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Alace Sweets by MariaLisa deMora (17)


They’d spent most of their two days at the cabin nestled in a cocoon of blankets. Alternately talking or making love, occasionally one of them would brave the chilly air to bring food back to bed. It seemed a sanctuary, Eric’s arms her place of safety.

As with everything, it couldn’t last.

Alace pushed her hair back from her face with the back of one wrist, scowling at the feel of sweat on her skin. It was hot in the little room off the kitchen where she’d set up her workroom. She huffed a breath, glanced up from the element of the solder gun she was using, and eyed the control board she was attempting to create. The intent was to remotely manage a device she’d use to bypass Regg’s physical security as well as other tricks she might need.

They’d been back home for a week. A week in which she’d spoken to Regg for each of their regular scheduled calls. Calls where he became more obvious with his manipulative tactics, pushing her harder each time. Last night Eric said he thought Regg was waiting for her to call him out. She knew he was probably right.

A week of sweeping Eric’s house and both their cars daily was thankfully empty of any new bugs. Alace wasn’t sure what to make of that. The ones she’d removed could have been an ace-in-the-hole tactic Regg hadn’t needed to put into play yet, so he might not know they’d been discovered. Or he might be trying to brazen it out, hoping she would attribute them to Ward’s enemies.

Meanwhile, she planned. Beginning at the cabin, she’d bounced ideas off Eric and found to her surprise he had an aptitude for this kind of thing. As did she. Together they were creating an unbeatable strategy, and if the plan hadn’t been aimed at going up against Regg, she’d have been damned excited about how well they meshed on the planning side of things.

She’d always considered herself the hammer wielded by Regg and was surprised that not only was the preparation exciting and fun, it also came easily to her. A hidden talent. She smirked, huffed again, and bent her head back to her task. With no room for error, she concentrated on what her hands were doing, stopping occasionally to shake the cramps from her muscles. Finally finished, she looked at what she’d made, devices rigged together from Internet purchases and a knowledge of the kind of alarm system she was up against.

A sound from the house penetrated her focus and she turned in time to see the door swing back, Eric appearing in the opening. “Jesus, it stinks in here.” He made a face at the smell from the solder, and she grinned. He didn’t hesitate, but moved to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, leaning over to look down at what lay on the workbench in front of her. “You done, baby?”

“Yeah. Everything’s ready.”

“Then come eat. Dinner’s waiting.” His hands slipped down her sides, bracketing her waist as he urged her off the stool and to her feet. “I’m starved, and I’ll bet when you stop and breathe for a minute, you’re going to realize you are, too.”

This was something she’d come to love about Eric. The multitude of ways he took care of her, each showing the trust he had in her. No second guessing, not once their plans were laid, and while he had balked at her role, it wasn’t that he didn’t believe her capable. His reasons were more personal, whispered across the pillow while still buried inside her, his cock pulsing the final beats of his passion. “I need you safe.” Nothing about his wants, no posturing about strengths or weaknesses, he just told her what he felt was the most important thing.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged, raising one leg in invitation. Eric wrapped his palms around her ass and lifted, carrying her into the kitchen, using the heel of his bare foot to close the door behind them. She clung to him like a monkey, resting her cheek on his chest, feeling the thud of his heart in her ear as he padded soundlessly to the counter where he placed her, staying close, hips between her knees. Bent knuckles wedged under her chin, lifting and holding her so their gazes locked. “You’re ready?” She nodded, his hand moving with her. “You sure, beloved?” Alace gave him a half smile, knowing these questions came from a place of love.

“I’m sure. He’s good, but I’ve known him a very long time. I’m confident I can predict about 90 percent of how he’ll respond. That’s not great odds, but I’ve got the best chance out of anyone I know. It’s what I do, Eric.” She tugged her chin free and dipped her neck, pressing a kiss to the backs of his fingers. “I’m sure.”

“And if you get it wrong and he walks in on you?”

Alace’s posture straightened, and she pushed her shoulders back, deliberately creating a strong frame with her body. As much as Eric needed her safe, she needed him to believe. “I deal with what I find. If that’s a file on me and the gigs over the years, I bring it out with me because he and I are done. If he’s there, then his fate is up to him.” Eric’s eyes widened, and she shook her head. “I mean his reaction will be my cue. He’s not been the one out in the field, so to speak. I’m not worried about him hurting me, and I’ll be on the watch for any tricks he might pull. Any countermeasures he’s prepared, any threats he thinks to make. We both believe he knows something’s up, which means he could have put anything into play. But I’ve trained with the best.” She had. Over the years she’d taken every opportunity to seek wisdom from people like her. Setting up meets on the darknet and following the hidden tokens to safe houses scattered throughout metropolitan cities she’d hunted in. It was an elite membership, entry purchased by kill count, permanent enrollment certified by skill and longevity in the trade. Another thing Regg didn’t know about her. “I won’t let him be a shadow, a stain on our lives.” That was as close as she’d come to saying what she really meant. I’ll kill him if he threatens you.

This was something she’d struggled with, and if it were just her life on the line, the final answer might be different. But Eric didn’t deserve to be looking over his shoulder the rest of his life. Regg might be her oldest friend, but Eric was her one.

I’ll kill him.