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STRAYS by Mara McBain (2)



Cracking the window open over the sink, Cali drew in a welcome breath of cool, fresh air. The kitchen was hot and heavy with the smell of oil after an artery clogging meal of fried chicken and seasoned potato wedges. She wiped her face against her shoulder as hot water filled the sink. Just when they needed it, the air conditioner had died. A shower sounded like heaven at the moment, but it would have to wait. Swirling her hand in the water to create suds, she stared out the window without seeing. In a perfect world, the younger kids would’ve handled clean up and dishes since she’d cooked. But, with the mood Benny had been in she’d thought it best to send them all upstairs, putting Mindy in charge of coordinating baths and checking homework for Monday morning. Besides, there was no such thing as a perfect world.

The past couple of weeks had been hell. Her meeting with the caseworker hadn’t improved the constant swirl of anticipation and dread in her stomach. With the current economy, cheap housing was at a premium. The places kids like her could afford were being rented to down and out adults. She’d made some calls herself, answering ads looking for roommates. Most of them had been college students and had seemed put off by her story. She sighed. As much as she wanted a place of her own, she had to admit that renting a room from an established tenant made more sense. Let them worry about things like references, a lease, and furniture. She couldn’t help a rueful grin at the last thought, but truth be told, she’d happily sleep on the floor to have a place to call home.

Cali blew out a breath trying to loosen the strands of hair stuck to her forehead. Four weeks and she’d be on the streets. Hands busy with the dishes, she let her mind weave through the well-worn suggestions in her exit packet. There were no family or friends to turn to. Besides scouring the roommate listings, she’d called several places about studio apartments in her price range. The privacy of a bedroom was hardly a must for her. So far, no vacancies. It was starting to look like she’d have to adjust her housing allowance. She’d been trying to be frugal, but another hundred dollars would open up a few more possibilities. Without more hours, things would be tight, but if she could get a roof over her head, she wasn’t afraid of ramen noodles or thrift store clothes.

She’d talked to her manager at the restaurant. The older woman had been sympathetic, and even a bit outraged when told that Benny and Carol had been taking her money. When Cali had asked if there was a way they could hold her last couple of checks before graduation, the manager had done one better. Sending Cali down to the bank to open a checking account, they’d filled out paperwork to switch her payroll to direct deposit. She’d even coached her on what to tell the leeches. As far as the Johnsons knew, direct deposit had become mandatory and Cali had put it off until the company didn’t pay her. The deception had earned her a backhand, but when she’d tearfully explained that she’d resisted because she gave them that paper check each week, it hadn’t escalated.

She’d left the house the next morning with orders to get a fucking checking account and get their money. Cali’s lip curled. So far telling them that there was a delay in the corporate office issuing back pay had kept things from getting physical, but nothing silenced the bitching. Like they didn’t get five hundred dollars a month for housing her and she didn’t do everything around here. Water soaked the front of her t-shirt as she rinsed a pan with a little too much vehemence. Sighing, she plucked the wet cotton away from her skin and tried to brush away her growing anger and frustration. She’d learned a long time ago that being pissed at the system got you nowhere.

Dishes done, she wiped off the counters and headed upstairs to check on the kids. A wet five-year-old burst from the bathroom with a towel clutched around his neck. Cali smiled as he raced down the hall with the threadbare cape fluttering behind him. Mindy looked up from mopping the floor with another towel.

“Next,” she said pulling a crazed, wide-eyed look.

“Thanks for your help.”

The younger girl shrugged. “We can call it on the job training. Four more weeks and you know this will be my gig.”

Cali nodded. As much as she wanted out of here, she hated the position it was going to leave Mindy in. The only salve to her conscience was the girl wasn’t the right color to draw sexual attention from the pig. Her lips twisted in a bitter smirk. Who knew Benny’s prejudice would be a blessing some day? The arrival of the brothers interrupted her reverie and she waved Mindy out of the bathroom.

“I’ve got these two. I’ll let you know when they’re out so you can take yours.”

Nearly two hours later the boys were all in bed, Mindy was done, and the shower was finally hers. Stepping under the trickle, she tilted her face up and closed her eyes. Though the stream was weak the water heater had recharged and it was good and hot. Exhaustion rolled over her. She was spinning her wheels and getting nowhere. The harder she tried, the more impossible it seemed. The constant mental turmoil was catching up with her. Add in the extra hours she’d been trying to cram in at the restaurant and she just wanted to crawl into bed, pull up the covers and sleep for the next month.

