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Wild Irish: Wild Chance (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Kendra Mei Chailyn (15)


For Aedan’s thirty fourth birthday, Mona wanted to do something special for him. When she’d asked him, Aedan said he would be happy with a night with her. But she figured he deserved more. He’d been working hard, training to start his new job. He’d come home to her exhausted and bruised. But he never once complained. At nights when she figured they would only snuggle into bed, he would take time to make love to her, to make her feel like a desired woman.

No. Aedan Callahan deserved the best she could muster for his big day.

When the idea came, it terrified Mona. But just because she was scared, didn’t mean she shouldn’t do something wonderful for her man.

With a grin, she’d set her plan in motion—the entire Collins clan, including spouses and children, descended on Mona’s home and the backyard. Space was a little lacking—her house may be big for just her and Aedan but with an entire brood, it was a tad cramped.

While Will and Tristan commandeered the grill and anything to do with it, the others fell in and helped Mona get everything else ready. Killian spent his time trying to instruct Will and Tristan how to grill things—which led to a rather loud but loving teasing. The others flocked around the kitchen—getting the cake out of the boxing a cake Lilly had made and covering it with a dome, slicing up fruits for the kids, making punch—it was all hands-on deck.

It had been hard to keep the get-together a secret from Aedan. But she’d managed it.

Mona’s soul filled with a warmth she’d never experienced before. She’d always wanted a big family. This was proof that even if things got hairy, this family would always be there.

Shaking her head, she went back to fussing over the bread pudding she’d been trying to get right. Even though she’d never made the stuff before, Aedan loved it.

Esme showed up a little later, with a giant chocolate cake Mona had ordered days before. Thankfully, it wasn’t damaged in the drive over. Now, Aedan would have a choice between chocolate or vanilla—or both.

With everything set and ready to go, Mona waited on pins and needles. Aedan didn’t seem like the surprise party sort, but it wasn’t like she’d invited strangers. These people loved him, and it wouldn’t have been a birthday without them. The happiness around her made her heart soared. She couldn’t help thinking if things went well with Aedan, she be a part of this brood.

That didn’t scare her one bit.

Justin, who Mona had come to know was Killian’s partner in a three-way relationship, made a dirty joke. Everyone burst out laughing. Lilly, the woman in the middle of the two devilishly handsome men, blushed heavily and covered her face with her palms.

Mona giggled.

“Would you hobos keep it down?” Mona hollered. “I need to hear when his bike turns into the driveway.”

The clan silently exchanged looks then laughed even harder.

Kiera stressed their point by sticking her tongue out at Mona. Mona crinkled her nose and returned the gesture. It took another hour before the rumble of Aedan’s Harley sounded outside. Everyone immediately became silent and shuffled into the backyard, corralling kids as they went. Mona exited the house and met Aedan. He wrapped his arms around her and rested her against the cycle.

“Hi.” Aedan whispered, kissing her deeply.

“Happy birthday,” Mona said. “A mhuirnín.

“Aww thank you, a stórín.” Aedan caressed down her arm and up again. “You called me darling—did you want to learn Gaelic then?”

.” Mona nodded. “I want to be able to say a few words to your mom when we meet them.”

“She will adore you, Mona.” Aedan’s voice trembled. “She must.” He cradled her face and kissed her gently.

She sighed and rested her palms to his hips. “Listen, I know you’re not much for surprises, but your entire family is here.”

Aedan arched a brow.

“It’s a surprise for your birthday. I figured what better way than having those you love here for you.”

“You did all that for me? I know they can be a little much.”

“I don’t mind. And yes, for you. They aren’t bad people—just really, really naughty.”

Aedan laughed.

“Now, when you go inside,” Mona said, caressing his chest. “Could you pretend to be surprised?”

“What do I get from this deception?”

He dragged a hand to the hem of her short dress then began hiking it up as he moved his palm along her thigh. Aedan nipped at her bottom lip.

Mona whimpered. “What do you want?”

“You aren’t wearing any panties.” He trailed a finger intimately across her.

“The rule was no panties when I invited you over.”

Aedan grinned like a Cheshire cat. “Good girl. I’ll have to reward you when we get some time alone.”

After another kiss, Mona reluctantly peeled her body from his arm and took his hand. She led him up the front steps and into the house. After another kiss, she walked ahead of him, through the kitchen and out the back door.


Aedan laughed. “You guys!”

“Happy birthday!” Will Wallace called, raising a glass toward Aedan.

There was a flurry of hugs and high-fives and kisses to heads. Even Esme got in there for a hug. Mona stood back and allowed Aedan to enjoy this time, the warmth and love that surrounded him. From what he’d told her about his past, he didn’t have many of these moments. She wanted him to enjoy every second.

