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Walking Away by Xavier Neal (16)


Fuck. Tennis.


Fuck this stupid sport, all this fucking running, and the fact this is how I have to spend the first half of my birthday.


“That’s….That’s….” I wave my racket back and forth, completely out of breath. “Game over.”


The bald man prepares to exit the court prompting me to jog over to him.


All this fucking exercise makes me want to sit in Jason’s lap and just let him roll me around for a week.


“Good game,” he compliments as we exit through the gate. “I appreciate a worthy opponent.”


“As do I.”




His offer is exactly what I hoped for. “Sure. My bag’s already saving me a table. We can just sit there.”


He nods, offers his racket to a young Asian male who has been following him around, and joins me at the patio table.


I flag over a waitress, place my bag on the table, and begin rifling around in it. “You were practically pro level out there. Ever thought about it?”


My flattery is well received. “I used to. In my younger years. Not enough money in the sport. Well, in playing the sport.” He chortles and orders us both a brandy. “What about you? You still seem young. Fit. Have you considered it?”


No. Not in this fucking life time or the next. Aside from my ability to look graceful doing it, I loathe the sport.  It’s boring as fuck.


I begin placing objects from the bag on the table making sure to cover as much space as possible. “Not really. I’m like you. Not enough money.”


He hums his approval. “Smart man.”




“Your intelligence flow over to things of actual value?”


“Such as?”


“Stock assessment like I overheard Bill mention?”


“You heard that, huh?”


“He was practically shouting it to the entire club.”


“Yeah, he’s always had quite the issue with his volume after a couple shots of tequila.” More objects get pushed closer to him. “I guess the answer to your question would depend on who you ask.”


“I’m asking you.”


“I think I’m phenomenal at what I do.”


“Is that an air of confidence or arrogance?”


My tone remains light. “Perhaps both.”


His hand motions to my props. “I’m leaning on the side of arrogance at the sight of your disorganization?”


“For you, Mr. West,” the petite blonde coos.


“West?” I question as she attempts to hand me my own drink.


“You can call me Nicholas.”


“Nicholas West.”


“The one and only.”


Conformation check.


She motions the beverage at me once more, but I pretend not to notice.


“And you are?”


“Hudson.” My free hand extends to shake, but I make sure to brush off a few items on its retreat. “Damn it.”


“Do you not believe in traveling light, Hudson?” He picks up the fallen unopened package of golf balls and places it back on the table. When his hands wrap around the file, he adds, “Or a proper office?”


An arrogant smirk crosses my face. “Life is my office, Nicholas West. And you have officially been served.” I snatch my cell phone from the table to take his photo. “Your divorce papers are now in your hands in front of a witness with photographic evidence now in hand.” Sliding my phone back into my pocket, I state, “The personal photo was just in case you attempt to pay off the staff to erase the footage of this exchange.”


Nicholas sneers.


“You can rest assured I will be filing the appropriate paperwork when I vacate the premises, because as I previously mentioned, I am phenomenal at what I do.”


He growls and crumbles the file in his clutches. “Phil!!!”


I turn to deny the waitress the beverage she’s still offering. “I will not be drinking that, but Mr. Nicholas West on the other hand may be looking to drown his sorrows from losing his beach house in Maui.”


“You sonofabitch….”


Packing the items back in my gym bag, I shrug. “My mother was a bitch when she was alive, so that insult doesn’t hurt at all.” Once everything is back inside, I offer him another nod. “Enjoy your afternoon. Unfortunately for me, waiting for you to show up here all day, has put a major cramp in my ability to celebrate my birthday today. Then again the bonus on my check for bagging you should make up for it.”


His middle finger flies into the air as I begin to back away from the hostile situation.


Not the best birthday gift, but I wasn’t kidding about the bonus making up for it. Maybe I’ll use the money to take us on a vacation. There’s something we’ve never done before. Not even a weekend getaway. I love the idea of the three of us locked away together where the only things for us to do are fuck, eat, and repeat. I especially love the idea after spending the last week not being able to make our schedules mesh. It’s been miserable coming home only to discover they’ve already gone to bed and even more miserable to have to crash at my apartment because I don’t have the energy to drive all the way home. I think my birthday wish will be for the three of us to not get out bed for a week.


