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Passion: A Single Dad Small Town Romance by Bella Winters (30)

The Queen’s guards arrived almost immediately to take me to the Queen’s chambers, where I explained that my mother had fallen ill, and I had to leave immediately. Part of me felt like the Queen had seen right through the excuse, but at that moment, I didn’t care. I just needed to get out. I handed her the envelope and asked her to give it to Milos whenever he returned. She shook her head as I turned to leave. I stopped as I felt the Queen’s hand on my shoulder.

I turned around to face her, bowing my head in reverence. She stepped forward, kissed me kindly on the cheek, and nodded knowingly. She might have assumed my rush from the kingdom was due to Milos and his latest escapades, but it was more for my own sanity than anything else. I had to get away from Silesia, from the palace, and especially from Milos, if I was going to work out what to do with this child. I knew I couldn’t raise a baby in a marriage that was a sham, with a man that couldn’t stop flaunting himself all over the country. But what were my choices?

Within the hour, I was on the plane and airborne. A feeling of relief washed over me, getting stronger with every mile I put in between me and Silesia. I sat and gazed out over the earth below me as I made my way toward Liverpool. I knew that one decision would change everything, but I didn’t know what to do.

I needed space and air, and the last thing I wanted was Milos dangling the contract over my head. There was no way he was going to welcome this baby into his life, not after his true colors had surfaced. I refused to live a life holed up in the castle, watching as my husband destroyed the beautiful history of a country and taught our child to do the same. This may be the heir to the Silesian throne, but it was also a child, and it deserved so much better than Milos, even if that meant a flat in Liverpool with a half sober grandmother and a single mother. At least I felt comfortable, knowing my child wouldn’t end up like Milos, cold, angry, and incapable of love.

Chapter 16: Milos


“Wake up you idiot,” Brat said as he kicked my chair on the plane. “We have landed. Let’s get inside before your mother sees you.”

“That’s no way to talk to a prince,” I said with slurred words.

“When you decide to be a prince, I will start treating you as one,” Brat replied.

I always liked how Brat was straightforward with no bullshit. He and Adriana were similar in that regard, not letting my royal status bother them in the least.

I grabbed my bag and wobbled down the stairs, glad to see there was a car to drive us to the palace. Brat could be harsh, and I half expected to have to walk back. When we were inside the car, Brat took his gloves off and set his hands on his lap, obviously deciding that he was going to get to the bottom of everything. He cleared his throat and looked back out the window.

“What was it this time? Your father? Your mother? Or did you just feel like getting completely wasted, embarrassing our kingdom further, and leaving everyone in suspense?”

“It was nothing, just something with Adriana,” I mumbled.

“Milos,” Brat said. He leaned forward a bit. “You are letting down your mother, your country, and your pretty little bride.”

“It’s a fake marriage, or did you forget, too?”

“Too? Who else forgot? Adriana, a young girl swept up in a fairy tale by a toad that only half resembles a prince? Or perhaps you, who figured out she is more than what she seems?”

“A little bit of both, I suppose,” I said.

“Milos, it’s okay to care for this woman,” Brat replied. “You need to go to her and make this all right.”

“I know,” I sighed, my head spinning.

The car pulled up out front, and Brat helped me into the castle and to my wing without many people noticing. The servants weren’t expecting to see me, so my wing was usually pretty empty. When we got inside, Brat sat me down in a chair and started ordering everything he could to get me sobered up. I just sat there and stared out the window, trying to get my vision to focus, but feeling too swamped by alcohol to function properly.

“Bring him coffee and some food,” Brat told the servants. “Not just any food, a good hearty meal that will soak up some of that liquor. And keep the coffee coming.”

They all bowed to Brat’s requests, making me realize what a good king he would have been, had he been born into my place. A week ago, I would have fought this tooth and nail, but at that moment, I was tired of fighting it. I knew I had to make things right with this girl, and I knew I had to step up. First, however, I needed to get sober.

After the meal and the hot coffee, I was feeling much better, and my mind had cleared. I jumped in the shower to wash the stench of a week’s worth of booze and strippers from my body, before I dressed. I hoped that I hadn’t gone so far off that Adriana could never forgive me, even though I understood there may be no way for her ever to trust me again. I realized that it wasn’t about the contract. I really did care for this girl, more than anything. When I was done and dressed, I pushed down my nerves and made my way to Adriana’s wing to grovel and attempt to get her back.

However, when I got there, there was no one around. I thought it strange that the guards weren’t on duty at her doors like normal. I pushed through into the sitting area and back to her room. She was nowhere to be found, and her things were no longer in her cabinet. Her bed had been made and looked as if no one had slept there for days.

I picked up the wedding picture my mother had given Adriana from the nightstand and stared down at our happy faces. I realized I actually looked happy in that picture, and not just for the audience. The horses were out for their normal runs and exercise with the trainers, and I could see Adriana’s horse trotting alone through the field. I thought she might have gone out to the house in the country for some rest and peace, so I walked from the room and toward the stables. As I turned the corner, I found my mother standing in the hallway looking at the flowers.

“There you are,” she said wearily. “I have been looking all over for you.”

“Mother, have you seen Adriana? I have something important to speak to her about.” I wanted to get to the stables.

“She isn’t here. Her mother fell ill and she headed to Liverpool. Here, she left this for you.”

I looked down at the letter my mother had pulled from her pocket, and I knew this wasn’t going to be a fairy tale ending. I smiled and bowed my head as my mother moved through the hall and out the doors to the gardens. She patted me on the shoulder as she passed, obviously seeing the distraught look I was wearing. I walked slowly and smiled at the nobles lingering in the halls, before bolting from the area and running all the way to my room. I sat down at the table and opened the letter.


It is no surprise that this whole arrangement is not working out. I cannot stand by and allow myself to be degraded and embarrassed on a regular basis. I need some time. I will stay your wife on paper, but I will not be living in the castle any longer. I understand if this affects my payment, but at this point, I have found I have no other choices.

I wish you all the luck in the world,


I folded the piece of paper and set it on the table with a feeling of sickness deep in my stomach. She was gone, and I had been the one to completely destroy her. I leaned back in the chair and stared out as clouds moved closer to the castle. At that moment, I felt completely lost, completely done, and with very little understanding of what to do next. I couldn’t believe I had not only screwed up my place in this Kingdom so badly, but I had purposely hurt the first woman I ever really had feelings for. I sank down in my chair, taking what little pride I had left down with me.

For days, I sat in my room, refusing any visitors, taking my meals in solace, and staring out at the grim stormy sky. It felt like the weather was mocking me, but I just didn’t give a damn. Adriana had been the light in my life I never knew I needed, and I had extinguished it before even understanding what it was.

She haunted my mind at every turn, and even sleep eluded me. I would wander the halls of the castle at night like a ghost, remembering everything from my childhood and feeling ashamed at the man I had become. It had become a dark and lonely existence, and I could tell that even my mother did not know how to help me. Instead, she left me to my thoughts, with the hope that eventually I would find the solution and bring myself back up from the depths.

Mother had always told me that a true king could pull himself from any emotion, any vice, and any situation for the betterment of his kingdom and his people. For some reason, even after all I had done, she still felt that those attributes were somewhere inside of me, waiting to get out. I, however, had never felt confident in the idea that I could be a great king or a good husband and father. So, instead of facing those fears with the tenacity of the royal blood that flowed through my veins, I fled, seeking refuge in the dark dirty crevasses of strip clubs, bars, and loose women. It was almost as if all these years I had pushed the thought away, no longer wanting to even try to be the man my mother, and now Adriana, knew I could be. The fear was stifling, and when it hit me, I was almost paralyzed, grasping at anything I could to take the feeling away, not caring who it affected.

Adriana had given it a good try, a better try than almost anyone else in my life. She didn’t care about my wealth or crown. She cared about me. I hadn’t even realized until that moment that her agreement to the contract was less about money and more about the man she saw during the few moments that I opened up and talked about myself. The moments where I had let down my guard and allowed myself to be an actual human, and not just some spoiled rich asshole that cared very little for others. She had seen something in me that was impossible to see in myself.

