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Under Siege by Aria Cole (14)



Skylar spent the rest of the day curled up in my arms as we alternated between fucking, eating, talking, and fucking all over again. 

Every hour that passed I learned more about her. And the longer we spent together, the more I found myself opening up to her in ways I never had with any other human. 

Skylar made some of my sharp edges soft. 

I couldn’t explain it, didn’t even give a shit about trying because I liked being with her so fucking much that nothing else mattered. If being buried inside her precious pussy made me the world’s biggest pussy, so be it. I didn’t live for the regrettable moments; I lived for the unforgettable ones, and Skylar had fast become a woman I couldn’t see past. 

My vision was blinded by her, and just the thought of going back to my real life felt like a sham because there was no real life without her in it. 

I’d even found myself taking in her small, cozy home and imagining my stuff here, waking up to her in the mornings and putting her to bed at night in my arms. 

I could see it, and I wanted it. 

Moving my custom paint business up north wouldn't be such a big deal. I had clients traveling for hundreds of miles to bring me their bikes as it was. A few hours north wouldn’t stop them. 

By the time I realized I had somewhere to be tonight, I was already buried deep inside her, coaxing a third orgasm from her body when my eyes landed on the digital clock by her bed. 


The wedding. 

I’d have to leave her tonight, at least for a few hours. 

Christ, I wished I could bail on that whole shitshow. 

When soft mewls fell from Skylar’s lips, I knew I’d done my job, the soft fluttering of her sweet cunt around my fingers driving me a little madder for her. “I could stay buried in your pussy all day and never come up for air.”

I cupped her cheek, planting a soft kiss on the seam of her lips. She sighed, rocking against me, her hands working through my hair as she lay underneath me.

“I hate to say it, precious, but I’ve got to be somewhere for a few hours tonight. Whole reason I came up here, but then I found you and got a little distracted.”

She smiled, stretching and arching, her pert little nipples pebbling in the warm sunlight. “I’ve got a thing too. I wish I could get out of it.”

I plucked at her nipple with my fingertips, enjoying the soft squeal that escaped past her lips. “So, meet back here later?”

Her smile widened, one finger reaching out to trace the swell of my lips. “Until later, Hudson.”

A groan rumbled from my chest as I rolled on top of her, fusing our lips and wishing like hell I’d never have to leave her again. 

“But first I need to fuck you with my tongue.” I nudged her legs apart with my knees. “Coat my face in your juices so every man in a five-foot radius can smell your gorgeous cunt on me tonight.”

* * *

I tapped my thumb on the edge of the linen-covered table, anxious as hell to get out of this place, ditch the aunts and uncles that were constantly complaining they didn’t see me enough, and head right back to Sky’s place. I couldn’t keep my mind off her, images of last night rolling through my brain like a newsreel. Shaking my soon-to-be new stepfather’s hand while remembering the silky skin between her thighs, making conversation with my mother as she fussed over where I'd been last night, I couldn't handle any of it. Everything was so damn mundane compared to the feelings I had when Skylar and I were together. I’d already decided I was ditching this rehearsal party early. Mom and Mark didn’t even need a goddamn rehearsal; they’d both been there, done that. Several times. 

Talk about dysfunction, I didn’t even know why I was sitting here at the moment when I could be chasing something that really fucking mattered, could lead somewhere truly special. Suddenly feeling antsy, I rose from my chair, taking long strides to the bar to order another whiskey. The moments spent without Sky took too damn long as far as I was concerned. I hoped the booze would help speed time. 

I tossed a few dollars’ tip into the jar, taking a slow sip when my eyes landed on an auburn-haired beauty across the room. The soft, slinky dress she wore left little to the imagination, and I could see all the sexy contours that woman possessed. 

I launched across the room on determined strides, my cock already searing the back of my zipper as my eyes roamed up and down her form. She was just approaching what I assumed was her chair when I reached her. 

“Didn’t expect later to come so soon,” I cooed at her ear, hooking her elbow with mine and hauling her against me. 

“Hudson.” Her hands pressed against the solid wall of my chest. “What are you doing?”

