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Scratch (Devil's Boneyard MC 2) by Harley Wylde (6)



Her skin felt like silk and she tasted sweet as honey. She had the prettiest nipples I’d ever seen, and I loved the way she shivered when I sucked them into my mouth, then lightly bit them. I stroked the curls between her legs, feeling how wet and ready she was for me. Her clit was swollen and I lightly rubbed it. Not enough to get her off, but just enough to have her begging for more.

“Feel good, kitten?” I asked.

“So good,” she murmured, her eyes fluttering as she tried to keep them open. A soft smile curved her lips.

I remembered how tight she’d been in the shower and used my fingers to stretch her a little. My cock wasn’t fucking huge, but I was bigger than average and could hurt her. If she didn’t have a son, I’d have sworn she was a virgin.

“I can’t wait to feel this pussy wrapped around my dick,” I said as I kissed along her neck. I added a second finger as I worked her pussy, and the soft moans coming from her damn near made me come.

“Damon, please,” she begged.

“Please what, kitten?”

“I need… I need…”

I knew exactly what she needed, wanted, and drove my fingers in and out of her harder and faster. I pressed down on her clit with my thumb. Her hips bucked against me and I could feel that she was close. Sucking her nipple into my mouth again, I lashed it with my tongue before biting down just hard enough that she came.

“Damon!” She shuddered and trembled as her pussy gushed around my fingers.

Before she had a chance to come down from her high, I slipped my fingers out of her, sucked her juices from them, then ripped open a condom. It had to be the fastest I’d ever put one on, then I braced my weight so I wouldn’t crush her and I slowly eased into her tight little pussy.

“Fuck, Clarity! So damn tight!”

I used short thrusts to work my way inside her, and when she’d taken all of me, I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold back. I wanted to make it perfect for her, to take my time, but I felt like a randy teenager with her lying under me, looking up at me with wonder in her eyes.

I fucked her hard and deep, taking her like a man possessed. Her hands clung to me and her passionate cries spurred me on. It didn’t take long before she was coming again, and as her pussy clamped down on me, my balls drew up and I came so fucking hard. I growled as I kept stroking in and out of her, our hips slapping together. When every drop of cum had been wrung from me, I stilled with my cock buried inside her. My chest heaved like I’d run a fucking marathon and I felt sweat slicking my skin.

Clarity smiled up at me with a dreamy expression, then she ran her fingers through my beard.

“Sorry that didn’t last very long,” I said. Embarrassment made my cheeks warm. I hadn’t come that fast in a long fucking time, but being with her… Damn. There were no words to adequately describe the way she made me feel.

“Don’t apologize for one of the greatest moments of my life,” she said. “Did you hear me utter a single word of complaint?”

“No,” I admitted.

“That’s because I didn’t. I was too busy screaming because of how good you made me feel.”

I kissed her, wondering what I’d ever done to deserve such a sweet woman in my bed. When I pulled away, I gripped the condom and slid out of her. I stepped into the bathroom to throw the condom away and wash up, but I froze as I looked down. Holy shit!

My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the broken condom. I’d been fucking girls and later women since I was fifteen years old. Not once in all that time had a condom ever broken. I pulled it off and tossed it into the trash, then rinsed my dick off in the sink before walking back to the bedroom. Clarity had curled onto her side, the sheet pulled over her body. She gave me a contented smile that quickly slipped away as she looked at me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Condom broke.”

Clarity sat up, the sheet falling to her waist. I was momentarily distracted by her rather perky breasts, but I snapped back to reality when she gripped my hand.

“Damon, it’s okay.”

“You don’t need a pregnancy to deal with right now,” I said. “I promised to protect you, and that means from me too.”

She bit her lip and I could tell she was fighting not to smile.

“What?” I asked, my tone gruff as I sank onto the bed next to her.

“Did you not say that I’m yours now?” she asked. “That you were keeping me?”


“And you’re going to love the baby if we have one?” she asked.

“Of course, I will.”

