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Water Borne (Halcyon Romance Series Book 3) by Rachael Slate (36)

“Aedre.” Essa waved at her visitor.

Nazrin had insisted she spend a few days resting, and well, enjoying their lovemaking. After four days of both, they’d decided to face the world again. Together.

Today, Nazrin was arranging to escort her to Thrace to meet his parents.

“Essa.” Aedre propped against the bedchamber door and offered her a pained smile. Then she approached and became the physician, taking her pulse and checking her temperature. Her features clouded as she hummed in satisfaction. “Are you happy with Nazrin?”

She smiled “Of course I am. I love him, more than anything.”

“Do you care for Kai?”

“Yes. As I would a brother, or a dear friend.” An iron fist squeezed tight around her heart. What would become of Kai? No one had seen or heard from him since their time at Nereus’s Court. She prayed, wherever he was, he was well.

Aedre sniffed. “Oh, Essa. This is my fault, I’m afraid.”

“Your fault?” She tensed.

“Yes. I did this to you and Kai.”

“What?” She blurted, sitting up straight.

The sea maiden shrugged. “Nazrin and Gaven didn’t wish for me to tell you, but you have a right to the truth.” She sighed. “A long time ago, I was much more than a simple healer. I sold enchantments—love potions and such, but I soon discovered I was quite talented.” A smug grin tugged at her lips. “It wasn’t long before I’d mastered every spell. My reputation extended to the farthest reaches of the Middle Sea. I was in high demand, my enchantments nigh unbreakable.” She paused, but then shook herself out of her reminiscence. “This was before I met Gaven, before I learned such a thing as true love existed. Not the fabricated love I was an expert in, but real, soul-wrenching, heart-breaking, raw and powerful love. I was an enchantress—a false conjurer. Naively, I presumed I helped people. I’m telling you this because,” she patted Essa’s hand, “I was the one who performed the blood betrothal between you and Kai.”

My spells are nigh unbreakable, Aedre’s words reverberated in her mind.

“I won’t ask for your forgiveness,” Aedre squeezed her hand, “but please believe that I’m striving to find a way to undo this.”

Those turquoise pools filled with unshed tears and the hand Essa clasped trembled in hers. No anger toward her friend burned in her soul. How could it? “Does Kai know?”

“Yes. I inadvertently mentioned it the first time we met. Those blue eyes are hard to forget.”

She smiled. It was true. “Why did the spell go wrong? Although part of me pulled toward Kai, I never loved him. I’m certain he doesn’t love me. He sought my hand because of his family’s wishes.”

Aedre bobbed her head. “This is the first instance I’ve ever encountered. My best guess is, nothing went wrong. Everything is as it should be. The difference is Nazrin—the calling of a true mate is the strongest force I’ve ever experienced. It’s undeniable.”

“Yes, yes, it is,” she hummed, and then frowned. “Now, we must find Kai’s mate.”

Her friend flashed a conspiratorial grin. “Yes, indeed we must.”


“Are you ready, my love?” Nazrin held out his hand for Essa, who posed on the edge of their bed.

“Yes.” She slipped her hand into his.

His trepidation beat in time to the pounding of her pulse. Lord Zephyrus’s kingdom in Thrace was the last place he wished to visit with her.

Not because he feared a frigid welcome.

It was the opposite that caused cold sweat to bead along his spine.

For centuries, Lord Zephyrus, god of the West Wind, searched for ways to induce his son to embrace immortality. Now, Nazrin was about to reveal Essa’s existence to him. His father would view her as one thing.


Zephyrus yearned to have his son sit at his right hand in Thrace. Or to frolic in the meadows created by his mother. It didn’t matter, so long as Nazrin surrendered to his lineage.

He shook off his grimace.

For Essa, he’d brave anything. Even his father.

“Are you certain we should ask your father to revoke your immortality?” She bit her bottom lip, her gaze not meeting his.

“Aye. ’Tis the only solution I can think of.”