“I need a minute.” My eyes slammed into hers, pulling her a little tighter against me so she could feel just what being with her did to me. It was an instant reaction, our bodies in tune. Even from across the room, I’d been drawn to her like a moth to a flame. 

“Okay,” she said breathily, eyes still focused on mine. 

I threaded our fingers together and led her out of the crowded room and down a long corridor. I shoved through the first exit door we came across, crisp air hitting our faces and, in my case, fueling the lust. “What the hell are you wearing?”

“What are you talking about?” She cocked her head to the side and inched away from me. 

“This?” I plucked at the thin spaghetti strap, barely holding in the heavy weight of her tits. My tits. Mine. “I can see every dip and curve of your body.”

“It’s the only thing that fit,” she replied, crossing her arms, her tits pressing together and bursting out of what was otherwise a modest neckline. 

“Christ, you were put on this earth to kill me, weren’t you?” I shrugged out of my coat, putting it over her shoulders and leading her a few steps around the corner of the building so we were completely out of sight of the parking lot. “I would have taken you shopping today. All you had to do was say something.”

“Well, I was a little preoccupied. What are you doing here?”

“I was thinking about you all warm and cozy in your bed until I looked across the room and saw you—and not only saw you, but saw you wearing this.” I leaned in, my breath washing across her neck. “What, do you want every man in that room to know what you look like naked?” Her nipples puckered under the silky fabric. “Mmm.” I plucked at the little nub, enjoying the shudder I elicited. “You do. You’re a kinky little thing, aren’t you?”

My hands slipped down her body, pulling up the silky fabric before my fingertips met heaven. 

“I can’t stop replaying last night. The memory of being lost inside you is haunting me.” 

Her hands clutched at my shoulder blades. “Oh God, me too.”

“I can’t fucking think straight when you’re in the room, and hell if I want to, Sky.” My lips attached to hers, fingers fumbling at the zipper on my pants before her little hand was fisted around my cock, her thumb working over the pierced ridge and sending bullets of arousal through my veins. In the next instant, she was guiding me into her hot body. I cradled her against the wall, her heels digging into my ass as I slammed into her so hard my eyes nearly rolled back in my head. Everything about the way we connected was intense and all-consuming. 

“Oh, Hudson,” she whispered against my neck. “God…” 

My hand tightened at her waist, my hips hitting a new position and sending her shuddering and shattering around me. “Fuck, love the feel of you milking my cock, precious. Can’t even think straight around you.” 

Watching those ragged little pants wash over her lips, feeling the way her nails dug into my skin and left marks, the pleasure and pain sensation pounded through me. It battered my body until I was emptying every ounce of passion I had in me into her, long and hard. I wanted us fucking melded, bonded, tied in every sense of the word. I had to keep her, had to protect her, had to love her. 

Everything about her, I loved, from the flaming red hair to the fiery temper that matched it. This woman was made just for me, and not a thing could tear us apart. “We need to get home.”

“Yeah,” she sighed, chest still heaving. 

I smiled deeply, pulling myself out of her body and tucking my dick back in my pants. I straightened her dress, sliding the silk down her thighs and rearranging her hair so she did not look just freshly fucked. As much as I loved that look on her, it wasn’t any other goddamn person’s business. “You’re never allowed to leave the house in this dress again.”

She rolled her eyes before a slow grin curved her lips. “Thanks for rescuing me. That was way more fun.”

“Happy to be at your service anytime, precious.” I hooked her hand in mine and walked us back to the door, opening it for her and letting her walk in ahead of me. She spun, a beautiful smile splitting her face, and she was about to open her mouth to say something before someone else cut in. 

“Skylar! I’ve been looking for you—oh.” Mark, my mother’s soon-to-be husband appeared from behind her. “I see you’ve met Darcy’s son. We were hoping to introduce you officially, but looks like you’ve beaten me to it. Darcy?” Mark looked over his shoulder before my mother appeared behind him. 

“Oh, hi, honey! I was looking for you. I wanted to introduce you to your new stepsister, but I guess you’ve already found her. Skylar and I met for the first time tonight. Isn’t she just the prettiest thing?” My mother's eyes gleamed back at me. 

Fuck. My. Life.