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Want (A Satisfaction Guaranteed novella Book 1) by Laura B. Martinez (5)

Chapter Four


“Are you serious? You’ve never visited the Chrysler Building?” Craig asks.

When I replied to his first message I was surprised to get another not two minutes after and he suggest we talk on the phone instead of messaging. I found the idea appealing and we’ve been talking about everything and nothing; it’s been great.

“Well, I haven’t had the chance to do a little sightseeing, but I’m sure that’s one of the places I’ll go if I get the chance.”

“If it wasn’t closed right now, I’d take you. It’s one of my favorite places,” he offers.

“That’s so sweet, and it’s the thought that counts.”

“Hannah, I’m not gonna beat around the bush, that’s not my style. After talking with you for almost three hours, I can’t wait to meet you. It’s still early, what do you say if we meet up for dinner?” A rush of panic washes over me. Craig makes me feel comfortable and I can choose a public place. If I’m gonna do this, why not start with someone I find interesting as well as sweet?

“Umm, well it’s kind of unexpected.”

“I know. I’m still at my office and wasn’t planning to go out, but I would love to have your company for dinner.”

Come on, Hannah, you need to live a little. I give myself a pep talk.

“Okay, sure. Let’s meet up for dinner.”

“Excellent,” Craig says excitedly, “Do you like Asian cuisine? I know a place where the food and sake are exquisite and you’re going to love the view over central park.”

“Well, I’ve never had sake before, but I’m willing to try something new,” I answer honestly.

“Perfect. I can send a car to pick you up,” he offers, and while the gesture is kind, I decide I’ll Uber myself there, just in case I want to leave early.

* * *

An hour later, I’m sitting in front of a guy who looks like Craig’s picture, only balder and with a more rounded belly.

“I’m so happy we got to meet so soon. I was really looking forward to spending some time with you.” His hand tries to reach mind and I instantly pull it away. I don’t want to be rude, but he’s been trying to touch me since I got here.

“Thank you for inviting me, this restaurant is beautiful.”

“You’re gorgeous. Here, try the sake, you’re going to love it.” He pours me a small amount into a tiny shot glass. And I take it gladly, needing some liquid courage.

Savoring the taste, I’m glad it’s nothing strong like whiskey or tequila. I need to maintain a clear head but one or two shots of this won’t hurt.

“So, tell me, what are you looking for from the site?”

His question catches me off guard, but I still answer, “companionship, someone to talk and meet while spending time together.”

“Yes, that’s lovely.” The waiter chooses this moment to arrive with the food Craig ordered and I excuse myself to go use the ladies room.

Once inside the bathroom, I pass a damp towel over my face, trying to cool off. Why do I feel so hot all of a sudden?

“Pull it together, Hannah.” I chastise under my breath. Okay, maybe Craig is a bit older and different from his picture but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a nice dinner and conversation. He seems nice and I should give him a chance.

With resolve in my stride, I exit the bathroom and crash straight into a wall, a muscle wall. “Oh God, I’m so sorry.” I quickly apologize.

The man standing in front of me grabs me by my shoulders to steady me. As soon as my eyes meet his, my stomach drops.

“Are you alright?” He asks and I’m unable to utter a word. When I just nod like a fool, he smirks and I suddenly send a silent thank you to Shae for taking me to the torture chamber and have me looking all pretty. Wait, what? Snap out of it, Hannah.

“I’m sorry again, excuse me.” I move past the stranger’s embrace and walk toward the table where Craig is waiting for me.

“Everything alright, gorgeous? You look a little flushed.” Dammit.

“Yes, everything’s fine. Is it me or is a little bit hot in here?” I mumble.

“Here, have another drink and relax.” I tip the glass and swallow the soothing cool liquid as I scold myself for being silly.

“Do you like it?” Craig asks, his tone lowering.

“Yes, thank you.”

“Hannah, I’m going to make you a proposition. I think you’re a smart woman.” I don’t like how that sounds but before I can say anything Craig continues, “I’ll give you two grand right now if you spend the night with me.”


He chuckles at the shock written on my face. I’m not sure what he finds amusing, but I’m sure as hell not laughing back.

“Come on, Hannah. You’re a sugar baby, you know how this works. For one night, my offer is more than generous, don’t you think?”

My mind is working a million miles a minute, but my mouth is unable to say a word. Dizziness engulfs me and I try to compose myself.

“Spend the night with me and then we can work on some sort of arrangement that benefits the both of us.”

“No,” I say a little louder than I intended, being grateful for finally being able to say something.

“Listen, you don’t have to play the innocent role with me, okay? I know what you girls look for in that site and I’m offering you a great deal here. Even if we don’t see each other after tonight, we still win and have a good time.”

“I said no. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think it’s time for me to go home.” When I move to stand up, Craig grabs my arm and pulls me down, hurting me.

“Let go off me,” I seethe.

“Look, Hannah. I’m a very powerful man and I can make your life hell. Now, be nice and don’t make a scene, or I’ll report you to the site’s manager and have them remove your membership. You understand?”

Anger bubbles up inside of me, and I don’t care we’re surrounded by other people. All I can see is him and his stupid face becomes my target.

My clenched fist punches his face catching him by surprise and when he wails in pain as he clutches his bleeding nose, I whisper yell emphasizing every word, “I. Told. You. To. Let. Go. Of. Me.”