“What about Hades?”

Nazrin leaned against the doorway. “Hades would have you be immortal as well. Immortal, and indebted to him. Though you won’t side with his enemy, he still seeks you for his army, Sirena.”

Her brows furrowed together. “He bade you train me, make me immortal, and the debt of my fealty is still owed to him? Why, because he graciously offered not to kill me?” Her palms flamed blue. “I’d like to see him try now.”

Chuckling, he shook his head at her hands.

She lowered her powers. “No, why should I fight for him?”

He sighed. “It’s not about fighting for him, Sirena, but fighting for his cause.”

“For now, my mortal life shall have to be enough.” She placed her hand over his. Essa had chosen not to become immortal, and he couldn’t fault her for it. The price was too steep for her. After devoting her life to Apollo, she reeled from the false promises the sun god had made her. From the revelation of her mother’s murder. And from the prophecy and bargain kept secret from her.

He squeezed her hand, then pulled them both to their feet.

The fact remained, he needed to bond with her. She alone brought him peace, balance. He dreaded what he’d become without her. If she wouldn’t accept immortality from Hades, he’d renounce his. Even if that meant begging on his knees before his father.

With quick, precise movements like the strokes of a paintbrush, Nazrin carved a Portal into the air. The risk of flying to Thrace was too great, and he’d rather assume any consequences of creating a Portal. Even after speaking with his friends in Halcyon, he still found no answer as to why Apollo had permitted Essa to flee his temple. Bloody sun god.

The air shimmered. Symbols of his homeland floated in the chalky center of the Portal. He wrapped both arms around Essa, opened his wings, and leapt through.


Essa choked on the hazy mists enveloping them. She gripped Nazrin’s arm, his solid weight grounding her.

Yet, they were flying. The Portal had opened in mid-air. Likely, so no one could trace it.

She gasped and clutched at him tighter. “Easy, love,” he murmured in her mind, his wings beating a steady drum in her ear.

After he landed and set her feet on solid earth, the clouds obscuring her view parted.

Lord Zephyrus’s castle drifted above the clouds, just as her childhood stories depicted. A palace of gold and light.

No less ornate than her father’s.

She tilted her head toward Nazrin. His jaw was set firm, his features grim. She squeezed his hand and sent him a reassuring smile. He was doing this for her, so they would be together, bonded.

The scent of blossoms blew in their direction. A tall, lithe female wearing a chiton the color of pale spring flowers glided within their midst. Petals of every hue spilled from her cascading lavender hair, scattering on the ground as she approached them. “My son.” She beamed and extended her hand.

Nazrin bent to kiss her hand, then her cheek. “Mother.”

Humming, Kloris studied Essa, her lavender eyes smiling kindly. “Who have you brought with you?” As she spoke, the fragrance of roses escaped her lips. Her skin was as smooth as a petal. Not a single wrinkle indicated her years.

“This is Lady Essa. My mate.”

She attempted to curtsey, but his mother embraced her instead.

“A mate. How lovely,” Kloris whispered against Essa’s hair, releasing her.

“Nazrin,” a thunderous voice boomed to her right, and a handsome, youthful male approached. A brother, perhaps?

“Father.” Nazrin cleared his throat and extended his hand.

Essa passed her frown between them. This was his father? Lord Zephyrus appeared no older, or younger, than Nazrin. His body forever trapped in the form of a youth. They possessed the same height and build, the same fluffy white wings. Zephyrus had short, dark hair and shining eyes the hue of a summer’s sky.

“Father, please allow me to introduce you to my mate, Lady Essa, daughter of Lord Nereus and the Oracle, Helene.”

Zephyrus dashed forward and snared her hand. With gusto, he pressed a kiss on the back of it. His intense gaze assessed her figure and he hummed in appreciation. “You are most welcome, milady.”

Nazrin stepped between them, sheltering her from his father’s less-than-appropriate stares.

