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Uncover (Love Stories Book 2) by Casey Ashwood (26)



When the next day rolled around, Nick didn't want to be anywhere else but in bed with George. To wake up with this beauty in his arms made him realize how fortunate he was to be given a second chance.

He soon eased himself carefully out of bed, trying not to wake George in the process. It was a delicate procedure since George was latched onto him. Once or twice, George's eyelids fluttered, but he remained asleep.

Nick tiptoed quietly through the room, grabbed fresh clothes, and went to start the day off with a shower. After he freshened up, he moved into the kitchen to cook breakfast. He was already daydreaming about where they could go for their honeymoon. Their fortune opened up plenty of options: candlelit dinners in Paris, straw huts in the Caribbean, whiskey tours in Scotland...

As Nick cooked eggs, ham, bacon, and toast, he hummed under his breath. Knowing that he was cooking breakfast for two filled him with so much happiness. He hadn't known what was missing in his life until George walked back into it.

“Something smells good,” came a sleepy, gruff voice. George shuffled into the kitchen with a blanket around his shoulders.

“I'm just cooking breakfast. It's going to be another few minutes yet if you want to take a shower,” Nick chuckled. Ah, George was adorable with his messy hair, sleepy eyes, and his glasses slightly askew. He closed the gap between them to give George a peck on the lips.

“All right, I'll do that,” George murmured, apparently too sleepy to return the kiss, although Nick forgave him easily enough. He turned and shuffled off, the blanket trailing behind him. Shortly after, the sound of water hissing reached Nick's ears.

As Nick finished cooking and moving the food onto the plates, his phone went off with a text. He was surprised to see it was from his mother since she didn't text very often.

Good morning. Are you free? I'd like to drop by.

Nick hadn't spoken to his mother since the confrontation a few days ago. In all honesty, resentment still swirled inside. He didn't want to speak with her yet, but he knew he had to eventually. It was better to get it over with now than drag it out.

Yes, I'm home. George is here, too. It'd be good for us all to sit down and properly talk, he sent back.

I'll be there in an hour, Hazel responded. No other text messages followed after that.

Nick tried not to worry too much about the meeting as he listened for signs that George was done with the shower. Just as he did, the water stopped, so it was only a matter of minutes now before George would join him.

When George next appeared, he looked much more awake and refreshed. His hair was damp, his skin still pink from water that may have run too hot. Nick caught a whiff of George's cologne, which reminded him of fresh winter air.

“You look much more awake now,” Nick said as he gestured to the table where the food waited.

“Thanks, I feel much more awake. I'm used to bouncing up and being ready to go, but you thoroughly wore me out last night,” George said with a grin as he sat down. “Thank you for the breakfast! It looks and smells amazing.”

“No problem. I figure that if we're going to be in our honeymoon phase, we're going to need all the energy we can get,” Nick teased with a wink, savoring the noticeable quiver of George's body.

“Ohh, don't tempt me yet! I was already daydreaming away in the shower...”

Nick's cock twitched at this admission, though he tried to quell the thought. With his mother coming over any time now, getting a hard-on would only be torture.

“So, my mother's coming over soon to talk with us,” Nick said after they'd gotten some food down. He hoped having some food in his stomach might make George a little more relaxed for the news. Sure enough, George's shoulders rose as he tensed.

George’s face fell. “Oh...”

“I know,” Nick grunted. “I'm not particularly fond of her right now either, but she's family. At least we both know where we stand now because of what happened.”

“We do,” George said firmly as he locked eyes with Nick. The sheer intensity of his gaze was almost startling. Also arousing. No, he had to stop thinking with his downstairs brain right now.

“Then we've got nothing to worry about,” Nick concluded as he busied himself with devouring his breakfast.

After they had their fill, they cleared the dishes away together. Even the simple routine of washing dishes was made better with George there alongside of him. He couldn't resist plopping bubbles on the end of George's nose twice while having bubbles smeared across his cheek playfully in response.

It wasn't too long before Hazel arrived, which was a good thing because George was starting to look like a rocket about to take off.

When Hazel buzzed to be let in, Nick answered the call. He then reached for and squeezed George's hand, trying to reassure him the best he could. Once Hazel knocked on the door, Nick rose to his feet and let her in.

“Hey, Mom,” he greeted as he hugged Hazel.

Hazel returned the hug. Her grip was strong despite being such a tiny woman. “Hello.” She then withdrew and spotted George. “Hello, George.”

“Hello, Mrs. Morgan,” George said politely, although his eyes showed uncertainty. “Would you like to come in?”

“I would.”

The air was tense as the trio sat down in the living room. Nick made a point of tugging George down to sit beside him on the couch, taking his hand and squeezing it firmly. It was then that Hazel spotted the rings on their hands. “Are you both back together?”

Nick slid his arm around George's shoulders and pulled him in against his side. “Yes,” he said with confidence and pride. “We decided that despite our original intentions for getting married, it actually means a lot more to us than that. We already wasted years of our lives apart, and we don't want to miss another second.”

George hugged into Nick, gazing up at him with doting eyes.

Hazel didn't say anything for a moment or two, although when she met Nick's eyes, Nick locked his gaze.

“I'm really sorry for the way I behaved the other night,” she said as she straightened up, clearly trying to maintain her composure.

Nick didn't wholeheartedly buy the apology at that moment. The memory was all too fresh. When he glanced to George, he wasn't saying anything either, which told Nick that he was thinking similarly.

“It was uncalled for, Mom,” Nick said sternly. “I know you were just looking out for me, but I'm sure there were better ways to show that.”

“I know,” Hazel murmured as her voice faltered slightly. “I hope you can forgive me.”

George let out a shuddery breath beside Nick, then cleared his throat. “I think we can work through it.”

Nick squeezed George's hand again, relieved that he was taking it calmly. His own chest was still heavy. His mother showing up and apologizing wasn't magically going to make the hurt go away, but it was a start. It'd take time to rebuild their relationship but they'd get there. Nothing in life was ever perfect.

“So where are you going for your honeymoon?” Hazel asked next, perhaps seeking to lighten the atmosphere.

Nick was relieved for the break in tension and exchanged looks with George. “We haven't discussed it yet, although it's something I want.”

“Me, too,” George said quickly, nodding his head so sharply that his glasses bounced.

“Excellent. Wherever you boys decide to go, Peter and I will donate a little toward the cause.”

“You don't have to do that,” Nick said. “We're more than covered.”

“Then at least let us buy you a bottle of wine for your first night,” Hazel insisted.

Nick was about to open his mouth to decline but was elbowed in the side.

“That would be nice, thank you,” George said with a light smile.

Hazel seemed to relax slightly, her shoulders drooping. “All right. I won't keep you long since you have a honeymoon to plan,” she said as she rose to her feet.

Nick and George followed Hazel to the door to see her off. Once the door was closed, George let out a breath and leaned into Nick. “That was awkward... but I'm glad she came around.”

“Me, too,” Nick agreed as he wrapped an arm around George's waist. “Not that anything she said now would've made a difference.”

“Yeah?” George questioned, his eyes hopeful and adoring.

“You're stuck with me for life now,” Nick teased as he leaned in to press their lips together.

“Somehow I think I'm okay with that,” George giggled before drawing away and taking Nick's hand. Those hopeful and adoring eyes half-closed to become more sultry and inviting. Without saying a word, George started leading Nick back to the bedroom.

Nick was only too happy to follow.