After filing the proper paperwork and gloating in Francis’ face, I haul ass home with just enough time to get showered and changed for dinner. Originally, we had planned to have my aunts over sooner, but shit just kept coming up. Gwenny suggested we invite them over as part of my celebration, which didn’t exactly send me jumping for joy. I would’ve preferred it be the three of us naked, on the couch, watching Die Hard, but this way does kill two birds with one stone. They would’ve insisted on having me over for dinner to celebrate and by bringing them over instead, they finally get to meet the people I love and celebrate my birthday the way they want. My only true requirement was that I get to have Gwenny on the table for dessert.


From the moment my aunts arrive the evening feels like smooth sailing. Everyone greets everyone else warmly. There are no awkward stretches of silence or disapproving expressions. We laugh. We drink. We laugh some more. Gwenny busts her ass to play hostess despite me and Jason’s efforts to help. She repeatedly insists we sit and remain comfortable while tending to the food.


Once bowls of chicken fettucine alfredo are in front of us, she finally takes her seat at the head of the formal dining room table, which allows for Jason and I to fold our hands in her lap. She instantly relaxes under our touch and sighs, “Hope everyone enjoys it.”


“Looks amazing,” Aunt Whitney insists.


“Tastes even better,” Aunt Lindsay adds, already working on a forkful.


Gwenny blushes. “Thank you.”


“You know I can make this,” I brag as I twirl the pasta around my utensil.


“Doubtful,” my aunts state together before snickering.


“Do you hear this shit?” My jovial tone remains. “Even on my birthday they give me a hard time.”


“You wanna talk about hard times? Should we tell your boyfriend and girlfriend stories of the hard times you gave us growing up?” Aunt Whitney pokes.


“Like the awkward talk we had to have with you about porn after the babysitter caught you watching it?” My other aunt announces.


“Or the time we caught you in the back yard with your face pressed to the fence trying to watch Mrs. Underwood sunbathe naked through the cracks?”


“Don’t forget why we stopped taking him to waterparks.”


“Hey!” I practically squeak. “How about we don’t make me sound like a sexual deviant in front of my boyfriend and girlfriend?”


“Why not? It ain’t exactly a mystery to us,” Jason jokes and the group joins in on the laughter.


“Uh-huh, laugh it up.” Shoving a forkful into my mouth, immediately distracts me from the taunting nature. “Holy shit, Gwenny, this is better than normal.”


She reaches for her glass of Moscato. “Made with extra love just for you.”


“Meaning cheese.”


“The expensive kind.”


“You do love me,” I tease back and lean over to lock lips.


Afterward, my eyes meet Jason’s and winks.


“Tell us more about yourselves,” Aunt Lindsay suggests. “Do either of you come from large families? Lots of siblings? Are either of you only children?”


Jason takes the first round of answering. He politely explains his background proceeded by Gwenny describing hers. Their stories eventually sync up about not having family outside of one another yet in unison their eyes drift to mine and they correct themselves by informing my aunts they no longer have family outside the three of us.


Aunt Lindsay is first to welcome them as part of ours and my aunt Whitney quickly agrees. Both give small spiels about what family means to us and regardless of what my phantom of a mother liked to claim, they are my mothers and our union has all of their blessings.


The topic of discussion naturally flows back to my childhood fuck ups, and I embrace it with a wide smile. I apparently made Dennis the Menace look like a saint.  Most of the tales involve me looking like an asshole, but all are accompanied with unwavering adoration for me.


It’s shortly after my aunts take my lovers through their overwhelming pride of my accomplishments that I announce, “Speaking of how amazing I am, I served divorce papers to my white whale.”


“Congratulations!” Gwenny squeals.


“No shit?” Jason’s grin grows. “And you’re still in one piece?”


