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Back to Her by Dani Wyatt (12)

C H A P T E R  T W E L V E



WALKER AND I HAVE NOT used a condom—or any birth control at all in fact—since the first day he took me like a tidal wave in my father’s old office.

He’s taken to spanking me, both during sex and also when I get a little mouthy or bratty with him. At first, I took it as punishment and I have to admit that I felt a little put out—even if I also felt more than a little turned on.  But I’ve come to realize it’s exactly what I need at that moment. I need his care and control.  It makes me feel safe and it’s true: sometimes I bring it on myself, just for the relief.

And the hard fuck that usually follows.  Like now.

“I love fucking you from this position, so I can see your nice, red ass,” Walker grunts as he slams into me from behind.

I’m on all fours.  In the ‘assume the position’ pose, which is not just your average doggy style.  Oh no. Walker has a very specific idea in mind when he uses those words.  Sway back, face in the bed, hips angled upward with my ass as high as I can get it and my hands on each cheek, pulling myself apart for his viewing pleasure.

Swoon, he’s such a romantic.

He has one hand tangled in my hair so that his fingertips are tugging hard while still pressing my face into the mattres.  The room is filled with sounds of slapping flesh, along with my own animal grunts as puffs of air leave my lungs with each thrust.

When I feel the pressure from his thumb on the dark circle of my ass, I swallow hard and moan.

“You like me in this ass, don’t you, Cricket?”  Walker presses his thumb just inside and begins to gently move it in and out along with the strokes of his dick. 

I grunt out some sort of affirmative, but it’s too late.  I’m cumming hard and I lose any connection to what he might be saying.

I feel like I’m being split in half and driven down through the bed as he fucks me with abandon like some sort of rag doll.  My pussy is a never-ending stream of cum and his thumb continues, relentlessly probing my ass, sending me into another wild round of bliss that has me seeing stars.

When his hand finally leaves my hair and comes down in a series of smacks on my ass, I’m speaking in tongues.   He holds himself hard inside me, delivering his cum directly into my cervix as our bodies jerk and twitch together in bliss.

I’m still catching my breath when Walker runs a hand up and down my back, leaning in to kiss my shoulder blades and pulling out of me, leaving me feeling empty.

“You wear that cum today, you hear me. Put on some panties. I want you carrying all of that around with you today.  Remind you of who you belong to.”

With that, I collapse on the bed and Walker chuckles as he strides into the bathroom, turning on the shower then comes into the room to motion for me to join him.  Just as we’ve done every morning since the first.

After our shower, he’s back to his gentle self, and we start getting excited about what’s to come. I’m excited and nervous for tomorrow.  The plan is to get this tax situation resolved and until it’s done I can’t seem to relax.

“Tomorrow, we celebrate.”  Walker adjusts his lime green tie in front of the mirror. 

I picked it out for him last night when we went shopping.  It’s been so long since I’ve been to a mall, but I’m feeling a bit more comfortable out in the world as long as Walker is with me.  He insisted on taking me on a bit of a spending spree last night, just to make sure I kept going out. 

“I don’t know how to thank you.”  I draw in a deep breath until my lungs are full and hold it.  As much as I know Walker wants to take care of me, I still feel guilty that he’s the one paying all the bills.

I’ve also come to realize, my dream of creating some business that could cover the costs of Tensfield at the time needed were slim to none.  It was a naïve idea, but then my upbringing didn’t exactly prepare me for the realities of the world.  As far as I was concerned, my father made a business deal and then had the money to buy himself a new sports car, or a private jet or something.  How was I supposed to know that businesses take years to start to make a profit?  But Walker’s supporting me in my dreams of becoming a book editor even though any real money won’t come for awhile, at least I’m working toward my own goals for once.

“Cricket.”  His voice is serious as he turns to face me. 

“Yes,” I reply, knowing there’s an admonishment coming.

Walker steps into my space.  I’m sitting at my desk, my computer chair spun around so that I can watch him as he dresses for the day. 

He crouches down, his huge hands resting on my knees. Their weight and warmth ground me as I lose myself in those shimmering, gray eyes.

“You thank me with every breath you take.  You thank me every time you look at me.  You thank me with every kiss, every touch, and every orgasm.  You thank me in every moment of every day.  Don’t you ever forget just how much you mean to me, Cricket.  You are the reason I do everything I do.”

Warmth flows over my face as he slips one hand down between my legs, pushing upward and without thought I accommodate his progress by spreading my knees.

His eyes stay pinned on mine as his fingers dance and flutter on the damp outer lips of my already pulsating sex.  How he can get such reactions from me, and do it so quickly, I still don’t understand.  Perhaps I never will.  But that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy them more than I dreamed I could.

He flicks my clit softly, sending my head falling back on my neck and a sound of pleasure catches in my throat.

