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Brazilian Fantasy by Fox, Cathryn (3)

Chapter Three


As Maddie and I jump in the surf, I can feel Lucas eyes drilling into my back—again. Heat sizzles through me as I angle my head to glance at the mansion high on the hill, but when my search comes up empty, I slowly turn back around. I’d been here in Rio for three whole days now, and for the most part, Lucas has been avoiding contact with me, locked away in his home office, plugging away on his computer when I’m inside the house. But when I’m outside, at the pool or the ocean, I can feel his heated stares, the sexual tension building between us despite the distance.

Alyssa might have told him about the pact and asked him to set me up with one of his friends, but I’m smart enough to know what she’s really up to. She sent me to Lucas for a reason, and if she thinks he’s ready to move on after losing his wife—if she’s encouraging him to let go with me—then as a best friend, what choice do I have but to honor her wishes? I mean, look at all the trouble and expense she went through to set this up. Seducing Lucas and having a three-week affair is the least I could do, right?

Talk about logical reasoning at its worst.

I bend forward to examine a seashell, curving my back just enough to entice him. It’s clear he wants me as much as I want him. Therefore, I’m using everything in my arsenal to seduce him into action.

Another big wave crashes into Maddie and me, pulling my thoughts back, and we jump. I look at the little girl, and she smiles up at me. My heart wobbles a bit. Losing a mother isn’t easy, and no child should have so much heaviness in her heart. I can definitely relate to her pain. She might have a loving father, doting grandparents, and a regular nanny—all of whom care deeply for her—but from the way she clings to her ratty old teddy bear, and from having been in her situation, I’m pretty sure I know what it’s going to take for her to come out of her shell.

With a plan taking shape in my mind, I go down on one knee, meeting her at eye level, and say, “Maddie, would you like to go into town with me today?” She nods eagerly, and I brush her wet hair from her shoulder. I’ve not explored the nearest town yet, nor have I left the house in search of epic sex like I’m supposed to.

And why is that?

Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because the guy I want to get down and dirty with is doing everything in his power to keep his distance from me, despite the heat between us.

“Come on then. Let’s go get changed and do some power shopping.”

The hot morning sun dries our bodies and swimsuits as we start up the beach, and when she puts her small hand in mine, my heart practically seizes. Lucas said she was afraid of strangers, and I have to say I’m still shocked at how fast she’s taken to me. Maybe it’s because we share a bond, both having lost our mothers. Or maybe it’s because I’m younger than her regular nanny, not to mention a little less regimented in my daily routine. I tossed away the schedule Nanny Eugenie had left for us the second I saw it. Sure, in the daycare we have to schedule activities to maintain order, and I’m no psychologist like her regular nanny, but deep in my gut I don’t feel there is a need for Maddie to live by the clock in her own home.

Her little fingers squeeze my hand, and I turn my head slowly. My belly tightens, and when I find her staring up at me, the pain in those big brown eyes pulls my darkest nightmare to the forefront. I see so much of myself in Maddie, and while I have no idea how to properly mother, the need to nurture pulls at me. I just pray I don’t end up failing this family.

“Did Nanny Eugenie ever take you shopping?” She shakes her head, and I grin. “I hope you’re ready for some big fun. Come on. I’ll race you back.” I take off running, and she squeals and comes after me. I make my way up the hill and climb the steps to the back patio overlooking the ocean. We’re both breathless, and I’m laughing when we reach the sliding door. I step into the kitchen and come to a resounding halt when I find Lucas and another man, both dressed in business suits, filling their coffee mugs at the kitchen counter.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize you had company.” I capture Maddie’s hand, ready to dart upstairs. “Maddie and I will be on our way.”

“Wait,” Lucas says. I stop, and when his gaze slips lower, I become acutely aware of my skimpy swimsuit and the way my nipples are puckering under his appreciate gaze. Damn things have a mind of their own these days, a ridiculously dirty one. “Piper, this is my business partner, Blair Stevenson.”

Over the last few days, I’ve done enough snooping to understand Lucas is a brilliant software engineer and mostly works from home so he can be close to his daughter. I extend my arm, and Blair comes close to shakes my hand.

“So this is the new nanny I’ve heard so much about,” he says, his blue eyes widening as they search my face.

Lucas has been talking about me?

Is it possible he is trying to set me up with one of his friends? Curious, my gaze slides back to Lucas, who is holding his arms out for his daughter. Maddie leaves my side, and he scoops her up. I ease my hand from Blair’s and cross my arms over my chest.

Sorry, Blair, these are for Lucas. He just needs to come and get them.

“Did you have fun swimming?” Lucas asks Maddie, the bond between the worried father and his broken daughter so strong it nearly brings tears to my eyes.

She nods and looks at me. Her mouth opens, and I hold my breath. Is she going to speak? When she closes it again, my heart sinks, and I speak for her. “Maddie and I are going to town to do some shopping.”

