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Venom (Dixie Reapers MC 1) by Harley Wylde, Jessica Coulter Smith (5)



Ridley was pretty damn amazing. She’d sucked me off four times throughout the day, getting a little bit better each time. Most women couldn’t take all of me, but fuck if my cock didn’t slide down her throat with ease. I’d wanted more, so much more, but I wasn’t a big enough bastard to take what I wanted. She’d screamed my name until she’d grown hoarse. I sucked her pretty little clit and fucked her with my fingers until she’d gotten too sore to play anymore. Any other woman and I’d have told them to get the fuck out of my bed when I was done with them, but Ridley was different. She was nothing like the club whores I’d fucked in my younger days as a Prospect, before I’d figured out I didn’t want sloppy seconds or thirds, or the more experienced women I picked up in bars now. Hell, the way she’d stared at me when she’d pulled down my pants, I was pretty certain she’d never seen a cock before.

I’d held her for hours, just enjoying the feel of her in my arms. We’d taken breaks to eat and get some rest, but even now my mouth watered at the thought of tasting her sweet pussy again. My phone had been buzzing off and on for a while now, and if I had to guess, I’d say it was Bull. I hadn’t looked at the damn thing, not wanting to interrupt my time with the angel in my arms. I knew her daddy was going to castrate me if he found out what I’d been doing with his daughter, but death was a small price to pay all things considered.

My phone buzzed again and I picked it up, checking the screen. Bull. He was going to want to know why I hadn’t been answering my phone, and I didn’t think he wanted to hear that I’d been making his daughter come all over my face for hours on end. And damn could the girl come! She’d soaked the bed with how much her pretty pussy flooded with each release. I’d love to feel all that cream coating my cock as I drove into her.

I glanced at Ridley lying beside me. She was pressed against my side, her head in the crook of my shoulder. My hand rested at her waist, her skin warm and soft under my rough fingers. I answered the phone as it started to buzz again, and hoped like hell I didn’t wake her up. She was exhausted and deserved some sleep.

“What?” I barked into the phone.

“You may be my VP, but that’s my daughter you took home, asshole.”

“I’m aware of that.” It was about the only thing that had kept me from being balls deep in her pussy. Well, that was one reason. The other was that she deserved so much better than me. Her first time should be sweet and tender, and I didn’t have a damn clue how to do sweet and tender. I’d take her hard and deep, and fucking pound her pussy until I filled her with my cum.

“Should I call Zipper?” Bull asked. I didn’t like that he’d brought up the club’s tattooist.

“What the fuck would you call him for?”

“Because I came by earlier to check on my little girl and heard her screaming your fucking name. Since you’ve claimed her, I figured you’d want her inked.”

Oh, shit.

“I didn’t claim her,” I said.

Bull snorted. “Didn’t sound that way to me.”

“She wanted me to take away the bad memories of Montoya, but my cock didn’t get inside her.” Except for that luscious mouth.

“I don’t fucking care,” Bull screamed into the phone. “If I’d thought you’d put your hands on her the first chance you had her alone, I never would have sent her home with you. I trusted you to take care of her, to protect her.”

I’d taken care of her all right, just not in the way her daddy approved.

“Ridley is a grown fucking woman,” I told him. “I gave her what she needed. She knew things weren’t going further, and she accepted that. And you don’t dare question whether or not I’d protect her.” Bull didn’t know it, but I’d lay down my life for the woman in my arms.

“She’s nineteen for Christ sake!”

“She’s still a woman, Bull. A young one, but full-grown just the same, and she can make her own decisions about her life. She doesn’t need Daddy’s permission to have sex.”

Bull started cursing again, then grew quiet.

“I talked to Torch. There’s been a new development. He said he’s calling church, so you need to get your ass over here. Bring Ridley with you. She can sit at the bar, and the Prospects can keep an eye on her.”

I hung up and looked at my phone, noticing the four missed calls and one text from the Pres. Fuck. Torch was going to be pissed I hadn’t picked up, and I doubt he’d care that I’d been busy making Ridley scream my name. I stroked her cheek and pressed my lips to hers. She moaned and leaned in closer.

“Come on, angel. Time to get up.”

Her eyes fluttered open, and she gave me a sleepy smile.

“The Pres has called church, so I’ve gotta go. And you’re going with me.”

“I’m allowed in church?” she asked.

“No, but you can sit at the bar. Go get dressed. I’ll wait for you by the front door.”

