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Urijah (The Stone Society Book 10) by Faith Gibson (25)


Urijah couldn’t blame Banyan for doubting him. He hadn’t put his mate off for the last thirty years; it had been almost eight hundred. That was a long fucking time to say no then all of a sudden say “Honey, I’m home.” He knew he had his work cut out, but he was up for the task. He would prove to Banyan he wanted their bond. It wouldn’t be easy, and it wouldn’t happen overnight, but Urijah was willing to prove his love, no matter how long it took. Now that he had his mate back in his sights, he was going to fight for him. For them.

Making his way to the dining hall, Urijah first sought out his parents to let them know he was alive. When Halina saw him, she smiled and held her arms open. “Give him time,” she whispered as she hugged him. Had his face given him away?

A heavy hand landed on his shoulder, and Urijah turned to find his oldest brother, Dacey, grinning at him. Uri smiled back and pulled Dacey in for a quick embrace. Latham and Tamas were right behind him, and the four of them headed to the bar for a drink. Urijah scoped out the Clan until he found Banyan. Their eyes met, but Banyan returned his attention to the couple he was speaking with. “Why didn’t you tell us your boyfriend was royalty?” Tamas asked, elbowing Uri in the ribs.

Urijah suppressed a gasp as he eyed his brother. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

“Don’t deny it, Uri. The way the two of you behaved growing up? There was no doubt you’d end up together,” Latham said.

“The three of us took wagers on when you’d finally come out with the truth, so don’t lie to us. We’re your brothers,” Dacey added.

“So back to my original question; why didn’t you tell us?” Tamas asked again.

“Because I didn’t know,” he answered truthfully.

“You can’t be serious. The two of you told each other everything,” Tamas said.

“Yeah, well, obviously not everything. I didn’t exactly give him a reason to tell me.”

“What? Trouble in paradise?” Latham asked.

“We were looking for different things back then.”

“And now?”

“And now, we’ll have to see. Where’s that beautiful mate of yours? Off looking for a new dance partner?” Latham couldn’t dance for shit. Runa threatened to run off with Urijah the first time Latham stepped all over her toes. At ten years old, Urijah danced circles around his older brothers. He would never tell them how he learned to dance so well. It had been too long since he and Banyan swayed to imaginary music together.

Urijah had asked his mother about previous coronations. She explained how most were held at midnight with dancing and drinking after. With the Queen not being well, Asmund had opted for a daytime ceremony. Urijah had been disappointed. He had looked forward to dancing with Banyan.

As Banyan made his way around the room with his sister at his side, Uri couldn’t help but be jealous. Brynna was being introduced as the one who would rule with Banyan. If Uri had gotten his head on straight, would he be the one by Banyan’s side as they greeted the guests? Or would Asmund have refused the throne to Banyan because he was gay? Uri would never know.

“Damn, Brother, you’ve got it bad,” Dacey said.

“You have no idea,” Urijah responded.

“So, you aren’t denying you have a thing for your best friend?” Tamas asked, and the other two leaned in to hear his answer even though they didn’t need to.

“Why would I deny what’s been evident since I was five?”

“But you chased after every available female in the village.”

“I won’t deny that either. I had no idea I could mate with my best friend, so I did what I saw the three of you doing and chased everything in a skirt.”

“Instead of picking on Urijah, how about ya leave him alone to enjoy his nieces and nephews?” Tabor said, interrupting. “There’ll be plenty of time for discussing private matters later. And out of earshot of those not needing to hear such, I might add.”

“This discussion is far from over,” Dacey whispered. Urijah rolled his shoulders, ready to get away until his brother added, “Holy Odin, the two of you even dressed alike. How cute.” Urijah growled, and Tabor stepped in between them.

“Dacey, off with ya. Pay no mind to him, Uri. I think ya look handsome,” Halina said.

“I had no idea what he was wearing,” Urijah muttered. The fact that he and Banyan wore basically the same clothes wasn’t lost on him. Instead of incurring further ridicule, Uri excused himself and headed to his bedroom. He had different clothing suitable for the party he could change into.