They ate wherever they could find a seat, but the chatter never stopped. No one was left out, Mona couldn’t understand how the Collins were able to do that. She looked around, studying everyone and no one was frowning or sad. At one point Esme had laughed so hard, she had rice coming out her nose. Mona wasn’t sure how that worked but she couldn’t help giggling even as she used a napkin to wipe Esme’s nose.

Cakes were cut, champagne drank, and presents were opened. The party ended early in the morning. Esme, on the other hand, was too drunk to drive home, so she took over the guestroom. But though tired, Mona couldn’t sleep. She sat on her bed, dressed in a baby blue nightgown, and waited for Aedan to finish in the bathroom. He finally walked out, towel wrapped around his muscular hips while rubbing his head with another.

“Thank you,” he said.

“For what?”

“This—tonight. Having that many people in this house couldn’t have been easy for you. Just the thought that you did it for me—fills me with such—joy.”

Mona giggled. “Hearing that makes me happy. I do have two presents for you that I didn’t give you before.”

Aedan wiggled his brows at her.

“Not yet.”

Aedan groaned.

“In due time. First…” She reached into the bedside table and pulled out an envelope. “This is from Kiera. She didn’t want to give it to you with everyone sitting around.”


Aedan set the towel he’d been using on his head against the back of a nearby chair. After he climbed onto the bed and settled in, she watched him open the sealed envelope. Curious, Mona rested her chin on his shoulder to read what he’d gotten.

“Kiera’s friend came through,” Mona said.

“Wow—she’s beautiful.” Aedan’s voice cracked. “This is my mom.”

“You have her eyes.”

“I do?”

“Mhmm. The same beautiful, green eyes that first hypnotized me the moment I met you. I’d recognize them anywhere.”

He looked at her, his eyes dancing a mysterious fire. “I have her contact information in here. Do you think I should call her?”

Mona shrugged. “She thinks you’re dead, Aedan. The best way to convince her otherwise is to be before her. She needs to be looking at you when you tell her that you are her son.”

“Right.” Aedan kissed the side of her head.

“I don’t know if I could ever top that.”

“No? Try.”

Mona laughed and climbed off the bed to grab a small, black bag with white tissue paper from beside her dresser. She sat at the edge of the bed beside him and handed it over to him. “It’s not much, but I know your training ends soon. Then you’ll be working, and I wanted you to have something to carry with you.”

The silence that wrapped its way around them unnerved her. The beating of her heart threatened to drive her mad as she waited for him to pull out the paper and then the box at the bottom of the bag. He finally opened it and sighed.


“I noticed you weren’t wearing one.”

Aedan pulled the black military watch with the silver face from the casing and smiled. “I love it.”

“It’s inscribed at the back.”

“Come home to me—Mona.”

He engulfed her in his arms then, kissing her throat, the side of her head and whispering to her in Gaelic. She sighed and melted into his chest. “You’ve given me the best present I could ever ask for. I’m not talking about the watch. But you’ve gone inside my head and pulled out the things that are dearest to me. Just the idea you’ve put so much thought into what would make me happy…”

“You deserve happiness, Aedan. You’re a good man. So, the other women didn’t see that—their loss, my gain.”

He sat back then. “I would like you to go with me to Ireland when I meet my mother. Bringing her the gift of the woman I wished to spend the rest of my life with would be an honour.”

Mona blushed. Her heart slammed into her chest, but she didn’t look away from him. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying—Tá mé i ngrá leat, a stórín.”

“I don’t…”

“I love you, my darling. I am so in love with you.”

“Be sure, Aedan Callahan. I need you to be sure.”

“I am. Every part of me, every fiber of everything I’ll ever be, tells me I love you. You don’t have to say it back right now—I just wanted you to know how I feel. I need you to know that you make me happier than I ever have a right to be. You’ve protected me, shown me what it’s like to give myself to someone unreservedly. You may not say the words now, but there isn’t much else you can do to prove to me how you feel. You look at me with passion in your eyes. You touch me with fire and you make me feel like a man.”

“You are a man, Aedan.”

“That’s not what I mean and you know it.” He sighed and stole another kiss. “What I mean is, you make me feel whole. Right now, I give you my body, my heart—all of me. I give you my word that I will never look at another the way I look at you. I will never love another, like I love you.”

“Stupid man—I love you too. I’ve loved you since that moment you turned down my drink offer.”

She was crying now, spilling tears faster than Aedan could kiss them away. “I will be by your side in Ireland and for as long as you want me.”

“Then you should saddle up, a stórín. I don’t think there will ever come a time in my life where I don’t want to look over and see you by my side.”


“You’re in for a long, long ride.”

She gasped at the intensity in his eyes.

“I want you by my side for as long as I breathe.” Aedan’s voice cracked.

“Make love to me, Aedan. Remind me just who this body belongs to.”



The End