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Chasing Taz by Khloe Wren (20)



We were left in the cells for fucking hours. At least they put the three of us together, and when no one came to deliver a beat down we considered it a win. I remembered the shape Eagle had been in after the one he copped last year. Also remembered the fit Silk threw afterward. I was pretty sure if the club touched Eagle again, Silk would keep to her word and walk away from the club for good, taking her man with her. Hopefully Bulldog remembered that fact when they were discussing punishment.

The clank of the door being unlocked had all of us tensing. Nitro swung the door open.

“C’mon, you three. Time for church.”

“What about Flick?”

Nitro shook his head. “Not yet, brother. Soon, though.”

Knowing arguing was pointless, I turned and pounded my way up the stairs and followed the others into the meeting room. Hopefully, not for the last time.

Like earlier, it was just the club officers. The president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and sergeant in arms, all standing beside each other made one hell of an imposing sight.

“You three should have come forward with this shit earlier, you know that, right? The fact we had to stumble over it isn’t helping your cases.”

Mac spoke for us all, as per usual. “How? We discussed it several times but none of us could think of a way to say it that wouldn’t have ended with us dead or at least left bloody and booted out. Especially after what y’all did to Eagle.”

Scout huffed, adjusted his bandana then re-crossed his arms over his chest. “We like you boys. You’ve been a good addition to the club. Hate to see you y’all go. But you need to pay a price to the club to make this shit right.”

I groaned. I couldn’t help it. A beat down was coming our way and it was gonna suck.

Bulldog chuckled. “It ain’t what you’re thinking, Taz. Can’t risk giving you three beat downs for a couple reasons. There’s the fact that Silk will pack up Eagle here and leave us, but mainly, we’d have to tell the entire club what’s gone on here. And we don’t think that’ll help the club as a whole.”

I blew out a breath in relief as Scout took back control of the conversation.

“First up, you all need to cut all ties with the FBI. If they threaten you in an attempt to get you to stay with them, let me know and we’ll deal with whatever it is. We can’t have undercovers in the club. Next thing, you’re all on fucking probation. I’m not taking your top rockers, but it’ll feel like I have. You’ll get cage duty, and shitty jobs for the next year. The club will probably notice and start asking questions, but you’ll all just fucking shrug that shit off. I don’t want the truth getting out and killing the morale of our club. And we’ll be watching you three closely for anything that looks like you’re reporting anything to someone outside the club. Again, if the feds contact you at all for anything, you come straight to me with it. Understand?”

We all spoke at the same time. “Yes, prez.”

Fuck, we were getting off light, really. The next year would suck, but it would pass soon enough.

Scout then turned his full attention onto me. “We’re gonna cut Flick loose. She’s paid her dues at the hands of the Cowboys. You can keep fucking her, but so long as she’s FBI, she ain’t welcome in the clubhouse, or any other club property. Got me?”

“Yeah, I got you.”

Fuck. Flick wouldn’t be happy with that. She’d enjoyed her time here at the clubhouse, and she seemed to love working at Styxx. This was basically going to come down to Flick picking either me or her job with the FBI. I honestly wasn’t sure which she’d choose.

“Nitro, go get her up here. We need to deal with this shit before everyone comes in for church in a couple hours.”

“Can I take her upstairs for a bit before she gets shoved out the door?”

They all chuckled at me, but I didn’t care. “Yeah, you can go help her clean up and say what you need to. Then I need you to go with her to see Gus. Without her present for the conversation, I need you to get the keys to his property off him. Gonna need to find this fucking bunker Viper’s got a hard-on for.”

A few minutes later, I winced as she walked in. She was walking stiffly but held her chin up. My girl was made of strong stuff. But she was fucking hurting, and the night in the cold basement wouldn’t have helped anything, I’m sure. I reached for her and pulled her in against me. Wrapping my arms around her, I kissed the top of her head.

“I said after, brother. Let her alone long enough for us to get this shit done.”

Turning her around in my arms so she faced everyone, I kept my hands on her hips. She folded her arms over her chest and leaned back against me. Despite, trying to appear casual, I could feel the wariness coming off her, along with a good dose of fear.

“As far as we’re concerned, Flick, so long as you vow to not report anything you’ve found out about us or the Cowboys to your superiors, you’ve been punished enough with what the Cowboys did to you. But we can’t knowingly allow a fed in the clubhouse. So, you have a choice—you’re either loyal to the Charons or the FBI. You can’t be both. If you pick the FBI, we’re not gonna stop you from seeing Taz, but you won’t be welcome at anything club related.”

Her shoulders rose and fell as she took a breath then exhaled it.

“How much time do I have to make my decision?”

“None. You’re out unless you leave the FBI. You get in contact with me if you choose to be loyal to the Charons, and we’ll discuss how we can let you in. You’ll be watched closely for the next year, regardless.”

She nodded. “Okay. I’ll let you know. Am I free to go?”

“Not just yet. Taz is gonna take you upstairs so you can get cleaned up, then I need you to take Taz with you to go see your uncle and let him see you’re safe.”

She gave Scout a nod, and in turn, he gave me one. “Get out of here, all of you. We got church in two hours. Taz, I doubt you’ll make it since you got shit to do this morning, but if you get back and we’re still in here, come and report, yeah?”

“Sure thing, prez.”