After several days had passed, I found myself staring out the window, something that had become routine for me. I would stare off into the country, thoughts banging against my brain, hoping to find some kind of answer in the darkness beyond the castle. Standing from my chair, I started to pace around the room. I felt the anxiousness in my feet and chest, and as I approached the cupboard, I stopped, running my hand across the bottle of whiskey. It had been staring me in the face for days, but I had managed to keep myself from indulging, knowing I would just feel worse in the end. At that point, however, my motto seemed to be, fuck it, so I grabbed a glass and poured myself two fingers. Had I just stopped after that, I might have actually begun to feel better, but I always had an issue with excess, and to excess was exactly where I took the drinking.

One glass turned to two, and two to three, and before I knew it, the bottle was emptied. I called the servants to bring me more, and even though I could see the knowing look in their eye, they did their duty and brought me what I needed. The thoughts that seeped into my brain when the glasses became full then empty was torturous, and I couldn’t get Adriana out of my mind. Her beautiful smile, her luscious lips, and her understanding nature eventually began to feel as unreal as my ability to bring her back.

My life had been a succession of events starting at childhood and raging through the years. My father’s death had not even begun to simmer in my chest when I met Adriana, and I knew that his death was something I was pushing back against. Adriana gave me relief where no bottle could, but because I let my fears drive me to a darker place, I completely destroyed the good in her, taking myself down with it.

Back into the twisting and turning hell of drinking, I threw myself, not finding any more solace in the spinning of the room than I did in the passing clouds, but at least I had found a cure to my insomnia. My despair switched between utter hopelessness and anger, and eventually many of the servants refused to come to my chambers for fear that they would find a glass thrown at their head. Everything was starting to spin out of control, and even though I wasn’t on a plane to some city with clubs and strippers, the loneliness of my room and the unforgiving depth of the bottle started to become worse than the paparazzi on the doorstep.

Chapter 17: Adriana


Driving back through Liverpool was more disheartening than I thought it would be. In my memories, our old apartment seemed so much worse than the flat my mother had inherited, but as I drove into Toxteth, I realized that I might have imagined it nicer than it really was. Everything was run down, and the streets were littered with drug dealers and thugs.

I wrapped my arms around my belly and thought about raising a child in this life. This had been my life as a kid, so I knew it could be done. But after the luxurious, peaceful place I had just returned from, my old neighborhood looked like a festering cesspool of filth. The taxi pulled up in front of the complex, and I pulled myself out of the cab, exhausted from the trip. The papers were piled up on our stoop, and it was obvious nothing had been maintained by my mother.

The place had fallen from half-crappy to full-on shitbox. I struggled with the thought of what the inside would look like. The doors creaked on their hinges and swayed with the breeze as I struggled to pull my suitcases inside and then slammed the door behind me. At the sight of things, I quickly realized that cleaning had not been on my mother’s to-do list.

I tipped over the empty liquor bottles as I moved through the hallways. The drapes had been drawn closed inside the living room, and I almost missed my mother, passed out at the dining room table, surrounded by empty bottles. Nothing could have brought me a clearer idea of reality than that moment. I walked over and pulled the drapes open, letting the sunlight flood the floors. My mother grunted in her own slobber. I walked over and pulled her to her feet. She stumbled slightly as she tried to open her eyes, but instead, she just patted me on the head and leaned into me.

She was heavier than I remembered, and getting her to her room was quite a strain on my body. I threw her down on the bed, grabbed a towel, and started cleaning her up. My heart hurt a bit as she clasped my hand and smiled, feeling my presence back in the house. This had been my normal routine for many years, and even though I knew exactly what to do, a very large part of me didn’t want to. But what were my options?

I could have stayed at the palace. It was beautiful, clean, and luxurious, but it was also full of demons and secrets. I would have to take care of a drunk, fake husband and a very real baby. Or I could be in this flat, doing the same thing, but for someone that seemed, at least some of the time, to appreciate it. Either way, the decisions I had to make were no longer my own. The baby was growing in my belly, and I had already fallen in love.

After my mother had been tucked in and I knew she was safe, I started to comb the apartment to really see what the damage was. Besides being dusty and full of bottles, it seemed that mother hadn’t been able to completely destroy it, at least on the inside. I opened the fridge and held my breath, seeing the same food I had left in there months and months before, still sitting on the shelves, covered in mold. A deep breath didn’t even fully explain the reaction I had at that moment, but I shrugged it off and grabbed some gloves, getting to work making the place habitable again. At least I could find comfort in knowing the cleaning supplies would be right where I left them.

When the place was cleaned and the laundry had been started, I grabbed my purse and headed out for the city. I needed money, and I knew my mother wasn’t going to be any help with that. She never had been. I pulled up in front of one of the most expensive jewelry stores in the city, and I jumped out, trying to avoid thinking about what I had to do. The man behind the counter was kind and took my giant rock to the back to examine it. I had nothing else to give, so I had resolved that I would pawn the ring Milos had given me to pay the bills. It wasn’t my finest hour, but it definitely wasn’t the worst, at least until the man came back with the ring in his hand.

“Sweetie, I hate to tell you this, but the stone in this ring is fake,” he said kindly.

“No, there is no way. Are you sure?” My stomach dropped, and I immediately wanted to curse Milos out before realizing I was there to pawn it.

“Yep, it’s a factory-made stone,” he sighed. “But if you still want to sell, I’ll give you a thousand pounds for the band, it’s 24k gold.”

“I can’t believe it,” I said, still stunned.

“These things tend to happen from time to time,” he replied, obviously having noticed I was beside myself with anger.

“Um, yeah, I’ll sell the band then,” I said, as I realized I had no other choice.

The moment I took a thousand pounds for the fake ring, from my fake marriage to a real prince, was the moment I really felt like an idiot. I walked outside and combined that thousand with what I had saved from the strip club and headed over to the bank to take care of the mortgage. I hoped that they would negotiate a lower price for me, since I still needed to make sure we had food. Luckily, when I sat down with the mortgage representative, he could see what had happened and showed me a small amount of mercy. By the time I had secured our home for another bit of time, I was starving, and I figured my mother probably hadn’t eaten anything worthwhile in quite a bit of time. I looked at the money I had left over, which was barely enough for groceries, much less a ride home. I sighed deeply and went to the local market. By the time I had walked back to the house, my mother had begun to stir, so I fixed us a hot meal and sat silently across the table from her.

I looked down at my stew and thought about the grand dining halls, the huge chandeliers, and the beautiful china that once sat in front of me. It was so disheartening. I had spent a bit of time in what seemed like nothing more than a dream now, and I had fallen in love with a man that didn’t really exist. He had built himself up to be someone he was not, and at that moment, despair flooded me.

After dinner, I sent my mother back to bed, instead of letting her go out to look for her next bottle of liquor. Then, I set my room back up with clean sheets. I looked around the unfamiliar space and couldn’t help but reminisce of my bedroom at the castle. It all seemed like so long ago as I compared it to the room I was standing in. I felt nothing but sadness. I went to sleep that night, hoping that the next day brought me some sort of reprieve.

In the morning, I decided to leave before my mother got up, knowing she would be in full bitch mode, not having drunk the night before. I tiptoed through the house, grabbing a granola bar from the cabinet, and started my walk toward the clinic. I needed to have a doctor’s check up, since I hadn’t told anyone about the baby yet. Afterward, I needed to go start looking for a job so that we could keep the lights on. When I arrived at the clinic, I filled out my information on the paperwork, putting down my maiden name. I realized I needed to get that taken care of eventually. Knowing the royals, they would just wipe everything clear as if it had never happened. Just the thought of being wiped away made my heart ache, and I forced my attention on the task at hand.