“Then what would be the harm in expanding our family?” she asked. “I’m not a naïve young girl, Damon. I’ve faced more in the last three years than a lot of thirty-year-old women have dealt with. Don’t let a number on a piece of paper fool you into thinking I’m some silly girl who doesn’t know what she wants.”

I wrapped my hand around the back of her neck and kissed her softly. “I know you’re not. You’re a strong, capable woman. It’s part of what I like about you.”

“Part? What’s the other part?

“Your perky breasts, obviously.” I grinned and she playfully smacked my arm. “I like the way you care for your son and put him first, I like that you don’t see the world through rose-colored glasses. You left a bad situation and forged a life of your own through hard work and dedication. And when everything was yanked out from under you, you still protected your son and did your best to keep him safe. You’re an absolutely amazing woman, Clarity.”

Her eyes misted with tears and one rolled down her cheek. I wiped it away before kissing her again. From what she’d told me, I knew that no one had ever shown her any appreciation, had ever really noticed her. I didn’t want to make the same mistakes everyone else in her life had made. I wanted her to know that she was special, and that I could see how strong and capable she was, not only of caring for herself but her son too. I wasn’t trying to rescue her and dictate her life, I just wanted to give her the tools she needed to get where she was going… as long as it ended with her in my bed every night.

“I’m claiming you,” I told her. “I’m not putting it to a vote, not asking anyone for permission. Not even you, and if that makes me a Neanderthal, then so be it. But having said that, I’m not going to lock you away or keep you in a cage. If you want to work, I’ll support your decision. If you’d like to go back to school, I’m okay with that too. Or if you want to stay home and be a mom to Caleb and any other kids we might have, then I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”

She tugged on my beard. “Are you real? I didn’t think a man like you existed.”

“I’m real, kitten. And I admit that I can be a real asshole sometimes, but I’ll try not to be that way with you. I’m old and set in my ways so you’ll have to stand up to me every now and then. Just don’t do it front of my club. That’s the one thing I can’t allow. You want to get sassy around the house when it’s just us, I have no problem with it.”

“Right now, I just want to curl up in your arms and go to sleep.” She yawned so wide her jaw cracked. “It’s been a while since I really and truly slept, but I feel safe with you holding me.”

“Before you go to sleep, there’s one thing I need.”

“What?” she asked, sounding drowsy.

“The name of Caleb’s father. And your dad’s name too. I’m not backing down on this one, kitten. They hurt you, and I’m not going to sit back and let them get away with it.” I paused a moment. “And I need the name of the neighbor who watched Caleb.”

“Caleb’s dad is Damon.” She smiled up at me. “But his sperm donor is Ryan Peterson.”

“And your dad’s name?” I asked, trying to ignore the warmth spreading through my chest when she’d called me Caleb’s father.

“Heath Davis. And the neighbor who watched Caleb was Mary Hurst.”

“So you’re Clarity Davis and your son is Caleb Davis?” I asked, needing to know if she’d given Caleb his daddy’s name. Since she’d claimed Caleb’s dad didn’t know about him, he couldn’t have signed the paternity papers required to be on the birth certificate. I did remember that, even if I couldn’t remember much from the day my daughter was born, probably because I’d likely been drunk off my ass.

She nodded, but I could tell she was mostly asleep already. I retrieved my phone from the pocket of my jeans and texted Shade. He was our club wizard when it came to anything electronic, and could probably hack into government files without anyone even knowing he’d been there. If anyone could find information on those men, it would be him. And once I knew where they were, I was going to pay them a little visit.

See what you can find on a Heath Davis, daughter’s name is Clarity, and a man named Ryan Peterson who was in the area about two or three years ago. And look for a woman named Mary Hurst here in town.

Is this club business or personal? Heard you had a woman and kid at your place

Both. She’s my old lady and those two men hurt her, and the woman might have abused Caleb.