I wave a hand at my gray dress shirt covered chest. “Yeah, but don’t worry. I’ll let you examine me much closer later tonight.”


His face blushes to which my aunt Whitney brushes off, “No need to be embarrassed. We are well aware of what an active sex life our nephew has.”


Overly active,” Aunt Lindsay mumbles. “Well, at least in the past. We’re actually quite grateful he’s finally settled down.”


“And with two great people,” Aunt Whitney compliments.


Both of my loves cheeks begin to burn again.


Aunt Lindsay reaches for her glass of wine. “May I ask…without trying to stir up too much trouble, where do you three see this all going?”


“It’d be nice if we could start with Hudson giving up his fucking bachelor pad,” Jason teasingly says.


“Wait. You want me to live here?”


“You already live here,” Gwenny snips. “We’ve already had that discussion.”


“You already have a key,” Jason adds.


“You already spend ninety five percent of your time here. The only thing stopping it from ‘being official’ is you holding onto your apartment.”


“Which if memory serves me correctly, your current lease will be up in six weeks.” Jason’s eyes connect to mine. “We’ve both been hoping you have no intention on renewing it.”


At that moment, I swallow the nervousness about the situation that had been building. “I don’t.”


The three of us exchange bright smiles.


“So living together,” Aunt Lindsay leads. “Marriage? Kids?”


“Jesus Lindsay, can we save some of the hard-hitting questions for our next meal?” Aunt Whitney jokes. “Though if you keep up like this, I don’t think we’ll get invited back.”


“You two are welcomed over for dinner at any time,” Gwenny immediately invites.


“Not any time,” I argue. “We like to have naked picnics around the house, so you should probably call first.”


More rounds of laughter circle the room.


Gwenny offers to serve the dessert my aunts brought over, and they both insist on helping.


Jason stretches his hand out across the table for me to hold. “You really gonna give up your place?”


“On one condition.”


Our fingers flex together. “What’s that?”


“We get a bigger fucking bed.”


He lightly chuckles. “I like that idea. Plus, it’ll be our bed. One we picked together.”


“One we break in together.”


Jason wets his lips slowly. “Can’t wait to break that ass tonight….”


The conversation is interrupted, forcing me to suppress the groan creeping up the back of my throat.


A couple days after I took him, it was only fair to let him take me. Pain and discomfort were definitely expected, but the level of pleasure it brought wasn’t. The combination of him hitting my prostate like a fucking piñata and the look of pure dominance on his face as he does it never fails to get me off. Never fails to give me wood recalling it either.


I clear my throat and use my free hand to adjust my crotch.


Jason shoots me a victorious smirk.




The five of us enjoy homemade chocolate cake and exchanging chuckles at the commentary of me opening the gifts from Jason and my aunts. Gwenny apologizes for her gift’s tardiness, but I reassure her the meal she made was more than enough. Like a family, we clear the table together and even pitch in doing the dishes. All evening I can’t seem to eradicate the smile on my face. The damn thing feels permanent. Washing plates shouldn’t have me grinning like a lunatic yet the fact all the people I care about are not only willing to be together, but enjoying it, overrules logic.


As we enter our bedroom, minor minutes after my family has left, Gwenny sweetly sighs, “I really like your aunts.”


“It also explains where your big ass heart comes from.”   


 Sliding my hands into my slacks, I state, “I appreciate you two opening your home to them.” Their eyes narrow, and I swiftly correct, “Our home.”


“Practice saying that shit,” Gwenny commands.


“And book a moving company tomorrow.”


The tag team effort to reinforce their desire to have me here all the time spreads love throughout my bones and the need to come to the base of my dick. Giving my stirring shaft an adjustment, I playfully ask, “Who’s blowing out the birthday boy’s candle?”


Once the words hit their ears our journey from clothed country to fuckville is conducted at warp speed. There’s torn fabric. Knocked over knick-knacks. Pages upon pages of foreplay skipped just to get us all in positions we’ve spent the day fantasizing about.