As I sat on the edge of the small bed and waited for the doctor to return, I thought about the night that the baby would have been conceived, our wedding night. That was the night I had really given in to my urges and let Milos start seeping into my heart. I was stupid and look where it got me.

I had to swallow my pride and march back into poverty and loneliness with a child I had made with love. The doctor entered back into the room and smiled sweetly as she gave me the news I already knew. I was pregnant. She handed me about a million pamphlets. I thumbed through them while they set my future appointments. I allowed a tiny bit of excitement to enter into my mind, from the idea of bringing a baby into the world. However, as I trudged back home to the dirty flat with my drunken mother still passed out upstairs, that excitement faded.

All the pictures on the front of the brochures were happy, healthy babies held by their mother and father in a safe environment. It was almost nauseating how far down my flat was from where I had been just days before that moment. How was I supposed to provide a good life for this child? To be honest, I knew before that appointment that I loved the child that grew inside of me. If only I could have married the Prince Charming that had swept me off my feet on my wedding night. The man that looked longingly at me and worshipped my body. In that flat in Liverpool, the only thing that looked longingly at me were the mice in the corners, looking for their next scrap of food.

I knew I couldn’t sit there all day, wallowing in my own personal misery. So I did the only thing I knew to do. I grabbed the local paper and started to search for a job. There seemed to be more jobs than I remembered in the area, so I grabbed a marker and started circling everything that sounded remotely possible. From waitressing to maid services, I was willing to get my hands dirty if it meant I could save up some money and start a life for me and the child. While I was at it, I circled a rehab facility that I planned on forcing my mother into. She wouldn’t be happy at first, but when she had reached sobriety and held her grandbaby in her arms, I knew she would thank me for it. I knew I would be thankful for a sober mother, as well, especially since raising a child by yourself is difficult, and I would need all the help I could get.

Reality sure kicked me right in the teeth. I had just been surrounded by servants, luxury, and freedom. The truth of what I was facing afterward was harsh, cold, and uncomfortable. I knew I had to get past the heartache if I was going to survive any of this. Milos could keep his life in the castle. He was born and bred for it. I wasn’t. I just hoped one day, he would look back and realize what he really missed out on, feeling the emotions that plagued my entire being. I hoped that one day, my child could have a better life than I was going to be forced to provide it, without the trauma of life with a parent that loved the booze and the women more than his own family. I knew what growing up like felt, better than anyone. I was determined to walk into a brighter future and give my child the best life possible.

Chapter 18: Milos


The sun had just come up, and I had already poured my second glass of whiskey for the day. I was posted in my, now normal, sitting area and stared out over the gardens, thinking about the time I made love to Adriana in the hedge maze. It had been the moment I realized I loved her, but I pushed the feelings so far down that I managed to screw up everything.

The servants at my quarters were down to two, ever since I had developed a habit of screaming at them when they entered. I knew I was being more than an asshole, but I wanted to be alone, not in the presence of the babysitting crew I had come to realize was ordered by my mother.

I ignored the knock on the door, in the hope that they would just fuck off. The pounding was so loud, it shook my glass on the table. Eventually, the door just swung open, and I turned slightly to see Brat walking through my bedroom. His face showed anger, and he was dragging Zlata by the arm through the maze of bottles that were scattered across the floor. He let go of her arm and grabbed the drink from my hand.

“Drink this,” he said as he slammed a cup of coffee in my hand.

“Brat, I’m not really in the mood for your lifesaving tactics today,” I sighed.

“Just drink it. Zlata has something she wants to tell you.” He gestured in her direction, not looking thrilled.

I looked over at her and sipped the coffee in an attempt to at least appease Brat for the moment. She looked down at her feet and crossed her arms in front of her. I could tell she didn’t want to talk, but Brat had drug her here, and she wasn’t being given an option. Brat nudged her in the side and pushed her forward. She looked up at me and shook her head, being indignant as always.

“Tell him Zlata, or so help me God, I’ll make sure our parents know about your trip to the islands with that commoner from town,” Brat scolded through gritted teeth.

“I hired a private investigator to find dirt on Adriana,” she blurted out.

“You did what?” I was absolutely furious. How dare she stick her nose where it didn’t belong?

“Hear me out,” she said, putting her hands up defensively. “I knew she was a gold digger. When detective found out she used to be a stripper, I knew she didn’t belong in this kingdom.”

“Tell him the other part,” Brat growled. “Stop stalling.”

“The investigator also found out that Adriana’s pregnant,” Zlata said. She handed me a photo of Adriana going into a clinic. “But with her past, I don’t even know how you could think it was yours.”

“That’s enough, Zlata,” Brat said as he grabbed her arm.

“No,” she said, pulling forward toward me. “She is not right for you. Forget about her, get a divorce, and marry me. You know I would make a good queen for your people.”

“Brat,” I said with a tone of warning. “Please shut her up before I bring back the old tradition of beheading and placing bodies on stakes around the castle.”

Brat stepped forward, wrapped his arm around Zlata, and pressed his hand against her mouth. She stood there struggling as Brat looked up at me with concern in his eyes. I was livid that Zlata had gone behind my back and done something like this, but the thought that Adriana was pregnant had become the sole focus of my thoughts.

“Go to her. This is her address.” Brat handed me the paperwork from the private investigator. “You love her. I could see that even before you could. Adriana is a good woman, despite her choice in past careers, and I am pretty positive she loves you too, Milos. It’s really not that difficult. You just need to reach inside of you, figure out the man you really are, and pull your head out of your ass. Be the love that she, and that baby, deserve.”

I watched as Brat flashed me a knowing smile and dragged Zlata from the room. I set the coffee down on the table next to the whiskey and stared at them both. There was no denying that I was madly in love with this girl. When she’d first left, it seemed almost hopeless, but now, knowing I had a child growing in her belly, I was even more determined to get her back. I picked up the glass of whiskey and walked over to the sink, tipped the cup, and watched the last of it drain down the gold pipes. I needed to get to Liverpool, and there wasn’t another moment to be wasted.

I grabbed the coffee and took it into the shower with me. I scrubbed my body and refreshed my heart. The hot water no longer felt like an agent to wake me from my drunken state. It felt like the start to a new beginning. I picked out a casual, but nice, set of clothes and pulled them on, spritzing a bit of cologne on for good measure.

I walked out of my wing, feeling refreshed, and caught the eye of the servants who stood to the side. They bowed to me as I approached. I told them to get the jet ready and to call for a car service in Liverpool.

As I boarded my jet, I no longer paid any attention to the stewardess or the large bed at the back. I knew that soon, I would be facing Adriana and trying to convince her that our forever was no longer a sham or a joke.

As the plane soared high over my kingdom, I looked down and imagined flying home with Adriana by my side. Over and over again, I practiced what I would say to her, coming up with tactics to avoid that blinding fear that so often stopped me in my tracks. This time, though, I knew that fear was far beyond me. Instead, I feared a life without Adriana and our child by my side.

The flight to Liverpool wasn’t very long. I peered out the window of the plane and saw the degradation the city had fallen into. It was nothing like Silesia, and it bothered me that my wife was left in such conditions to fight for herself. An overwhelming guilt flooded through me, and I vowed to make it up to her and to her mother, who I knew would need to be part of this entire idea.

When we taxied to the runway, I was already up from my seat and standing at the door, knowing I couldn’t waste another moment. As the doors opened, I saw the car sitting out front, and I jumped in, taking the flowers from the driver that I had ordered ahead of time. I pulled out the paper that Brat gave me and handed it to the driver so he knew the destination. The look on his face as he peered in the rearview mirror told me all I needed to know about where we were headed.

I looked out over the city as we drove through it. I watched as workers headed home to their run down apartments and dilapidated housing. Suddenly, it occurred to me that my father’s fears weren’t that the wealth of his family would get squandered, but that his kingdom would find themselves in the same terrible situation. He was trying to protect the people of the kingdom, even down to his last breath. I couldn’t even imagine walking out of the castle and looking out over Silesia in such a dismal state.

