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Trial by Fire (Southern Heat Book 4) by Jamie Garrett (26)


Maya looked over at Seth, her forehead creased in worry. He’d been alternating between muttering and pacing for the last several minutes, stopping every now and then to look at her and then Jesse. She got looks of love, bewilderment, and support. Jesse, on the other hand, Seth glared at him like he’d murder her brother all over again himself. She stood and walked over to him, stopping his latest trip around the motel room’s already threadbare carpet. “Seth, it’s okay. I’m okay. We’ll figure out the rest.”

He turned, taking her offered hand, and let her lead him to the bed. She looked over at Jesse, who took the hint and pulled up a chair close by.

Maya watched them both, her mind barely able to believe it. Two of the most important men in her life: one she’d known since she was born and one she’d fallen in love with after one of the most intense weeks of her existence. Right now, it was better to just go with it. She’d process it all later when she was alone. She frowned. Not that she’d be getting even a second of alone time anytime soon. It was obvious that neither man fully trusted the other.

She wondered if they were aware they were both looking at her in the exact same way. That intense, protective look. The one that said they’d step in front of a bullet for her. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that.

The last half hour had rocked her entire world—again—and yet a large piece had settled back into place. A piece that had been missing. Until the arm holding her had moved to spin her around, the hand still over her mouth to stop her scream, Maya had thought she was getting over Jesse’s death, that she was learning to live without him. Now, it was as if everything was right with the world again. But at the same time, she was terrified he was going to be taken from her again. Things were far from over, and that scared the hell out of her.

“So, Jesse,” Seth said. “Where the hell have you been for the last six months?” His voice was steady, but it wasn’t exactly calm. Seth was holding it together strictly for her at this point, and the thought swelled her heart just a little more.

Jesse leaned forward, steepling his fingers. “Playing dead mostly,” he quipped, frowning when his attempt at a joke fell flat. He turned to her. “Maya, I’m so sorry I had to put you through all this. Mom and Dad, too.”

She was torn. Having Jesse back in her life was a miracle, something she’d never even considered a possibility. At the same time, an anger rose inside her. It felt all weird and wrong. Why the hell was she mad at him? Her brain told her that Jesse had to have a good reason. There was no way he would have gone through with any of this without a damn good one. And yet, her heart was still holding back something, a little piece of the pain and the hurt he’d put the family—put her—through the past six months. She took in a shaky breath. It was like the seven stages of grief in reverse. She should be thrilled to see him, utterly ecstatic. Instead, she found herself sitting quietly at Seth’s side, nursing his hand in hers. Things with Seth might be new, but she could trust him; her heart was comfortable with him. Jesse’s sudden reappearance had shaken her to her core, and she had a feeling the ride wasn’t over yet.

“How are they?” he asked. “Are they okay?”

“Okay? Of course they’re not okay!” Maya pushed to her feet and her voice rose. She snapped her mouth shut, forcing herself to sit back down. She looked over at Jesse, finally making eye contact. His blue eyes had lost the warmness she remembered from their childhood. Now they were just sad. Her voice quieted. “They didn’t do well, Jesse. I’m not sure Mom will ever be the same, but at least she shows her emotions. Dad hides it, and himself, away. He doesn’t talk much anymore, to me and Mom, or anyone, really.” A pained expression crossed Jesse’s face. Maya studied him. Lines that weren’t there six months ago crinkled at the corner of his eyes and the light stubble on his chin was peppered with a few flecks of gray. Whatever had happened in the months Jesse had been missing, it had aged him beyond his time.

“I thought they’d kill you, too,” he said, his voice low. He shifted, his hands flexing into fits and then unfurling again. “I knew someone was watching me. Something had been off for a long time.” He looked up, first at her and then kept his eyes on Seth as he spoke again. “I’m a good agent. I knew what I was doing. I’m also not stupid. Someone was trying to sabotage the case, and they didn’t care who they had to hurt or kill to do it. I just didn’t know who until I saw him staring at me across the room.” He twitched again and Maya resisted the urge to move next to him. Her heart wasn’t quite ready yet, but to see her confident older brother like this, scanning the room every few seconds, insisting that she use only the one small light . . . It broke her heart. “Bill Miller,” he said. “He was the one.”

Maya’s body went cold. Why, she didn’t know. They’d already known, or at least had strong suspicions. But somehow hearing it from her brother’s mouth, it was still as scary as hell.

Seth’s hand gripped hers a little tighter and he nodded at Jesse. “Your SAC.”

Jesse’s eyes widened. “How do you know his name?” He stood, closing the gap between him and Maya. “You’ve seen him? He’s talked to you? God! I shouldn’t have stayed away all this time. What if—”

She moved her hand from Seth’s, placing it over Jesse’s. Seth didn’t say anything, but he too shifted, subtly so that his body was further turned in toward hers. A little of the heaviness in the room left as she resisted the urge to giggle. She didn’t think either of them would appreciate that, but the I-am-alpha-hear-me-roar act they were both putting on was hysterical. She appreciated their protectiveness, but the one-upmanship was a little amusing. She gave Seth a break and leaned into his shoulder. This was one boyfriend her big brother wouldn’t be scaring away. May as well let him know that now. “It’s okay,” she said. “I haven’t talked to him in months, not directly, anyway.”