The door clicked shut as she rinsed the lather from her hair. Soap burned her eyes as they snapped open. Swallowing hard she prayed it was one of the little one’s needing to use the toilet. The looming shadow that fell against the curtain confirmed God wasn’t listening.

“Hurry your skinny ass up.”

The slur of Benny’s voice inspired both hope and fear. He’d finish quicker, but whiskey made him mean. Turning off the water, her hands shook as she reached for the towel hanging over the rod. Wiping off, she toweled her hair. She flinched when the curtain was yanked open.

“There’s my little girl.”

The leer on his face was at odds with the false affection and endearment. Sunday dinner rolled in her stomach. His gaze crawled over her. He’d already rolled a condom on and was running a lubed hand over it. When she didn’t move, he swept his free hand mockingly. Her fists balled in the towel. She wanted to run, scream, or cry. Maybe all three. Her knees shook as she stepped out of the tub. There was nowhere to run, no one to hear, and she wouldn’t give the asshole the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

Grabbing her bicep, he spun her around. Cali winced as she caught the corner of the vanity with her hipbone. Another bruise. Bracing her hands on the countertop, she dropped her head. She couldn’t look in the mirror. Benny shoved into her without foreplay. A whine escaped her throat and she ground her teeth. His arm snaked around her waist, his hand trailing up to pinch and twist her small breasts. The asshole loved to wring cries out of her. Flattening her lips, she snorted through the pain.

His thrusts were rough and sloppy making it difficult to protect herself. Clutching the discarded towel between her body and the sharp counter, she tried to cushion her hips. He leaned over her, whispering filth in her ear. His breath was hot and foul with whiskey against the side of her face. He was an animal. The press of his hairy body against her back chafed her soft skin and repulsed her. Just get it over with. Get it over with. Get it over with. The silent plea repeated over and over in her head, building in intensity until it was a scream.

“Your little pussy is so damn tight,” he groaned, his tongue darting into her ear.

Cali shuddered.

“Cum for daddy.”

Bile burned the back of her throat. Why couldn’t the asshole shut the hell up and rape her? His sick words haunted her dreams long after she’d washed the feel of him away. A gasping cry flew from her lips as he yanked her head back by a fistful of hair.

“Look at me and tell daddy how much you like it,” he taunted.

His face pressed next to hers, his mouth open in a panting grin. Cali tried to close her eyes to the sight. She didn’t want to be that frightened girl in the mirror. She wasn’t a child. She wasn’t a fucking victim. Four more weeks. Tears leaked down her cheeks and she cursed through a sob. Benny’s body stiffened behind her and he came with a shuddering grunt. Wiping the back of his hand over his mouth, he let go of her and pulled out. He stumbled back against the wall, his breath ragged and eyes glassy.

Cali dropped her eyes from the mirror and turned back to the shower. Her legs wobbled. Yanking the curtain shut she turned on the spray without waiting. The icy shock drew a hiss and she clenched her teeth against the chatter. She stood there under the spray waiting for the water to warm and the feel of him to wash away. The bathroom door closed and she slumped, nearly falling. Closing her eyes, she turned the water up as hot as she could stand it and started to scrub as tears leaked under her lashes.

By the time she stepped out again every inch of her that wasn’t freckled was flushed red from the heat and relentless scouring. She fought to pull soft cotton shorts and a ribbed tank top over damp skin. Toweling her hair dry she ran her fingers through the tangle, but couldn’t bring herself to look in the mirror. She wiped water off the floor and turned to toss the towel in the hamper when something caught her eye. Her stomach clenched. The used condom floated in the toilet in mocking reminder. Slamming her hand down on the handle, she fled the room.

Hugging her pillow to her chest, Cali fought to keep the screams and sobs at bay. Anger coursed through her.  She’d been so damn close. Four more weeks. The countdown was the only thing keeping her sane. She needed to find someplace. Even if it was a couch to flop on, it got her out of here. A temporary solution was better than nothing. She couldn’t go through that again. She wouldn’t. No more! Tears rolled down her temples. Her chest heaved in a sob and she viciously bit the inside of her cheek to stay quiet.

Hot tears tickled the inside of her ear bringing back the feel of Benny’s tongue. Rolling onto her side, Cali scrubbed the side of her head against the sheets. Sniffing she swiped her hand over her face and tried to focus. She was so close. If she could keep Benny and Carol’s grubby fingers out of her bank account she should have enough by graduation day for first and last month’s rent and a deposit down on an apartment if she could find one. If she couldn’t, there were shelters, fleabag hotels, and alleys. Any of them had to be better than this. Once she had her diploma she was free.