As we turned onto the street where Adriana’s flat was located, I looked up at the battered and graffitied sign that read Toxteth. On the streets, we passed hookers, drug dealers, and thugs, all lined up doing whatever it was they did on a daily basis for survival. A few minutes later, the car came to a stop outside of an old, worn-down flat with the paint peeling from the sides and a pile of papers piled up in front of the door. I looked to the driver for assurance and winced as he nodded his head yes. This was where I had banished my love to, a worn-down, poverty plagued city.

I nodded to the neighbors as I stood from the car and straightened my shirt. They stared at me and my car strangely, as if they wondered whether I was lost or not. I climbed the stairs and breathed deeply, pressed the doorbell, and waited for Adriana to answer.

She opened the door, looking more beautiful than I even remembered. She looked at me with wide eyes, surprised by my appearance in her doorway. I stuck the flowers out toward her and watched as she squinted her eyes and looked at them. She reached her hand out and took them from me, but as she did, I noticed she was no longer wearing her ring. Immediately, anger hit my chest, feeling as if I had made a huge mistake.

“Where is your ring?” I tried to hide the anger in my voice.

“What do you want Milos?” She didn’t have the patience for me at that moment.

She turned from the door, and I followed her into the flat. I wanted to know if she had taken the ring off from heartbreak, or if I had traveled all this way for nothing.

“What did you do with the ring?” I asked, trying to keep my voice even.

“I pawned it, okay,” she snapped, turning back toward me. “The house was going to be taken, and I needed to catch my mother up on her mortgage. There was no food, nothing. So I had to do what I had to do. It’s not like it was that valuable, anyway.”

I looked down at the ground, remembering how I had ordered some cheap, fake ring from an online store, thinking that it wasn’t important in a fake marriage. At the sound of her voice choking back tears, I felt completely guilty. She deserved so much better than what I had given her. At that moment, I vowed to myself that if I could convince her to give this a real try, I would buy her the biggest and most expensive ring I could possibly find. She deserved a thousand rings, and she deserved more than what I had given her to that point.

She dropped the flowers to her side in desperation and turned toward the kitchen. I followed along behind her, trying to remember all the words I had come up with to say. In the plane, they had seemed perfect, but standing in her run down flat, I couldn’t seem to make them work in my head.

I looked around at the blank walls and sparse furniture, realizing everything she had told me, everything I had found so horrible for her, was worse than she had described. She had no reason to be ashamed of what was here. It was the hand she’d been dealt, and fair or not, it had turned her into the strong woman I had come to know and love.

I could hear her mother shuffling around upstairs as we entered the kitchen. I stood in the doorway, staring at her. She looked beautiful, and I could tell she was trying to hide her belly from me. But it wasn’t like I could tell she was pregnant through her sweatshirt and yoga pants. Her hair had fallen halfway out of its bun, and I watched as she closed her eyes and pulled the blonde ringlets back away from her face. I loved this girl more than I could even imagine, but as I stood in her presence, in her life, I didn’t know if there was any chance that she would ever forgive me.

Chapter 19: Adriana


When my eyes first landed on Milos standing at my door, my heart skipped a beat, but at the sound of his possessive voice, I immediately became defensive. What did he expect? He had done everything he possibly could to run me off. And when I had, he acted surprised that I wouldn’t still be wearing his ring.

I was terrified he was standing in my kitchen with the intention of dragging me back to the castle to finish out my year contract in the sham of a marriage I had originally agreed to. Just the thought of going back there when I had fallen in love with him, knowing I would be subjected to his cruelty and heartbreaking behavior, was absolutely terrifying. I couldn’t take another ten months of loving him and then hating him, over and over. Not to mention it would be kind of difficult to hide a baby for that long.

I needed to play it cool like I had no fears, no emotions, and no thoughts about him. I needed to hide the fact that I was pregnant and make sure I didn’t get dragged back to the palace. My heart ached at the thought of watching him drool all over other women in the tabloids. I moved behind the counter to hide any sign of a slightly swollen belly. I wasn’t far enough along, but I felt like you could already tell. He stepped forward and stood in front of me. I watched as his eyes went from mine and down to my belly. Butterflies were shooting through my chest, and my breath was heavy.

“I’m sorry,” he said as he shifted his gaze to his own clutched hands. “I have made a mess of something that could have been beautiful. Now, I am faced with losing you and our unborn child.”

“What?” I said, stepping back. “How did you know?”

“Zlata,” he said, shaking his head. “I was furious that she checked into you, but at the same time, it brought me to my senses.”

“That bitch,” I said with clenched teeth. “She was such a miserable human being.”

“I’m a miserable human being,” he replied. “I can’t get you off my mind.”

“You don’t have to pull this little stunt and make yourself sound all sad,” I said, sighing. “I signed a contract, but I don’t want to be hurt anymore. I can’t just keep letting you play me for a fool. I have someone else to think about now. In reality, Milos, you just need to forget about me and leave. Make up whatever story you need to get yourself out of this mess.”

I looked down at my shaking hands. I couldn’t look at him for another minute without collapsing into his arms for comfort. I needed to be strong. He hadn’t shown any sincerity. I moved to walk away, and he grabbed my arm and spun me toward him. I watched as he fell to his knees, tears tugging at the corner of his eyes. I stepped back in shock, not knowing what to do or say.

“Please Adriana, I can’t live without you,” he said pleadingly. “After you left, I fell apart, even worse than before. I locked myself away in my room and just ran everything through my head over and over again. I realized how much I truly loved you, how badly I had treated you, and how perfect you are for me and my kingdom. I realized that you would be the most amazing queen, the most amazing mother, and the most amazing wife that I could ever imagine. Please marry me, or stay married to me. Let me love you and worship you forever. I’m begging you.”

I stood there, and he grasped my hands, waiting patiently for my response. I didn’t know what to do, and I stood frozen in front of him. Could I truly believe that he had changed? Would I get back to the palace and find that he quickly forgets me all over again? I could tell his words were sincere, but I didn’t know if they were strong enough for him to give up that life he once clung to so tightly. At that moment, I knew I loved him too much to not give it a shot. The worst that could happen was I ended up back here in the same position as before, with the same broken heart. I breathed deeply and grasped his hands in mine.

“I will,” she said. “But there is one condition. We are going to draft a real marriage contract, and if you break the rules, there will be heavy penalties. I will not live a life cast in the shadows and neither will this child.”

“Absolutely,” he said without hesitation. “We will do it as soon as we return.”

His reaction was so quick that I knew he meant every word that he was saying. He stood from the floor and pulled me close, embracing me with everything he had in his body. The warmth of his arms covered me, and I relaxed into him, feeling like I was once again at home. He pressed his lips against mine, sweetly at first, but then heavier. I felt his wants, needs, and love pulsing through his veins, and I pulled back and laughed at the passion between us.

“Grab your mother,” he said, adjusting himself. “I’m going to take you two to a hotel.”

“Just make sure Mother’s room doesn’t have a mini bar,” I said, only partly joking.

Milos helped me bring my mother downstairs and get her situated before we left for the hotel. He had called ahead and booked two suites, one right across the hall from the other. To say my mother was slightly confused was an understatement, but I explained the gist of what was going on. She seemed to snap out of her haze very quickly. I ran her a bath in the large tub and ordered a pot of coffee and dinner for her in her room. She didn’t even ask for any alcohol, which made me pretty proud of her.

When I finally got into our suite, the lights were dimmed and Milos was standing in the doorway of the bedroom with a smile plastered on his face. He raced across the room, scooped me into his arms, and pressed his lips strongly against mine. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back with all the passion I could muster. He raised up, leaving me dangling around his neck, and walked toward the bedroom.

He set me down and lifted my sweatshirt over my head. He kissed the side of my neck and my shoulders as he pulled my pants down and lifted me up onto the bed. I kneeled at the edge as I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it from his broad, strong shoulders. He leaned down and kissed my mouth softly as my fingers fiddled with his belt and buttons.