“So, you’re Banyan’s mate,” a voice said just as Uri reached the door to the room he had chosen to stay in. He turned to find Brynna leaned against the wall at the top of the stairs with her arms crossed.

“Shouldn’t you be downstairs supporting your brother?”

“Shouldn’t you be?”

“If B wanted me by his side, he would have said so.”

“So, are you up here hiding?”

“No, I’ve come to change clothes. I don’t want to be mistaken for the King,” Uri said, indicating his suit.

“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”

“Yeah? And why is that?” Uri waited on Brynna to rip him a new one. He couldn’t get a bead on the female’s mood. Either she already hated him or—

“Don’t tell him I said so, but you’re even more handsome than he is,” she said, smiling. Brynna pushed away from the wall and came to stand in front of him, holding out her hand. “Queen Brynhild Holgersen, at your service.”

Uri grinned. Taking her hand, he turned it so he could kiss the back of it instead of shaking.

“The pleasure is mine, I’m sure.”

“Seriously though, why are you changing clothes? I think you and Banyan are going to make one powerhouse couple once he gets over the shock that you’re suddenly on board with the whole mating idea.”

“How did you…?” Shifter hearing, of course. How many others had heard their conversation? “Do you think he will? Get on board?”

“That depends on how much you beg and grovel. You broke his fucking heart, so don’t blame him if he’s just a smidge leery of your rapid turnaround,” she said saucily.

“You seem to know a lot about us.”

“My brother needed someone to talk to, and it sure as hell wasn’t going to be our parents.”

“I’m glad you were there for him.”

“Me, too. We’ve been doing a lot of catching up. If I had known how great he was, I would have tried to find him years ago.” Urijah knew how great Banyan was. At least the Banyan he was before Urijah up and took off. He was ready to get to know this Banyan. Brynna turned at the sound of voices at the bottom of the stairs. “Duty calls. But Urijah, I want to get to know you as well.” She softly touched Mjölnir before turning and heading back to the party.

Uri quickly changed from the older Norse attire into a black suit. Instead of putting on a tie, he left the blue dress shirt unbuttoned at the neck. It might have been foolish, but he thought if Banyan could see the talisman, it would continue to remind him of the gift Uri had given him and the words he had spoken from his heart. They might have originally been Banyan’s words, but they were fitting.

When he reached the dining hall, Banyan was in his face immediately. Frowning, he asked, “Why did you change? Not that you don’t look hot as fuck in a suit.”

“I didn’t want to be accused of trying to upstage the King,” Uri joked.

“You could do that wearing sweats and a holey T-shirt.” Banyan leaned in and whispered against his ear, “Or nothing at all.” His warm breath on Uri’s skin sent sparks straight to his cock. “Except this,” Banyan said with his fingers touching Mjölnir as well as Uri’s skin. “Never take it off,” Banyan commanded.

Uri had never heard his soft-spoken mate speak with such authority. The dominating tone was something he would gladly get used to. Uri was glad he remembered to put the suit coat on, or else the guests would know how Banyan affected him.

“How much longer does this party last?” Uri choked out.

Banyan’s eyes flashed with hunger. “Go to the third floor, first door on the left and wait for me. Now.”

Urijah backed up a few steps, taking in those around them to make sure no one heard Banyan’s command. Uri wasn't one to take orders. Not in the bedroom anyway, but this was Banyan. His mate. Not once in his long life had Urijah bottomed for any male, but he would probably be willing to open up for his best friend. When he stepped into Banyan’s bedroom, the scent hit Uri. The bed was made, but there was no mistaking who had slept between the sheets. Urijah wanted to take off his clothes and slide under the covers, allowing Banyan’s essence to infiltrate his nostrils, filling Uri’s lungs with the same air his mate had breathed.

Strong arms banded his chest, and Uri leaned his head back on Banyan’s shoulder. He stood still while Banyan’s hands explored the skin not covered by clothing. Banyan’s fangs scraped along Urijah’s neck while his hands worked Uri’s belt. Urijah reached one hand behind Banyan’s head to hold him in place, but Banyan grabbed his wrist and returned it to his side. “Don’t move,” he commanded.