When there wasn’t an answer right away, I started to wonder if maybe I’d killed him with shock by saying I had an old lady. The proper way to do things was to put it to the club during Church and let them vote. Fuck if I was going to take even the slightest chance they’d say no. Kitten was mine, and I wasn’t letting her go. If the club didn’t like it, too fucking bad. I knew they’d love her once they got to know her. Being their VP had to have some sort of perks.

I’m on it. And congrats. Can’t wait to meet her. If the bitch, Mary, hurt your son, there’s nowhere she’ll be able to hide

I snorted and put my phone away. Yeah, I’d just bet he couldn’t wait to meet her. Shade was a good guy, a great brother, but when it came to the ladies he was like a natural disaster that left chaos in his wake. He’d probably broken the heart of nearly every female under the age of fifty in a ten-mile radius. As for Caleb… it made me smile that he’d called the boy my son, and same for Clarity. I’d be honored to be considered that boy’s father.

I shut off the light and then pulled Clarity into my arms. It had been a long fucking day, but I just couldn’t sleep. I could hear Caleb rustling around in his bed, and I wondered if he was having a bad dream or if he was awake. I pressed a kiss to Clarity’s forehead, then got back out of bed. After I pulled on some boxer briefs and a tee, I headed down the hallway to check on the boy.

Caleb was lying on his side with his thumb in his mouth, but his eyes were wide open. He blinked and stared at me as I stepped into the room, but I didn’t see even a hint of fear in his gaze. If he was confused about where he was, he didn’t show it. I moved farther into the room until I was standing next to his little bed. Kneeling down, I refrained from touching him in case it made him feel afraid. He hadn’t been leery of me so far, but it was dark and it was his first night in a new place.

“Hey, little man. Can’t sleep?”

He shook his head.

I held my hands out to him, letting him decide if he wanted to come to me or not. If he didn’t, then I’d back away and figure out some other way to soothe him. I wasn’t going to press him for more than he was willing to give. Caleb looked at my hands, then pulled his thumb out of his mouth and launched himself at me. I caught him against my chest, then stood.

I didn’t want to take him to my room since his mom had fallen asleep naked, so I went downstairs to the living room. I turned the TV on low, then stretched out in the recliner with him sprawled across me. His fingers tangled in my hair, and he held on, like he was scared I was going to leave him. Rubbing his back, I hoped he’d go back to sleep so he wouldn’t be tired and cranky tomorrow.

“I know being in a new place can be scary, but you’re safe here, Caleb. And so is your mom. I won’t let anything happen to either of you.”

He picked his head up and looked at me, staring hard, almost like he was trying to see into my soul. I briefly wondered if he was able to actually do that. I didn’t get unnerved by grown-ass men, but the toddler lying on top of me looked like he’d seen too much already in his young life.

“I wish you’d tell me what happened to you.” I ran my hand over his head. “I know the lady who was taking care of you did something bad. I’m going to find out what it is, and I’m going to punish her for hurting you.”

Probably not something you should tell a toddler, but his body relaxed a little more and he laid his head back down. I flipped through the channels until his breathing evened out, but every time I shifted to get up and carry him back to bed, he’d wake up again. I ended up staying in the recliner all night, dozing off and on, until the sun started streaming through the living room windows in the morning.

I was getting too damn old for this all-nighter shit, but if Caleb felt safe and was well rested, then I’d give up a few nights of sleep. I turned on the morning news but only half paid attention to it. When I heard movement on the stairs, I watched for Clarity. She stood in the entryway, rubbing her eyes, and looking completely adorable. She’d put on her pajamas again and looked around as if she didn’t quite know where she was.

“In here, kitten,” I said loud enough she could hear but not so loud I’d wake up Caleb.

She padded into the room, then stopped and smiled when she saw her son sprawled across me. “I wondered where you were when I woke up this morning. I see I lost you to our son.”

Our son. My throat tightened and I felt like a sentimental fool.

“He couldn’t sleep last night so I brought him down here. Every time I tried to get up and put him to bed, he woke back up. Figured it was better to just sit here and let him sleep.”

“Want me to take him?” she asked.