As his pants fell to the ground, his hard cock bulged under his black boxer briefs. At that moment, all the pain drifted away, and I could think of nothing more than feeling him inside of me, filling me to the brim. He reached around and unclasped my bra, letting my breasts spill out, my nipples hard and ready. I scooted back on the soft bed and laid my head back on the pillow. He crawled toward me, stopping and pulling my panties from my body. He sat up and stared down at me as if he was scanning every inch of my body with his eyes. He rubbed his hands down between my breasts, across my belly, and hovered right above my wetness.

“God, I missed you,” he whispered before lowering his head and spreading my legs. “I want to taste every part of you.”

His mouth moved softly across my lips, and his tongue parted me, rubbing over my clit. I arched my back at the sensation of his wet mouth rolling across my skin. I didn’t realize until that moment that my body missed him just as much as my heart did. His touch was light but steady, and he lapped over my mound repeatedly. My body writhed beneath his hands.

He pulled his hand up, ran one finger through my wetness, and slowly pushed it inside of me. I groaned loudly at the sensation. It felt like every nerve in my body was on high alert. The heat of an orgasm began to move from my stomach, downward. I started to grind my hips, feeling more need for him than ever before. I let go of my inhibitions, knowing that I had forever to feel the erotic nature of his touch and let him bring me to a full orgasm.

My back arched, and I reached out and grabbed the sheets. Milos pulled me forward into his mouth and moved his lips frantically across my nub. I screamed out as wave after wave of pleasure pulsated through me. Whether it was my pregnancy or the understanding that I could rest easy in our commitment, I didn’t care because that was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. But I wasn’t done.

As soon as my body untensed, I grabbed his face and pulled him toward me, planting his mouth on mine and licking his lips. I could hear him groan as I tasted my own wetness on his mouth, and he wasted no time slipping deep inside of me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he moved gently over top of me, slowly thrusting in and pulling back out. He explored my mouth with his tongue, and he continued to build us both toward climax. His hands slid up my arms and wrapped around my hands, pulling them up over my head. He began to push faster and harder. I grasped onto his hands tightly, and I felt every inch of his hard cock pounding into my pussy with increasing speed. The pleasure was beyond measurement.

I broke free from his hands and grabbed tightly to his back. He reached down and grabbed my ass, lifting me up in the air and moving his hips like a wave. The motion spiraled the ecstasy out of control, and he groaned loudly into my mouth as I dug my fingernails into his back.

The bed shook and squeaked beneath us, and my short, loud screams followed along in a symphony of pleasure. I could feel Milos’s body begin to tense as he thrust deep and hard inside of me. With two more pushes, he grabbed on to my hips and pushed his face into my shoulder, letting out a deep growl. I could feel his cock explode inside my body, and immediately, my building orgasm took notice, pushing me over the edge right along with him.

I leaned forward and bit gently down on his shoulder, and he thrusted in short bursts against my pulsating mound. I could feel my wetness engulf his throbbing erection, and we sunk slowly into each other as our muscles relaxed.

Milos fell to his side and pulled me close to him, our faces toward each other. He kissed my nose gently as we both attempted to catch our breath. I leaned my forehead against his and smiled at the thought of our forever. He pulled me in even harder and squeezed tightly. I never wanted him to let me go. I never wanted to feel what life was like without him ever again. The bond that we had fought for had finally arrived, and butterflies flew into my stomach.

He whispered into my ear. “I love you Adriana, and I always will.”

Chapter 20: Milos


I stood there next to my bride, holding her hand, as she lay on the examination table. A blue sheet draped over her waist, and the sonogram technician sat comfortably next to her. There were so many instruments around us, it looked like a torture chamber. I winced as the technician globbed some of the clear jelly she was warming in a tube on the big wand she was holding. Adriana giggled at my reaction, and I looked down at her beautiful face and smiled in awe at how far we had actually come. There had been so many ups and downs, but we were finally in a place that left us both happy, relaxed, and completely in love.

The tech nodded her head at Adriana and rubbed the large wand across her growing belly. We looked up at the screen, but I had a hard time figuring out what we were actually looking at. Then it happened. I heard a tiny, beating drum pulsating from the speakers. It was fast and strong, and I looked down at Adriana in complete amazement. She grabbed on tightly to my hand, and I watched a tear fall from her eye and down her cheek.

“There’s the baby,” the tech said, smiling.

We looked up at the screen and watched as a tiny little human shimmied and shook as if it were dancing to the sound of its own heartbeat.

“The heartbeat is strong and everything looks amazing,” the tech said. “You are doing well, mom.”

I leaned down and kissed Adriana on the forehead as we watched our child for the first time. It was more amazing than anything I had ever witnessed. Immediately, a feeling of love and pride for my family flooded my chest. Tears burned at the corners of my eyes, and I was completely overwhelmed by the sound of our child’s heartbeat. I knew right then that everything was exactly as it should be.

As Adriana finished up and got dressed, I sat thinking about the nursery we had been decorating together. My mother offered to have it decorated, but Adriana and I thought it was important to add our own touches and make it extra special for our first child. The colors were bright and beautiful. Every little stuffed animal, every whimsical detail added to the paint, and every soft color added to the room made me think of Adriana and how her smile brightened every room she stepped into.

Adriana stepped out of the room and smiled as she reached her hand down to me. I stood and took her in my arms, pressing my lips softly against hers.

“I have a surprise for you,” I whispered.

“I love surprises,” she said with a huge smile.

I led Adriana out of the hospital, stopping to smile at the paparazzi who were crowded around, waiting for us to emerge. It was much nicer having them chase me down for pictures of me and my wife than it was getting caught in bad places with terrible people. We hopped into the town car parked out front, and I took Adriana to one of the most exclusive restaurants in the capital. She gawked at the elegance of the place but looked at me strangely. There were no other people in the entire place.

“I rented out the entire place for privacy,” I said with a mischievous smile.

She laughed and walked to the back where a table was set up and ready for us. We talked and laughed as we ate the special meal prepared by the chef, dreaming about our future together. The Parliament had embraced the change in me, and I had begun making preparations to take over the throne as King of Silesia. My mother would stay on for advice, but she was more than ready to retire her crown and spend her time puttering around her garden. My father’s death had been hard on my mother, and even though she always kept her head high and a royal presence, I knew she needed to let out a deep breath and really take time to enjoy the rest of her life.

When we had finished lunch, we sat sipping our water and discussing the ridiculous baby shower that my mother had been planning since she received the news. Adriana’s mother had gotten herself clean and sober, and we had brought her to the castle to live. She got along famously with my mother, and the two spent many an afternoon sipping tea in the garden and planning the baby shower. It was definitely going to be the celebration of the year.

I looked down at my watch as two servers exited the kitchen and nodded in my direction. I cleared my throat and stood from my chair, motioning for Adriana to stay seated. She watched me with curiosity as the chef walked out with a silver tray. I nodded my head at him, took the small box from the tray, and bent down on one knee in front of Adriana.

Her smile warmed my heart as she tipped her head to the side and allowed me to take her hand. I was nervous, as this would be the first real time I had proposed to Adriana. My palms were sweaty, and I laughed at my own nerves. Who would have thought I would be at this place just a few months after thinking my life had ended?

“Adriana,” I said quietly. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met, inside and out. You are not only carrying the future Prince or Princess of Silesia, but you are also carrying my heart and soul. I will forever be in your debt for taking a man like me and turning him from a Prince into a King. I realize that the first time we got engaged, you did not get the ring you should have gotten. So, I am asking you again, today, will you do me the honor of being my wife, my love, and my Queen?”

I opened the box, and Adriana looked down wide-eyed at the large sparkling stone inside. She clasped her hand over her mouth, and tears streamed from her eyes.

“Yes, Milos,” she said. “Of course, I’ll marry you.”