With my legs bent, feet planted on the outside of Jason’s thighs, and the rubber dick wedged snuggly inside my ass, Gwenny lowers herself onto my throbbing, bare cock with the most sinful sigh.


Shit….I knew this day would come eventually, but I didn’t think it’d be today. I didn’t think it’d be right the fuck now. I didn’t think when it happened it would feel this good. How the hell am I not supposed to just come?


My body rocks upward to be further engulfed by the intensity, and Jason’s follows suit.


The fullness forces my favorite word to fall, “Fuck….”


Gwenny giggles as she pushes herself back into my thrust. “That’s kind of the idea, birthday boy.”


Unable to move from my position, I call out, “Spank her for me, Blondie.”


His chuckle is proceeded by the sharp sound of her ass being hit. The vibration tightens her pussy’s grip around my dick, which tenses my entire body including my ass. Those muscles pulsing around the grooves causes my cock to swell in anticipation of coming already.


Both of my partners acknowledge the reaction with heavy moans.


One set of Jason’s fingers digs deeper in my thigh while the other helps drive the dildo deeper. He nears my prostate and my impassioned panting immediately begins. My hips increase their heaving speed into Gwenny, whose hands are taking an erotic exploration of her own body. I struggle to keep my eyes from shutting, determined to watch the show being presented for me. Her fingers tug at her straightened hair. Her straining neck. Her dark hardened nipples. When they slip between us to graze her clit my teeth clench from the suffocating grasp her pussy takes.


“Fuck, I can’t handle much more of this,” I confess behind a whimper.


Their groans of approval have my balls aching in objection. Jason’s efforts increase until he reaches a steady, unforgiving pumping that turns me into an unstable time bomb. Gwenny mercilessly bucks herself into every blow I’m able to deliver, and her fingers rapidly rub against her clit as if racing me to detonation. Wet sounds of our bodies viciously being conquered echoes profusely throughout our bedroom. Juices from Gwenny drip down my balls at the time Jason delivers a brutal blow to my prostate.


“Fuckfuckfuckfuck,” leaves my mouth in such a rapid succession I’m not even certain more than just the first letter is heard. My body begins to violently wither, and I slam my convulsing cock as far as it’ll go into Gwenny. “Coming!”


Her mouth falls yet not a single sound is released. She claws at my chest, covering it with sharp bites of pain while her pussy voraciously swallows my shaft.


I gasp harshly in an effort to gain reprieve for my inflamed lungs. The pleasure from being bare, from being able to get the full extent of an orgasm, from being able to mark the people I love in a new way, proves to be suffocating.


Our content bodies crumple, and the only sound in the room is our uneven breathing.


It takes longer than expected, but eventually someone moves.


Jason’s fingers caress my thighs. “How was your first time?”  


“Almost fucking impossible not to blow my load in the first thirty seconds.”


“Just when you thought Gwen’s pussy couldn’t get more perfect.”


“Fuck, I was wrong.”


Gwenny’s face sweetly nuzzles my chest. “You two do know I’m in the room?”


Our touch flies to different parts of her at the time. She lets out another soft sigh.


“We could never forget you, baby,” Jason declares. “Hell, I could never forget either of you.”


“I couldn’t either,” my proclamation is next.


“Me either.” Gwenny’s addition is the final cherry on the conversation.


There’s a short lull before I slyly question, “Everyone ready to go again?”  


My cock that’s still buried in her pussy twitches.


She hums her agreement, props her head up on my chest, and suggests, “You should take Jason without a condom next. See how amazing that feels.”


The proposal pops my dick up faster than expected. “Get him ready for me, Gwenny?”


Her grin grows mischievously and my cock twitches again. “Fingers or tongue?”


Jason and I growl in unison, “Both.”


Happy. Fucking. Birthday to me….The only thing that makes all the special birthday food and fucking better is knowing that I get to celebrate like this every year for…well for the rest of my fucking life. If knowing that isn’t the best gift, I don’t know what it is.




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