Zephyrus shot a smug grin at Nazrin. “A mate, eh? Well, I wish you luck.” He angled his head toward Kloris and laughed.

Kloris’s soft face remained etched into a content smile.

A flock of swans honked in the distance. Their flapping wings produced musical notes. How odd.

“Shall we become better acquainted?” Bouncing on his heels, Zephyrus waved for them to stroll his gardens.

“Oh, what a wonderful idea.” Kloris clapped her hands and snagged Essa’s arm.

Hmm. The goddess truly did love her flowers.


Nazrin and his father strode behind his mother and Essa. The maze Kloris had created stretched for miles. Every flower on Earth grew here, and even some which didn’t.

Why have you come, son? Zephyrus spoke into his mind and rested his hand on Nazrin’s shoulder.

He tilted his head at his mate. For her. I can’t bond with her because she’s mortal. Her mother was an Oracle of Apollo, and he betrayed them both in the most horrific of manners. Essa won’t accept the ambrosia from Hades, even though the sun god wishes to use her against Hades.

Zephyrus’s talons bit into Nazrin’s shoulder. I hate Apollo.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. Yes, I know, Father.

Are you sure you can trust her? He cocked his head. An Oracle of Apollo?

Her human mother was, yes. Not Essa. His mate had denounced the sun god, but she hadn’t chosen Hades, either.

I see. Zephyrus rubbed his jaw. I shall make her immortal for you, then.

Nazrin tensed. The words he’d been both terrified and hopeful of hearing. He’d been prepared to fall to his knees and beg for mortality, but if his father would grant this gift instead… Would Essa accept? What would you ask in return?

My son. Zephyrus clutched his hand to his heart. Have I ever asked anything of you?

True. His father made no demands, only expectations. Yet, those expectations might not be as fearsome as he’d always deemed them. Had his trepidation over his dark half clouded his opinion of his father? Zephyrus was not good, but perhaps, he wasn’t evil either.

A brilliant flash of violet light sparked before them.


Nazrin scowled. Where had she been, when Cassandra had captured Essa? When Essa had been nearly lost to him in Apollo’s temple?

This time, there was no, “Be at ease, warrior,” uttered from her silken lips. Her words fluttered in his mind instead. Have faith, warrior. Did not your Portals form without incident?

Bloody hell, of course. Persephone had aided his rescue of Essa. Why didn’t Apollo stop us?

Her lips curved mischievously. He could not stop what he could not see.

Aha. Brilliant, benevolent goddess. She’d cloaked Nazrin’s Portals.

“Lord Zephyrus, Lady Kloris.” Persephone acknowledged the other gods, then focused on Essa. On only Essa.

“Child.” She smiled at Essa, who stared at her with parted lips. “I beg of you, join my army. I offer you immortality with your mate. Nazrin has already pledged to fight for us.”

Nazrin suppressed the growling of his raptor. True, he’d agreed. That was before his father made such a generous offer. Before he’d learned to trust the whisperings of his heart.

His mate glanced at him and he nodded. This was her decision.

“Essa.” The goddess’s plea drew her attention again. “All of my hope rests on this War. Like you, I know what it is to be torn from my love. What I long for is to be with him. Forever. I beg of you, join my army.” Two glistening violet-tinted tears streaked down her cheeks, one from each eye.

Nazrin studied his mate, sensing the conflict within her. Too many times had he chosen wrong. This choice must be hers.

Whatever she decided, he’d stand by the woman he loved, for all eternity.


Essa’s pulse drummed in her ears, but she sensed Nazrin’s calm reassurance in the gentle squeeze of her hand. Their love would persevere through every obstacle. Immortal or not.

Though difficult, her decision had already been made. She would never again be a pawn in anyone’s game of destiny, but rather control her own.

