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Toxic (Alien Breed 2.5 - English Edition) by Melody Adams (4)

Chapter 4


When I woke up, it was dark. Alina was lying with her back to me, her body pressed firmly against me. I still had one arm wrapped around her. We had fallen asleep this way. I remembered what had happened between us and my pulse accelerated. I never thought I could feel anything like this. It was impossible to put into words. The knowledge that Alina had not done this with any other man before gave me a feeling of satisfaction. Just the thought of another man laying hands on her filled me with raging anger. I didn't quite understand my feelings yet, but I felt a deep need to keep her all to myself. She was MINE! 

No one would take her away from me. Nobody! Involuntarily I pulled Alina closer to my body. She grumbled quietly in her sleep and rubbed her back against me. My heart was beating faster and the desire to penetrate her wet hole again made me almost painfully hard. I growled softly. My hand found its way between Alina's firm thighs all the way to her pussy. She felt so soft.

I stroked her warm flesh and found the small knob where she liked to be touched. A soft moan came over her lips as I rubbed her with gentle pressure.

"Is it morning already?" she asked sleepily.

"No", I whispered in her ear. "It is still dark. But I need you, Alina."

She purred and rubbed herself against me provocatively. I don't know where the instinct had come from, but I suddenly slammed my fangs into her shoulder and she froze. I felt strange. It was as if I was seeing everything through a red veil. Using my teeth to keep her in place, I continued to pamper her clit and she moaned again.

"Toxic", she said quietly.

I answered with a growl. My fingers on her pleasure point started working faster and I heard Alina's breath accelerate. My heartbeat was now racing and I heard the blood rush to my ears. I wanted her. I wanted to immerse myself in her and show her that she was MINE. But first I wanted to hear her scream my name again. I knew she was on the verge of an orgasm. She pushed herself towards my hand. Then her whole body trembled. 

"Toxic!" she screamed and I felt a sense of pride and possession that I had never felt before. I could give her those feelings and no other man would touch her and survive! My fingers slipped into her hole. Everything was warm, soft and moist. I lifted her leg a little and pushed myself into her. She moaned as her soft flesh gave way to my assault. 

I released my fangs from her shoulder and pushed my cock  into her roughly. Over and over again. 

"You. Are. MINE!" I hissed into her ear. "SAY IT!"

"Yours", she replied panting. "I ... I am YOURS!"

"Don't ever forget that, Alina!"

I grabbed her hips and pushed into her harder. Alina screamed until I felt her start twitching around my cock and she called my name for the second time. I growled and a little later I exploded inside her tight, twitching channel until I almost passed out. Breathing heavily, I leaned my head against her and waited until my racing heart calmed down. Only then I realized that I had bitten her. Horrified I sat up and stared at the two small red dots on her shoulder. 

"What's the matter?" she asked with concern and rolled on her back to look at me.

"I ... I bit you!"

She smiled.

"Yes. You were pretty wild this time."

"Sorry, I ... I have no idea why ..."

She shook her head slightly. 

"No! Don't apologize, Toxic! It was exciting. I came so hard that I almost passed out."

I looked at her doubtfully. I had bitten her! The urge had suddenly been there, and I had not had myself under control from that moment on. This frightened me.

Alina put her hand on my chest.

"Please don't worry so much. You were wild! Passionate! I liked it! Okay?" 

"Okay", I said quietly, but some doubt remained in my heart. What if I continued to lose control? I would never forgive myself if I hurt her.


We had been in the village for five days and I had spent a lot of time with the women and children while Toxic went hunting with the men. The Kuta Kish, as the people called themselves, were friendly, but they lived by strict rules. The men and women had their own responsibilities and couples hardly spent any time with each other during the day. 

