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Unexpected Demon by Layla Stone (23)

Chapter Twenty-Three





Vivra was so warm when she woke up. She also felt more refreshed than she ever had in her life. As if she’d slept for days.

Then she felt the arm around her and a strong body behind her. Opening her eyes, she didn’t recognize the room she was in. She blinked a few times just to make sure she was seeing the right thing.

Yep. She had no idea where she was.

Looking down, she saw a copper-red arm holding her. A scent she knew to be Pax was in the air.

“Pax?” Her voice cracked, and she had to swallow a few times to wet her mouth. “Pax.”

The arm tightened around her. “Hey. Good morning…or whatever time it is.”

Yep, that was Pax. She didn’t have the urge to move, so she leaned back into his warmth. “Where are we?”

“Medical bay.”

Why were they in the medical bay? But as she thought about it, she also began remembering Brica, the slaves, Mish, and…more of Mish.

Tentatively, she touched the tips of her finger to her face. It felt normal.

She pushed off the bed, throwing Pax’s arm off her as she got up and walked out the door, looking for a mirror. To her right was a bathroom. She rushed in, terrified of what she would see. Mish had beaten her unconscious. He must have done permanent damage.

The light turned on as she entered—motion-detected. In the mirror, she saw her mouth open slightly. She also saw her skin—as unblemished as it had been before she left.


The door opened, and suddenly Pax was there. “Ansel was able to do reconstructive surgery.”

Oh. No! She’d needed reconstructive surgery? What did she look like before? What had he seen? He must have seen. Deep embarrassment flooded her throat, and she hated it. It burned. It hurt. “How bad?”

“Does it matter?” He looked a little disappointed, and she didn’t know why.

“Yes, it does.” It was her face!

“You died. You were dead. And your facial bones were broken. Ansel had to make synthetic new ones.”

Vivra touched her face again. She had fake bones in her face? She didn’t even feel them. Was that bad? Was she supposed to?

“Shady saved your life—actually, she brought you back to life. I bet you didn’t know she has the ability to send electrical pulses into others through her fingertips.”

Vivra didn’t know that, but she knew that all the cyborgs had remarkable abilities; that’s why she’d accepted the transfers. She needed to find Shady and thank her, maybe find something that showed her appreciation.

“Okay.” It was all she could say as her mind flooded with the things she’d seen. Then she remembered Yon. He was still in that hangar. “Yon’s in the hangar, he’s hurt.”

“He’s fine. We picked him up, too. And all the glowey people.”

“Flourgs,” Vivra corrected, and that’s when she remembered. “Oh. Yelena. Did you see Yelena when you got me?” Vivra didn’t pray, but she hoped to Seth that Mish hadn’t gotten Yelena. The poor, sweet female.

“She’s alive. She’s been waiting outside for you to wake up. She’s been worried about you, too.”

That made Vivra look at him, really look at him. She saw the concern on his face. He was holding a lot of emotions back. Maybe he needed a hug.

She reached up, and he leaned down, pulling her into him and holding her longer than usual.

She smiled inwardly. Poor thing did need a hug. “Thank you for getting me.”

She felt his nose at her neck. It started to move slowly and seductively, and it instantly made her body aware of him. “How did you know I got you?”

She was arrogant enough to say, “Because you like me.”

He moved his mouth over her neck, and she felt his tongue and a little nip. The small act was hot, and she instantly wanted him in her bed. “Yeah, I like you.”

Pax shoved his hand into her hair, but instead of going through it, it got snagged on a knot. He tried to jerk away, but it was too late. Vivra tried to pull her head down and away and just made things worse.

When she felt how grimy her hair was, she wanted to vomit. And the Demon was kissing her?


She needed a shower. Hell, they both probably needed one because he didn’t look any cleaner than she did.

“Your hair likes me. See, it’s trying to keep me.”

Despite herself, she laughed. “You’re ridiculous.”

When she was finally free, the moment had passed. He must have read it in her face. “You said you’d be in my room after this, so…you ready to go?”

“No. I’m going to take a shower and file my report while it’s still fresh in my mind. Then I’ll come and see you.”

