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Unwrapped by The Billionaire by Joanna Nicholson (128)

Chapter Eleven:Gerard


The next day, a little after two o’clock in the afternoon, the two of them made their way to the airport in Gerard’s limo so they could catch their flight to Barcelona. Gerard had made sure that Simon had packed him a suitcase worth of clothing for his trip, being very careful to tell him exactly what kind of things to pack. Simon was a dependable man, but Gerard couldn’t trust him to get everything right without at least a little help. When he had been looking over the items on the way to the airport, however, he had been more than content with what he saw.

The flight itself was rather uneventful, aside from a crazy man with a knife leaping out of his seat halfway through the flight and trying to take the plane hostage. Unluckily for the would-be hijacker, Gerard had woken up in a slightly bad mood, and the man’s idiotic rantings had done nothing to improve it. He would have been content to not get involved had the man not made a comment about Elena. That, Gerard had decided, was simply one step too far. Before the hijacker had time to respond, Gerard had been out of his chair, his fist slamming straight into the man’s jaw with enough force to send him flying halfway across the plane.

Once the hijacker had been safely restrained by one of the in-flight security personnel and calm had been restored to the other passengers, Gerard had decided to take a nap. He hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, so he figured that using roughly one hour to rest a bit wouldn’t hurt him. He knew Elena was probably not too happy about flying with a sleeping companion, but since she had been the reason he had been up so late, he figured she really didn’t have a reason to complain. Before he drifted off, however, he felt her hand reach over to gently take his. He smiled at that and gave her hand a gentle squeeze as he relaxed, eventually dozing off for a bit until the sensation of the plane descending caused him to wake up.

Once they had collected their items from baggage claim, a process that took significantly less time than when they were traveling in the States, Elena waved down a taxi for them. She spoke to the driver in fluent Spanish, something that still impressed Gerard despite how many times he had heard her do it. In their line of work being multilingual was a no-brainer since it allowed them to hear far more than what people were willing to say when they knew someone understood them. All Gerard or Elena had to do was act like ignorant tourists, all the while secretly keeping note of all the things that a person would say. Half of the time their missions’ success came about due to them hearing something that ultimately led them to their goal.

Elena had rented them a room at Hotel 1898, a rather lovely 4-star hotel that offered spa services as well as a swimming pool that they could relax by. Gerard had to hand it to Barcelona; they certainly knew how to attract tourists. Though he didn’t foresee himself spending too much time out in the city. He was the kind of person who didn’t like being surrounded by people he didn’t know, especially since he had been ambushed in unfamiliar places so many times in his career as a spy that he expected people to jump out at him at every turn. Elena, however, most likely had other plans in mind.

“So, what do you want to do first?” she asked excitedly once they had gotten into their hotel room and set their luggage on the bed, excitedly glancing out the window at the view of Barcelona from below. “Do you want to try and find somewhere to get some lunch? Or should we do some sight-seeing?”

“You,” he said cutely, walking up behind her and pressing his lips gently against her neck, making her let out a quiet moan as her hand reached up to stroke over the side of his face.

“I-I didn’t know I was one of the options,” she said cheekily, though she made no move to stop him from doing what he was doing, which only encouraged him to keep going.

He let his hand move up to grope at her sizable breast gently, nipping softly at the flesh of her neck. He could hear her breathing starting to become shallow gasps, a sure sign that his actions were beginning to turn her on. He smiled playfully when he felt her hand move to cup his groin through his pants, her eyes glittering with desire as she gazed up at him, lips parted slightly as she gave him an almost pleading look. Not being the kind of guy who wanted to keep her waiting, he laid her back on the bed and quickly freed her from the confines of her clothing. It wasn’t the first time he had seen her naked, but Gerard couldn’t help but marvel at just how beautiful her bare body looked on those clean white sheets.

Kneeling between her legs, Gerard was treated to the sight of her bare pussy on full display for him. He moved her legs open a little wider before letting his tongue drag along the outer folds, smirking to himself as he felt Elena’s entire body shudder powerfully from that single action. He allowed his tongue to slowly begin to lap at her outer lips, enjoying the quiet moans that accompanied each movement. Elena seemed to be quite intent to let him know just how much she was enjoying what he was doing to her, something that he didn’t mind at all. He gave her clit a playful flick with his tongue, wincing slightly as he felt her hands reach down to grip his hair a little tighter than she had probably meant to.

He delved his tongue deep inside of her, using it to slowly pump in and out of her, taking the time to let it drag along her insides to collect some of her sweet nectar onto his tongue. She tasted so clean and sweet, every lap of her sex only seeming to make him want to lick her more. He moved one of his hands so that it was hovering at the top of her groin, using his thumb to rub gentle circles on her clit while his tongue continued to assault her sensitive folds. He could tell she wouldn’t be able to last much longer, the tightened grip on his hair the only warning that he had before her juices began to spray out onto his face. He opened his mouth to catch as much of it as he could, his tongue moving to lick her clean as she twitched in post orgasm bliss on the bed.

He smiled as he stood up, wiping his mouth clean on the sleeve of his shirt. Despite having greatly enjoyed the sight of her moaning and cumming for him, he himself didn’t feel very aroused. He sat down on the bed next to Elena, who finally managed to collect her breath enough to speak. “Has anyone ever told you that you are really good with your tongue?”

“I think a few people might have mentioned it once or twice,” he said playfully, reaching over as she rolled over onto her stomach to give her ass a loud smack. “I never really believed them when they said it.”

“I think you should start,” she said, letting out a playful yelp as she felt the stinging slap on her butt. She giggled playfully afterward, shaking her butt enticingly at him like she was trying to coerce him into wanting to sleep with her right then and there.

He smiled at that, giving her ass another playful smack before he rose from the bed, walking over to the window and gazing out at the city. “How would you feel about going to grab some lunch?”

“You get me all hot and bothered and then you want to break for lunch?” she replied incredulously, shaking her head in wonder as she rose from the bed and walked over beside him.

“I have plenty of time to take advantage of your lovely body later,” he replied, his hand reaching over to frame her face gently. “Nighttime is the time for lovemaking. Daytime is when we go out and about to explore the town. Sound good?”

“I guess so,” she said, pouting playfully as she moved to go retrieve her clothing and get dressed once more.

“Don’t worry, I promise that the wait will be more than worth it,” he assured her, giving her a gentle kiss on the lips before glancing over at the brochure that sat on one of the end tables. “Shall we leaf through one of these and see what they recommend we do as tourists?”

“That sounds like it could be fun,” she said, walking over to the brochure and picking it up from where it lay, handing it to him. “I’m sure there is plenty for a young couple to do here, after all.”

“Only one of us could really be considered young,” he said with a laugh, smirking at her gently. “I’m thirty, just in case you forgot.”

“How could I forget? I’ve always had a thing for guys older than me,” she replied teasingly, her eyes glittering with amusement as she stuck her tongue out at him.

He chuckled gently at that, his eyes scanning over the front of the brochure until the name of a restaurant caught his eye. “How about we go here? I don’t know anything about the place, but that is half the fun, right?”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll follow your lead,” she said, linking her arm through his.

“Alright, then let’s get moving.”