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To Wed A Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Paranormal Romance (Weredragon Warriors Book 2) by Natalie Kristen (14)


Edriq jumped out of Zul's car even before Zul could pull his car to a stop beside the curb. He'd been about to leave the office when he received a call from Julia. Julia had called the FabFit main line and requested to be put through to him.

As soon as Edriq put the phone to his ear, Julia screamed three words, “Nora! Marshall Street...”

In a heartbeat, Edriq was out of his chair. He wrenched the door of his office open and collided into Zul.

“Woah, what's the rush? I was just at the outlet near the corner. Thought I'd come give you a ride home...hey! Where are you going?” Zul thundered after him.

When Zul caught up with Edriq and saw the look on his face, he knew. “I'll get you to her. Come on, you're in no state to drive. Or fly.”

Zul knew all the shortcuts and in a minute, he had pulled up in front of Marshall Street on squealing tires.

Edriq and Zul raced into the quiet street. The shops and offices were all closed for the day and there weren't any residential apartments around. After dark, Marshall Street was more or less a ghost street.

Edriq saw a policeman pointing his gun at Nora. As he ran harder, a large roundish shape came charging out of an alley. With a bellow, Mario landed on top of the police officer. “Leave her alone, you crooked cop!”

Zul cheered and whistled. “All right! A citizen's arrest! Yeah, take down that crooked cop!”

“Mario! Nora!” Edriq yelled.

“You know that guy?” Zul asked.

“He works with Nora,” Edriq snapped.

“Go, Mario!” Zul hollered and pumped his fists in the air. “Yes! Sock him again! Super Mario wins!” To Edriq, he said, “It looks like we're not needed here.”

Edriq went to Nora and pulled her quickly away from the fight. She looked more angry than frightened.

“I'm going to help Mario,” Edriq said, but Zul stopped him.

“Don't get your knickers in a twist.” This was Zul's favorite phrase of the month. “Stay with Nora. Mario's doing a great job, all by himself.”

Edriq saw that Zul was right. Mario was a force to be reckoned with. He had kicked the gun free from the officer's hand and was sitting on the whimpering, sniveling cop. Mario was a big, heavyset man. The crooked, spineless cop was no match for Mario. Smoke seemed to be billowing from Mario's nostrils.

Sweat poured down Mario's face as he hammered the cop with his large, meaty fists.

“You murderer!” Mario yelled. “Taking gold from the Slayors. Yeah, I heard you! I heard you loud and clear, you scum!”

Zul finally strolled over to Mario and put a hand on Mario's shoulder. “All right, big guy,” he said gently.

Mario looked up, dazed. As Zul helped him up, Mario mopped the sweat from his brow and blinked at Nora. “You okay?” he panted.

Nora nodded and went to take his arm. “I'm fine, thanks to you.”

Edriq shook Mario's hand firmly. “Thank you. You saved my mate.”

“You saved Julia,” Mario answered, still trying to catch his breath. “Thank you.”

Mario staggered back and very nearly sat on the ground when Zul clapped him on the shoulder. “You're one hell of a fighter, man!”

“Oh, you think so?” Mario blushed and chewed his lip. “You know, I've been thinking. And I...I was going to ask you...”

“Ask away, my good man,” Zul said with a flourish.

“I want to help,” Mario said earnestly. “My mom is a Dracan. And these Slayors, they don't just kill Dracans. They hurt humans too. I don't want to stand by and do nothing.” Sucking in a breath, he went on, “I don't have a dragon in me, I'm just me but I want to do my part. I want to fight, like you. I want to do my bit...”

“You are already doing your bit, and it's a big, important bit,” Edriq said, putting his hand on Mario's shoulder. “You're a paramedic. You save lives, you help people, every single day. You are already part of the fight. Some of the lives you save are Dracan lives. Half-Dracans, human friends and families of Dracans, you've helped them without realizing it.”

Mario nodded and smiled. “Yeah.”

Zul was standing over the cop who was moaning pitifully on the ground. Spinning a knife through his fingers, Zul whistled. “Shall I...”

“No,” Edriq and Nora said together.

Zul raised a brow at Edriq.

Edriq looked at the weak, feeble human who was trying to crawl away. There were others like him, Edriq realized. The Slayors had apparently realized the same thing, and wasted no time in recruiting these humans to their cause.

There were humans who were willing to betray their friends and families, turn their backs on their duties and responsibilities, for gold. The planet Korra had gold in abundance. The rocks and mountains were made of gold.

The humans took gold from the Slayors, but none lived to enjoy it.

“Let him go,” Edriq said, turning away with Nora. “The Slayors will find him.”