Pax didn’t seem to like it, but he also didn’t argue. She liked that.

“See you in an hour.” He turned and walked away.

Behind him, Yelena stood, her dark eyes looking at Vivra, her arms at her sides, looking like an animal that wasn’t sure if it was about to be eaten or ignored.

So, Vivra decided to point at her face and say, “How bad was it? You can be honest.”

That snapped Yelena into a run, arms out. They wrapped around Vivra’s neck, and on repeat, the female kept saying, “I’m sorry.”

Okay…everyone needed a hug, apparently. Vivra, being a decent person, hugged the Flourg back. “It’s okay. Not sure why you’re apologizing.”

Yelena stepped back. “I’m so sorry I hid. I should have acted sooner, and then when I did….”

Again, Vivra wasn’t sure what Yelena was apologizing for.

“But I killed him, so he will never hurt anyone again,” the Flourg whispered.

Yelena killed Mish? Vivra felt her head jerk back.

“I had to. He wouldn’t stop hitting you.”

“I’m not mad that you killed him. I’m surprised.” Taking a deep breath, she said, “Thankful you did. I would have died. I mean, I did die, apparently, but I may not have been able to be revived if the damage was too extensive.”

But the words didn’t seem to penetrate. Yelena was still frowning. “I’m so sorry.”

“Well, don’t be. Why don’t you walk with me and fill me in on what happened?” She hooked her arm with Yelena’s and noticed quickly that the female was clean and in Federation-issued shirt and pants. A training outfit, but still, she looked much better than she had before. Her thick, light brown hair was now clean and smooth.

Totally pretty.

“I had a bomb taken out of my head, that’s one thing that happened.”

“Wow…you go straight to the meat of a story. But, okay. Go on.” Vivra led Yelena out of medical and to the elevator.

Quieter this time, Yelena said, “They are dropping us off on Marnak.”

“Yeah? You excited to be free? Eat real food?”

The female shrugged.

“What?” Vivra asked as the door opened for her floor. Vivra pulled Yelena after her and headed down the hallway.

“I’d rather stay here.”

“Why?” Vivra asked, not because she didn’t want Yelena to stay on board, but because she wanted to know why the Flourg wouldn’t want to be set free on Marnak or even be shipped back to Allus, her homeworld.

“I like it here.”

Vivra pressed her hand to her door and walked in, unhooking her arm from Yelena’s. “I’m going to need a better reason than ‘I like it here’ if I’m going to put in a request for you to stay. And, if you remain, you will be put to work. Which means, you will be a FAVII, but as long as you give me a good reason…”

“What jobs are available? I can look at a list and tell you which ones I can do.”

“Other than mining, I assume.”

The side of Yelena’s lip curled. “Yeah, besides that. We had jobs other than the digging. I took care of the air-recycling unit.”

“You took care of the ecosystem?”

“What is that?”

“The air quality.”

“Yes. I mean, yes, I did that. I took care of the air quality. Being in an underground mine, there has to be proper air flow. In addition to proper material retrieval flow, but that wasn’t my job.”

Vivra smiled and pointed to the chair next to her small table. “Take a seat while I shower. I will put in the order after I get out.” Right before she stepped into the bathroom, she hollered, “If you’re hungry, I have some bula pasta in my refrigerator. Help yourself.”


Vivra took a long shower and cleaned every part of herself twice, except for her hair—that she washed three times. When she stepped out in a towel, she grabbed clean clothes from the closet and dressed in the bathroom.

Afterward, she saw an opened but uneaten bula packet. She lifted the corners. “You didn’t like it?”

“No. I’m sorry.” Yelena was looking at the table as she spoke.

“No problem. It’s not for everyone.” Vivra tossed it into the trash then opened a new one and warmed it up. While she was doing so, she began filling out the paperwork. She finished the forms and submitted it to the captain, then closed down her Minky pad, ignoring the logistics requests. Checking the clock, she saw she had thirty-two minutes before the hour she had given Pax was up.

She sat down at the table, put her hands down and said, “I don’t think the captain is going to deny my request, especially since you have experience.”