“You will thank me later by cumming on my face, like a good girl. Now, you have another test today, so turn around, get to your schoolwork and let me do what gives me a purpose: taking care of you.”

I breathe a lustful sigh, and drop my eyes to meet his, then nod slowly.  “Okay.”  My heart pounds.  “So I’ll meet you at Albert’s at one.” I force a smile, even as the muscles in my neck tighten at the thought of going out on my own.  Albert’s is a favorite restaurant we’ve been going to on Thursday’s for lunch.  But each time, Walker comes home to collect me and take me there.  Today, I want to see if I can make it there on my own.

“You sure you’re ready to go out on your own?  No crisis forcing you.  I don’t mind coming here for you.”

I nod.  “Yep. I need to push myself.  You set up the cab already, it will take me right to the restaurant, then you’re driving me home.  It’s not like I’m really doing anything that daring.” 

“Baby, this is a big deal.  I get it.  Don’t discount it.  Your fear is real, your desire to overcome makes me proud as hell.  I’ll see you at the restaurant, okay?  Keep your phone with you no matter what happens, got it?  Call me if you need to.”

“Got it.”

With a quick kiss and a goodbye, I’m sitting in a puddle turning around to start on my morning class, already watching the clock and counting the minutes.

A COUPLE HOURS LATER, hop in for a quick shower wanting to be fresh and ready for our lunch.  The warm water pours down my body, tickling my flesh as the scent of peppermint from the new shampoo Walker bought me fills the steamy air.  I rinse myself, turning, letting the hot jets carry away the suds.  The bubbles slowly flow down the drain, and I close my eyes as I put my head back into the water, more content than I remember being in probably my entire life.

I finish up, step out, dry off and make my way into the bedroom where I’ve laid out the red dress Walker bought for me last night, along with a pair of heels that I’m praying I can walk in. I’m surprised I’m not more nervous about getting myself from Tensfield to the restaurant on my own.

But as I step from the bathroom into the bedroom, I freeze.

Nausea rises in my throat.

“Nice dress, honey.”  Marco is sitting on the end of my bed, pinching the hem of the dress between his fingers, with a smile spread across his face.  “Got a date?”

Fear banks in my throat.  For a moment I consider running.  I could be out of the bedroom door before he could catch me. But from my experience, if Marco is here he’s probably not alone.

“What the fuck do you want?”  I snap.

His eyes widen in surprise, but he chuckles.

“Well, look at you getting yourself a bit of a backbone?  Where’s the cowering mouse I knew back in Mexico City?. The one that is going to come home with me today so she doesn’t miss her wedding day.  You do remember, don’t you?  We are getting married next week.”  He grins.  “I let you have your little jaunt in the country, but it’s time to come home.  I’ve missed you.”

He makes a tsk noise before rising, and my hands come to grip the towel closer to my chest.

“If you’ll notice...” I raise my left hand and wiggle my fingers.  “I am wearing a ring. It’s just not yours, dick head.”  As scared as I am, I’m more pissed. 

How dare he show up here?  This is my life now. And I’m sick to death of men thinking they can just tell me what to do.  That part of Mia Williams died the moment she stepped back here on her own.

“Well, mine was there first, sweetheart.”  He sneers as he runs a hand over his mouth and comes toward me. “And it will be again.”

I step back, calculating my chances of getting around him.  A thought flashes through my head that he must know Nana is here.  I hope she’s okay.  Frantically, I try to remember where I put my cell phone.

Marco stands as tall as Walker but he’s thin.  His face always shiny, too, accentuating the pockmarks and his Cro-Magnon forehead.

“I’m not marrying you.  Your deal was with my father, not me, and he’s six feet under.” 

He strides forward, closing the last of the space between us, extending his hand to pinch a wet slip of hair from my chest.  Where his fingers touch my goosebumps cover my damp flesh as his eyes slide over me.

I swat his hand away without a word.

“Oh, you will.” He smiles. “The deal still stands.  You see, I have something you want.”

He turns and walks toward the window before spinning and reaching into his suit jacket to withdraw a folded piece of paper.  As he unfolds it, he turns it to face me.

“What is that?  I’m not coming over there to read it. In fact, I’m not standing here while you read it either.  I’m getting dressed and you can’t stop me.”  My mind spins.  The khaki cargo pants I had on earlier are laying on the floor in the bathroom.  I remember my cell phone is in the side leg pocket.  If I can get them on, at least he won’t be able to see the phone and I may have a chance at getting a call out if I can make the opportunity happen.

“Got a mouth on you these days, eh?  Well, sure, get dressed.”  He nods.  “But not out of my sight, beautiful.”  He kisses the air and a knot forms in the muscles of my neck.

In the past, thinking of dropping my towel and getting dressed like this would have paralyzed me.  Now, I realize that’s part of the power I can use over him.