Ridley rolled out of bed and disappeared down the hall, and yeah, I fucking admit it. I admired her ass as she walked away. Damn if I didn’t stay hard around that woman. A shower would have been nice, since I smelled like sex, but there wasn’t time. I grabbed a fresh pair of boxer briefs and jeans from the dresser, slid on my cut, and jammed my feet into my boots. Ridley met me at the front door, and we rode over to the clubhouse. Her hands clutched my waist, and her body molded to my back. I’d always had a strict policy about no women on the back of my bike, even though I’d broken that rule last night. That shit was reserved for my old lady, if I ever took one. But Ridley felt like she fucking belonged there. She was made to ride a bike. My bike.

Two Prospects were on the porch of the clubhouse when we pulled up. They looked alert, their gazes scanning the area, and I wondered what had happened. Bull had mentioned a new development, and I suddenly wasn’t quite as content as I had been moments before. If someone even thought of taking Ridley, I’d fucking end them. No one was taking her, not while there was breath in my lungs. I didn’t usually pack heat around the compound unless I knew something was going down, but I was starting to wish I’d armed myself to the teeth. It wasn’t like someone would ever get inside unless we allowed it to happen, but I wasn’t going to take any chances with Ridley. She was too damn important to me.

Fuck. She’d been back in my life for not even a full day, and already I wanted her in every way possible. If I didn’t think she could do so much better than me, nothing would have stopped me from getting balls deep inside her and branding her as mine. She was like the sun, all light and sweet, and my soul was as fucking dark as they came. I was tainted from the sins of my past, and those I’d yet to commit.

Ridley slipped her hand into mine, and I looked down at her in surprise. I’d never held a woman’s hand before, had always shaken them off, but I tightened my grip and kept her close. We approached the bar, and I lifted her onto a stool. She smiled up at me, even though I could see the worry in her eyes. Not giving a fuck who saw, I leaned forward and kissed her hard. Ridley was mine, and yet she wasn’t. I wasn’t good for her, but it didn’t stop me from wanting to brand her as my woman.

“I’ll be back. Order a drink.”

Her nose wrinkled. “I’m under twenty-one.”

My lips twitched as I fought not to smile. “Baby girl, we don’t exactly play by the rules around here. You want a drink, order one. You think anyone gives a fuck how old you are?”

The Prospect behind the bar approached, jerking his head down the hall. “Everyone’s already in there. I’ll keep an eye on her.”

“If she gets so much as a paper cut while I’m gone, I’ll beat the fucking hell out of you.”

He nodded, and his lips firmed. I knew he’d watch over her, lay down his life for her if the need arose. It was one thing, knowing she was Bull’s daughter, but now the club knew she meant something to me too. I was so fucking screwed. She was in my bed, on my bike, and I was openly kissing her in the clubhouse. My dick might not have gotten anywhere near her pussy, but I might as well have pissed on her leg like a dog marking its territory.

I pulled myself away from Ridley before I tossed her over my shoulder and carried her to the nearest bed. When I saw the closed doors, I wondered if they’d started church without me. I barged in, letting the doors slam shut behind me. All talking ceased, and the Pres gave me a glare that would have made a lesser man cower. I sprawled in my seat, ignoring the pointed glare from Bull. Every patched member was present, and a few were smirking. It left little doubt that Bull had been complaining about me defiling his daughter.

“Your phone broke?” Torch asked.

“No, Pres. I was otherwise occupied.”

“Fucking my daughter,” Bull said, spit flying from his mouth. “He was supposed to be protecting her.”

“Can’t think of any safer place for her to be than in my bed,” I drawled.

Bull rose from his seat, fists clenched at his sides. “You’re just using her like all the other whores you take to your bed.”

His words made my anger ignite. “Did you just compare Ridley to a whore?”

Torch steepled his fingers in front of him and watched me carefully. I could almost see the wheels turning in his head. His gaze strayed to Bull, and he motioned for my brother to have a seat.

“Before we continue down this enlightening path,” Torch said, “we need to discuss a few things. I called church because Bull’s daughter has returned to us, and she’s in trouble. Her mother and stepdad have offered her to Fernando Montoya as payment, for what we’ve yet to determine. It seems they’re doing their best to track her down, and they’re getting closer than I’d like. I guess that stupid bitch mother of hers didn’t think she’d come running to Daddy after the crap she pulled last year, otherwise they’d already be at our gates demanding we hand her over.”

“What do you mean they’re getting close?” I asked.

