.”

“Not me. I have the white wolves, but the other side of my family isn’t close. All I had was Daryn and he got hooked on the blood drug. He killed himself. That’s why I have to help Dale, his little brother. I just can’t lose him too.”

“Between the two of us, we’ll take care of it. Dale needs a firm hand and a male to guide him.”

“Hm, what about love and caring support?”

“They are both needed equally. The boy is still a child in many ways.”

“I can’t disagree with you. You’d think with the parents that they had they would have been tough and self-reliant, but no.”

“Their parents?”

“My aunt tries, at least most of the time. She took me in when my mom died even though I wanted to live with Ariel. My aunt insisted. Her husband is a mean drunk, the only one safe in the house was me. Those boys got the hell banged out of them.”

“That doesn’t make them tough, just desperate to escape.” Titus observed. “A real male doesn’t beat on women and children.”

“Exactly. I think he hated himself. Both the boys look like him.”

“Only two children?”

“Thank God, yes. I don’t know what he’d have done to a girl.”

“But not you?”

“They think I don’t know Ariel gave them money for me every month. When he’d get drunk, he’d call me his little money maker. I never could understand why my aunt put up with that.”

“They still together?”

“He died. She went out and found another one just like him.”

“Sometimes it’s hard to understand why people do what they do.”

“Let’s talk about something more pleasant.”

“Okay, what do you want to talk about?”

They just looked at each other until Beth started laughing. “Let’s do the dishes first.” It was hard to force a conversation so they did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen without talking.

They sat down and both of them had a mug of coffee. “Tell me about your streak, it is streak right?” Beth asked.

“My kind, cats of all kinds really, have spread out instead of congregating as we did in old times. Hunters began to claim too many even generations ago. My family was one of the first to leave even though we were leaders. We spread to Europe and North America because we were heavily hunted for our fur in Africa and Asia. Even some that knew of our kind hunted us. Rival groups sent hunters to take our people out. My mother’s people lived around Italy, but my father’s family came to the U.S. We started out in New York and spread south and west.”

“How did you end up coming here?”

“Seb contacted Ariel and asked her if she would help. She agreed, as long as we would be allies. Now with Seb and Andi’s mating, that alliance is even stronger. I suspect all the cat leaders will fall to white wolves.”

“Aw, you’re just saying that to tease me.”

“I enjoy teasing you, but I truly believe it will be true. It amazes me how white wolves mate such useful males.”

“Not just males. Our males have been mating into important families too.”

“How could I forget that? There just haven’t been many of those.” Titus said.

“I couldn’t say how many.”

“Perhaps you and I will be the next?”

“Time will tell. I usually do remodeling on Sundays if I don’t work. Do you prefer working inside or outside?” Beth asked.

“It’s a beautiful day outside.”

“I knew you’d say that. I’ll get my boots and gloves and meet you back here.”

She hurried putting on her socks and work boots. Her thick leather gloves were next and she carried them with her. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

She handed him some gloves then Beth led him outside where a stack of supplies waited next to a concrete foundation that went up two feet. “What’s this for?” Titus asked.

“I need a chicken shed and a storage house. I’ve been debating whether or not to have a concrete foundation like this in a chicken house.”

“What are the reasons for and against?”

“The main reason for is so possums and raccoons won’t dig under the walls and get all my chickens. The main reason against is concrete is hard on chicken claws. Of course I’d cover it with saw dust, but there’s more to remove when you clean the floor every few months.”

“I don’t see that you have a choice. You need your chickens safe first.”

“That’s what I was thinking. Are you ready?”

Beth pulled up the two by fours the walls would be attached to. She had left holes in the concrete to fit the boards into. It was tight, but they fit all of them in. Once they were all standing upright, it was time to connect them to other boards. It was always amazing to watch a building go up. The roof would be a bit harder since working up off the ground was dangerous. She’d be happy if they got the walls up today.

Titus was good to work with. Construction wasn’t his area, but he was competent and learned quickly. It showed her he would be easy to work with in other areas. That was one thing she needed in a mate. She’d already given him points for helping in the house. Once they went on a date, she would decide if he was romantic. By supper time, the walls were up and they were tired.

Beth went in to wash her hands before preparing a frozen lasagna. Something faster might be better time wise, but she didn’t feel like a lot of prep work. While it baked, she took a shower. When she was done, she came out and fixed a tossed salad with the last of her lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Titus came in with his hair wet smelling fabulous.

“Can I help?”

“All that’s left is to put the garlic bread in and add cheese to the lasagna when it’s almost done. We can eat our salad now while we watch a move?”

“What movie do you want to see?”

“Surprise me. Do you want a beer or tea?”

“I’m fine with tea.”

Beth got them each a glass of tea and carried the bowls of salad in to him. He’d selected an action adventure movie on one of the subscription channels she rarely used. Once she was settled on the couch, he joined her and turned the movie on. She could admit it gave her a sense of belonging to be here with him like this.

They both wiped out their salads fast. Good thing the lasagna was family size. She’d hoped the leftovers would work for supper tomorrow, now she wasn’t as sure. The movie was on hold for a few minutes. The garlic bread was done and it was time to cheese up the lasagna. It was great when it was drowned in cheese.

Taking some garlic bread into the room, Titus turned the movie back on. Ten minutes later the alarm went off and the lasagna was done. Once it went on plates, they went back to the movie to watch the rest of it.




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