Still, the goddess’s plea softened her heart and steeled her resolve. So long as she didn’t claim a side, Hades could never deem their bargain forfeit, could never harm Nazrin. This was her chance to ensure his safety, forever. After all, he’d traded his life for hers. The least she could do was offer him the same devotion. “I can’t accept your offer, goddess.” She braced for Persephone’s reaction to her demand. “Yet, I would use my talents for good, for love. First, free Nazrin from your bargain.” Flinching, she shoved aside the irrational burst of dread over his deal with the Lord of the Underworld. Death. She didn’t dare trust Hades not to carry out his side of their contract someday. One never knew with gods, especially with a strategist like Hades.

Without pause, the goddess dipped her head. “Done.”

She smiled at Persephone, liking the goddess even more. If Hades had earned her love, their cause was worthy. “Then I will fight for you.”

Nazrin’s shuddering breath filled her ears. Thank you, Sirena.

The goddess’s brilliant beam shone upon her. “I thank you.” She passed her gaze to Nazrin. “Both of you.” Then she vanished in a mist of violet light.

I couldn’t accept her offer. Essa sniffed. An instant later, thick velvety wings enveloped her.

Nay, I’m proud of you, my love. You were stronger than I. Nazrin kissed her forehead. Copper flashed in those dark brown depths. His love shone bright and warmed her with the promise of eternal sunshine.

“You’re still immortal, and I’m not.” Gods, what had she done? Had she made a mistake? Tears fell from her eyes; he brushed them away with his thumb. “What did your father decide? Will he make you mortal?”

“I didn’t ask him yet,” he hedged. “There’s another path before us.”

She frowned. “What path?”

He sighed and jerked his chin toward his father. “My father can make you immortal.”

She glanced from Zephyrus’s cool smirk to Nazrin’s bowed shoulders. She’d do anything for him, as he would for her. “Is this what you would choose for us?”

His throat bobbed as he swallowed. “Aye, but I’m selfish. I never want to lose you, Essa. Never.”

She laughed. “Then I must be, too. I don’t want to lose you, either.” She squeezed his hand. “Won’t he ask anything of us?”

Nazrin winked, pulling her close, pressing a teasing kiss to her lips. “Mayhap a grandchild or two.”

An eternity with Nazrin was, well, not long enough. This male who wrapped her in his protective arms was worthy of everything she had. Her heart. Her mind. All of her love. “Yes,” she whispered. “I’ll spend eternity by your side.”

Zephyrus cleared his throat.

“Thank you, Father.” Nazrin released her and inclined his head toward the god.

With one hand, Zephyrus waved for Kloris to approach. “My dear. If you would.” He opened his palm. The goddess placed a single, glowing bead of amber nectar upon it.


Essa gasped while Nazrin cursed.

Zephyrus leaned forward and pressed a finger to his lips. “Where did you think ambrosia came from?”

The ambrosia flower of course. What a powerful secret the two of them kept. Hidden in plain sight. Were the gods on Olympus even aware?

After flourishing a bow toward his mother, Nazrin accepted the bead. Her gaze locked onto his, Essa opened her mouth. The ambrosia melted on her tongue and blazed through her blood with the fulfilled promise of immortality. She shivered and blinked, viewing the world with new eyes. Every path stretched before them.

Suddenly, Nazrin hunched and let out an agonized howl.

“What’s wrong?” Her pulse sped. Was this a trick?

“Nothing, my love,” Nazrin grated from between clenched teeth and slanted his face to his upper left bicep.

Essa sucked in her breath. A bonding mark.

His hand rubbed over the thin black band that encircled his arm, and then he cast an enormous grin at her. Nazrin displayed his arm, his chest puffed in pride. “Well, mate? What do you think?”

She laughed. “Hmm. I think…you’re a most fortunate bonded male.”

Mmm?” he purred as his lips claimed hers. “Most fortunate, indeed.” He grabbed her about the waist and, beating his wings, blasted them into the sky.

Forever, Sirena. You are mine forever.

Essa’s heart soared alongside his. They’d always be together.

The War would come and go.

But they would fight for love, side by side.

For an immortal lifetime.





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