“I’ve got him. If you’ll get my phone off the nightstand upstairs, I’ll have a Prospect bring us some breakfast.”

“Or I could cook something for us,” she offered. “I’m not a gourmet chef by any means, but I won’t give you food poisoning.”

“If you want to cook, you certainly may. But don’t cook because you feel like you need to.”

She stretched and I shifted in my seat when my dick started to get hard. Her breasts pushed out against her thin pajama top, and strip of her belly showed as her shirt lifted. She looked really damn good in the morning, but I wasn’t surprised. Even covered in dirt, she’d been pretty irresistible.

When she was finished tormenting me, she stepped out of the room and I heard her going upstairs. Guess having breakfast brought in won over cooking. I smiled, wondering how many mornings we’d have like this one. If I’d known that something so domestic would be this appealing, I may have considered having an old lady a little sooner. Then again, no one had tempted me to make that kind of commitment, not until Clarity showed up on my doorstep. She was different from anyone I’d met before, and in a good way. There was an innocence to her, even though I knew she’d seen more shit than most women her age.

There was a strange look on Clarity’s face as she came back into the room, my phone clutched in her hand. I instantly went on alert, my body tightening. She came closer and set the phone on the arm of my chair before sinking down onto the couch. When she didn’t say anything, I started to worry even more. There wasn’t anything in the bedroom that should have put that look on her face, and my phone was locked so she couldn’t have seen any messages from the club.

“Kitten, the look on your face is scaring the shit out of me.”

“I think your daughter might be on her way here,” she said.

“Darian? Why the hell is Darian coming here?” And how the hell had she come to that conclusion? I unlocked my phone and saw a recent call from my daughter, and that it had lasted roughly three minutes. My gaze locked on Clarity. I had nothing to hide from her, except club shit she didn’t need to know about. Didn’t really bother me she’d answered my phone, but something must have transpired between the women in my life, and I doubted it was a happy occurrence.

“Your phone was ringing when I went upstairs. I saw Darian’s name and remembered she was your daughter, so I answered, thinking maybe it was important.” Her hands fidgeted in her lap. “She, um… she didn’t handle it well when I picked up your phone.”

“I don’t think anyone has ever answered my phone but me. Doesn’t explain why she’d be upset over it, though.”

“She asked who I was and why I had your phone.”

My eyebrows went up. “And you told her what?”

“That you’d claimed me and I was living here with you.” Her cheeks warmed. “She said I sounded like a teenager. I assured her I’m an adult, but she’s convinced I did something to force you into claiming me. She wasn’t very happy when she hung up.”

“Shit,” I muttered. The last thing I needed was my daughter on my doorstep, irate over the woman I’d chosen, and she’d likely have that hulking husband of hers with her. The bright side would be seeing my grandson.

“Yeah, so…” She chewed on her lip. “I’m sorry I answered your phone. I won’t do it again.”

“Kitten, it’s fine that you answered it. I just didn’t want to deal with my daughter right now, especially if she’s worked up. I’ll call my Pres and give him a heads up in case her husband asks permission to come with her. It’s just a courtesy thing for Bull to check with Cinder, but I want to make sure the Pres knows what’s going on. We’ll deal with it, and once she calms down, the two of you will get along fine.”

I knew my daughter, though, and she was going to have a shit fit when she realized Clarity was only eighteen. Yeah, she was a legal adult, but compared to my advanced years, she was still a kid. Younger than my daughter, and younger than any of the old ladies with the Dixie Reapers. I was going to catch some serious shit for this, but I wouldn’t give up Clarity and Caleb. There was a sense of rightness that I felt bone-deep when they were with me.

I sent a text to Reed, one of the Prospects, and asked him to pick up three breakfast specials from the diner and bring them by the house. I’d have to take Clarity grocery shopping later. I had some food in the house, but I didn’t know their favorite meals, or if they even had favorites. There was still a lot we needed to learn about one another, but we had a lifetime to figure it out. Well, my lifetime anyway. With thirty-two years between us, I didn’t doubt for a moment I’d kick the bucket before she would, especially if my club got mixed up in any dangerous shit again.