I took the ring from the box and looked deep into her eyes. Then I slid it perfectly onto her finger. She shook her head up and down, watching as the diamond shimmered under the low lights of the restaurant. I pulled her up from her chair and wrapped my arms around her, never wanting to let go. The servers and chef clapped, and Adriana wiped the tears from her eyes, looking around at our audience.

“This one is real,” I whispered into her ear.

She laughed loudly and dried her eyes with the napkin from the table. Even though we had already gone through the ceremony, I wanted her to know how dedicated and how serious I really was to be her husband, to protect her, and to grow our family. I wanted the whole thing, the children, the adoring wife, the throne, and it looked like I might just get my wish.

We happily left the restaurant, thanking them for their beautiful arrangements and hopped back in the car waiting out front. I took Adriana to the shopping district where I told her to pick out anything and everything her heart desired. I loved to watch her eyes sparkle as she tried on beautiful clothes and allowed me to spoil her. I had more surprises for the future, but for right now, I just wanted to watch her enjoy her new life as future Queen of Silesia.

“Make sure you pick out something tropical,” I whispered in her ear. “Our first wedding was all stuffy and excessive, but this one will be much simpler, much more intimate, and set in one of the most beautiful places you will ever see.”

Adriana turned and pressed her lips against mine, pulling back and smiling. She turned and continued to shop, asking me what I thought about everything she tried on before we bagged it up. Normally, the designers would come to us in the palace, but it was nice to feel somewhat normal from time to time. Before we headed home, we stopped at one last store where there was nothing but baby clothes. I truly felt like she was more excited about this one than any of the others. Together, we picked out outfits for both a boy and a girl, not sure yet what we were having. We took everything back to the castle, where we now shared a wing, and sorted through it all.

After dinner, we decided to hole up in our room and spend some quality time together, just the two of us. I had the servants bring an array of local chocolates up, and we sat sprawled across the bed, feeding each other candy and laughing about our escapades that day. As Adriana pushed a piece of chocolate between her lips, I could feel the heat of passion and love surge through my stomach. I reached over and took the tray down, setting it on the floor and pulling Adriana close to me. She was glowing from head to toe, and she giggled at the sparkle coming from her ring as she pulled her hands to my face.

I leaned in and kissed her hard, tasting the chocolate still lingering on her lips. As our mouths were intertwined, I ran my hands down the front of her and pulled her nightgown up and over her head. She leaned her head back and bit her bottom lip as I traced her chest with my lips. I could feel her pulse begin to race and her breathing increase as I laid her down on the bed and pulled the rest of her clothes from her body. She was absolutely perfect with her curves and the small bump across her belly. She tried to pull the blanket over her, but I pushed it to the side and leaned down, taking her breast in my mouth.

“You are so beautiful,” I whispered.

I sat up on the bed and pulled my shirt off, tossing it to the side with a dramatic flair, making Adriana giggle beneath me. I laid down and pulled my briefs off, releasing my already hard cock like a spring from my pants. I turned toward Adriana and pressed my face against her breasts, feeling her soft skin underneath me. She ran her fingers through my hair and scratched down my neck with her fingernails. For a moment, I sat listening to her heart beat wildly in her chest and thought of the first time we ever made love. I couldn’t think of anyone sexier, and just the feeling of her heavy breath aroused me even further. I scooted up to face her and pulled her on top of me, feeling her wet mound on the shaft of my cock.

Her beautiful eyes darkened in the seduction of the moment, but she still held a glimmer of sass, as she always did. Between her beautiful body, the person growing in her belly, and the immense amount of passion I had for her, I could barely wait to feel me fill her up completely. I reached up and took her face in my hands, pulling her down for another kiss. As our lips met, I moved my hips, grinding against her. She moaned quietly in my mouth, and I turned, flipping her on her back and hovered over top of her. I leaned down and kissed her soft lips. Slowly, I slipped inside of her and moved back and forth gently. I could feel her body wrap tightly around mine, and we moved with our eyes locked and our lips grazing.

“I love you, Adriana Dobromil,” I whispered.

“I love you too, King Dobromil,” she cooed.

And then we made love.

Chapter 21: Adriana



My feet were planted in the warm sands as I looked out over the crystal blue waters stretched out in front of me. Milos had surprised me with our own personal honeymoon to celebrate our “real” marriage to each other, and I had been whisked away to the South Pacific where I found myself relaxed on a small island away from everyone. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining brightly overhead, and we were able to be completely alone for the first time since he plucked me out of the club and took me to his hotel suite. This time, however, there was no secret plan or ulterior motive. It was just us, showing each other just how much we were in love.

Behind me, some ways from the surf, was what Milos called a cottage, but I considered it more of a manor house, built to look like a beach bungalow. It was white with outdoor carpets, thatched umbrellas, and bright blue doors and shutters. The place was even more impressive on the inside with its sleek marble design and eclectic décor. It was starkly different from the castle.

Just feeling my bare feet on the cold floors was enough to send me into relaxation mode. But it was the beach that really called to me, drawing me to its shores with the promise of warm water on my toes and sunsets too beautiful to describe.

Once we had gotten completely settled back into the castle, life just took off, and Milos wanted to get me out here before the baby was born. I wanted to see what the surprise was before I got too big to waddle, which Milos thought was adorable, but I definitely thought otherwise. I even had a tendency to laugh at myself as I struggled to tie my own shoes, thinking back at my days on the stage. If Sveta could see me now, she’d freak out.

My mother had gotten a lot more supportive, and I was actually excited to have her at the castle. She had become best friends with Milos’s mother, and the two couldn’t stop talking about the baby shower. It was almost driving me nuts. Here, though, under the bright moonlight, I could really relax and forget about all of that for a little while.

I could sense Milos walking up behind me, and I smiled as he wrapped his hands around my waist and rested them on my growing belly. He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek as he let out a deep breath and peered out at the rolling blue waves. The sun had set, and the moon had begun to rise, creating a cascade of colors across the horizon. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.

“Do you like it here?” he asked.

“More than anywhere else I have ever been,” I said, smiling. “It’s absolutely gorgeous here. Can’t we just release our lives back home and live here like beach bums, raising our child in the surf of the beautiful ocean?”

“No,” he said, laughing. “But we can come here anytime you want. I bought this island as a gift for us. It is the place we can come whenever we want to be alone or take a family vacation. Our own little piece of paradise.”

“Really,” I said, turning my head toward his. “That is so perfect, Milos. Thank you. I love this.”

“I thought it would be nice to always have a place we could go that disconnected us from the hustle and bustle of royal life,” he replied, turning me toward him. “Besides, that afternoon in the maze got me thinking.”

“Did it?” I laughed moving in close and feeling his hard cock press into my crotch.

“Yes,” he said, leaning over and kissing my neck. “We can make passionate love right here on the beach, and no one would ever know.”

“I’d like that,” I cooed.

His hands ran down my side to the knot in my bathing suit cover up.

As Milos untied the cloth and pulled it from my body, his tongue skimmed across my neck, and he nibbled on my earlobe. Chills ran down my back, and I turned to face him, running my hands through his hair and pressing my lips against his. I nibbled his bottom lip gently, something I knew really turned him on.

Slowly, we fell to our knees and laid down in the soft warm sands. I watched him intently as he took off his shirt. His tanned skin glistened in the moonlight, and I could feel the warm waves lapping at my feet. He pulled the small triangles of my bikini top from my breasts and squeezed my tits with his hands. The feeling of his skin against my hot body aroused me, and he pulled at my hard nipples.

His hands trailed down my sides to the ties of my bathing suit bottoms. He pulled each string and opened up my suit to reveal my slick, bulging mound. He bit his bottom lip and growled as he softly ran his hand over my pussy lips, parting them, and rubbing his thumb against my clit. I gasped and moaned at the feeling of his skin. I untied his swim trunks and let his rock-solid erection burst from the opening. He took his time playing with my wetness, and I stroked his cock to the sounds of the waves hitting the shore. He closed his eyes as his fingers played over me like a piano, and my soft hands stroked his shaft.

