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Two Bit: Satan's Fury MC by L. Wilder (12)


She was even more beautiful than I remembered, the complete package from head to toe, and the way she was looking at me made it hard to resist her. I knew my reasons for being there, but after seeing her again, I wanted more from her than just some information on the Chosen. Some would say it was just my dick talking, but it was more than that. She had me completely spellbound. It was in the way she moved. The way the light shined in her eyes. The sound of her voice. She pulled at me, making me want her like I’d never wanted anything before. Unfortunately, I couldn’t have her—not if she was tangled up with the club that had stolen from us. I just prayed that Clutch was right. He’d convinced us all that Zoe wanted out of the club, and she might be able to help us. I hadn’t been able to reach her in days, so Big did a little research. By tracking her banking activity, he found that she came to The Roasted Bean Coffee Shop before work. We all decided it would be the easiest place for me to cross paths with her, and thankfully, it turned out we were right.

It was clear that she was nervous, even more so after her friend ditched her, and I wasn’t making it any easier on her. I knew my staring was putting her on edge, but I couldn’t help it. She was too damned cute with those flushed cheeks and pouty lips. There were many nights I’d imagined those exact lips wrapped around me, and having her so close was making my dick twitch against my jeans. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, revealing the delicate curve of her neck, and she was wearing a pair of dark, tight-fitting jeans that clung to her ass in all the right places. She had on a black and white striped V-neck top with silver earrings and bangles on her wrist. Simple, yet beautiful.

Her cheeks turned an even brighter shade of pink when I asked, “Is being here with me really that bad?”

“No! Not at all. It’s just…”

“You want a cup of coffee?” I interrupted.

She smiled as she nodded. “Yes. That would be great.”

After she got her order, she followed me back over to my table and sat down. “It’s been awhile since you last messaged. Everything work out okay?”

She shrugged. “Not exactly, but I’m working on it.”

“Well, if there is anything I can do to help, just say the word.”

“I appreciate that.”

“It’s the least I can do, especially after you came to the hospital all those nights. That couldn’t have been easy.”

“I enjoyed being there. It was quiet, and I was actually able to get some of my homework done.”


“Yeah. I’m in my second year of college. I’m still getting through the basics, but I’m working towards a degree in accounting.”

“Accounting? Wow. That’s impressive,” I replied, trying to sound surprised. Big had already filled me in on everything there was to know about her, including the fact that she ran the books at the strip club. She was an only child and lived with her best friend Kathleen Morrison. The only family he could find was an aunt who worked nights as a nurse and had a couple of kids with a husband who was dying of cancer. The cards were stacked against her, but she hadn’t stopped trying. Knowing getting her degree wouldn’t be easy, especially one as tough as accounting, I asked, “What made you decide to go into accounting?”

“I guess you could say I’ve always had a knack for numbers.” She grew quiet and looked away from me. I knew something was on her mind when she started nervously wringing her hands. After a deep breath, she took a sip of her iced coffee, then turned back to me. “I’m not sure if your friend mentioned it or not, but my father was—”

“Lucky. Yeah, Clutch told me.”


“Oh… I’m guessing you’d know him as Thomas.”

“Thomas. Okay. So, I take it he’s also member of Satan’s Fury.”

I could feel the tension radiating off her at the mention of the club’s name.

“Cut to the chase, why don’t ya?” I chuckled. Her eyes were locked on mine as she waited for my answer. “Yes. Clutch is our road captain.”

“And the others?”

“Of the guys you met, yes. They’re all members. Well, except for Bear. He’s still just a prospect, but he’s making his way.” From the time we’d rolled into town, none of us had worn our colors and made sure our tats were covered. There was only one way she’d know about me and the club, and I was curious to see if my suspicions were right. “So, how did you know?”

“Know what?”

“That I was a member of the club?”

Her face immediately flushed with embarrassment, and she wouldn’t look at me as she reached for her coffee. She took a long drink, and her eyes skirted around the room as she answered, “I saw your tattoo.”

“My tattoo?”

“Umm… yeah. The one on your back.” She raked the tips of her nails against her skin as she scratched along the nape of her neck. “I noticed it during your sponge bath.”

Her reaction was absolutely priceless. She had the guilty look of a kid who’d just been busted opening a Christmas present early. “So, you were there… in the room when the nurse gave me a sponge bath?”

“Well… kind of.” She finally looked back at me as she said, “The nurse was called away, and I took over.”

“Let me get this straight.” I could see that she was mortified, and I should’ve stopped. But, I couldn’t help myself. She was too damned cute sitting there squirming in that chair. “While I was in my coma, unconscious and completely defenseless, you gave me a sponge bath?”

“Yes. I was just trying to help. Besides, the nurse that was doing it was acting totally unprofessional.” Her nose crinkled with disgust. “She was drooling all over you like you like were just a piece of meat. She was lucky I didn’t let her have it right then and there.”

“Is that right?”

She rolled her eyes as she deliberately shook her head. “You probably would’ve been fine with it. Maybe even enjoyed it. But I thought it was rude.”

“Mm-hmm. And, during this said ‘sponge bath’, you didn’t like how this nurse was treating me like a piece of meat, so you took matters into your own hands?”

Sensing that I was giving her a hard time, she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. With her eyebrow cocked high, she stared at me with fire in her eyes. “I had some help. There was a big, tall, burly orderly that tended to your goods. I gotta say, you really seemed to really enjoy that part.”

It took a moment for her words to soak in, but once I realized what she was saying, I felt like I’d been hit by a brick wall. “You’re saying a dude washed my dick?”

“Umm… yes, he did. And while he was completely professional, you seemed to enjoy it. A lot.”

