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Topaz (The Silvia Saga Book 2) by Jenna Lee (25)


For the rest of the day, I sleep on and off, regaining my energy. Stretching out my arms, I yawn then squeal; I feel fucking fantastic - the best I’ve felt in a long time. I’m back to full strength.

Jolie groans next to me. "Shut up," she mumbles before turning over and giving me her back.

Apparently, someone still needs a few more hours of sleep.

Rolling over, I sit up, thinking it’s best I leave Jolie to sleep off her mood. In the meantime, I’ll go and check on the guys. I miss them - like I haven't seen them in forever. Standing up, I tiptoe out of my room, shutting the door quietly behind me.

Walking the short distance to Harlan's room, I’m about to push open the door, but it flies open. I’m engulfed in Harlan's big arms as he wraps them around my waist, pulling me flush against his hard abs. I relax into his embrace. Thank Silvia he’s okay and back to full health. He gave me quite a scare.

He whispers in my ear, “Fuck, I missed you princess.” His voice is hoarse, breaking at the end. I’m shocked. Harlan’s always so tough, not letting his emotions show so easily.

Tilting my chin up, I look into his chocolate-brown eyes. “I missed you too, big guy. Glad you’re okay.”

“Big guy, hey?” He smirks, lightening the mood. Shaking my head, I let out a chuckle. Talking of 'big guy' makes my eyes drift down to his waist band.

"As much as I would love to let the 'big guy' take you... we should wait."

Pursing my lips, I reluctantly nod in agreement. We should wait until we’ve caught up with everyone. I need to know if we have heard any news from Alaric and the Kingdom. At the thought of news, I hear the front door slam shut and hear Declan making his way up the stairs.

Harlan leans down, kissing my forehead lightly. He pulls back, holding me by my shoulders and looking deeply into my eyes. “Everything will be okay, trust me.”

Declan runs up the stairs, stopping in front of Harlan’s room followed by Oliver and Blair. Looking back to Declan, I notice the worry in his eyes.

Frowning, I ask, "Do you have news from Alaric?"

He rubs a hand through his short hair. He turns to Blair. "Go and get Jolie. She needs to be here."

Blair disappears and returns with a sleepy-looking Jolie in less than a minute.

"This better be good," Jolie grumbles under her breath. Oliver rolls his eyes at his sisters attitude, watching as she leans down to gather her hair into a high bun.

“It is,” Declan says tersely. "I tried to get an update from Alaric on their movements." He starts pacing around the room. "But I can't get through; I’m blocked. I don't know if it's him or James doing it."

Burying my face in my hands, I let out a frustrated scream. Not knowing if they’re okay, or if they got out is torture.

Declan clears his throat. "Something’s happening out there,” he says, jerking his chin toward the window. “The sky is as dark as night. A storm is brewing and not the good kind."

Is this James’ doing? Are we going to pay for our success? And what about Alaric and Kayla? I hope they make it out safely. A million thoughts go through my head, blocking the conversation in the background.

Dara. Harlan's voice breaks into my thoughts. Lifting up my glassy eyes, I find everyone looking at me, waiting.

"What?" I ask, having no idea what they were just saying.

Jolie wraps her arm around my waist. "We’ll just have to wait it out, Dara. There’s nothing we can do right now." She motions to the window, but I can't bring my eyes up to see. Because then the reality will really set in.

"If we go outside now, we won't make it far; the storm will eat us up.” She squeezes my shoulder, trying to reassure me. “They’ll get back to us. I promise."

"I guess we just have to sit here, wait and do nothing to help?" I huff, frustrated at everything and myself. All I want to do is make sure Alaric and Kayla get back here safely. I feel useless staying here and hiding.

"Dara, please trust us. We’re feeling your frustration as well," Blair says, trying to ease my anxiety.

I think about what Kayla would say to me right now. She’d tell me to keep my head up, and do something useful to fill the time. There’s no point moping around, feeling sorry for yourself.

Letting out the breath I’m holding, I roll my shoulders back and lift my head so I’m standing tall. "All right, what are we going to do?" I ask, looking around the hallway.

Oliver lets out a chuckle and I look over to find him with his hand on his chin, looking like he’s in deep thought.