Lucas frowns. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“I’m positive it’s a good idea,” I say and plant one hand on my hip. “It’s what girls do.” I wink at Maddie. “Isn’t that right, kiddo?” She grins, and I can see the way it melts her father’s heart.

Lucas hesitates. “You don’t know your way around yet. It’s easy to get lost…”

“If you’re worried, then come with us,” I say. My reason for inviting him is two-fold: one, he works too hard and needs a break; and two, it will give us a chance to get to know each other better. He’s still a bit of a mystery to me, and I want to get to know the real man behind the hot body and what makes him tick.

“I could take them,” Blair pipes in. Lucas stiffens and steps toward me.

I stare at him, shocked at his blatant show of possessiveness in front of his friend—in front of me. I wet my salty lips, and when Lucas’s gaze drops, and his eyes fill with heat, my pulse leaps, eager with hope.

“I’ll take them. I have a pretty light schedule this afternoon.” Lucas tugs on his tie, and my belly stirs at the sexy movement. “Let me get changed, and we’ll all go together.” Maddie throws her arms around her father’s neck and hugs him tight. My heart thumps at the sight.

With Maddie still in his arms, he walks Blair to the door, and I’m so grateful he wasn’t trying to set me up. I smile at that. Lucas is a good man, true to his word. Lord knows I haven’t met too many of them in my life…or ever. I dart up the stairs to get changed. I have an odd little flutter inside me, excited to spend a few hours with Lucas and Maddie. I rifle through my suitcase and pull out a lacy yellow sundress, perfect for strolling the streets.

Maddie’s feet slap the hardwood floors as she dashes to her room, and I comb out my hair then follow her. I step into her beautiful ballerina-themed bedroom and grin. What I would have done to have such a magnificent room as a child. I knock to make my presence known, and Maddie spins around. She gazes at my yellow dress and dashes to her closet, pulling out one similar in color. It’s cute that she wants to mimic me. I help her into it and pick up her brush to smooth her hair, but her eyes go so wide, I freeze.

“It’s okay, Piper,” Lucas says from the doorway, his voice low, soothing.

As Maddie stares at the brush in my hand, I gingerly set it back on her little vanity table. “What did I do?” I squeak, my heart sinking into my stomach.

Dressed in casual shorts and a T-shirt, Lucas crosses the room to stand close to me as Maddie climbs onto her chair and looks at herself in the vanity mirror. “It was her mother’s brush,” he whispers. “Brushing each other’s hair was their favorite thing to do. She doesn’t like anyone to touch it but me.”

“Okay,” I say quietly and back up a bit.

Lucas picks the brush up and goes to his knees. My lungs seize at the painstakingly tender way he takes care of his daughter. I stand still, transfixed, and when our eyes meet and hold in the mirror, my racing thoughts come to a resounding halt.

Who’s taking care of Lucas?

He finishes combing out the knots then puts her hair into a ponytail.

“You’re pretty good at that,” I say around the lump in my throat.

“I watched a YouTube video.” He gives me a wink, and I laugh. He is so sweet.

“Are you serious?”

He hangs his head and shakes it slowly. “I know nothing about little girls,” he confesses.

“What do you know about puppies?” I ask, lowering my voice to match his.

His hair falls into his face as he looks at me. “Even less. Why?” he asks as he smooths the black strands back to expose those dark eyes, so rich and intense they make my knees wobble.

I shrug and quickly decide it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. “Just wondering.”


Maddie tugs on my hand. “Looks like Maddie is all set.”

I race down the stairs with Maddie, and Lucas meets us outside. He shades the sun from his eyes and points left. “We can go to the shops downtown, which we can walk to.” He shifts and points in the other direction. “Or we can drive to the mall.”

“Let’s go to the mall,” I say, thinking I’m more likely to find what I’m looking for at one of the shopping centers.

Maddie opens the back door to the SUV and climbs into her booster seat. As Lucas goes about buckling her in, I walk to the back of the vehicle, but I stop when I hear someone calling out to Lucas.

“Lucas,” a woman’s voice sings. I turn in time to see a gorgeous woman with a low-cut shirt and daisy-duke shorts hurrying toward us, the toy poodle she’s walking barely able to keep up. She’s practically dragging the poor thing, and that irks me. She must seriously need to talk to Lucas, but the poor pup shouldn’t have to suffer. “Lucas,” she says again.

“Gabriela. Nice to see you.”

Dark eyes shoot daggers as they turn on me. “What is going on here? Is this Maddie’s new nanny?”

“Yes, I—”

“I told you I’d be happy to take care of you and Maddie while Eugenie was away,” she says, her voice full of consternation.

He jams his hands into his pockets and gives a polite smile. “I’m a grown man, Gabriela. Only Maddie needs taking care of,” he says.