Taking her hand, I led her out, gathered our shit from the locker and headed upstairs. When I found my old room was vacant I guided her in there, booted the door shut and locked it. Then I was fucking on her. Moving her up against the wall, I pressed myself against her as I took her mouth. With a moan she melted for me, parting her lips and letting me in. Her palms slid under my cut and down my sides until she could slip them up under my shirt and against my bare skin.

I pulled back and stripped out of my cut and shirt, tossing them on the chair beside us. I toed off my boots and was going for my fly when she pulled her own shirt off. I hissed at the bruising she revealed.

“Fuck, babe. What’d they do to you?”

“Boot to the ribs. Pretty sure they’re bruised.” She shrugged, like it was no big deal she’d been hurt. “They’ll heal up soon enough.”

She unclipped her bra, and shoved down her pants, kicking them off, along with her shoes. Even with the dirt and bruising, she was fucking beautiful. And I was gonna fucking lose her, I knew it. It was how my life went. I was lucky that Scout and the others had decided I could keep my MC family, but it would come at the cost of my love. Sucks to be me, because fuck it all, I wanted to keep both.


Tears stung my eyes at the look Taz was giving me. He’d stalled out stripping with his pants half undone. The moment I was fully naked, he’d stopped and just stood there staring with all the longing in the world on his face. This was him saying goodbye. He was assuming I wouldn’t pick him. That he was too fucking broken or some shit for me to want him. That was the biggest load of shit, but I couldn’t tell him that. Not yet. First, I had to head north to Dallas and report in. I had no idea what the FBI was going to do with me. So, until that was handled, I couldn’t get Taz’s hopes up, just to break his heart even worse in the end.

With a swing of my hips, I swayed up to him, pressing a kiss over his heart as I slid my hands inside his pants to push them down.

“C’mon, babe. Let’s get cleaned up.”

He didn’t say a word, but allowed me to take his hand and pull him into the bathroom once he’d stepped out of his jeans. I turned my back to him as I sorted out the water. Apparently, the sight of my bare ass was enough to snap him out of his funk. I felt his heat a moment before his body pressed against mine. His dick was hard and nestled between my butt cheeks as he surrounded me. I shuddered against him as he wrapped his arms around me, stroking his palms over my skin. Fuck, I hoped I would be able to come back to this man. I knew full well I was leaving my damn heart with him, whether I made it back or not.

Once the water was warm, I moved under the spray, Taz following me, kissing my shoulder as he cupped my breasts once we were under the spray. Lifting my arm, I ran my palm over his face, over his stubble, then around so my fingers ran through the short hair on the back of his head. He kissed his way up my neck and along my jaw, before he cupped my cheek and turned my head so he could kiss me again. With each lick and nip, he undid me even more.

Tears formed and flowed, getting lost in the spray of the water as he began to gently clean me. I didn’t fight him, but let him move me as he wished, while he ran the soap over every inch of me. By the time I took the soap from him to return the favor, I was nearly panting with arousal. He stood still for me, following my every move with his hot, hard gaze as I ran the bar of soap over his every muscle. Fuck, I was going to miss him. Why couldn’t I be a normal girl who fell for a bad boy, instead of a complete failure of an undercover agent who fell for a bad boy? I washed him head to foot, leaving his dick and balls till last. Lathering up my hands, I slipped the soap back into the dish before I gripped him.

As I ran one hand over his balls, and the other around his hard length, he hissed and threw his head back. I sighed at the sight that was oh, so very masculine. Shifting to the side to let the spray wash the suds away, I lowered myself down to my knees, wrapping my lips over the head of his dick before he could say a word to stop me. I flicked my tongue over the metal he had pierced through him and he shuddered. One hand shot out to brace himself against the tiles while the other he wrapped in my hair, guiding my movements.

The water pouring over me began to cool and he pulled me away from his dick, before he leaned over to flip off the taps. I rose slowly, sliding against his wet skin on my way to stand.

“Fuck, kitty. You slay me.”

He lifted me up and pressed my back against the tile. I barely felt the hardness of them, as I wrapped my legs around his hips and his dick slid home inside me. My fingers dug into his slick shoulders as he rested his forehead against mine and began to slowly thrust in and out. On each stroke in, he ground his hips so he teased my clit. This slow and sweet thing was new for us. Every other time we’d come together, it had been fast and furious. I closed my eyes against the rising emotions. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him I loved him, but I still had to go to Dallas, still had to leave. There was no point in telling him things that wouldn’t change anything, except hurt him more.

Taz nuzzled his face in against my throat, sucking on the skin there, branding me. Whispering his name, I allowed the sensations of him loving me gently to push me over the edge to an orgasm like I’d never experienced.

When I floated down, I found myself lying on the bed, Taz pressing kisses over my face and jaw. I ran my palms up his hard arms, following the lines of the muscles up to his shoulders. With a growl, he moved to kiss his way over my breasts and torso. My hands dropped from his skin as he shifted between my thighs and covered my core with his mouth.

Still sensitive from my climax, I arched up against him as he thrust his tongue deep inside me. Then he slid his palms under my ass, holding me to him so he could thoroughly devour me. And he did. Fuck, he had a talented mouth. One more thing I was going to miss.

Taz didn’t ease off until I’d come twice more for him. By the time he crawled up over my body, I could barely move. My mind pleasantly buzzed with all the endorphins, I grinned up at him as he covered me.