The dominance in his mate’s voice was thrilling. Uri wouldn’t submit to Banyan every time, but this was a special day for more reasons than one, and he would allow Banyan to have his way. Urijah fisted his hands while Banyan unzipped Uri’s slacks and pulled the shirttail free. Sliding his hand between the fabric and skin, Banyan found Uri’s erection. His large fist surrounded Uri’s cock, and Banyan rubbed his thumb over the weeping tip. Banyan removed his hand and painted Uri’s lips with the moisture from his own dick. Banyan gripped Uri’s chin and turned his head, licking at his lips.

It had been hundreds of years since he had been with Banyan, but the way his best friend played his body was unlike anyone ever had. Banyan knew what Uri needed. Always had. Expecting a quick hand job to take the edge off, Urijah was surprised when Banyan turned him around and dropped to his knees in front of him. Banyan rolled his tongue over his top lip then the bottom as he fisted Urijah’s cock. Looking up at Urijah from hooded eyes, Banyan said, “I’ve waited too long to taste you.”



Urijah was no longer the young boy from their past. He wasn’t even the warrior who walked away from Banyan in search of something different. Instead, he was the grown-ass Gargoyle who could bring Banyan to his knees. On the floor in front of Urijah, looking up at him from a submissive position, there was nowhere else he would rather be. Not in that particular moment. Banyan had a houseful of guests he was supposed to be entertaining, but he couldn’t find it within him to give a shit. All that mattered was getting a taste of the stunning male in front of him. When Urijah had changed into the black suit, Banyan couldn’t resist. He had never seen his mate look more appealing, even when he’d been naked. Banyan eased his fingers under the band and slid Uri’s slacks down his massive thighs.

Not caring if his pants were getting wrinkled, Banyan settled on his knees and didn’t bother going slow. Didn’t tease Urijah. Teasing his mate was only tormenting himself, and Banyan wanted to taste Uri. All of him. Relaxing his jaw, Banyan licked the tip and swallowed the moisture before taking Uri’s cock all the way down. His mate wasn’t small, and Banyan reveled in the stretch of his mouth around Uri’s thickness. Banyan used the flat of his tongue to trace the vein on the underside, sucking Uri’s crown and milking the pre-cum. Wanting more, Banyan bobbed his head up and down the shaft while reaching a hand underneath to roll his balls around.

Uri moaned as Banyan tugged on his sac. “Fuck, B. I forgot how good you are at this,” Uri whispered. His breathing was getting faster with each slide of Banyan’s tongue against his mate’s steely dick. Banyan hadn’t forgotten how good his mate tasted. It was something forever etched into his being. Over the years, Banyan had refused to give blowjobs. Those he had saved for Urijah, and now that he had his male’s cock in his mouth, he was glad he’d made that decision.

“Fuck, B. Not… gonna… last…” Uri warned, grunts punctuating each word. This was what Banyan wanted. Increasing his efforts, he slid one hand between Uri’s cheeks and toyed with his pucker. “Oh, gods, B…” Banyan wasn’t gentle. He pushed his finger into Uri’s ass, rubbing his prostate while he sucked hard on his dick. Uri gripped Banyan’s head and fucked his face until his orgasm exploded into Banyan’s mouth.

It’s about godsdamned time.

Banyan swallowed every drop of Uri’s cum while sucking on the head of his dick. When Urijah was no longer moving, Banyan eased his finger from his ass and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his cock. Banyan pulled Uri’s pants up as he stood, and carefully tucked his softening erection inside before zipping him up. Urijah gripped his hands, stopping him. When Banyan looked up, Urijah brought their mouths together, plunging his tongue inside to taste himself. Banyan let him get his fill.

“Thank you,” Banyan said when Uri broke away.

“I think I should be thanking you. I’d love to return the favor,” Uri said, reaching for Banyan’s pants, but Banyan stilled his hand.

“I need to get back downstairs. We have all night to get reacquainted.” Banyan placed a chaste kiss on Uri’s lips. “You can use my bathroom to straighten up. I’ll meet you back downstairs.” He didn’t give Uri another glance. He couldn’t. Because if he did, he would strip his mate bare and take his ass right then and there on the bed, guests be damned. But Banyan wasn’t ready for that. He needed time to think. Time to wrap his head around the fact that Urijah was there and willing to reconnect.