It was not until the evening meal together at the great fire that the families found each other again. However, the women were very highly regarded, and I had experienced more than once that a woman was violently scolding a man until he got down on his knees in front of her and asked for forgiveness. Boys from a certain age were trained as hunters and warriors and had to endure many painful practices. The girls, meanwhile, had been with their mothers from an early age to learn feminine tasks, while their brothers could more or less do what they wanted. I learned a few words from the women, but most of the time I just learned by watching and following suit. I learnt how to make the meshwork for the huts, how to prepare various dishes, and today I had learned how to make the scented oil which they rubbed me with on our first day. I was relieved that they didn't expect me to paint my face red. I had no idea if it would ever be possible to completely remove the paint. I had seen the women bathing without even washing off any of the paint.

Toxic seemed very comfortable in the village community. When we saw each other again in the evening, he was smiling radiantly and kissing me passionately, before everyone's eyes, which always provided great amusement for the villagers. The Kuta Kish didn't show their love so openly, but I had heard some suspicious noises from the huts and knew that they had as much fun together as Toxic and I did. Since our first time, we had experimented a lot with sex and Toxic seemed insatiable. But when I moved around too much, he bit me like he did the first time. I didn't mind, but I noticed that it worried Toxic. Surely the advice of another Alien Breed would be good for him, because I strongly assumed that this behavior had to do with his Alien genes. I wondered if they would ever find us here. My dad must be extremely worried. I had planned that he would know I was safe in Eden and not lost in space.

"Ali-ma!" Luffka approached me. 

She had become like a friend to me and she did not leave my side all day. No matter what task I was assigned, Luffka was there to help me. 

"Maf ki taffk?" What is it?

I shrugged my shoulders. I wish I had a better knowledge of their language. I understood a little, just as I had understood her question, but speaking was difficult. How could I explain to her that I was homesick?

I drew a round circle and a figure inside of it. I pointed to the figure. "Luffka!" Then I pointed to the circle and made a gesture that included the whole environment. "At home! Luffka is at home here". Then I painted a second figure next to the first, and a little further away an empty circle. I pointed to the second figure. "Ali-ma!" Then I pointed to the distant, empty circle. "At home. Alima's home!" I touched my heart and looked at her sadly. "Alima misses her home!"

Luffka nodded and moved closer to embrace me with her four arms. It felt good and I squeezed her back firmly. After a while she released from me and made a gesture concerning the surroundings.

"Luffka ki Maktuff!" She looked at me and smiled before she said: "Ali-ma ki Maktuff! Ali-ma ta mu Toffisch!"

I nodded and smiled at she mentioned Toxic's name as the Kuta Kish pronounced it. I knew it could have been worse. I was not alone, but had a man by my side whom I loved and we were among friendly people and did not have to worry about our survival.

A sudden unrest paused our conversation. We got up and were staring in the direction from which we heard excited cries. Then I saw them. Four giant Alien Breed, four soldiers and in their midst: My daddy.

"Daddy!" I shouted and towards him. 

Dad looked into my direction and relief appeared on his face. He pushed the soldiers aside and ran towards me. We both laughed as we fell into each other's arms. 

"Daddy! You found us!"

Dad pulled away from me and looked at me seriously.

"What were you thinking, child?"

"I'm not a child anymore, Daddy. I'm eighteen!"

"Nineteen!" he corrected me gently. "Yesterday was your birthday. Did you forget?"

"Oh! Yes, I forgot. In all the excitement and  ..."

"How are you? Did these people treat you well?"

"Yes, Daddy. I am doing great. The Kuta Kish are very friendly. Toxic and I ..." 

"Toxic! That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. Where is the boy? I have to pick a bone with him, to kidnap my daughter and..."

"He didn't kidnap me, Dad! He didn't know I was hiding on the shuttle. He's a good man. He saved me more than once and I ..."

Dad looked at me.

"Alina! What has happened between you two?"

I blushed.

Dad sighed. 

"We will talk about it another time. Now we have to see that we leave this damn planet. Did you know that there are monsters here? The soldiers killed a huge beast near the shuttle. It was ..."