Oh this should be interesting, I think. If the way he just rearranged himself is anything to go by, it’s going to be dirty.

"Well, I have a few good ideas up my sleeve.... but I think the best option will be..." He stops and winks at me. I blush. “We all need to let our hair down - do something that’ll take our minds off our current situation. So why not have a party?"

I raise my eyebrows at him; I think this is a stupid idea.

"Come on,” he adds with a smile. “We need to celebrate the success of gaining another stone. Plus, we haven't done anything like this since Dara got here," he explains, trying hard to convince everyone.

Looking at Blair, I can tell he wants to but isn't a hundred percent in agreement.

"Fine,” Harlan mumbles. “As much as I think it isn't sensible, I do think it’ll take the edge off."

Harlan has surprised me. He's the last person I thought would go along with this, but if he is, I guess I am too. Everyone goes off in their own directions to get ready for the party. I don't think any amount of alcohol would be able to take my mind off everything, but it would help dull the noise. That alone would be worth it.

I head to my room to get ready, finding Jolie already in there, throwing a bunch of clothes all over my bed. God, she doesn't waste any time. She must have run to her room, gathered all her clothes and run back here. Sitting down on the bed, I pull out one of the dresses, taking a closer look at it.

"Why do we need to dress up?” I ask, looking down at the flowery dress. “We’re just staying here."

"Because we can and will,” she huffs. “End of discussion." She continues sorting through the clothes, trying to find something to wear.

Knowing I’ll have to fight her on this, I leave it. I suppose dressing up won't be that bad. Taking another look at the yellow dress with large daffodil flowers on it I have in my hands, I throw it back in the pile. It wouldn't suit me anyways. If I had it my way, I’d just wear black pants and a top. Just this once, though, I’d let her dress me up like her own personal doll.

"That's the spirit, Dara. You will be my Barbie for the next few hours," she says proudly.

Oh well. Whatever makes her happy and takes our thoughts away even for a second.

Jolie's clothes are all dresses and are as short as shit, ranging from bright fluro colours to nice subtle ones. She lets out a squeal and picks up a white dress.

"This is perfect and you’ll rock it." She lifts it up so I can get a better look. It's a knee-length halter dress that dips down low at the breasts. It’s beautiful but being white, and knowing my track record, it won't stay that colour for very long.

"Don't be silly. You’re wearing this even if it means you’ll have to wear a bib while eating." Jolie snorts.

I laugh, but my face falls right after as a memory pops into my head. Kayla once bought me a bib to wear, knowing full well how many clothes I ruin on a daily basis due to my clumsiness.

Jolie squeezes my knee. "She’ll be okay. I have a good feeling."

Shrugging off my doubt, I remind myself how strong Kayla is. If anybody is going to make it out alive, it’ll be her. She wouldn't give James the satisfaction of breaking her.

Jolie grabs my hand, pulling me off the bed. She has her dress in her hands, a bright pink one. I let out a sigh of relief that I don't have to wear that one; pink is so not my colour of choice. Give me dull colours that don't stand out too much - plain Jane, that's me to a T.

We enter my bathroom with Jolie still firmly gripping my hand. Letting go, she motions for me to sit down on the edge of the bath. Turning, she starts looking through my vanity draws in search of something.

"Where’s your makeup, Dara?" she questions, moving everything around.

Clicking my tongue at her, I say, "You won't find anything in there. I don't have any.”

"Ehhh, you suck," Jolie groans, disappearing back out the door. A minute later, she returns with her beauty bag. Only God knows what’s in there.

"We don't need makeup,” I protest. “Come on. It’s just a party with us." What does she think, we’re going out to a nightclub?

"Just shut up and sit still. Let the master deal with your makeup virgin face," she teases, applying some foundation to my face.

"I’m not a makeup virgin, you dick. I just don't wear makeup everyday. I don't see the need," I say, shrugging.

"Your skin is flawless. It’s no wonder you don't wear it, but when I’m done, you’ll look absolutely irresistible."

I smile at her confidence and the way she can lighten the mood.

"My brothers won't be able to keep their hands off you, not that they have any trouble in that department already," she teases, placing her hand on her hip.