“Ridley apparently had her cell phone with her for most of her journey. She stopped at a small town outside the panhandle, and that’s where the Bentons lost her trail. Now, normally I wouldn’t have thought much about it, but that unassuming little town is home of the Devil’s Boneyard MC,” Torch said.

“Taught my girl everything I know,” Bull said. “She was smart and found a chop shop to ditch her Mercedes.”

Torch nodded. “I called Cinder and asked if anyone knew anything. She took the car to their chop shop and their VP put her on the bike. He also helped her destroy her phone. Now the good news is that they can’t track her anymore, and I was assured that car has been taken care of. But the fact she was coming to Alabama is probably going to tip off her mom that she came here. Might not be long before they show up here.”

“Has contact been made from her mom?” I asked.

“Not yet. I’m hoping they don’t show up for a while. I’ve asked Wire to do a little digging for us. I want to know everything about Richard Benton III, and I want to know his connection to Montoya. Wire is going to start with Benton’s bank records and business dealings, and we’ll go from there. I’m hoping we can find some leverage,” Torch said.

“So what do you want us to do for now?” Flicker asked.

“Ridley has to stay at the compound,” Torch said. “Venom was chosen to protect her.”

Bull’s face turned red, and his fist slammed down on the table.

Torch raised a brow. “Obviously, Bull is reconsidering that decision.”

“Ridley isn’t going anywhere,” I said.

“The fuck you say?” Bull shot to his feet. “I won’t leave her under your care when you’re going to treat her like trash. You didn’t pick her up on the damn street corner. She’s not here for your amusement.”

My chair scraped the floor as I stood, my body trembling from my barely controlled rage. That’s twice he’d compared Ridley to a whore, and I wasn’t going to fucking stand for it. Yeah, I’d pleasured her in my bed, but I’d done it to take care of her, because she’d asked me to make the memories go away. I never would have fucking touched her if she hadn’t asked. But now that I had, now that her taste was still on my tongue, I would be damned if anyone was taking her out of my house.

“Ridley isn’t going anywhere,” I said, my teeth clenching from the effort to not lay Bull out with one fucking punch. I didn’t think Ridley would take it too well if I beat the shit out of her dad. And her opinion was about the only one that mattered right now.

“Venom,” Torch said softly. “What is Ridley to you?”

My jaw clenched tighter until I thought my teeth might crack.

“Are you claiming her?” Torch asked.

“She deserves better,” I muttered.

Torch studied me a moment, then snapped his fingers at our enforcer, Tank. “Bring the girl here.”

I sank into my chair and tried to calm my racing heart. Why the hell was he asking for Ridley? No one came to church except patched members. Had I put her in danger with the attention I’d given her? Torch was fucking stone-cold, and if he thought for one second that Ridley was going to cause problems within the club, I didn’t doubt that he’d boot her out. But if Ridley left, I was going with her. Brotherhood be damned, I wasn’t going to leave her defenseless when there were monsters waiting to snatch her up.

Tank re-entered the room, his hand gripping Ridley’s arm and practically dragging her inside. I gripped the arms of my chair tight to keep from going to her. She stared at everyone, wide-eyed, and looked scared as hell. I wanted to wrap my baby girl in my arms and tell her everything would be fine.

“Ridley, do you remember me?” Torch asked.

She hesitantly nodded. “You’re the president of the Dixie Reapers.”

“That’s right. And the man beside me is my VP.”

Her glaze clashed with mine.

“I understand that Bull sent you home with Venom when you arrived. Did you go with him willingly?” Torch asked.

“Yes,” Ridley said.

“And anything that happened while you were there was consensual? He didn’t force himself on you in any way?”

“Venom would never hurt me,” she said.

“If you had your choice, would you want to remain with Venom? Or would you prefer to move to another house? I could even arrange for your dad to stay with you,” Torch said.

Her gaze met mine again and held. It was like she was looking to me for answers, but I couldn’t say anything. This had to be her choice. I might wish that I could claim every sexy inch of her, but she was still a free woman. She didn’t wear my brand, or anyone else’s. And once the threat to her life was over, I imagined she’d move on and put the Dixie Reapers in her rearview mirror. And me. She’d walk away from me, and that’s why I couldn’t take things as far as I wanted.

“Ridley, I’m asking you, not Venom,” Torch said.

“I want to stay with Venom,” she said softly. “If that’s okay with him.”

Fuck yes, it’s okay with me!

