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Wild Irish Eyes by Tricia O’Malley (9)

Chapter 12

Cait's mood stayed with her much of the day. After the second time she was short with a customer, she called Patrick over.

"Listen, Patrick, can you handle this? It should be fairly slow as we have no music tonight."

"Sure thing. Got a big date?" Patrick asked and Cait whipped her head around to scan his face.

"No. What makes you think that?" Cait said, menace lacing her tone.

"No reason. I was just joking," Patrick said, his hands in the air. Cait rolled her eyes. She really needed to calm down.

"Sorry, I'm just in a mood. Going to call it a night," Cait said.

"Okay, I'll call your cell phone if I need anything." Patrick smiled easily at her and Cait blew out a breath. She really needed a break or something…else. Cait was feeling itchy. As she walked home, Cait thought about how long it had been since she had dated anyone. Counting back…she realized it had been since before she opened the pub that she had dated. Why, that made almost three years! Cait stopped in her tracks at the realization that she had gone that long without sex. No wonder she was on edge, Cait thought. Her whole life had been devoted to the pub.

Cait arrived at her apartment and stood looking at the door. She didn't know what to do with herself. Not used to downtime, Cait typically didn't relax well. She eyed Aislinn's shop down the street and debated going to see her cousin. Aislinn would be able to see her emotional turmoil from a mile away, Cait thought. She wasn't quite ready to hash through everything that had happened today. Maybe she should take a drive out to see Fiona, instead.

Having made her decision, Cait detoured around her apartment building towards her bright red compact car in the back parking lot. A nice drive along the coast as the sun set would be a good way to unwind.

Cait rolled her windows down to encourage the sea breezes and turning her car towards the long seaside road, instead of the shorter route over the hills, and she allowed the tension to drain out of her shoulders. Turning up the radio, Cait sang along to bad 90s music as she wound through the curves that hugged the cliffs. The sun was tipping towards the horizon and the water looked like someone had dropped a bag of diamonds onto a blanket of blue velvet. Cait felt her heart soar at the sight. She loved this cliff drive and doubted that she would ever tire of looking out over the water. There was something so incredibly soothing about the sea for her. Even when she was younger, if she had a fight with her mom, she'd bike to the water and stay there for hours, allowing the magnetic pull of the ocean to soothe her angst.

Cait came to a small fork in the road. If she continued to drive straight, she would wind along the cliffs and bypass Shane's house. If she took a right, she'd cut over the hills to Fiona's cottage. Cait stalled the car and turned her head between the two forks. With a soft curse, she drove her car straight, her heart hammering in her chest. Had she known that she would come here? To him?

Cait bit her lip as she drove closer to Shane's spread. Slowing her car to a crawl, she eyed his estate and debated turning into the drive. Shane's house was one of the most modern in the village, all sleek lines, dark wood and ceiling-height glass windows. Cait had never been inside though she was certain that the view had to be killer. The house perched proudly on a cliff, with windows wrapping three sides of the house to let the ocean breezes in. Behind, several stables and small outbuildings clustered around pastures lined with beautiful wood fences. To say that Shane was doing well for himself was an understatement.

Feeling foolish, Cait began to back her car away and slammed on her breaks when she heard the jaunty beep of a horn behind her. Glancing in her rearview mirror, she saw Shane's car pull up and then ease to a stop next to hers.

Caught, Cait gripped the wheel before turning to look at Shane through the open window.

"Stopping by?" Shane said and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Um, I was just out for a drive. So, you know, I can keep driving," Cait stammered.

"Okay," Shane said and smiled widely at her.

Damn it, Cait thought.

"I mean, unless, you, um, wanted company or something," Cait said lamely.

Shane chuckled. "Cait, can't you just say that you came to see me?"

"Can't you just make it easy on a woman?" Cait felt her temper rise and she almost threw her car into reverse.

"Yes, ma'am, come on in," Shane said and pulled his car up the paved drive.

