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Undo Me: Regal Rights Book #4 by Ali Parker (22)



Every single point where our bodies touched lit me up inside until searing heat scorched every fiber of my being. Touching Luke’s face, feeling the stubble of his chin under my fingertips, added licks of heat to burn through me. I fell into the pools of his eyes, my love for him wanting to burst out of me. My panties were soaked through as his hand moved up the side of my body. His fingers brushed over the side of my breast. After getting out of my dress last night, I changed into a ratty old T-shirt. The fabric was thin and worn, which didn’t offer any protection from his touches. Not that I wanted any.

His fingers lightly touched my neck. He put some pressure on my jaw, and I moved my head to the side. I loved when Luke kissed the sensitive part of my neck. It was one of his favorite moves. At least, from what I could tell.

His soft lips touched my skin. With each movement of my body, he left a wake of warm invisible kisses along the way. He trapped my earlobe between his lips and tugged.

I reached up and drove my fingers into his hair. It was messed up from sleep, and I raked my hand through his thick locks as he made his way to my mouth again.

As we kissed, explosions of light burst through my eyelids. They fluttered open as I looked deep into his eyes. How could I ever love anyone as much as I loved Luke? We were both drawn to each other like the Earth and sun. But unlike the rotating planet and star that would never touch, each of our touches was the air to the soul of the other. We breathed each other. We’d been through so much that our fate was sealed the moment we exchanged our vows. Nothing was stopping us now.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked, drawing me back to the moment.

“You,” I said. “Us. How much I love you.”

“Mmm,” he murmured against my lips.

Not wanting to live a second more without touching his naked body, I tugged at the hem of his shirt. He sat back, admiring me. Enough that the tops of my ears burned.

I lifted his shirt over his head and dragged my hands down his body. I moved lower until I reached the thick, curly hair at his waistline.

He clicked his tongue, and I glanced up at him. “We’re going tit for tat today.”

I sat back, opening my arms at my sides. “Fine. Tit for tat it is.”

Luke licked his lips and pushed his hands up under my shirt. He brushed over my breasts before lifting the shirt over me. My hair spilled down over my breasts, covering them. He moved my hair away and leaned over to flick his tongue over the hard peaks.

“Tit for tat,” he muttered as he kissed me.

Dropping my head back, I sat in the moment, allowing my mind to fill with the pleasure that Luke continuously gave to me every time we were together.

When his mouth disappeared from my body, I waited for him to start on my other breast. Instead, he cupped my panties, and I sat up, gasping for breath.

“You’re so wet for me,” he said. “I barely did anything.”

I lifted his chin and kissed him. “Don’t you know how amazing you are? Just being near you makes me wet.”

Desire flashed in his eyes. “I’ll have to remember that the next time we’re together at a banquet.”

“Unless you want me to screw you in a closet, I’d keep it to the bedroom for now.”

His eyebrows lifted before he kissed me again. His fingers moved in slow circles over the silkiness of my panties. They were new for the wedding, something a queen would wear. Too bad they were ruined now.

I reached down and felt his hardness, even though it was still trapped under his boxer briefs. I stroked until Luke’s breathing intensified. He wasn’t the only one that could turn someone on.

Grabbing onto him with a touch that was both light and commanding, I moved up and down his cock, resting for just a moment at his tip before doing it again and again.

“Don’t stop,” he said.

“I won’t,” I said. “You neither.”

We touched each other in the most intimate areas of our bodies. My normal need for him inside of me drifted in the back of my mind instead of coming forward, hungry, as it normally did. I was content to touch every inch of him instead, memorizing our first sexual experience after we declared ourselves husband and wife.

Luke moved along the hem of my panties and slowly pulled them down. The wetness down below turned cold as the air touched my soaked lips.

The very sight of a half-naked Luke in front of me made my legs fall to the bed, opening up for him.

He drove a finger inside of me, and I bucked my hips up to meet him. Falling back against the fluffy pillows, we moved as one, intensifying the pleasure within me. Adding more fingers and that circling thumb, my eyes fluttered closed and moans escaped my lips. If this was what it was going to be like for the rest of my life, I looked forward to every moment spent in this bed with Luke.

After the drama that we had to deal with in such a short amount of time, I never felt so relaxed in my life. That part of our struggle was over, and even though there would inevitably be issues with the kingdom and Luke’s reign, there would never be a problem that we couldn’t overcome, especially if we came together like this as much as possible.

The idea that I might have missed out on this life with him made me hold him close to me. I sat up, deepening his reach inside of me, and I grabbed his hardness again, thrusting all of my love and appreciation into the movements.

His chin lifted, and his movements became slower and more sensual. We rocked together, slowly taking our time, pleasuring the other. My nipples ached with need, and I reached up with my free hand and kneaded one of them, desperate to release some of the buildup within me.

“I want to be inside of you,” he said, his voice several octaves lower than normal. His voice sounded like a feral growl that spoke to a more instinctual level within me.

“Do it,” I said.

Luke reached over to the side table, where he now kept his condoms, and expertly rolled one on in seconds.

I grabbed onto him and scooted closer, guiding him inside of me. He didn’t thrust right away. Instead, I moved closer until he was as deep as possible. His hand smoothed down between my breasts and across my waist before cupping my butt cheeks and pulling me up to him. Wrapping my legs around his middle, I started to rock over him.

Luke tucked my hair behind my ears and stared at me, offering the balance I needed to make love to him. He didn’t move much, allowing me to control the pace.

His mouth touched every part of my face, neck, and hair as I built myself up. His body pressed against my sensitive clit, and I leaned back to get the most out of the position.

I stayed there for a little while before Luke drew me close again. Dropping my arms to his shoulders, Luke embraced me. I continued to rock against him, but he met me, stroke for stroke, pushing deeper inside of me. I felt so full that I was convinced that he was going to split me in half.

“I want you here when you come,” he said, holding me in place. “I want to look into your eyes and see the pleasure I give you.”

“Okay,” I breathed.

I moved against him and found that sweet spot again. Coupled with his movements, I was able to build myself up quicker than I expected.

“I’m close,” I said.

“Sophia, I want you to come on me,” he said, nipping at my lower lip.

A dull ache throbbed deep in my core as I let go. I rose up on my knees and crashed down against him, over and over again. My moans of pleasure filled the room, and for once, I didn’t care who heard us. All that mattered at that moment was that I was Luke’s and he was mine. Forever.

“Come, Sophia,” Luke grunted, and I could feel his orgasm building too.

I clawed his back, desperate not to move an inch from my spot. I was so damn close that I feared if I moved one way or another, I would miss out on the most spectacular pleasure of my life.

When I finally reached my peak, I slowed only slightly.

Luke grabbed my legs and pulled them out from under me. While he was still inside, he pressed me against the bed and thrust his cock inside of me.

His face screwed up with concentration as I rode my orgasm down while he worked on his. I spread my legs out for him, offering myself up to the sex god in front of me.

Within a few moments, Luke grunted and came inside of me. He worked himself until he was dried up before slipping out of me. The sheets around my butt were soaked from our lovemaking, and Luke rolled us away from the aftermath.

Curling against his heated body, I burrowed into the spot that I slept in every night.

“That was a hell of a way to start a honeymoon,” I said, catching my breath.

“That’s just the beginning,” Luke said, his hot breath hitting me in bursts. “I plan on pleasuring you for the entire time we’re away.” He kissed me again, tilting my face toward his.

“I love you,” I said against his lips.

“I love you too.”

I was so ready to spend the rest of my life with this man. His very presence brought me joy, and his body offered pleasure that no one had before. He was the perfect package. And he was all mine.