“Ridley, I know you came to us because your father is here,” Torch said. “But I need to know if you plan to stay even after the danger has passed. There’s not a lot of room in our club for women. You’re either a club slut or an old lady, and right now, you aren’t either.”

“If staying is an option, I think I’d like to,” she said. “But I could never be a club slut.”

“You don’t have a problem wearing someone’s brand?” Flicker asked.

“What’s a brand? Like you literally burn a brand into my skin?” she asked, her face paling.

“This is ridiculous,” Bull said. “My daughter isn’t going to be a slut or an old lady. There’s a reason I didn’t fight for sole custody. I didn’t want her around all this shit.”

“Not your decision,” Torch said.

“A brand means you’re tattooed,” I said.

“Tattooed with what?” she asked.

“You’re marked as property,” Flicker said. “You can wear it on your arm or on your back. You’ll also be given a cut that says you’re property of the biker who claims you.”

Ridley’s brow furrowed. “I don’t remember my mom having that.”

Bull snorted. “Because I would have never made your mom my old lady. We were only together for a few days, then she came and found me when she discovered she was pregnant with you. But no matter what I think of your mother, I have always loved you. You’re my sweet girl, and I hate to think of you living this life.”

Ridley focused on him. “You taught me about bikes and introduced me to different MCs whenever you would visit. You never kept this way of life a secret from me, even if I don’t know all the details. I don’t need to know them. You’re a good man, Daddy, and I’m sure you’re not the only one in this room.” Her gaze met mine. “I know you aren’t. I’ve known Venom all my life, even if I wasn’t around the last fourteen years. He would never hurt me.”

Torch chuckled. “Are you laying claim to my VP?”

Her chin jutted up. “Maybe I am. Does that mean he has to get tattooed with Property of Ridley?”

Every man around the table roared with laughter, and even my lips twitched up in a smile. Girl had guts, I’d give her that.

“What about it, Venom?” Torch asked, humor shining in his eyes. “You going to get a Property of Ridley tattoo?”

My gaze scanned her from head to toe before flicking back up to her eyes. So, my baby girl thought to claim me? I scooted my chair back and crooked my finger at her. Ridley glared at Tank’s hand still gripping her arm and tore it free before walking over to me. I reached for her waist and lifted her onto my lap, her legs splayed on either side of me as her hands went to my shoulders.

Her body trembled, and the need in her eyes made me want to bury my cock deep in her pussy and never come out. But before I claimed her, I needed to make sure she understood what she was getting into. It was one thing to joke about it, but quite another to make her mine.

“Baby girl, all kidding aside, we’re not talking about something temporary. If I claim you, it’s forever. You don’t walk away. You get pissed at me, we deal with it. I hurt your feelings, you tell me. But once you’re mine, your ass better be in my bed every fucking night. You’ll do what I say, when I say, because sometimes it might mean the difference between life and death. It will be my job to protect you, even if you don’t agree with my methods.”

“If I’m in your bed every night, does that mean you’re only with me?” she asked so softly I almost didn’t hear.

“Are you asking me to be faithful?”

She nodded slowly. “It would break my heart if you were to ever be with someone else. I’d rather not have you at all than only have part of you.”

She was fucking killing me.

“If I’m yours,” she said. “I want you to be mine too.”

Oh, baby girl. I already am.

My gaze held steady on hers, searching for any sign her feelings might waver. Her blue eyes were guileless, and seemed to promise me forever. I tore my gaze from hers and looked at Torch.

“Call Zipper,” I said. “If Ridley’s mom or anyone else tries to take her from me, I’ll rain down hell on them. I want her marked now so every fucker out there knows she’s mine.”

Torch smiled and nodded.

Bull pushed his chair back and glared at me. “I can’t stop you from claiming her. Anyone else, I’d have kicked their ass, but you’re my VP. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. But you disrespect her, fuck around on her, or break her damn heart, and I will gut you like a fucking fish.”

“I will protect her with my life,” I promised Bull. “And if I ever break her heart, I’m sure she’ll kick my ass before you get a chance.”

Bull grudgingly smiled. “You might be right about that. I might not have been able to spend much time with her, but I made sure my girl was tough and not some rotten-ass socialite who cried over a broken nail.”

I looked away from Bull and reached up to fist Ridley’s hair. Dragging her face closer to mine, I kissed her hard and deep, my tongue thrusting between her lips so she’d have no doubt who she belonged to. From this moment on, she was mine. I’d brand her, not only with ink and a cut, but I’d fucking brand her with my cum. I was going to fuck her until there was no doubt she was the property of Venom.




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