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Xander: Kings of Denver by Sheridan Anne (10)

Chapter 9



I’ve been working at the Hair Salon for a few weeks now and I am absolutely loving it. The girls are amazing and my boss Gina is pretty cool too. From the moment I walked in on my first day, Gina took me under her wing and has been teaching me everything I need to know, well, she is starting off slowly, so I don’t get overwhelmed and have a chance to really master each thing before moving on. So far, Gina has stuck me with basic cuts though I’m dying to move on to the advanced stuff like colouring but, I know I’ll just have to be patient.

I must admit though, when she handed over the scissors and let me take the reins on my first client, I almost pissed myself. I was a nervous wreck. I aced it of course, though I took my time and the poor lady was sitting there for much longer than necessary. I’ve managed to speed that shit right up, though.

The only downfall is that, with the title of being the newbie, I also get stuck with the shit jobs like mopping and sweeping the floor after each client to keep the place presentable but I get it, you have to start at the bottom and work your way up.

After my first paycheque came in I was able to go and buy my first brush kit, by no means was it an amazing one but it will do to get me started. Next up, I’ll be going for some scissors but I don’t want to go stingy on them so I’ll have to save for a few more weeks, you know, in between slowly building up a new wardrobe and paying rent.

I’m finishing up the trim on my four thirty client and am extremely pleased with my work when I glance up at the clock. Holy crap, it’s nearly closing time already. Every single day I have been here has flown by like you wouldn’t believe. It’s awesome but also has me wishing for a few more hours in the day, though, I am pretty sure those few extra hours would nearly kill me.

With my day to day shift working for Gina, my night shift at Micky’s and my constant daydreaming about Xander, I am utterly exhausted. A good exhausted, though. For once in my life, the feeling of spending a day working has me feeling on top of the world and I’m pretty damn sure it has something to do with the fact that my work is contributing to my own future rather than someone else’s drinking and drug habit.

It’s freaking amazing. Having control of my own life and money that way has given me my happiness back and allowed me to feel free for the first time in nearly 10 years and I will never trade it in for a damn thing.

I check over my client one more time in the mirror and decide she looks absolutely stunning. I take off her cape and watch as the smile comes over her face when she gets the full effect. She thanks me as she grabs her purse off the table and I lead her over to the cash register.

Gina approaches as I’m taking care of payment and chats with the client who makes another booking with me for four weeks’ time and also manages to boost my ego.

The client leaves and Gina turns to me with a proud smile. “You’re really getting the hang of this,” she says.

“Thanks,” I grin. “Today felt really good.”

“Excellent. That’s what we want,” she replies as she opens the till to start closing up for the day. “Why don’t you head off. I can take care of the rest.”

“No,” I say with a shake of my head. “I can do it,” I insist.

“Are you sure? I don’t want you overworking yourself.” She demands, knowing about my night shifts in the bar.

“Honestly. I managed to have a clean-up between my afternoon clients so there really isn’t too much to do.”

“Fine,” she groans giving me a concerned look. “Suit yourself.”

With that, I dash off into the back and grab the broom. I get straight to work, knowing I can give myself fifteen minutes to clean which will allow me just enough time to power-walk back to Micky’s, grab a fresh change of clothes, scoff down dinner and be ready for my shift in the bar at six.

I say goodbye to the other girls as I dash around the salon with the broom. As usual, my mind takes me straight to Xander the moment I have a second to myself. I haven’t seen him this week but I know I’ll probably see him again in the next few days. He seems to find his way back to Micky’s no matter what he is doing and to be honest, I love the random surprises.

Especially that night he came in and watched me finish my shift. I felt his eyes piercing into me the whole time, though I don’t know what could have been that interesting, I was mostly wiping down tables but then he went and helped me to close. I don’t know why but something inside me found it incredibly romantic. So, I spent the rest of close, swooning like an idiot.

We then sat at the bar and I don’t know what possessed me, but I opened up to him, told him everything and I mean everything. I had opened up to Micky that first night but not on this level. I had just given Micky the need to know stuff but with Xander, I needed him to understand me, to really know why I am the way I am and what made me the woman I am today.

I felt ashamed telling him how I allowed myself to be mistreated for so long but then I saw the way he was looking at me and that feeling dissipated into thin air and I suddenly felt more like a survivor and like the strong woman he said I was.

Gina calls out that she is leaving for the night and reminds me to set the alarm before I leave. I tell her to have a good night as I put the broom away. I hear the bell over the door indicating that she has just left and I make my way back out into the salon. I do a quick once-over, straightening up all the chairs and equipment before flicking the lights and locking up.

I check the clock one last time and grin as I’ve allowed myself a few extra minutes to dawdle on the way home.

I key in the pin for the alarm and pull the door closed behind me, making sure I hear the familiar click that tells me the door has closed properly. I shove the key and quickly twist before sliding it back into my pocket.

I head off down the road, feeling on cloud nine. Things couldn’t be going better. Well, besides all the Xander stuff. I kind of wish I wasn’t so shy and could be more of the woman he craves. I know a guy like him is probably after a woman with a little experience, especially in the bedroom. After all, he has probably seen and done everything there is to offer. Which makes me wonder what the hell he sees in me. Why does he keep coming back? Am I a game to him? Does he just want to corrupt the sweet girl from the wrong side of the tracks? I don’t know, I just can’t figure it out.

