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Walkout: (novella 4.5) (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter) by Lila Rose (7)

Chapter Seven





Pacing the small hotel room, I fisted my hands once again and looked at the clock on the bedside table. She’d been gone for over three hours. Where in the fuck was she? My brothers were spread out into other rooms, since the event at the hotel had ended yesterday. Still, the hotel was fairly busy, leaving Beast and Knife to share once again, not that they got to use it from being up all night. Before we’d left to get Tiny, Knife had taken care of the man we’d brought back with us, after questioning him. The idiot knew nothing, but working for a sick fuck still cost him his life.

Some would say we shouldn’t have been the ones to deal out a punishment like that. Could even call us cold bastards for what we did. I called it karma. If people wanted to play alongside men like Jimmy Vanclove, then they deserved what they got dealt. My blood hadn’t cooled since seeing the fucker Jimmy dead on the floor. If anything, I was pissed he hadn’t suffered longer, for days in fact. At least on the bright side, my woman could find her peace knowing the sick dick was dead.

When the door opened, I spun to face it. Dodge came in first, then the man named Tate and finally, fuckin’ finally, Tiny.

My eyes narrowed. She looked exhausted. “Where you been?” I demanded.

The fucker Tate stepped in front of her and crossed his arms over his chest. I didn’t like that one bit. I was in his face in a second, my hand around his throat and I had him backing into a wall. Melissa let out a startled cry. I got close to his face and snarled low, “You get in front of my woman, keep her from me again, and you’ll pay.”

“Dallas!” Melissa snapped. I heard her small feet stomping my way, while I looked at the man in front of me turning blue. A small hand hit my back. “Don’t be a dick. He’s helped me all day. He doesn’t know you’re a snarling Viking freak from the old days and that I can take anything you dish out.”

Sighing, I glanced over my shoulder. Shit, my woman was tiny; the top of her head just touched my shoulder.

“I swear, if you don’t let him go, I’m going to beat the shit out of you.” She glared.

Fighting not to laugh, I released my hold and stepped back, taking Melissa with me and circling my arms around her.

Fuck, it felt good to hold her.

“You’re free,” I whispered.

She relaxed against me. “I am.”

“And you’re back to being a shrew with me.”

She giggled. “Only because you’re being a dick.”

“Man, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we gotta talk,” Dodge said. Meeting his gaze, I saw he was relaxing back on the bed, seeming unaffected by my reaction. I had no doubt though that if my woman hadn’t claimed me, he would have waded in. Probably.

I tensed. “Wait, what bad news?”

“Melissa?” Dodge said.

Looking back to Tiny, I saw her sigh and nod. She met my gaze after taking a step back. “I presume since you came here for me, you’d want me back in Melbourne with you?”

“Yes,” I agreed.

“I would have liked it also, but after hours of speaking to the police and then Tate”—my eyes narrowed and she rolled hers—“we realise it would be too suspicious to go anywhere. When I went home, I rang the police and acted like it was a home intrusion. So far, they don’t think I had anything to do with—”

“You don’t anyway, it was us.”

“Yes, but you came into town for me. To help me. If I move now, go to Melbourne, they end up looking at you all. I can’t have that. So I need to stay for a while. Besides, apparently my name is on his business and house, meaning I now own both. I have to get things in order before I up and move.” She appeared as surprised as I was at that revelation.

“How long we talkin’?”

She bit her bottom lip. “We think at least eight months.” 

“Eight fuckin’ months?” I boomed.

“Yes.” She nodded, her arms crossing her chest.

“Fine, I’ll stay and—”

“No,” Dodge said.

Spinning to face him, I glared. “What the hell you mean by sayin’ no?”

Dodge sat forward. “You stayin’ could fuck things up. It’s risky her being here right now, but I knew you’d have to hear from her she was good. You can’t be seen with her. You’ll be coming back with us tomorrow.”

“Like fuck. What would you do if it was Low?”

He rose a brow. “I’d do what she wanted because, in the end, I’d realise it could be my arse on the line. Not only that but my brothers’.” He stood. “We got your woman outta her shit. She’s safe. You need to let her deal with the rest so no blowback comes to us for havin’ her back.”

I clenched my jaw. I fuckin’ hated when another person was right.

“Fuck,” I clipped and ran a hand through my hair.

“Tate’s proven himself to protect her.”

“Because he wants in her fuckin’ panties,” I snarled and glared at the offending fucker. The dick smirked back. I went for him until Tiny stood in my way.