My cheeks heat at the thought of my warriors and their hands. They sure are talented in that department, and they’re all mine, all four of them.

Jolie fake gags. "Eww, Dara, keep your thoughts to yourself. I don't want to know where my brothers hands are going. Now, close your eyes and don't open them until I say,” she orders, putting some foundation on to her brush.

Obeying, I close my eyes as I feel the cool liquid hit my face. She spends the next few minutes brushing the foundation onto my face before I hear her moving things around in her bag. She places another lighter brush on my face, putting God knows what on me.

"Okay, open those gorgeous blue eyes for me."

Lifting my lashes, I find Jolie right up in my face. With mascara in her hands ready to go, she applies the mascara.

"God, you are one blessed girl. These lashes are perfection," she says with a sigh, finishing off my left eye.

"Are we done yet?" I whine, hating all the girliness she’s inflicting on me.

"Argh, fine. I won't put you through any more. As much as I’d love to add some eyeliner, I won’t." She places everything back into her case, zipping it closed.

Thank fuck for that. I go to stand, but Jolie stops me with her hand.

"Uh, uh, uh. The face may be done, but we still have this hair to tame."

Reluctantly, I sit my arse back down. I did promise Jolie I’d be her Barbie doll. I’d better be a good girl and play my role. For the next who knows how long, I let Jolie braid my hair down my back. It’s grown a bit since I’ve been here, now reaching down past my bra line.

"I’ll cut it one day,” Jolie says, tying up the end of my braid. “Your girl here has the know-how."

Jolie takes my hand, helping me up. "And we’re done. Now you just need to get into your dress without getting anything on it.” She makes herself comfortable in front of the mirror. “Reckon you can cope?"

My arse is now completely numb thanks to the hard edge of the bath. Moving around I get feeling in it again. Jolie makes herself comfortable in front of the mirror and applies her face.

"Got any hot dates coming tonight?" I ask, raising my eyebrows at her.

Despite rolling her eyes, she still blushes. "Pfft. As if. Who’d want to date me? Besides, no one can travel in the storm that's brewing out there."

Pulling down my pants, I hop around with one leg still stuck. Pulling them off I throw them in the corner of the bathroom. "Oh, I dunno… Someone by the name of Elijah..." I tease.

Watching her closely, I see her blush at the mention of his name. I knew she had it bad for him.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Dara. Besides, he couldn't come here anyway, not tonight," she says, dismissing me.

I know better than to keep teasing her right now. Once she is done with a subject, that's it. "Fine, but don't ignore the chemistry. I know it’s there," I add, biting my tongue even as the words spill out. I just told myself to stop, and what do I do?

Lifting my top over my head, I hear Jolie's huff of frustration. Avoiding her eyes, I place the white dress carefully over my head. I try not to let the fabric touch my face, but I struggle, getting a little bit of makeup on the inside. I can feel Jolie shooting daggers at me without even having to look. Pulling the dress over my chest, I flatten it down my body. Reaching up, I try to tie up the halter, but I can't reach far enough. Jolie pushes my hands away.

"I got you, even if you are a teasing bitch," she mumbles, tying it off. I’m smirking, until she gives my braid a little tug, causing my head to snap back. Bitch.

"That's for making fun of me," she grumbles, chuckling.

"Well, that's what sisters are for, right?" I ask, leaning back into her.

She pushes me away with a laugh. "Yeah, I guess so. If I knew they were this bitchy, I wouldn't have wished for one." She walks back over the mirror, tying her hair up into a cute high ponytail.

She looks back over her shoulder, eyeing me up and down. "Fuck, you look hot.” Motioning to the mirror, she says, “Check yourself out."

I stand beside Jolie and look at my reflection. Holy shit. I guess I did look pretty good if I must say so myself.

Oliver's voice breaks through my mind. Stop teasing me, Princess. I can't wait to see how hot you look.

I smirk, getting excited to see my warriors faces when they see me all done up. That alone would help take away those negative thoughts lying just beneath. I’m grateful we all get to let our hair down tonight and have some fun. I just hope everything else will go all right, but for now, I’m going to have some fun with my warriors. Let the night take us... wherever that may be.




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