“Thank you,” Yelena said, pulling her lips into her mouth.

“But you’ll need to take a test. If you pass, you will go straight to work. If you don’t pass,” she added quickly, seeing the look of fear in the female’s eyes, “then you will take a few training courses. After that, you will be up and running. Regardless, you will be working soon. So, while I was filling out your form, I also assigned you a cabin. You want to see it?”

Yelena didn’t move or get excited.


Vivra already hated how Yelena seemed to be hearing but not believing her. “Yes, really. Now, let’s go see your new room.”

“I was already assigned a room,” Yelena said quietly as if the information would upset Vivra.

Vivra didn’t like to see any female acting like this, so scared for her life. Scared of her…well, to be honest, Vivra kind of liked it when other females were scared of her, but this was excessive.

“Well, I assigned you a better one because all the berthing rooms were issued out.”

A small, tentative smile lit Yelena’s face and then she was up. Vivra hooked the female’s arm again when they were in the hall, and they walked down a few cabins. She coded Yelena’s biometrics into the door and then said, “Here you are!”


Vivra finally saw Yelena calm down and look a little bit comfortable once in her own room, but it might take time for the Flourg to adjust. The female didn’t even seem excited when Vivra told her that the request for FAVII had been approved by the captain.

But it had been way longer than an hour, and Vivra needed to go see Pax. Needed to get some one-on-one time with the Demon and that mouth of his.

The door slid back, and Clalls was there, his eyes…cold.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

He didn’t say anything, but she saw his nostrils flare. She stepped to the side and entered the hallway, not about to play a guessing game regarding whatever the Demon’s problem was.

“You going to tell me what you’re so pissed about?” she said, not looking at him.

Then she felt a pinch in her side. Jumping away from the Night Demon, she cursed at him. “What the hell was that for?”

He held up a chip insertion gun, his expression inflamed. “You are my only friend. My only!” The gun in his hand slammed down to his side. “And you got kidnapped and were almost sold on Nexis of all places, never to be found again.” The gun was immediately pointed at her nose. “So, from now on, I will be able to track you no matter where you go.”

He was so angry. His black and yellow eyes drilled into her like he was punishing her for what had happened. But the pinch was already fading, and she decided to save the poor Night Demon from his tirade.

Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him in. He didn’t hug back. Not at first.

Then she heard the gun drop to the floor behind her as his arms wrapped her tight. “I’m absolutely furious with you,” he said in her ear.

She pulled him in tighter. “I’m sorry.”

It was hug everyone day, apparently…

He hugged her back, and she could feel his body slowly begin to loosen in her arms. She held on and kept squeezing.

Until she saw Pax at her door, one arm up as if he were going to knock, his eyes determined.

“And what do you want?” she said, knowing it would rile him. She needed to rile someone who could take it. Yelena was too shy, and Clalls was…something.

Clalls let go and turned to see Pax stomping forward.

The Red Demon grabbed her hand, threaded his fingers through hers, and pulled her down the hall to the elevator. He walked so fast, it was hard to keep up. She had to laugh at his eagerness.

All the way up the elevator and down the hall to his cabin, he didn’t say a word.

But once she was inside, he gently pushed her against the wall and leaned his forehead against hers. “You have two seconds to tell me to stop. Because once I get your taste in my mouth, I won’t. One. Two.” Then he pressed his lips against hers tentatively as if making sure he was allowed.

She didn’t hesitate to kiss him back. Wrapping her legs around his waist, he secured her to the wall, pressing his weight into her. The pressure felt so good.

His kiss was passionate. It wasn’t desperate and claiming like last time. He moved his hands over her hips, ass, and thighs. He groaned her name. She liked that. She wasn’t a sweetheart, a sweetpea, or any other lovey word that felt empty.

He pushed back her jaw and kissed down her neck, whispering threats of what he would do to her if she ever let herself be kidnapped again.

“I didn’t do it on purpose,” she said between gasps.

He bit her lip and kissed her again.

“You kiss good.”

His chest vibrated. He let his forehead rest in the crook of her neck.

“Are you laughing at me?”

He moved his head left and right.

“Yes, you are!” She lightly hit his back.