She shoved me back, well tried, her small hands didn’t budge me. “Stop being a dick. He may have wanted in my panties—” She looked over her shoulder to him. “—not saying you did.”

“Oh, I did,” he stated.

Dodge groaned.

Melissa sighed while I placed my hands on her shoulders and gently manoeuvred her aside. She was like a little rabbit and jumped back in front of me. “Hey,” she yelled. “He said did. Past tense. Besides, it’s not like I’d let him in there. Not when I’ll be waiting for you.”

“Relax, man. I’m messing with you. I wouldn’t do anything she didn’t want,” Tate said and smiled. The shit didn’t know when to stop.

“And,” Melissa yelled, grabbing my attention again, “I won’t want anything, so stop being a dick. We have a few hours left with each other. Are you going to spend it killing the only person who’s staying and I trust?”

Biting down, I said through clenched teeth, “Killing him could be fun.”

“Well, I can think of better things that would be fun.”

“Right.” Dodge clapped. “That’s our cue to go.” He walked over to Tate, grabbed him by the back of the neck, and led him out the door.

As soon as the door closed behind them, I glanced to Melissa in time to see her jump at me. A grin broke out over my face as I wrapped my arms around her while she did the same to me, her legs tightening around my waist.

“So, you do like me.” Her smile was a cheeky one.

One I kissed away. If that didn’t state enough of how much I liked her, then I wasn’t sure what could…. Unless we got naked.

Her head titled to the side, her hands gripped my hair, and she turned the kiss into a hungry one. Our lips moulded together while our tongues tangled with one another in an urgent frenzy. Walking backwards, I waited until my legs hit the edge of the mattress and then sat with her in my lap.

I took my hands from her arse to thread them into her hair, where I tightened my grip enough for her to moan against my mouth. I tugged her head back, breaking the kiss. Our heavy breaths panted together. I dove in and sank my teeth into her neck and sucked. She cried out, and I smiled against her skin.

“You mine?” I asked.


Lifting my head, I stared her down and asked in a rough tone, “Tiny, are you mine?”

“Well, it’s just starting—”

“Fuck it, you’re mine, and that’s it. We do this, a…” I cleared my throat, to prevent the gag reflex over the next word. “…relationship, see where it goes. But in doing this, us, it does goddamn mean you’re mine and no one else’s.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine, Viking man.” Her lips twitched. “But only if you purr the word relationship again.”

I snorted and shook my head at my funny-as-fuck woman. The smartarse had seen how I nearly choked on the word. Leaning in, I bit her bottom lip and hissed, “Get stuffed.”

I pulled back to see her tap her chin with a finger. “I can think of one thing I’d like to get stuffed with.”

“Right.” I stood, turned, and threw her arse to the bed. “Lie on your belly.”

“Are you going blind in your old age? I’m fully clothed.” She ran her hands down over her breasts and stomach.

With a hand to the bed, I bent over her and encased her entire throat with my hand, applying pressure. Her eyes widened, then hooded with heat burning inside of them. My cock hardened from seeing my woman liking a little rough play.

I licked across her lips and ordered, “Lie on your belly.” Letting go, I stood tall and crossed my arms over my chest, waiting.

“I don’t—”

“Not another word,” I demanded gruffly.

She glared but did as she was told, which I’d reward her for. She sat up, got to her knees and then crawled into the middle of the bed where she lay flat on her stomach, her head turned towards me.

“Good girl.” I nodded and dropped my arms to my sides. She looked fuckin’ perfect lying on the bed. Fisting my hands, I took a breath and climbed over her. Sitting on her arse, I ran my hands up and down her back, gently massaging my fingers in. Her eyes closed, her mouth opened a little. As I ran my hands down again, I gripped the bottom of her tee and pulled it up, she lifted enough so I could get the tee free and throw it to the floor. Unhooking her bra, I dug my fingers into her muscles again. Tiny hummed under her breath.

I flicked her hair to the side and bent to take her earlobe into my mouth where I sucked and then bit.

“You gonna do as I say?” I asked.

She nodded.

Slowly, I kissed and bit her neck, her shoulder, her back and then lower. She wiggled against the bed. “Do not move or I stop,” I told her.

I smiled when I saw her clamp down on her bottom lip. She wanted to say something, she itched to, but she didn’t because she wanted this, me, more.

Pressing my lips to her skin just above the waistline of her leggings, I licked from left to right, then jerked her leggings and panties down over her arse.