“Don’t be silly. A man like you needs a real woman around.”

What am I? A fake woman?

“One who can cook for you and take care of all your needs,” she adds, putting a little too much emphasis on the word all as if she has to explain.

Lucas glances at me. “I appreciate that, but—”

She holds a finger up and stops him. “What you need is a good baked empadão.”

“While I do love a baked empadão, Piper here—”

“Piper,” Gabriela says, turning her eyes back on me. “What kind of name is Piper?”


“The kind of name my mother gave me,” I say, refusing to cause a scene in front of Maddie as she watches us from the backseat of the car, her eyes wide. She might be a quiet little thing, but she takes everything in. And suddenly, oddly, all I want to do is go mama bear and protect her.

Gabriela moves closer to Lucas, a shark swarming its prey. She puts her hand on his chest and splays her fingers. “You know if you need anything, anything at all, I’m right next door.”

“Thank you, Gabriela. But I think Piper has everything I need. I mean…” His gaze flickers to mine, and I see a flash of heat before he quickly blinks it away. “We’re just fine.”

Gabriela glares at me for a moment longer. I stare back, holding my ground, but turn when I hear more voices calling out to Lucas. Hurrying along the sidewalk with their equally small dogs, two more women in heels and low-cut tops rush toward us.

You can’t be serious.

“Lucas,” the pretty blonde says, laying her hand on his chest in much the same manner as Gabriela had. Her friend blinks bedroom eyes at Lucas and coils her hair around her finger.

Blatant much?

They begin shooting questions at him then move on to offering their services. Jeez, poor guy can’t get a word in edgewise. If these were the neighborhood women he talked about asking to help, it’s no wonder he was reluctant.

Thank God I agreed to the job. These two need me more than I ever knew.

After a quick exchange, and a few glares cast my way, Lucas excuses himself, cups my elbow in a protective gesture like he’s afraid I’m about to be swarmed, and walks me to the other side of the SUV. His gaze is apologetic as he opens my door for me. I shake my head as I slide into the seat. Who the heck wears heels to take their dog for a walk, anyway?

“Um, what was that all about?” I ask quietly when he slips into the driver’s seat.

“That was Gabriela, Mariana, and Larissa, just a few of the women in the neighborhood wanting to help me out.”

“More like wanting to drag you down the aisle and be your next baby mama.”

“You think?”

“I know, and you’re not ready for any of that,” I say matter-of-factly, and his head jerks back. “What?” I ask. Did I say something wrong?

“Noting. It’s just…no one really gets that.” He starts the vehicle and backs out of the driveway.

“I’ve had loss in my life, Lucas. I understand. Believe me, I do.” Needing to lighten things, I shake my head slowly and add, “I’m glad Alyssa sent me here when she did.”

“You are?”

“Yeah, otherwise you would have been eaten alive in Sharknado-land.”

Lucas lets out a loud laugh, and I chuckle along with him. “What is it with you Americans and Sharknado, anyway?”

I feign shock. “Are you telling me you don’t watch it?”

“Can’t say as I have.”

“I’m going to have to rectify that.”

“Please don’t.” He casts me another glance. “Listen, I really am sorry you had to be a part of that.”

“It’s a good thing you got me out of there when you did.”

“Yeah,” he says, “they looked like they were about to start pulling your hair.”

I laugh. “It’s not me you needed to worry about.”

“Oh?” He laughs with me.

I flex. “Look at these guns. They come around again, and I’ll protect you and Maddie.” I lower my voice and lean into him. “Maddie might need maternal influence, but no way will I allow any Hooker Barbie near her.”

“Hooker Barbie? Please tell me they don’t really have those in America.” Laughing, he grabs the stick shift, and his hand brushes my leg. I suck in a quick breath, and he stiffens. His glance goes to mine, and when heat moves into his eye again, need sizzles through my body. He might not be ready for marriage or love again, but from the lust swimming in that sea of rich, dark chocolate, it’s clear he’s ready for one thing—and dammit, so am I.

Lucas pulls into traffic and points out landmarks as we drive. Twenty minutes later, he parks at the mall and frowns as he kills the ignition.

“Don’t like shopping?” I ask. I glance at Maddie in the backseat. She’s busy playing with her teddy bear, which I hope to soon replace with something much more animated.

“It’s not my favorite.”

“Tell you what. Tonight, I’ll make you a special meal to thank you for taking us.”

“You’re here to take care of Maddie, not me.” I touch his hand, and he tenses, but this time I don’t pull away. His breathing changes, becomes deeper, as a new warmth, an intimate connection, arcs between us

I really like this guy.

“Don’t worry, Lucas. I’m not like those sharks. I’m not looking to walk into a ready-made family.”

“I didn’t think you were.”