The urgent panic on Jesse’s face calmed but didn’t leave completely. “Maya, please tell me you kept yourself safe.”

“He doesn’t know,” she said. “At least, I don’t think so.”

Jesse’s eyebrows rose sharply. “Doesn’t know what?”

Maya looked back at Seth, shrugging. Here went nothing. “After you died—well, they told me you had—the FBI also told us that you’d been the one responsible. That you’d set the fire that had taken your life.”

Jesse let out a breath. “I know. That’s why I disappeared. Killing the judge was supposed to be a loyalty test for the group I was sent to infiltrate, but it wasn’t ever supposed to go down. My backup wasn’t there and then the whole situation turned to shit. Miller was setting me up to make sure the murder happened and for me to take the fall from the get-go. The judge was already dead when I got there, and if I hadn’t left when I did, it really would have been my body they found. I knew the only way I’d live long enough to prove it was if I went underground. No one was going to believe me without proof.”

“I did!” She glared at him. When had he turned from her smart older brother to a complete idiot? “I didn’t need any proof to know you never would have set that fire. I always knew you were innocent, and now I’ll be able to show everyone else, too.”

Jesse sat back on his heels, his expression wary. “Maya. What did you do?”

“What everyone else should have been doing but refused—actually investigating what went down that night for real. That’s how I met Seth. He and the rest of the firefighters who were there that night helped me when no one else could. I have evidence, Jess. Evidence that implicates Bill Miller. We can take him down.”

Jesse’s eyebrows furrowed, two dark slashes above stormy eyes. “No.”

“What do you mean, no? I don’t understand. God, Jesse, all I wanted to do was to prove you didn’t kill anyone, but now you’re back, it matters even more. You can’t go back to your life while . . .”

“That’s just it, Maya. That part of my life is over. You can’t fight this battle for me.”

It was as if someone had pulled all the fight out of her. She’d been working toward this for so damn long and now Jesse didn’t want it? She didn’t understand. “But you can get your life back, we can . . .”

He reached forward and chucked her on the cheek. “You think Miller would shoot a federal judge in cold blood and be prepared to murder a fellow FBI agent, and then just turn himself in?” His face turned sad. “I only let you know I was still alive because you ignored my note.”

“Your note? Jesse, I don’t understand.”

“I should have gotten far away from here, I suppose. That would have been the smart thing to do.” The corner of his mouth kicked up in the smallest imitation of his trademark smile. “But I still had to see how it all played out, even if I was taken off the board. Then you showed up and nearly gave me a heart attack. I left you a note, trying to scare you off, I suppose.” He frowned, but the light was still there in his eyes. “Should have known you weren’t going to be that easy. Damn stubborn, you are.”

That time she couldn’t suppress the eye roll. “Nothing like you, of course! But what you do mean, you left a note . . .” her voice trailed off. Oh, God. “Jesse, did you push it under the motel door?” He nodded and she reached forward, slapping him across the chest. “That was you? You scared the crap out of me! Seth and Liam, too. Why the hell did you leave it unsigned?”

“I’m guessing he knew how your reunion was going to go, Gorgeous.” Seth spoke up. He looked over to Jesse, his expression cool, but there was something else there now. A grudging respect. “I already know there’s no way I’m going to talk you out of this and so I’m sure Jesse knew you’d never let it go if you knew. I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth, you know that, but you were already in this when I met you. He had a chance to get you out. Can’t say I can blame the man for trying.”

She gaped at him. “Even if it meant pretending to be dead for the rest of my life?”

Seth’s face hardened. “Absolutely. If I thought it meant the difference between your life or death, I’d do exactly the same thing.” Her mouth opened, then closed again. What the hell could she say to that? “Before you get too angry, with him or with me, know that I’ll be by your side, whatever you decide.” He leaned in and kissed her, touching his lips to hers before pulling away. She longed to feel his lips trace over hers, his tongue moving with hers, but with her brother sitting three feet from them, she understood. “I meant it, Maya. I just want to keep you safe, but if you still need to prove Jesse’s innocence, then I’ll be right beside you every step of the way.” Seth looked over at her brother. “I’d take her up on the offer, Man. Your sister is amazing. What she’s uncovered, I don’t think you’re giving her enough credit.”

Jesse shook his head. “We’re fighting something much bigger than the three of us, Maya. You have no idea.”

She grinned. “Then it’s a good thing I have reinforcements.” She stood, picking up her cell phone, tapping the saved contact. Seth and Jesse, thank God, were still taking part in their own staring match, and didn’t notice the look on her face as she put the phone to her ear. If either of them knew what she was doing, then they’d be stuck for another month, arguing how to keep Maya safe. She’d keep herself safe—this was more important. “Special Agent Miller. This is Maya Graves. We need to talk.”