He lifted up his head, his eyes on hers. “Viv, I’m going to do a lot more than kiss you. I’m going to imprint my body on yours. Leave a mark so deep you will never get me out. Never forget every touch, each sensation, every time you reach fulfillment.”

“Wait. What?”

He let her legs down. She felt the loss of his warmth. She was also getting pissed.

“You’re not a blitz.”

Yeah, she knew that.

“So, I’m going to take my time, give you all night.”

All night sounded good. But what about all the other nights?

“And then I’m going to give you all the other nights, too.”

She wasn’t sure if she’d heard him right.

“That look. That look hurts. It means you don’t believe me. I have tasted your sweetness twice, and I know for a fact that it is the best thing I’ve ever tasted. I’m not interested in a night or even a few. I’m interested in gorging myself for the rest of my life. Take that however you want, but unless you really can’t handle this Red Demon, then get ready for a lot of me in your life.”

She stared. This was serious. Was he talking about mating? Demons didn’t mate.

Then someone cleared their throat. Pax turned. “Clalls, how in the hell did you get in here? Can’t you see I’m busy with my damsel.”

Vivra almost missed what Pax had called her, but Clalls’ expression was fierce. “Don’t call me that.” She slapped Pax’s chest lightly, addressing Clalls. “Issues?”

Clalls answered, cleaning his teeth with his tongue. “We still need fish tanks, and we will need another ration order soon.”

“And?” Pax asked.

“Orders take a long time to get here, putting them in now will get them here sooner.”

No. The worst timing ever. She’d really, really been hoping for a whole night with Pax. Defeatedly, she pressed her forehead against Pax’s hard chest.

“She’ll write up the order tomorrow. Bright and early. Promise. But we’re off. And…busy.” Then he whispered not so quietly, “Which means, we’re going to have sex.”

Vivra pressed her head farther into his chest, heat rising up her neck to her cheeks.

Then Pax jumped, and she stood back to watch him catch the Minky pad Clalls had tossed to him. “You left this in medical.”

She wanted to know why Clalls had been in medical, but she didn’t care. Her priorities were Pax and then everything else. But just to make sure, she bit at the Red Demon’s shirt to get his attention.

“I felt that.” He leaned down and kissed her, then he watched the door close. “I have no idea how he got in, I swear.”

“Clalls can get into anything.”

Another deep kiss, and he groaned. “I can’t get enough of your taste. Seth of Stars, you’re like a sweet drug.” He turned her around and started unbuttoning her jacket. “You should stay with me.”

She enjoyed the slow seduction of how he was pulling off her jacket and then moving over her body, down her belly, and to the top of her pants.

“Like for tonight?” she played. “I can bring my toothbrush.”

“You’re going to need to pack for a little bit longer.” He was on his knees, pulling down her pants, kissing her hips, and moving over her ass to her thighs. He worked her boots off and then removed her socks. “Hands on the bed.”

She was sure it was her turn to take care of him, but he seemed determined, and it would be rude to stop him from doing what he wanted.

Behind her, he pulled her red panties down to mid-thigh. “Keep your legs together,” he said right before she felt his tongue on her lower lips. The touch was light and far from giving her satisfaction. He licked again, and then she felt him stand up behind her and insert a finger through her wet lips and into her pussy.

In and out he played, and she started to feel the warm pressure. She rocked back into his hand, and he inserted another finger.


Rocking back harder, she could feel her orgasm, but it was still too far out of reach. She whimpered, and his finger curled inside to hit her G-spot, making what he was doing to her feel a thousand times better. Mewling, she tried to open her legs, but his boots were on either side of her feet. “Keep your legs closed. Trust me.”

He added another finger, spreading her wide. There was a little pinch of pain, but it was worth it. She was getting closer and closer. She pleaded with him, rocking into him, not at all ashamed by how much she begged.

A squeeze at her ass and he kissed her back, whispering how good she felt, how sweet she was, and how he was never going to stop craving her. Calling his name, she felt her climax begin. “Pax.” She was not at all embarrassed by how quickly she came. It had been building up for a while, and after almost dying, she’d needed release immediately.