"I know, Dad. One of those things tried to attack us as well. Toxic ended up killing it."

"At least one thing the boy did right", grumbled Dad.

"Daddy! Toxic is ..." 

"It's all right. Like I said, let's talk about it another time!" He looked around. "Where is the boy anyway?"

"The men are hunting and he is with them. They usually come back later in the afternoon. Come on! First we have to visit the chief. Courtesy!"

He nodded. An escort of four warriors brought us to Kishaff. The Alien Breed and the soldiers watched everything nervously, as if they were expecting an ambush. The old chief welcomed the newcomers with the same kindness as he had welcomed me and Toxic a few days ago. The Alien Breed were the first to relax and, like Toxic, soon began to communicate in a mixture of English, sign language and local words they had learned.


As soon as we entered the village, I knew something was wrong. Nobody came running towards us. The hunters I was with looked around carefully, their hands on their weapons. I also grabbed my knife and watched the abandoned houses. As we moved forward it became clear that all the residents were in the village square because we could hear voices. I wondered what might have led to everyone gathering there. 

A look at my friends revealed to me that they too had realized where the villagers were and their facial features no longer seemed so tense, although they must also have wondered what was going on. My best friend Ryff nodded and I returned the gesture.

"Kalaiff!" he said. Strangers!

I had a hunch who the visitors were and I wasn't sure whether it should make me happy or worry me. What if they tried to take Alina away from me? I would fight for her until my last breath. She belonged to me!

When we reached the square, I was surprised to see several Alien Breed. I had expected the soldiers. As well as Alina's father. But what were the Alien Breed doing here and would they be on my side if it came down to it?

Everyone turned to us. Alina's eyes met mine and a smile filled her face. The smile did not touch her eyes. I knew something was way wrong here. She didn't come running towards me like usual. Of course, her dad was here, but she didn't even get up to greet me. Hadn't she told her father what was going on between us? Pain gripped my heart and I clenched my teeth. 

"Maf ki taffk?" Ryff asked me. What’s wrong?

"Ko nat'eff!" I replied. I am worried.

"Maf'ho?" Why?

"Tateff Ali-ma!" Alina's father!

"Toffisch ki Katee Ali-ma!" Toxic is Alina's mate!

Ryff patted me on the shoulder and nodded. He was right! I was Alina's mate! I approached Alina and her father, but my gaze rested on my mate. She was nervous and looked sad. I smiled at her reassuringly.

"Doctor!" I greeted him. 

"Toxic. Boy! We've been waiting for you to come back."

I took Alina's hand and pulled her on her feet and into my arms. Her hands lay shakily on my chest.

"What's going on here?" Alina's dad asked angrily.

"I am just greeting my mate", I said calmly. "Just like every day when I come back from the hunt!"


"Daddy please! I love him!"

 "Your mother is waiting for you at home, Alina. Your studies are waiting. Toxic belongs to his people and you belong to ..."

"Alina belongs to me!" I growled and saw my friends straighten up and reach for their weapons inconspicuously.

"Toxic!" intervened a blonde Alien Breed. "I am Truth. Let's have a talk. In peace! We'll sit down somewhere where we can talk without being disturbed. Nothing will happen to your girl."

I looked in Alina's face, covered in tears.

"Go with him" she said quietly. "He is one of your people. If anyone can help us, it's him."

"I don't need any help!" I growled. "I can fight for you!

"Do you want to fight my father, Toxic?" she sobbed.

"Of course not!" I reassured her.

"Then go with Truth and listen to what he has to say. Please!"

I nodded. 

"Okay", I said. "If it means that much to you."

I bent down and gave her a gentle kiss on her quivering lips. I could taste the salt of her tears and I didn't like it. It was breaking my heart. Hesitantly I let go of her and turned to Truth. He put his hand on my shoulder and looked me firmly in the eyes.