“I’m just here in Brazil to have an epic vacation.” Where vacation and sex can be interchanged. But he’s a smart man, and he already knows that.

“So, I guess you’ll be heading downtown soon, to check out the nightlife. You know… For the pact.” His gaze sweeps over my face.

“I was thinking I’d do just that.” Tossing his words back at him, I say, “But I don’t really know my way around yet. I wouldn’t want to get lost. Maybe… Never mind.”


I give an easy shrug. “I was just thinking maybe you could show me around.” I glance into the backseat. “But Maddie…”

“She goes to her grandparents’ house every second weekend.”

“Oh,” I say. “Then maybe you wouldn’t mind showing me a few of the local hot spots?”

“It’s the least I could do after springing a babysitting job on you.”

“The least?”

“I mean, I owe you big time. I might have ended up married at the end of the three weeks if you hadn’t shown up.”

I laugh and crack my door, barely able to breathe as the temperature in the car skyrockets. “You all set, Maddie?”

She nods and reaches for the buckle strapping her in. Lucas frees her from the backseat and holds her hand as we enter the colossal mall. I check the huge map and lead Lucas and Maddie toward the pet store.

Little Maddie’s eyes widen when I take her to the back, to the penned-in area full of puppies that are available for adoption. She gasps, and her eyes widen in delight. Beside me, Lucas stiffens, and I reach for his hand to give it a little squeeze.

“Trust me,” I whisper.

He nods and drops to one knee beside his daughter. I go down next to him. “Maddie,” I say. “Which one is your favorite?” She looks the puppies over and points to a small Shih Tzu. “She’s perfect don’t you think?”

Maddie nods, and I go on. “She doesn’t get very big, and you could slip her right into your purse.” I hold open my bag to show how easily the pup would fit inside.

Maddie claps her hands, and her big eyes latch onto her father’s.

“Maddie, a puppy is a lot of work,” Lucas says.

“Exactly,” I whisper to him. Lucas looks at me. “I lost my mom, too. She didn’t die, but she left me.”

His face softens, and the genuine sadness in his eyes is like water washing over a rock, smoothing the edges of my bad memories. His knuckles brush mine in a soft, tender caress that catches me by surprise and warms me from the inside out.

“I’m sorry, Piper. I didn’t know.”

With my throat tight I say, “At this one foster house, they had a dog, and I swear to you, it’s the only thing that helped me. The human-animal bond can stimulate feelings of safety, tranquility, and happiness.”

Lucas nods and gestures for the volunteer. “Can we see her?” he asks, pointing.

The lady scoops up the little puppy and hands her over. Maddie drops her teddy bear and holds her arms out. “Maddie,” Lucas says, “you have to be very careful. She’s just a baby.”

Maddie’s eyes are the liveliest I’ve seen them since stepping foot in the Santos household, and my heart squeezes so tight, I can barely breathe as she pulls the little dog to her chest and hugs her. Holy hell. I’ve been here all of three days. How can I possibly have such a bond with this little girl—and her father—already? Oh, this is not good. Not good at all. I’m not looking for a family, and he’s not looking for anything more than a sitter. I’d be wise to remember that.

“You’ll have to think of a good name for her, Maddie,” I say around the lump in my throat, and she nods eagerly. I tap my ear. “When you’re ready, you can whisper it to me.”

She looks away from me, pain ghosting her eyes as she turns her attention back to her new pet. The pup showers Maddie’s face with sloppy kisses—another instant bond in the making. Maddie giggles, and Lucas and I stand.

“Everyone needs to be cared for, and they also need to care for someone—or something—in return.” I lean in and whisper. “A puppy won’t take away the pain of her past, but it can help you both create a happier future.”

His gaze leaves mine, and his face softens when he takes in his daughter squealing on the floor with her soon-to-be new puppy. “I haven’t seen her smile like that in a long time.”

“I think this is going to help her,” I say quietly. “Really bring her out of her shell.” But Maddie isn’t the only one who needs help. Lucas displays deep loneliness, even hints of guilt, when he thinks people aren’t looking. But I’m looking. I see it.

Lucas’s knuckles brush mine again. His little touches, so tentative yet powerful, mess with both my body and my mind. “You’re really good with kids,” he says. I smile at the compliment, even though I have no real mothering skills. How could I, when I never had an example? “You’ll be a great mother.”

I give a quick shake of my head. “Nope. Kids aren’t in my future.”

His gaze flashes to mine. “No?”

“Nope. Kids and relationships are definitely not on my horizon. I don’t mind taking care of someone else’s child on a temporary basis, but I don’t plan to have any of my own.”

His gaze sweeps over my face, and I can tell he wants to pry, but instead, he says, “Well, I’m glad you decided to stay and take care of us…I mean Maddie.”

I might have agreed to take care of Maddie, but when this man is ready, I plan on taking caring of him, too.




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