Though, one thing is for sure. I want him in a way I have never wanted a man before and the thought absolutely terrifies me.

I’m so caught up in my inner battle that I don’t notice them until it’s too late. Far too late.

Hands are shoved into my chest and I’m jerked back against a brick wall, hidden away from the pathway I was just on. I gasp in shock as my eyes instantly raise, trying to work out what the hell is going on.

The second I clock her my heart rate rises. Shit, she has found me already.

My step-mum gets right up in my face that I hardly notice her drugged up boyfriend has come along for the ride. “You have a lot of explaining to do,” she growls at me as she pushes against me again, making my head bounce off the brick wall.

My whole word immediately shuts down as I instantly turn into the frightened little girl I used to be. “I… I…”

“How cute,” she spits. “Stuttering like the piece of rubbish you are.”

Anger pulses through me but I zip my lip, terrified of what’s going to come next. I just hope she says her piece and leaves me alone rather than dragging me back to that house.

“Where the hell is my shit?” she demands as she rips my handbag from my shoulder and passes it to her boyfriend to go through.

“I don’t have it,” I tell her, hoping it’s enough to make her go away but I know better than that.

She slaps me hard across my face and I groan in agony. “You’re a liar, you always have been, just like your dropkick father. Now, where the hell is it?” she demands, raising her voice too loudly for the street we are on.

The mention of my father has the blood boiling under my skin and I can’t hold it back any longer. “Don’t you dare speak of him, you evil bitch,” I sputter. “I told you, I don’t have your damn drugs, you no-good, whore.”

“Oh, getting smart, are we?” the boyfriend says, taking an intimidating step closer. He pushes my step-mum out of the way, who instantly drops to the ground in her drunken stupor. He grabs me by the scuff of my shirt and slams me hard against the brick wall. My eyes lose focus for a moment but I don’t have a chance to dwell on it before he is in my face. “Tell me where it is before I have to teach you a god-damn lesson.”

I don’t know what possess me to do it but I smirk up at the scumbag. “I’d say they are well and truly in the middle of the ocean by now.”

“Fuck,” he roars. “You little slut. You’re going to fucking pay for that.” I see the anger in his eyes and I know I’m moments away from being slammed into the wall again. I cringe in anticipation, only it doesn’t come.

Instead, my body is pulled forward with the force of the boyfriend being ripped off me. My eyes ping open as I stumble around, attempting to catch my fall. The sound of flesh being beaten into has my eyes readjusting. What the hell is going on?

I’m shocked the second I see Xander sitting on top of the guy absolutely laying into him. Holy shit.

I don’t get to watch the show for long before my step-mum is back in my face, only this time, Xander’s very presence provokes a massive change in me. After all, he was the one that helped me to see that I am not worthless. I am strong and I should not be ashamed of who I am.

She comes for me but I don’t let her get too far. I push her back, the same way she had done to me earlier. Her eyes widen, unsure of this new me. I have never fought back before, always succumbed to her wishes. “You need to leave and never come back,” I yell. “I’m not some kid you can push around anymore. You’re nothing and never will be. You’re a coward, a drugged-up loser, and drunken moron.”

She attempts to recover but I don’t give her a chance as I push her back once again. “You will never get a damn thing out of me again,” I roar. “I am finally free of your shit and you will never have a hold over me again,” I drill in before giving her one final push, right out of my way. She stumbles backward with shock on her face and I realise she has finally given in. I just hope it’s for good and not just for now.

My head spins from the hits I took to the wall but it’s not over yet. I need to get away from them and I need to get Xander out of here before he kills the guy. I rush up to him, ignoring the way his muscles ripple with each move. Blood coasts his knuckles and runs down the guy’s face.

I reach out and grab hold of the first thing my hand comes in contact with. I tug hard on his arm, hoping I’m not too close to get hit in the face. “Xander, stop,” I yell, frantically.

He stops immediately at the sound of my voice and whips his head around to me. His eyes are wild and definitely not the ones I’ve comes to know. “We have to go,” I say, still pulling on his arm with urgency.

He blinks a few times before finally coming back to himself. He gets to his feet and before I know it, has two hands, softly against my face as he checks me over. “Are you ok?” he murmurs as his eyes desperately look me over.

“Not sure,” I tell him honestly. “He got my head pretty good.”

His hands move over the back of my head and I instantly feel as his hand passes over what must be a big bump. I cringe at the pain and he immediately pulls his hands away. I look down at his hand and notice blood on his palm. “Shit, you’re bleeding,” he curses.

“You sure that’s mine?” I ask.

“Yeah,” he sighs as he laces his fingers through mine and gently pulls me away from my past, bypassing the boyfriend so he can kick him in the ribs and call him a dickhead one last time. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”

“K,” I murmur as I follow along.

I find his truck parked not a few feet away but parked halfway on the curb with the rest hanging out into the road and I realise he must have been driving past and witnessed what was going on. I’m just lucky he has good timing.

He takes me back to Micky’s and suddenly it’s two very pissed off men against me.