Clarity still looked freaked out over her talk with Darian, and I hoped I wouldn’t have to kick my daughter’s ass whenever she showed up. I stared at my phone, knowing I needed to give Cinder a heads up, if it wasn’t too late already.

Claimed Clarity as my old lady. No, I’m not putting it to a vote. Darian found out and she’s pissed. Bull might need permission to come with her when she shows up to give my woman a piece of her mind.

I can deny both of them permission. I’ll let them know it’s not safe right now. That should keep them away.

I stared at my phone. What the fuck did he mean it wasn’t safe? Or was he just trying to find a way to give me more time with Clarity before subjecting her to my daughter and son-in-law? I’d have thought if anyone would understand, it would be my daughter. Hell, she’d been twenty-one to Bull’s forty-nine when they’d gotten together. Maybe it was just hard for her to picture her daddy with a woman, especially one as young as Clarity.

Get your family settled for the morning. I’m sending a Prospect to watch over them. Then get your ass to the clubhouse. We have shit to discuss.

Well, that was cryptic as fuck and didn’t sound the least bit promising. I sighed and set my phone down, not quite sure what to tell Clarity. I didn’t know if the things being discussed were about her, or if something else was going on. The last thing I wanted was to drop her and Caleb into the middle of a war. I’d thought all that was behind us, that it was safe for us to have families now. Had I been wrong?

“Kitten, it seems I have some club business to deal with this morning. I’ll have breakfast with the two of you, then I need to leave for a little while. Someone will be out front to make sure you’re safe, and you can tell them if you need anything.”

She stared at me a moment, then nodded. I’d expected some questions, but if she had any, she was keeping them to herself. I let Caleb sleep until the food arrived, then I transferred him to Clarity’s arms and went to answer the door. No way was I letting her get it while she was dressed in her pajamas. Her curves were only for me to enjoy.

Reed looked about half-asleep as he stood on my doorstep. I took the food from him, then watched as he stumbled down the steps and climbed into one of the club trucks. A tarp was pulled over the back, and I wondered what was under it. I shut and locked the door, then took our food to the kitchen. There was some thumping around upstairs and I figured Clarity had tried to put Caleb back to bed. When she came back down, she’d put on the robe she’d bought at the store yesterday.

I set her breakfast in front of her, then poured us each a glass of juice while I brewed some coffee. I put Caleb’s food in the oven so it would stay warm. Whenever he woke up again, he’d likely be hungry. The coffee finished brewing and I pulled down my largest mug and filled it, then fixed a regular-size cup for Clarity. If I was going to sit in Church, I needed to be clear-headed, and I had a feeling she would need the caffeine to keep up with Caleb once he woke up.

I didn’t have a fucking clue what Cinder wanted to discuss, and I knew I needed to be prepared for anything. I only hoped it didn’t take me away from Clarity and Caleb all day. I wanted to introduce them to Jackal’s family. Allegra was close to Caleb’s age and I hoped the two would become friends. Hell, Josie was pregnant with another one and was due within a few months. It made me wonder what Clarity would look like pregnant with my kid.

My phone dinged and I picked it up to check the display.

Church in twenty.

Fucking hell. So much for enjoying breakfast with my woman. I shoved a few bites of food into my mouth, drained my coffee, then stood. Clarity blinked up at me, and I gave her a smile.

“Sorry, kitten. I have to go for a bit. Make yourself at home.” I paused a moment, realizing she didn’t have a way to reach me. “We’ll get a phone for you when I’m finished with club business.”

“You don’t have to…”

I held up my hand. “No arguments. You need a phone.”

She sighed and nodded. I knew it was hard for her to accept all the things I was buying for her and Caleb, but they were mine to take care of, and I was going to make sure they had everything they needed. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, then went upstairs to shower and dress. I scrubbed my skin until it turned pink, and took the time to use the conditioner Darian had talked me into buying during my last trip to visit her. I hadn’t really given a shit about my appearance in a long ass time, but I combed out my beard and added a little oil to it, then pulled my hair back in a ponytail.