"I chose my name because I always speak the truth!" he said. "All I want to do is talk to you."

I shook off his hand and clenched my fists.

"Alina is MINE! I will fight for her!" 

"I'm not here to fight for her, but to talk to you. Come on!"

With one last look at Alina, I followed the Alien Breed to a bench under a tree, about fifty steps away from the others. We sat down and I kept a close eye on my mate.

"I can see you have feelings for the girl", he started quietly.

"Yes! She is MINE!" 

"That' s what you said. Let me ask you something. How many girls have you been with before her?"


"So, she's the first girl you've met?"


"So, you don't even know if she's your true mate if you’re not able to distinguish between lust and love." 

"What are you trying to say?" I angrily asked Truth.

"What I want to say is that what you feel for the girl is maybe nothing but lust. You didn't have sex before her. You are overwhelmed by the feelings she’s giving you. Toxic! Other women might be able to do that, too. Maybe there is someone who can do more than that! Besides ..."

"I know what I am feeling!" I insisted and stood up. "SHE! IS! MINE! I stood up threateningly in front of the seated Alien Breed. "Try to take her away from me!" I growled provocatively.

"I have no intention of taking her away from you. Come with us and meet a few more women. If you still think the girl is the one for you after a few months, I'll help you get her back. There's something else I have to tell you, that ..."

"No!" I said coldly. I wanted to turn around, but then I noticed an expression of surprise in Truth eyes. 

"Don't!" he shouted. 

I felt a sting in my back and screamed furiously. I heard Alina call my name, then everything went black around me.


"TOXIC!" I shouted when I saw one of the soldiers shoot an arrow into his back. 

Toxic roared and swayed. Then he went down and all hell broke loose. The warriors grabbed their weapons. I knew bloodshed was imminent and I did the only thing I could think of. I shouted, "Fahi! Fahi! Ta! No! No! Stop!

Everyone around me froze and looked at me.

"Fahi!" I said quietly and shook my head. I ran to Toxic's still body and ignored Dad's shouting. I went down on my knees next to Toxic. Truth was already kneeling by him.

"He's just unconscious!" he assured me.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I stroked Toxic's dear face. 

"Why?" I asked tearfully. "Why don't you just leave us alone?

"Nothing will happen to Toxic! I promise you. Come on, let's talk. I want to explain something to you!" 

"Explain it to me now! Right here!"

Truth sighed, but he sent away the two Alien Breed who wanted to take Toxic with them, then he turned to me.

"Toxic was badly hurt when he first came to you. Your dad provided him with a remedy that, while supporting his healing, can also cause the patient to be emotionally unstable for several weeks as a side effect. You met during this time and you are the first woman Toxic has ever had sexual contact with. He believes that you are his mate, but he is in no condition to judge that. Not while he's under the influence of this drug." 

"What?" I shouted in disbelief. 

Tears ran down my cheeks. What was Truth trying to tell me? That the feelings Toxic had for me were nothing but a side effect? Not real?

"I am very sorry, Alina. I know you love him. But if you really love him and want the best for him, let him go. At least until he has time to find out what he really feels."

"And ... and when he realizes that ... that he never ... loved me?" I asked sobbing. 

"Then you have to let him live his life without you", Truth replied gently. 

I looked down at Toxic and my heart hurt so much that I felt I would die. I couldn't imagine living even one day without Toxic. I loved him! I felt a warm hand on my arm and looked up into Truth's eyes.

"Maybe it will turn out that his feelings are real. I swear to you, if that's the case, I'll do anything to get you two back together! But imagine you stay together now and in a few weeks the effect of the drug wears off. Wouldn't that be much worse? For both of you?"

I knew he was right, but my heart didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to let Toxic go. And yet it was clear to me that I had to. I wanted his love. But his love for me should be real! I loved him, I was sure of that, but that was exactly why I had to do what Truth said. I had to let Toxic go.