Milos slipped his swim trunks off and tossed them up the beach. Then he leaned forward and kissed my lips, pulling me into a sitting position. He cupped my bouncing tits in his hands and massaged them gently while his cock was still in my palm. He rolled over on his back and pulled me on top of him, looking up at my wild hair and lustful gaze.

I slowly lowered myself down on his cock. I could feel a gush of warmth blow through me as he filled me, and I leaned my head back and moaned. The waves crashed behind me, spraying me with water as I moved my hips slowly against him. There was no rush or hurry as we lay rolling through the waves and the soft sand beneath us. The thrill of outdoor sex sent shivers up my spine as I stared up at the twinkling stars overhead, feeling his hands guide my hips toward ecstasy.

I leaned backward, placing my hands on his thighs and riding him deep and strong while his soft groans filled my ears. I could feel his hands run down my chest, over my belly, and stop as his fingers massaged my wet clit. I whined loudly as the feeling of pleasure surged through me and my hips twisted and turned. With every movement, I wanted more. With every groan from Milos’s lips, I could feel my neediness begin to set in.

“You like that, baby?”

“Yes,” I shouted loudly with desperation.

The sounds of crickets and frogs were drowned out by the echoes of my own moans. I released any inhibitions, letting myself fully drown his cock in my juices. He reached his hands up and pushed me to the side, carefully laying me on the ground and wrapping my legs around his waist. He stroked his cock for several seconds before pushing it back in, slowly at first, and then increasing in speed. His body slammed against mine, and I arched my back in pleasure. The waves lapped up under my body, splashing against my ass and sending waves of arousal through my chest. Milos leaned his body against mine, digging his knees into the sand and thrusting harder. We rolled through the wet sand until I was back on top, and I spread my legs while he pushed and pulled at my waist.

The water splashed up over us, and I laughed loudly as I brushed my hair from my face. We scooted up the beach a bit to keep from drowning, and Milos moved over the top of me, finding his sweet sensibility once again. He ran his hand up my wet leg and pushed two of his fingers inside of me. I groaned at the feeling, and my breath began to pick up once again. The air moved across my nipples, hardening them instantly, and as he fingered my pussy, he leaned down and bit at them. With each gentle stroke of his hand, I could feel the pressure building inside of me. I grabbed on to his wrist and pulled him on top of me.

“I want to feel you inside of me when I come,” I whispered.

He pushed his cock back into me and thrust hard against my body. My nails scratched down his shoulders as he pushed me further and further toward ecstasy. I started to grind my hips forward, and he pushed his dick hard and groaned at the feeling it sent through both of us. My arms dropped to the ground, and I arched my back, grabbing at the white dust and feeling it slip through my knuckles.

Milos’s body began to tense strongly as he moved faster and faster, pushing into me hard and then pulling back. My moans began to shorten into small bursts of wailing, and I grabbed his shoulders when I screamed with pleasure. The orgasm hit me hard, and I couldn’t control my head from whipping back and my mouth from groaning wildly. I could feel Milos speed up as he felt my juices explode all over his shaft. With several deep thrusts, he growled loudly, and his cock exploded his seed, and his body shivered from the pleasure.

Though his body had achieved its desires, his hips continued to move slowly, and I could feel my pulse race with each thrust. After a few moments, his body collapsed into the sand next to me, and he turned on his back, trying to catch his breath. I put my hand to my chest and laughed softly at how absolutely amazing that felt.

I leaned my head back into the sand and focused on the moon, now high in the night sky. My breathing slowed down, and my pulse lessened, but there was no rush to get up. Instead, Milos reached over and clasped my hand in his, and we lay there watching the bright flashes of shooting stars go over our heads. At that moment, I felt both full of love and very, very tiny in this gigantic universe.

Just a year ago, I was dancing my heart out for money in Prague. Now, I was the future Queen of Silesia, lying next to my husband on my own island in the middle of the Pacific. I reached up and ran my hand over my belly, in awe of how quickly life changed around me. Milos and I had become that perfect couple I never thought existed. He was attentive, loving, and completely ready to start this family. The way our bodies danced across the shore, intertwined with each other, was exactly how I saw our love for each other. We had been through so much in such a small amount of time, that it seemed impossible that anything could come between us at that point. Finally, after so many years, I could say that I absolutely loved my life and everyone in it. And initially misled or not, I had Milos to thank for that.

As the moon glowed in the night sky and we watched the world pass us by, I could feel the bond between us strengthen. That was the exact moment that I let go of all my fears and settled into this beautiful life. I was madly in love, and I would protect that forever.

Chapter 22: Milos


I lay in the bed with the breeze cascading over me, and I watched Adriana begin to stir. We were so exhausted by the time we got to bed last night, we’d been out cold within minutes. The fabric draped from the bedposts fluttered in the breeze, giving the morning a lazy, dreamlike quality.

I ran my hand up Adriana’s beautiful, smooth back and watched while a smile spread across her lips. I leaned down and kissed her shoulder, admiring how absolutely gorgeous she was.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I whispered.

She groaned and stretched her arms out. “Morning to you, sir.”

“I thought we might grab a quick snack and head out into the woods,” I said, rubbing her shoulders. “I was told there were mango trees and berry plants around here.”

“I love fruit,” she mumbled cutely.

“I know,” I said, laughing as I slipped out of the bed. “I’ll go start the coffee.”

She smiled. “You know just what to say to a girl.” She opened her eyes and watched me cross the room and grab my shorts. “Clothes are optional.”

I laughed.

As soon as the coffee was done and I had pulled the croissants from the oven, we chowed down, hungrier than I thought. It was another beautiful day in paradise. We got dressed and headed out into the woods to hunt for fruit. As we walked along, stepping over fallen branches and staring up into the tropical forest canopy, I couldn’t help but think about how perfect this woman was for me. She was smart, beautiful, kind, and loved everyone around her, except Zlata. Adriana wasn’t a fan, but neither was I. So we had that in common, too.

The sun pushed through the canopy, spreading rays of light across the forest floor. Everything just seemed like it was more than perfect. Adriana pointed to the left where she had found a mango tree. We pulled out our bags and loaded up on sweet, fresh mango, before venturing further into the forest. Along the way, we stopped and picked berries, and Adriana took pictures of the small frogs perched on leaves of the trees.

We must have walked around the entire island by the time we were ready to head back. She stood looking at me with her big eyes and smiled as she sipped from her water bottle. Suddenly, we heard a sound to the right of us, and I put my arm up in alarm, shielding Adriana and the baby. We both crouched down, unaware of what animals inhabited the island, and pushed through the patch of tall, leafy bushes next to us. As we emerged into the small clearing, Adriana gasped and covered her mouth. Swinging, playing, and eating from the low-lying branches of the trees were small monkeys.

“Look at them,” she squealed, very excited. “They are adorable.”

She attempted to walk forward, but I shook my head at her, not wanting her to get injured in any way. I grabbed her wrist and began to climb the large roots of one of the nearby trees. When we had reached its peak, we sat down, swinging our legs beneath us and watching the monkeys swing about around us. They were just as curious as we were, and I couldn’t help but be completely smitten by Adriana’s wide, excited eyes and the cute little chirping sound that escaped her lips.

One of the younger monkeys crept close to us, and Adriana grabbed a mango from her pouch. She reached the fruit toward the furry creature and watched as it slowly reached forward and took the fruit, before running back to the safety of its family.

Adriana kept us in the tree with the monkeys until late in the afternoon, when I could hear her stomach begin to rumble. I smiled as I stood, signaling it was time to make our exit. She gave me a pouty lip but took my hand and walked back toward the leafy bushes. When we had left the monkeys behind, she turned to me smiling.

“Wasn’t that amazing?” she exclaimed. “I never want to leave this place.”

“You weren’t saying that last night when that huge spider crawled across the wall,” I said, laughing. “I’m pretty sure your exact words were, ‘Well, it was a nice place, too bad I’m going to have to burn it down.’”