I dressed in my usual black tee, jeans, and my Harley Davidson boots, then pulled on my cut. When I got back downstairs, Clarity had finished her meal, and Seamus was standing in the front entry. My eyes narrowed as I remembered locking the door, then I sought out Clarity. She was nervously twisting her hands in front of her, and I wondered if Seamus had said something he shouldn’t have.

I pulled Clarity into my arms. “Everything all right, kitten?”

She nodded. “Was it all right that I let him in? I could see his Devil’s Boneyard patch through the peephole in the door.”

“It’s fine, but in the future, you should probably leave his ass outside. Or anyone else for that matter. I want you to stay safe.”

“I’ll make sure her and the kid are okay while you’re at Church,” Seamus said. “Don’t worry about them, VP. I’ll protect them with my life.”

“See that you do.”

I gave Clarity a quick kiss, nodded at Seamus, then went out to my bike, grateful a Prospect had brought it to the house. The compound wasn’t too far from my home, but I was still running a little late. In all the years I’d been with Devil’s Boneyard, I couldn’t remember ever being late for Church before. My brothers would likely give me shit about it, but I knew they’d understand. I clomped up the steps of the clubhouse and went inside, then down the hall. Two wooden doors at the end of the hall had the Devil’s Boneyard symbol burned into them, and I pushed them open.

Cinder looked at me with raised eyebrows, but didn’t make a comment. I made my way over to my seat on his left, and the second my ass hit the chair, he called the meeting to order. I noticed all of our patched members were present, and one Prospect. Killian.

“I’m sure word has spread that our VP claimed a woman and kid,” Cinder said. “We’re not putting it to a vote. They’re his and if anyone at this table wants to say otherwise, I’ll have someone on standby to clean up the blood.”

There were a few snickers around the table.

“It seems his woman, Clarity, has come with a bit of trouble on her heels. I had a few people picked up this morning for questioning based off facts that Shade dug up on his computer. The boy, Caleb, was left in the care of a neighbor and it seems he was abused,” Cinder said.

My gut clenched and I wondered what Shade had discovered. He hadn’t gotten back to me, but whatever he’d found, he must have turned the info over to Cinder. I looked down the table where he was sitting. He glanced at me, but didn’t give anything away. Something told me that I was going to hear some shit I wouldn’t be able to forget.

“The neighbor, Mary Hurst, had a boyfriend who was into some bad shit,” Cinder said. “She didn’t protect the kids in her care, which makes her just as guilty. When we picked her up, she wasn’t even remorseful over what happened, just begged for her worthless life. Didn’t think of her kids once.”

“Where is she?” I asked.

“In a building out back, along with her boyfriend. Danny Simmons is wanted in several states for child pornography. Shade hacked the man’s files. I know you don’t want to see that shit, Scratch, but if you’ll provide the club with a picture of Caleb, we’ll go through every damn bit of that crap and make sure he’s not in there. From what we can tell, the clips seem to go back further than when Caleb would have been anywhere near the asshole, but we want to make sure.”

I’d done some fucked-up shit in my lifetime, but the thought of child pornography made me want to puke. Part of me wanted to get up and walk out, not listen to another word, but I needed to know just how bad it had been. What had Caleb been exposed to while he was with that woman? And more importantly, how did I keep this shit from Clarity? If my kitten thought for a second she’d put her child in that situation, I worried what she might do. I knew she’d blame herself, that it would possibly even break her.

“I’ll take a picture when I get home,” I said.

“Until we know more, we’re going to hold on to Mary and Danny. If Caleb is in any of those files, we’ll let you take whatever justice you want. Otherwise, the club will handle it. The cops aren’t going to dig too deep when a child pornographer shows up dead in a ditch,” Cinder said.

“And Clarity’s dad?” I asked. “Or Caleb’s father?”