My throat suddenly tightened, making it hard to swallow. I had no idea if she was just fucking with me or if I’d really gotten a hard-on while some guy was washing my fucking balls. Trying to hide my humiliation, I ran my hands through my hair and smiled. “He must’ve had really soft hands.”

Thrown by my response, she threw her head back and laughed. I’d never heard a sweeter sound and couldn’t help but laugh right along with her. When we regained our wits, she looked at me and said, “You’re really something.”

Feeling hopeful, I asked, “When can I see you again?”

“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. If the brothers found out…”

“Let me worry about that.”

“You remember the last time.”

I knew she had her reservations, and I couldn’t blame her for being concerned. I knew it was a risk, but it was a risk I was willing to take. I had to see her again. “Like I said, let me worry about that. I want to see you again.”

“How long will you be in town?”

“For as long as it takes.”

“How long it takes for what?”

“To convince you that I’m one of the good ones. Just need you to give me a chance to prove it.”

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she replied softly, “I already know you’re one of the good ones, Seth. That’s why it’s so hard.”

“What’s so hard about it?”

“You know it’s complicated.”

“I already told you. I’m good with complicated.”

“Okay, then I guess we can work something out.” My heart almost leapt out of my chest when her lips curled into a sexy smile.

“That’s what I wanted to hear.”

“I hate to rush off, but I need to get to work.”

I was disappointed that she had to go so soon, but was relieved that she’d finally agreed to see me again. When she stood to leave, I glanced outside on the patio. Like the other couple of times I’d checked, the guy she’d been talking to was glaring in our direction. I didn’t like the way he was looking at her, so I asked, “He a friend of yours?”

She turned and looked out the window. “Josh? I don’t know. I mean… I guess you could say we’re friends. We’re in a couple of classes together.”

I nodded and followed her out the front door. As we walked past his table, Zoe waved to her friend, the pouting prick, and continued towards her car. Before she got inside, I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the burner phone Big had given me. As I offered it to her, I said, “If you need anything, just call.”

“I have a phone of my own.”

“I’m sure you do, but this is one of my ways of keeping you safe.”

She took the phone from my hand and studied it for a moment. “So, I call or text you on this?”

“My number is already programmed in. I’ll be expecting your call.”

I gave her a quick wink, then turned and headed back to my truck. As much as I hated being in a cage, it was the safest option. Until we dealt with the Chosen, we’d all have to remain on the down-low. It was our only chance of staying off the grid and off the Chosen’s radar. With that in mind, we’d set up shop at the edge of town in one of Nitro’s warehouses. Big had brought all his computer shit and was using it to look into every aspect of the Chosen Knight’s MC. We’d need everything he could find to get our shipment back and bring them down. He and the others were there waiting for me when I pulled up.

As soon as I got out of the truck, Clutch started with the questions. “Did you see her?”

“I did,” I told him as I walked over to them.

“Did you talk to her?”

“Yes, Clutch. I talked to her.”

“Well, what did she say?” he pushed.

I thought back to her little story about the sponge bath, and it was hard not to smile. “She agreed to see me again.”

“That’s a start. Did she mention anything we need to know about?” Smokey asked.

“She brought up her dad, but we didn’t get very far with that.” I could see by the look on his face that he was disappointed, but it was just the way it was. It was going to take some time to get her to trust me enough to talk. “I gave her the phone. She’s supposed to call so we can plan another meet.”

Big nodded. “That’s good. Hopefully, she’ll contact you soon.”

“No way to know for sure, but I think she will.”

Clutch gave me an odd look. “You got a thing for this chick or something?”

“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t,” I admitted. I knew they wouldn’t like it, but I couldn’t help myself. She’d captivated me from the first moment I saw her. “You don’t have to say anything. I already know.”

“Good,” he clipped. “Don’t get me wrong. Zoe seemed like a great girl, but fuck, brother. Tying up with her—”

“I told you… I already know.” I couldn’t hide my disappointment as I spoke. Walking away from her wasn’t something I wanted to do. Hell, it’d be one of the hardest things I’d ever done, but my loyalty to the club came first.

Noting my struggle, Big stepped forward. “I wouldn’t give up on her just yet, Two Bit. It may not be as bad as you think.”

Feeling hopeful, I looked to him and asked, “What are you talking about?”

“If Clutch is right about her, then there’s a chance. If she helps us bring them down, then her tie with her father’s club will be broken.”

Smokey’s brows furrowed as he interjected, “Not so sure Cotton will feel the same. She’d be turning her back on her family. She’d be a traitor, and you know it’s hard to shake that shit.”

Our attention was drawn over to Stitch as he walked over to us and said, “It’s her father’s club, not hers.”

“Same difference.”

“I disagree. They aren’t her family. If she was an ol’ lady or had a part in the bullshit they’re into, then things would be different. When her father died, they dragged that club under. They lost their sense of code and let greed ruin everything that was good about them. You can’t blame her for that shit.”

Clutch shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe so, but with a club, you gotta take the good with the bad.”

His words hit hard, mainly because I knew they were true. “Understood.”

“It wasn’t all that long ago that a girl hacked into our club’s database.” I knew immediately who he was talking about. Josie was looking for her sister Tristen, and when she thought the club had something to do with her disappearance, she started digging. Fast forward two or three months, and she and Big were an item. Hell, she even became his ol’ lady, and they’re planning on getting hitched soon. Theirs was a story with a happy ending. I wasn’t so sure it was possible for Zoe and me to have the same kind of ending. Big reached for a cigarette and lit it before he continued. “She had the ability to crush us with the touch of a button, and Cotton even had her tortured.”

“I know what you are saying, Big.”

“If you think this girl is the one, make it happen. That’s all I’m saying.”