“Fuck,” I bit out. Her arse was round and stunning. I palmed each cheek, and she sighed when I leaned in and said, “No one will ever touch you again but me. Only when I do it you’ll love every fuckin’ second.” Moving down her body on my knees, I pulled her leggings with me. With a finger, I glided it over her crease of her arse and then down between her legs, curling a finger up and inside of her. She moaned, and I hissed out a breath when I found her soaked.

“From how wet you are, I can tell you like me also,” I commented before I kissed her arse cheek.

“Maybe, but—”

My hand landed on her arse hard. “Did I say you could talk?”

Her jaw clenched after she snapped her mouth closed. Her eyes told me, as she looked over her shoulder again, that she wanted to kill me, but she stayed put.

“Yeah, you like me.” I smiled, rubbed her arse and then dipped my finger back inside of her. I wanted more room though, so I ordered, “Spread them.” She did, and I placed my knees between her legs. The leggings restricted movement, and her pointed look at them told me as much also. “They digging into your legs, Tiny?” She nodded. I grinned. “Good. Want you to feel the pain when you leave later. Want you to feel me in a lot of places when I’ve gone. Fuckin’ sucks we only get each other once. But I want what I do to you to linger so fuckin’ deep, you’re gonna find it so fuckin’ hard to forget me.”

I watched the pulse in her neck pick up speed. She liked the thought of me lingering on her. Leaning down, I bit her arse and then sucked her skin into my mouth. She moaned. I did it over and over until not only her arse but her back and then shoulders had my mark on her. I only wished it’d last eight goddamn months.

As I licked back down her back, I sank a finger right into her and never thought it possible she’d be wetter for me. “Primed just for me. Fuckin’ perfect.” I pumped my finger in and out of her, her mouth opened in a silent moan, her eyes closed tight. She was close.

Removing my finger, she grumbled under her breath in complaint.

“You don’t come yet,” I told her. If she held off, I knew the tension would build, and I wanted her to come fuckin’ hard. On my knees, I threw my tee off and undid the top button of my jeans. Grabbing my wallet, I took out a condom, placed it between my lips, all while my woman watched. My hand went back to my jeans, where I slowly unzipped and then shoved them down. As I palmed myself with one hand, the other I used to take the condom and tear it open with my teeth. Sliding it on, I asked, “You want my cock?”

She nodded. Laying my body over hers, I pushed my hand over her neck and surrounded it in my large hand. I used the other to grab my hard dick. “Lift a little,” I ordered. She did. I played with my knob against her opening right before I tightened my grip around her throat and slammed deep inside of her. She cried out. I lessened my grip so she could get her breath back in. With my other hand on the bed, I straightened my arm out, so I was hovering over her while I slowly pulled back out. She whimpered, wanting my cock back, so I gave it to her and thrust all the way back in.

I dug my feet into the bed and lay back over her, and gave her my weight so I could use my feet to lift up and continue to fuck her while my grip around her neck squeezed.

I did it until she turned red.

“Fuck.” I groaned. I loosened my hand, and she sucked in a big breath. “Stunning.” Removing my hand altogether, I got to my hands and demanded, “Get on your knees, but do not lose me from within you.”

Slowly, she climbed to her knees. I nearly slipped all the way out, if she hadn’t backed onto me. With my hands on her hips, I fucked her hard. She whimpered and moaned, her hand taking hold of her breast.

She was mine.

Fuckin’ mine. I was pissed we only had a short amount of time to appreciate one another. I was a selfish bastard, so I knew when she moved my way, I’d have all her time, attention whenever I wanted it. And knowing the way I was feeling, I’d want it a lot.

Sliding one hand around, I played with her clit. “Say my name,” I said harshly.

“Dallas,” she cried out, her head thrown back.

“Who’s inside of you?”

“My Viking man.”

“Yeah, fuck yeah I am. This pussy is mine. You’re mine.”

“Yes,” she screamed as her walls contracted around my cock.

I took the opportunity to spit on my finger and slip it into her arse. She was tight, but she was lost in her orgasm, so she didn’t care. She yelled, still coming, and pushed back against my cock and finger.

“Jesus,” I gritted through clenched teeth. “You feel me?”

“God, yes.”

“Good.” I groaned as I exploded inside of her.

She collapsed to the bed panting. I fell next to her, my eyes on her face, waiting to see if she didn’t like anything I did. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.

My heart hammered in my chest.


Leaning in, I kissed her once. “You got five minutes to rest. I wanna eat your pussy and mark your tits with my mouth.”

“I’m not sure—”

“Eight months, Tiny.”

Her eyes warmed. “Whatever you want, Viking man, because I’m going to miss you too.”




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