He growled in response and kept pumping his fingers into her tightening walls, drawing out her orgasm until her legs wobbled. Then he ripped her pants to the floor and pushed her onto the bed. He flipped her over, spread her legs, and told her that he needed to taste her satisfaction.

Still riding her good feeling, she jumped when she felt his tongue. Warm and suckling, she’d never had someone so clearly eager to taste her. She looked down and saw his mouth on her glistening parts. Reaching down between her legs, she rubbed his head and pulled him closer.

Then he sucked her clit into his mouth, and she thrust her hips, needing more, silently demanding more.

He plundered her and nipped her clit, and she felt his fingers back in her pussy. The double assault was beautiful, and she was practically limp with satisfaction, allowing him to take her to her peak again.

She cursed, called his name, and then cursed again.

She was getting close once more, and it was coming on fast. “So close. So good.” Pax didn’t stop and didn’t seem to care that he was feasting on her like a starving male. Rubbing his tongue on her sensitive bud, it was like a vibrator.

“Yes! There.” She rocked into his face as she came crashing down. Tingling pulled together at her womb, and she burst, a feeling of ecstasy exploding out of her. Wonderfully, Pax let her ride her climax.

She watched him sit up, undress, and took in all his scars. Then she focused on his very big, very hard, red cock that he now had lined up to her entrance. The contrast of her green skin and his red skin looked…good. Almost natural. Then she didn’t think anymore as he pushed in.

Her pussy was strained but…so good.

Curling over her, he said, “I’ll go slow.”

Yes. Slow. Slow was good.

Moving slowly as promised, he pulled out and then pushed back in, deeper than before. It took time, but he was finally in all the way to the hilt, and it felt amazing. He was on top of her, resting his weight, and he started to move, slowly at first, but with hard and steady, penetrating thrusts.

A few minutes in, and she was surprised to feel her body warming once more.

She wrapped her legs around his back and pressed for friction. Then she wrapped her arms around him, letting her nails dig in. He kept his measured bursts, his mouth nuzzling her neck, sucking and kissing.

It felt so good, she was mindless. Her needy body was so primed as she rocked counter to his thrusts, giving what he gave.

Her climax continued to build, but it was still a ways off. She started to get frustrated. Vivra pleaded again. Begging for Pax’s help.

All he did was grunt. But he didn’t stop moving or punching inside her. Her climax was building too slowly, and she couldn’t stand it. Ripping her nails over his back, she cursed him. Demanded that he go faster.

She felt his mouth by her neck, and he promised her that if she did that again, he’d bite her.

Imagining his teeth on her skin, she knew she wanted that. Vivra kicked him with the heel of her foot and scratched him again. This time, he pushed inside her, holding her still, and she felt his teeth clamp down on a sensitive spot of her neck. The pain and surprise melded with her pleasure, and her climax reached the tip of its peak and held right there.

Then, Pax rolled his hips and put pressure on her sex, and she crested, the low and building need burning inside her, making her squeeze his cock over and over as he continued to rub down, drawing out pleasure she hadn’t known existed.

Screaming his name, she held on as he rocked her to her very soul.

When she finished, he’d drained her of everything. But he was still hard and ready inside her. His eyes were red when he looked at her. “Now…hold onto me and don’t let go.”

She obeyed.

He didn’t keep measured thrusts this time. He was a beast, roughly pounding into her, claiming his pleasure from her body, groaning and squeezing his fingers into her hips. His digits so deep they would surely leave bruises later. But it was worth it.

She moved her legs so he could rest on her shins as he drove in over and over and over. Vivra watched as his eyebrows came together, his breath coming in tight bursts. She could feel her pussy expanding again, and then his thrusts became erratic, and he leaned farther over her and jacked so hard it almost hurt. Then she felt the warm flood of his seed as he roared out and fell on top of her.

Opening her thighs, she welcomed him down, lightly rubbing his back and shoulders. Nipping the side of his skin, she felt more at peace than she ever had.

Probably because she’d mated him…at least in the Bolark way by fighting for dominance and drawing on pain, pleasure, and obedience.





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