“Fine with me.”  I drop my towel, give Marco a kiss back in the air, and turn back towards the bathroom.

I pull on my pants, quickly reaching down into the side pocket to feel the phone and switch it to vibrate. I manage to get my bra and shirt back on in haste before turning to see Marco staring at me.  I finish off grabbing my mis-matched socks and slipping on my Keds. He’s off his game for just a moment, and I realize if I can figure out a way to distract him again, I’ll be prepared.

“Nice socks.”  He smirks.

“Fuck off again.” I smile back. 

“Let’s settle some business.”  He pats the edge of the bed and reluctantly I take a seat there.  His scent is masculine, sure, but not appealing like Walker’s.  This is the rank scent of a male animal with more bravado than it deserves. 

“What business?  Arranging a marriage is not business.  You can’t force me to marry you.  Didn’t we cover this?”  I spit the words at him, crossing my arms over my chest. 

“Okay, let’s see what you think after I give you the new reality.”  He lays a hand on my leg with a playful squeeze.  “First, I just took partial ownership of Tensfield.  Paid off the tax debt.  Thanks to a little tip from a mutual business associate. Roman Henrick contacted me. Seems since you’ve been back, there’s been some chatter around.  World isn’t as small as you think.  So, business deals were made, Roman tipped me off to your little situation, I gave him something he needed, and here we are. Part of his revenge is taking you as far away from your new knight in shining armor as possible.  Back to Mexico, a ring on your finger, and no way to get you back. And with my money already secured down at the county on the tax debt, that gives me legal lien on the property.”

My heart jumps into my throat.  Walker doesn’t have the funds until tomorrow.  One more day and Marco would have nothing.  “How did you know?”

He chuckles.  “Little girls shouldn’t play a man’s game, Mia.  Roman Hendrik?  See, he and I have some mutual connections.  Your friend,” he emphasizes the word, “pissed him off.  After I found out where you were, it was easy.  Seems you and your father’s former partner didn’t make any friends in your new start in life.  I paid Roman for his information on you and also to leave you both alone until I could get here  I don’t care about Walker, so I’ll let Roman have him.  And I get you.  This is how a gentleman does business, sweet girl.  Well, I get you. And this place.  It’s quite nice.  I like my new acquisition.”

“Take it. I’ll live in a box before I’ll marry you.” For the first time, my attachment to Tensfield evaporates and I realize what makes me feel safe are the people in my life, not the place.

“I will take it.  I’ll also take Nana.” 

My skin goes cold.

“No, you won’t.”

“Too late, actually.”  Marco stands, stuffing the paper back inside his jacket.  “She’s already on the private jet by now.  See, we came in and took her first. So if you want to see her again—”

“If you hurt her, I swear I’ll kill you! I’ll tear your balls off.”  Hatred swirls in my brain.  “I don’t know how or when, but I promise I will.  I will end your life if you touch one hair on her head.”

His laugh only ignites more fury.

“Such a different girl  I like it.  But, I’m a businessman, Mia.  I’m only collecting on what’s rightfully mine.  No need for any more violence. As you can see, if I’d just wanted to hurt you, take you by force, I would have.  I use leverage.  Not violence.  That’s not my style.”  He leans in, clapping his hands with a grin.  When he stands back upright, his face hardens.  His eyes darken.  “Now, I’m done fucking around.  Nana is on that plane. You want to see her again?  Then you will marry me, simple.  So, let’s go, my patience is wearing thin.”

I hesitate.  Not because I’m considering his offer.  I’m furious, and I need to delay him.  Every second is a second closer to Walker getting home to look for me.  “I’ll need to bring a few things.  I need my do know I need insulin, right?”

He shrugs.  “Just get it.  And hurry up.”

I pack a quick bag, throwing a few clothes in for good measure, making it look like I’m being hasty but trying my damnedest to use up some time.

Blood rushes in my ears as we make our way down the hall.  Outside, a black limousine is idling and as we approach, the driver holds open the back door. 

“Put her bag in the trunk.” Marco nods toward the driver who holds my bag and answers with a returning nod.

As I lower myself into the back, I force a slight smile on my lips trying to make him think he’s won. Marco nods as he comes up behind me, “That’s a good girl.”

My blood goes cold hearing his words.  I take a seat in one of the rear-facing seats so I can see out of the back and Marco sits in front of me, settling himself against the leather.  A moment later, the driver shuts the door behind him, and there’s a click as the trunk swings open, followed by the muffled thud of my bag being thrown inside. 

I watch the driver slam the trunk lid and I swear I read irritation on his face.  Not the face of a loyal comrade in arms and I wonder if he may be a weak link in Marco’s chain. My last thought as Tensfield grows smaller in the rear window of the limo is that Walker has to find me.  For my sake, sure, but I also know that if he doesn’t his heart will never be the same.




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