Cait glared at his taillight and contemplated leaving. It wouldn't matter now. He knew that she had come to see him so that would give Shane the upper hand. Determined to regain her footing, she pulled her car behind his and parked. Shane leaned against his car with a small canvas bag in his hands. He crossed his arms and waited for her to get out of her car.

Crossing to him, Cait met his eyes stubbornly.

"Why aren't you at the pub?" Shane asked.

"I was in a bad mood and taking it out on the customers. I went for a drive to soothe my nerves and ended up here," Cait said.

"Well, well. I'm honored," Shane said. Picking her hand up, he brought it to his lips and traced a kiss over her palm. Cait felt her skin heat up. Shane's eyes narrowed into that look that men get when they focus on the object of their lust. Cait drew in a deep breath and shuddered it out.

Whoa, boy, she thought.

She wasn't sure when she had developed a crush on Shane. He'd always been the affable guy around town. He owned several properties, was a fair landlord, and went to church on Sundays. Nothing about him screamed sex, yet for some reason that was all Cait could think about when she was around him these days.

"Don't feel too special. You'll get over it once I say something to make you mad," Cait said breezily and pulled her hand from his to tuck it in her pocket. She nodded at the bag and raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, yes, for Baron. He's been acting odd for days. Doesn't want to run, won't eat much, I'm really worried about him," Shane said as concern creased his brow. Baron was his thoroughbred and Shane talked about him as if he was a son. Immediately concerned, Cait turned towards the stables.

"Let's go see him," Cait said. She was excited to explore the property as well.

"Sure," Shane said. As they crossed to the stables, they fell into an easy conversational rhythm as Cait peppered Shane with questions about the stables and how many animals he owned. Cait breathed in the scent of hay and horses and jumped as the lights automatically popped on when they walked into the gleaming building. Cait surveyed the clean stalls, dark wood, and open windows that peeked to the sea. The stable was stunning and Cait could tell that any animal housed here would be well cared for.

"Shane, your stable is gorgeous," Cait gushed as they walked down the main aisle towards a large stall at the end. A few shuffles and soft nickering came over the wall of the boxes and several horses poked their heads over their stalls to check out who had come into their home.

"Thank you, it's a passion of mine," Shane said softly.

Cait looked at him and warmth flooded through her. The heat in his eyes was unmistakable. If she was reading him right, then Shane had just as much passion for her as he did his horses.

"I can see that," Cait said and brushed her hand softly over the muzzle of a soft brown pony mare that had stuck her nose over the stall.

Reaching the last stall, they both peered over the edge to see Baron, a shining black thoroughbred, lying on the ground. Immediately concerned, Shane slid the stall door open. Baron struggled to get up but Shane pressed him down.

"Can you flip the extra lights on?" Shane asked and pointed to a small switch. Cait ran to it and light illuminated the stall. Gingerly, Cait stepped in and, disregarding her jeans, she kneeled at Baron's head.

"It's the weirdest thing. He won't go out in the pasture even when I leave his door open. Yet, I can't find anything visible on him. There is no indication of sickness. I've pressed my hands all over his body but can't seem to find any spots of pain. I'm at a loss," Shane said sadly.

Cait's heart raced. She knew that she had no choice but to use her power, but she wasn't ready to tell Shane about herself. Terrified that Shane would be scared of her, she stared blindly into the deep brown eyes of the proud horse. Her heart won out and she dropped her mental shields and reached out to Baron's mind.

"What's wrong, baby? Can you tell me what's hurting you?" Cait crooned to the horse and scratched behind his ears.

Shane laughed, "I wish that he could."

Cait ignored Shane and continued to stroke Baron's ears.

"My foot. Glass or something under the horseshoe. Infection. Hurt. Can't stand anymore," Baron thought. Cait almost jumped. Communicating with a horse was far different than with a dog. She wondered if their intelligence level was different. Thinking about how to tell Shane, she continued to stroke Baron.