“That man was never a father to the boy. Caleb’s sperm donor is dead,” Shade said. “Overdose a year ago. And I checked. He was never listed on Caleb’s birth certificate. Your woman put father unknown.”

I nodded.

“As for Clarity’s dad, he’s a piece of work. Just like she said, he remarried after her mom died and they have several kids. He’s never so much as looked for her after she ran away. Their lives carried on as usual. I can’t find any illegal dealings surrounding her family, they’re just assholes,” Shade said.

“Leave them be,” I said. “But if he ever comes knocking, I’ll be having a conversation with him that might require a little cleanup.”

“No one would fault you for that,” Cinder said.

Shade cleared his throat. “There’s one other thing that you may or may not know.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Clarity’s birthday is tomorrow. But there’s something I found when I was digging through her background.” He lifted a hand before I could say anything. “I only checked to see if there were any skeletons that could bite the club in the ass. Didn’t find anything quite like that, but I did discover a hidden paper trail. And it’s a bit… strange.”

“What kind of hidden trail?”

“She’s not turning nineteen tomorrow,” Shade said.

“Not turning…” My stomach felt like it might revolt. “Then how old will she be? Do I need to worry about the cops showing up on my doorstep? Christ! I knew she looked too fucking young.”

“Quite the contrary. Clarity’s daddy isn’t really her daddy. Her mom had her before she even met Heath Davis. For whatever reason, they had a document forged that made Clarity younger than she really is and claimed Heath as her birth father. I’m still looking into her real daddy to see what’s going on there,” Shade said.

“Tell him,” Cinder said. “All of it.”

“Her real name is Clarity Jane Parkhurst, daughter of Tamara Clarke and Scott Parkhurst. Her momma was married to Scott Parkhurst a year before Clarity was born, and then her daddy disappeared when Clarity was just a baby. From what little I’ve been able to find on Scott Parkhurst, he was a philanthropist who met Tamara on a trip through Mexico, South America, Haiti, and Jamaica,” Shade said.

“I don’t understand. Why lie to her and forge new documents?” I asked.

“I’m looking into it,” Shade said. “But the good news is that your girl just ages really fucking well. Probably helps that she’s the size of a pixie. I bet she was a really tiny kid. She’s going to be twenty-two tomorrow, not nineteen. How the hell her mom ever convinced her that she was three years younger I don’t know. None of this shit makes any sense.”

“But if Heath wasn’t really her daddy, then that would explain why he didn’t seem to give a shit about her,” I said. “Maybe knowing that will give her closure, even if it does bring up some other questions.”

“There are quite a few pictures of Tamara and Scott in the early part of their marriage. I printed them off,” Shade said, sliding a folder down the table to me.

I flipped it open, but what I saw made me freeze. I stared at the woman in the picture, and there was no doubt she was related to Clarity, but it wasn’t the woman in the picture Clarity had shown me. They looked similar enough, maybe sisters? And the man… Clarity definitely had his eyes, and his hair was nearly white blonde just like Caleb’s. They were definitely related. But why was this woman different from the one Clarity thought was her mother?

What the fucking hell was going on?

“Find out everything you can on Tamara’s family, and then find out what happened to Tamara.” I looked up at Shade. “Because this woman isn’t who raised Clarity.”

I didn’t know how Clarity was going to handle this information, or if I should even tell her until I knew more. She’d have questions I wouldn’t be able to answer, and the last thing I wanted to do was stress her out. The least I could do was tell her that Caleb’s father wasn’t going to be an issue. The pornography bit… I was keeping that to myself for now too. If Caleb hadn’t been exposed, then there was no sense in torturing Clarity with the knowledge her son could have been in that sort of danger.

I ran a hand down my face and tried to focus as the club discussed other business, but my mind was on the woman and boy at my house. I wanted to protect them from all the horrid things in the world, but I knew that wasn’t possible. Not without placing them inside a bubble, and neither of them would appreciate that. Once I knew all the facts, I’d sit down with Clarity and we’d figure everything out. Until then, I just had to hope that Shade would work fast, and that he didn’t dig up anything too horrible.