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Haute Couture (Razzle My Dazzle Book 2) by Joslyn Westbrook (29)

Chapter 30


I had to have her. Right then.

When she said I needed to choose what was right for me, I realized she really cares. I admit, part of me wondered if she was gonna sit there, try to talk me into doing the men’s underwear gig because it’s for her magazine, after all.

But she didn’t. And that made me want to make love to her.

So I did. Three times. Damn, she’s so beautifully hot.

But, I still haven’t decided if I am going to accept the job yet. Fuck Dixie Lane.

We’re still on my bed—she’s lying on her belly, elbows propped up on the pillow, as she looks up at me, a satisfied glow, her long lashes fluttering.

Leaning forward, I kiss Lauren on the nose. “You make my heart smile. Beat again. I’m falling in love with you.”

Her cheeks pink up. “I’m falling in love with you too, Jaxson. Hard.”

Arf! yelps Truffles. His paw is raised as he sits in front of the open bedroom door.

“You wanna go outside, little guy?” I say, slipping out of bed, and into my shorts. “Come on, let me take you out to handle your business.”

When Truffles and I get back inside, Lauren is in the kitchen cleaning what’s left of our dinner. We didn’t really eat, since I swooped her into the bedroom just after having a few bites. The food is cold now and it’s dark outside. The two of us stayed occupied longer than I thought.

“You hungry, baby?” I ask, now helping with the clean up.

“No, but I can take a light snack. You got any microwave popcorn?”

“Yep, sure do. Wanna have popcorn and stream a movie?”

“Sounds perfect.”

In the living room, we get settled cozy on the couch with a bowl of popcorn while I search for a movie. Truffles has taken custody of one of the pillows from the couch, turning it into a bed. He’s actually perfect, too.

Still searching for a movie, Lauren runs her fingers through my hair.

God it feels good when she does that.

If she’s not careful, I may just take her right on this couch.

Her gaze is fixed, laced with purpose. “Jaxson, sweetie, I want you to know I would never hurt you the way she did.”

The sound of her accent still warms me up. Every single time. Like the sun on a cloudy day.

I bring her hand to my mouth, kissing her fingers one by one. “I know you won’t, beautiful.”

Truth is, Lauren is too good of a person to hurt anyone. I’ll never understand why she is considered an Ice Princess. Anyone who knows her can’t say one bad thing about her.

Offering a warm smile, she says, “I once heard, to have a broken heart means you’ve tried for something.”

I try to stop my mouth from curling up in a sneer. “Really? I’ve heard that too.”

We both chuckle and say, “Eat. Pray. Love.” in unison.

“Jaxson Malone, you’ve watched Eat Pray Love?”

I nod, not embarrassed I enjoy a good chick flick every now and then. “Sure have.”

She folds her arms, as her calm blue eyes morph into skeptical ones. “Then tell me your favorite line.” She raises her chin as if her question somehow raises the bar.

“From the movie?” I stammer.

Eyes squinted, she says, “Yep,” with a purposeful pop on the P.

I can’t help but smirk, knowing what I’m about to say may very well melt her heart and her panties. Even though I doubt she’s wearing any under that shirt.

I clear my throat, preparing to speak in a low growled tone. “You don’t need a man, you need a champion.”

Thirty minutes later, after Lauren practically ripped my shorts off, peeled her shirt off, eased onto my lap, and rode us both into orgasmic paradise, we, once again, sit on the couch, now breathless, our naked bodies under the throw. I point the remote to the TV and begin another movie search as she nibbles on popcorn.

“Hey,” she says, “how about we watch it?”

“Watch what?”

“Eat Pray Love. Duh.”

I laugh. “Great idea.”

We watch the movie and nibble on popcorn, still very much cozy-naked under the blanket. I stroke her hair; she rubs my leg. She rests her head on my shoulder. I pull her in close. Then a thought pops in my head.

“Why do you hate flowers and candy?”

She picks up the remote and pauses the movie as if she’s preparing us for an in depth convo. She looks at the ceiling, then pins those heart-stopping eyes back on me. “Flowers and candy aren’t forever. Sure, flowers are pretty and candy tastes good. But then they’re gone. Why would a man give the woman he loves something that’ll die or be eaten then forgotten? If a man gifts, he should gift something that means forever. I want forever.”

I pull her back next to me, and rub her neck and shoulder.

Then I kiss her softly on the forehead and whisper, “Duly noted, sweetheart.”

Our blissful weekend comes and goes faster than a Paris rain shower. We pranced around the villa like we were on our honeymoon. Loving. Sexing. Romancing.

And I feel glorious.

Waking up with her in my arms, makes me feel like I’m on top of the world. And yes, I know that’s a cliché, but this is a fucking cliché moment.

And now that it’s Monday, we part for the day, as I drop her off at HC Headquarters. She’s got loads of work left to do for the magazine.

“I’ll pick you up later, babe. Call me if you need anything,” I say.

She frowns. “Jaxson, I really don’t want to go back home yet.”

I run my thumb along her cheek. “I know, you can stay with me as long as you need to.”

“But my clothes, Truffles’ toys

“What can I do to help?”

Her face brightens. “Would you mind going to Chateau De Grenelle, to pick up a few things for me? I’ll text you a list of what I need. I’m pretty organized so you should find everything with ease.”

Without hesitation I say yes and then Lauren hands me the keys. “Thank you, sweetie. I lo”—she pauses—“I appreciate it.”

Did I almost hear an I love you?

“You’re welcome.” I lean in and kiss her. “Anything for you.”

Then I watch her prance into the building, her body making me internally scream hey, don’t leave yet.

Yep, I’m falling.