"Why don't you go get him a carrot and see if he will perk up? I've learned a few things from Flynn's stable hands, maybe he'll let me check him out," Cait said.

"Don't do too much until I get back. He is still a very powerful horse, Cait," Shane cautioned and stepped from the box. Moving quickly, Cait bent to Baron's hooves.

"Which one?" she whispered and laid her hand on each of Baron's legs until Baron twitched.

"This one," Baron communicated.

Cait bent her head to look closely, confident that Baron wouldn't kick her. If she looked really close she could just see a little pus oozing from beneath the horseshoe affixed to Baron's hoof. It would be easy for anyone to miss.

"Cait! Get your head away from his hoof!" Shane instructed calmly, knowing not to shout and scare Baron.

"I found something, Shane," Cait said and sat back on her heels.

"You did?" Shane moved close and, keeping a watchful eye on Baron, he bent to kneel by Cait.

Cait pointed to where the pus oozed from his foot.

"See that? Something must be lodged beneath the shoe," Cait said.

"Well, damn, you are right, something is there. Shit, I wonder if I can get him to stand and walk to where I can pry the shoe off."

Cait stood and spoke directly to Baron.

"Baron, can you walk with us just out to the aisle? We are going to help you but we can't do it from in here," Cait asked.

Shane looked at her like she was crazy and then jumped as Baron shifted.

"Well, shit, he likes you," Shane laughed and helped Baron to his feet, leading him to the hookup in the stable.

Cait ducked under the lead ropes to nuzzle her head at Baron's. Shane moved quickly, not wanting to prolong the pain. In a matter of moments he had the shoe off and swore softly.

"Damn it, it looks like there is a piece of glass in here. Now how in the world would that have happened?"

Cait tapped into Baron's brain.

"Does any of the pasture run the length of the road? Kids throwing bottles from their cars?"

"It does actually and I haven't walked that way in a while. I need to get out there and check the fence line," Shane said, disgust with himself evident in his voice.

"Hey, don't worry, these things happen. Baron will be okay. Can you get the glass out?"

The horse shifted against Cait.

"Just did. Now I am going to put some antibiotic cream on it. It is fairly infected but Fiona makes a very powerful cream for me," Shane said.

Cait peered around Baron's head to look at Shane.

"You use Fiona's medicines?"

"Sure, why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. Not sure if you believed in that," Cait said.

"Believed in what? Herbal remedies? Perfectly natural," Shane said and dusted his palms off. Standing, he came around to wrap his hands around Baron's head. "I'm sorry, buddy, extra carrots for you. You should be back to running the fields in no time."

The horse brushed his head against Shane's and Cait did a quick scan of Baron's mind to find him in a much better mood.

"I think he's feeling better already," Cait said.

Together, they led the horse back into the stable and crooned words of encouragement and love to the massive animal.

"I never knew that you were so good with horses," Shane commented as they left the stall. He placed a hand at the small of her back and Cait felt heat shoot through her entire body. Shane turned her the other direction and out of the stables, away from his house. As they left the stable, Cait gasped at the view.

"Oh, Shane, this is beautiful," Cait said. The world opened up below the stables, rolling away in pastures of lush green before diving into the blue waters of the ocean. Cait felt a little lightheaded as the rush of beauty swept through her.

"So are you," Shane said hoarsely and Cait gasped at the naked need in his eyes. Shane pulled her to his chest and slid his lips over her own. A shot of pure lust hit her stomach and she stumbled against Shane as she went dizzy from her need. Undeterred, Shane wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up until Cait's legs straddled him. Cait almost fainted at the aggressiveness of Shane's move. She felt lightheaded and giddy and laughed against Shane's mouth.