As much as Banyan had always dreamed of having what Uri was offering, he was hesitant to jump in with both feet. His mate’s timing – and yes, he still considered Urijah his mate – could have been better. He could have given Banyan a few days to adjust to becoming King. He already had a lot on his mind with regards to his Clan. He didn’t need the added stress of dealing with renewed emotions.

A waiter walked by with a tray of champagne. Banyan grabbed two glasses, downing them both, before he went in search of something harder. Marcie had managed to find an all-Gargoyle staff. He didn’t ask how, but she promised him no one who worked the party was human. That was one less thing for Banyan to stress over. It was one reason his father had been able to speak freely during the coronation. Banyan hadn’t seen his parents leave, but he had heard the car engine start up soon after he and Urijah spoke. Banyan prayed the doctor in Switzerland was able to help his mother. He didn’t know his parents well, but he wished them all the best in the rest of their lives.

Banyan ordered a double of whiskey. If it wouldn’t look bad, he would take the bottle and serve himself. While he waited on his drink, laughter caught his attention, and Banyan turned toward the sound. Freyda and Halina were laughing at something Gautum said, his smile wide as Tabor shook his head. It did his heart good to see his uncle happy. While Banyan could honestly say he didn’t care if he ever saw his parents again, he wanted nothing more than to spend all the time he could with the two couples laughing together.

“You love them, don’t you?” Brynna asked when she walked up to stand beside him as he sipped his whiskey.

Ja. The four of them were my parents. Freyda not quite as much as Halina, but she was still a big part of my life. She’s the reason I love to cook,” Banyan said, smiling wistfully as he remembered getting flour all over Freyda’s kitchen as he learned to bake.

“The guests will be leaving soon. I overheard Gautum and Tabor stating they were driving back home this afternoon.”

“I thought they were staying here a while.” Banyan was torn between wanting them to stay and hoping they didn’t so he and Urijah had the house to themselves.

“It might have something to do with you and Urijah needing to be alone. I’ve already made reservations at a local hotel.”

“What? You don’t have to do that.”

“I think it’s best, at least for one night. You and your mate have some catching up to do. I have no doubt that will entail some very loud catching up, if you catch my drift.” Brynna wiggled her eyebrows, making Banyan laugh out loud. “Marcie and Lawrence have been warned to remain in their section of the house for the next couple of days. Marcie will cook breakfast and leave it warming in the oven if you and Urijah are nowhere to be seen.”

Banyan didn’t have to look to know Urijah had reentered the room. He felt his mate’s nearness as well as he felt his sister’s, and she was standing next to him. He didn’t want to turn his eyes to Uri, but he was helpless against the pull. Urijah smiled at him, and Banyan’s chest constricted. “Give him a chance,” Bryn whispered. Banyan frowned at his sister, and she placed her hand on his wrist which was holding the now empty glass. “Give your bond a chance,” she said again before kissing him on the cheek and walking off.

Banyan wanted to do just that, but he couldn’t trust his heart with Urijah. Not yet.

One by one, his Clan once again congratulated Banyan on becoming King. He thanked them all as they took their leave. When the last guest was gone, Banyan finally relaxed. He instructed Marcie to excuse the caterers and wait staff. With only his and Urijah’s family hanging around, Banyan said, “Now, let’s get this party started.” He situated himself behind the bar and poured everyone a shot of tequila. Banyan poured enough to include Marcie and Lawrence.

“I want to thank you all for being here today. Being surrounded by family made it easier to make the vows.” Banyan looked at Urijah and inclined his head. His mate understood the meaning and took his place behind the bar with Banyan. Once everyone had a shot glass in hand, Banyan raised his and said, “To the future.”

Everyone raised their glasses and repeated the words back to him. Banyan didn’t know what the future held, but he was ready to find out. With his hand on the small of Uri’s back, Banyan said, “Lawrence, find some music we can dance to.” For the next few hours, Banyan let himself enjoy just being in the moment.