Taking it as an invitation for more, Shane dipped his tongue between her lips. Cait felt herself moving and realized that Shane was walking her backwards. The scratch of hay brushed against her legs and Cait guessed that Shane had backed her into a pile of hay. She arched against him as he slipped her butt onto a bale of hay so that he stood between her legs. Shane groaned softly and broke the kiss, trailing his lips down her neck to nibble at the sensitive spot at her nape. Cait jerked against him and turned her head to allow him to continue his explorations. A shiver rushed through her as his lips brushed against her soft skin. Craving more, she ran her hands up his strong arms to thread her fingers through his thick hair. Swept under by the emotions that ran through her, Cait could only hold on as Shane took the lead.

In one smooth movement, Shane tugged on her tank top and ripped it over her head. Cait trembled as she sat before him half naked. She wanted him. Oh, did she want him. A surge of need shot through Cait and her skin felt like it was on fire. Her heart pounded in her chest and she met Shane's lust-filled eyes. Cait had never had a man look at her like this before. It filled her with confidence, knowing that Shane wanted her as much as he did. For once in her life, Cait felt powerful with a man, and she'd never been more turned on. Shane's breath shuddered out as he pierced her with his deep brown eyes, his hands tracing her waist softly. Before she knew what was happening, Shane bent and with one hand flicked the clasp of her bra open.

"Hey!" Cait gasped out.

Shane shot her a cocky grin and brought his mouth to her small breasts and liquid heat pooled deep in her core at the sensation of his mouth on her nipples. Cait moaned and let her head fall back against the hay as Shane pleasured her with his mouth. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled him closer, craving contact. Shane groaned against her breasts and, bringing his head up, he captured her mouth with his and sucked hungrily at her lips. Cait ground her hips against him, suddenly desperate for release. She didn't want to think about what they were doing or where they were. She wanted Shane to make her world fall away, if even just for a moment.

"Hold on, Cait, just hold on," Shane whispered against her mouth and Cait whimpered into his lips as he unbuttoned her jeans and slipped a hand beneath her underwear to find her ready. Cait arched into his hand and in one smooth movement, Shane slipped his fingers inside of her. Shocked at the sensation, lust whiplashed through Cait and she shattered around his hand. Shane held her as she sobbed her release into his mouth, so happy, so alive for the first time in years.

Gently, Shane stroked her hair and held her close to him. Cait waited for his next move. Hearing him sigh, she pulled her head back to look at his face. Shane looked…almost stoic as he removed his hand from her pants and slipped her bra back up on her shoulders. Confused at the sudden change in him, Cait put her walls up.

She didn't know what was happening, but couldn't deal with being on the blunt edge of rejection again. Quickly she fastened her bra and reached for her tank top, her mind whirling.

"Cait," Shane began.

"Just stop, I get it. You've got the blonde. So, we shouldn't be doing this. Fine, we are both adults, no big deal." Cait hopped off the bale of hay and pulled her tank top over her head, wanting to bury her face in its darkness for a moment. Standing straight, Cait patted Shane on the cheek, affecting a nonchalance that she certainly didn't feel.

"No, not that, not at all," Shane said.

"It's fine, I get it," Cait said and turned to walk away. She gasped as Shane whipped her back.

"No, you don't get it. I want more than the proverbial roll in the hay, as it were," Shane said, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Well, looks like that's all you'll get today, sailor. So why don't you just back off," Cait ordered. She had known it was stupid to come here. Looking around at all of the wealth that surrounded her, she heard her mother's words. You're not good enough for all this. He only wants you as a side piece.

"No, I won't back off. We have something here. I want more. I want you," Shane said directly, his eyes boring into her. Tears pricked her eyes and for just a moment, Cait allowed herself to imagine being with him. It would be wonderful. Thinking of the blonde, she knew that she wasn't in Shane's league.

"Sorry, Shane, but I just needed to blow off some steam. Thanks for being a friend," Cait said and kissed him lightly on the lips. This time when she turned, Shane didn't stop her.

"You're full of shite, Cait Gallagher. When you get it figured out, let me know," Shane said bitterly behind her. Cait didn't turn, just walked through the stables with tears blurring her vision. She heard Baron's soft whinny but kept walking, her back ramrod straight. She had a business to run.