“If I can go play with monkeys every day, I’ll deal with the giant man-eating spiders,” she said firmly. “Maybe I could train the monkeys to eat the man-eating spiders. Kill two birds with one stone.”

I laughed loudly as we made our way back through the woods toward the beach. Once we were back out in the sun and sand, we lugged our find over to the blanket we had left out and dumped our bags in the middle. I ran inside real fast and grabbed a knife, came back, and started peeling the mangos. We talked about the monkeys, the spiders, and the dolphins we had seen the day before. Adriana explained her theory on dolphins being man’s true best friend, and I just sat and listened intently to every word she said. She was absolutely captivating.

I moved the pile of mango peels and scooted over next to Adriana, wanting to feel her body near me. She fed me a dark red berry, and I fed her a piece of mango. She took in a deep, full breath and shook her head as I offered her another piece. We had eaten so much fresh fruit, it was insane.

“Well,” I said, picking up some berries and squishing them between my fingers. “What will we do with all of this extra fruit?”

I reached my fingers up and ran the berries across her lips, following it with my tongue. I then smeared some on her neck and followed that up as well, with my mouth. She shivered as my skin touched hers, and immediately, those sparks began to ignite again.

I pulled at her shorts and watched as she slipped them off, revealing she was wearing nothing underneath. She pulled her top over her head, and I licked my lips as her tits bounced out in front of me. I reached down and picked up a mango slice and rubbed it across her nipples. My mouth sucked hard on the sweetness, and my cock bulged at the sounds of her soft moaning.

I watched as she lowered her hand down and grabbed another mango and turned toward me. I pulled off my shirt and my swimming trunks and watched as she bit her lip and ran the mango across my shaft. When the sticky sweetness covered every inch, she smiled coyly and leaned down, licking the juices from every inch of my dick before taking it into her throat.

I groaned, feeling the sides of her mouth and her tongue swirling over my dick. I leaned back and laid down, pulling her body around and rubbing the sticky juices of the fruit between her pussy lips. I pulled her over top of me and tugged down on her hips until she sat firmly on my face. I wildly moved my tongue all over her, making sure to get the last sticky sweetness from her pussy.

She moaned with my cock in her mouth and grabbed on to my thighs. She sat up, smashing a handful of berries in between her palms before grabbing my cock and started to stroke. I thrust my pelvis upward, feeling the wet and sticky sensation running over me. She turned back and glanced over her shoulder at me, smiling mischievously.

“I want to feel you inside me,” she cooed, looking down at my cock.

“I guess you’ll have to clean me up then, won’t you?”

She bit her lip and climbed between my legs. I crossed my arms behind my back and watched as she deep throated my cock, her eyes watering as she surfaced. She bobbed her head up and down on the berry-covered shaft, before taking it in her hand and licking it like a melting ice cream cone. When the last remnants of berries had been licked off of it, she wiped her mouth and popped some mango in her mouth. I smiled and leaned forward, pushing her down on the sand and pressing my lips hard against hers. I scooped the mango from her lips with my tongue. She reached down and grabbed my bulging cock in her sticky hands and ran her fingers up and down it while she massaged my balls with her other hand.

With every move, we both got dirtier and sticker, sucking and licking the juices of our bounty from each other’s body. I grabbed my erection and pushed it deep inside of her, and she screamed loudly in pleasure. My hands slipped in the crushed fruit, and my face felt stickier than honey. I pushed repeatedly and deep into her wet pussy. Her hands flew back and rubbed through the sand.

I grabbed her hips, trying to keep her from wriggling away in pleasure. When she brought her hands back, she frowned as the grains were stuck in the mounds of nectar covering our bodies. I chuckled and pulled out, standing and pulling her to her feet. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her out into the water, bending down and lifting her from her feet. Once we were waist deep in the warm waves, I grabbed her ass and lifted her body around me, sliding my cock into her wetness.

Adriana moaned loudly and leaned back as I pushed her closer to orgasm. The top of her body floated above the water as she gyrated her hips and rubbed her clit against me. I could tell she was coming close, so I reached down into the water and flicked my fingers across her nub. She erupted in front of me, arching her back and screaming out in pleasure. I could feel her warm juices flood over my cock, and I watched her body shake in pleasure.

She breathed heavily as she sat back up and wrapped her arms around my neck. I grabbed her hips and pushed and pulled, feeling my cock slip in and out of her hole. She scratched her nails down my back, and the pleasure in my chest turned to low growls. Immediately, I started to thrust, pushing my cock as deep into her as I could. I hooked her legs over my arms, and she opened up and took me all the way in. From that point, I thrust four more deep thrusts before bringing her in close and feeling my cock begin to pulsate as the orgasm washed over my body.

She grabbed onto my shoulders tightly and kissed my forehead as I lowered her to her feet. I pressed my lips against hers, feeling her breath begin to slow, and her pulse begin to lower. She smiled and giggled as both our senses came back to us. We looked around at the oils and fruits floating in the water, and I dunked my body backward, getting the rest of it off. I watched as this divine goddess scooped the water into her hands and let it run down her breasts, relieving the stickiness and washing the stain of the berries from her skin. She was absolutely gorgeous, and I didn’t know how I even came close to deserving such a beautiful girl.

Once the fruit was washed away, we made our way back to shore and got dressed, looking down and laughing at the huge mess we made. I shrugged my shoulders and picked up the blanket, walked to the edge of the woods, and shook all the fruit and rinds into the tree line. I took the blanket with me as I followed Adriana inside, realizing she was exhausted from the day. In fact, she may have had the best idea yet. A middle of the day nap.

Chapter 23: Adriana


We had been on the island for almost a week, and I still couldn’t get enough of that warm breeze off the ocean. We only had a couple days left until we had to get back to Silesia and get back to business, but I didn’t even want to think about it. I just wanted to sit there with Milos’s arms wrapped around my belly and watch the waves crash against the shore. I shivered slightly from the cool breeze that looked like it was bringing a storm in, and Milos hugged me tighter, his hand resting on my baby bump.

I loved when we sat like this, something we seemed to be doing more often these days. Milos seemed to love to touch my belly, knowing there was a piece of us growing inside of me. The warmth it brought, knowing how excited he was for this child, set my mind at ease. Before we had left, he had even talked about having more children after this. I had laughed at him, thinking about myself chasing a dozen children over the lawn of the castle, but in all honesty, I knew I wanted more children with him as well.

So many people are left in positions like I was before Milos came after me, unable to care for their children, holding back because they don’t need another mouth to feed. I had found myself in a place where I could build a large family with the man I loved and never worry. I was blessed.

The incoming clouds looked like a wall of darkness off in the distance, but there was nothing scary or ominous about it. We could see the rain hitting the ocean surface far away, and I was completely in awe of the power of mother nature. It was like I was living in a fairy tale, and every day, I experienced something new and magical. From baby monkeys to distant storm clouds, I just couldn’t even imagine my life any other way. The sun was hovering low in the sky, casting vibrant colors through the dark rain clouds. It looked like some famous painting hung in a gallery.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Milos sounded so relaxed and calm.

“It’s paradise,” I sighed.

I shifted slightly, feeling a tightness in my belly. Suddenly, the baby kicked, and I looked back at Milos with wide eyes. He sat up and laughed, pressing his hand down on my stomach. There it was again. The baby kicked up a storm for the first time ever. We sat there for over an hour, waiting patiently between kicks and laughing every time we felt the little baby flail around inside of me. It was the most amazing thing to feel, and in such a perfect setting. Tears pulled at the corners of my eyes as I sat there, leaning into the love of my life, experiencing such an amazing thing. Milos was almost giddy from the excitement, and he leaned down and whispered to the baby.

“Hey, in there,” he said. “We can’t wait to meet you, little buddy.”

At the sound of Milos’s voice, the baby kicked again, and I leaned back, laughing and crying at the same time. Milos sat up and shook his head, a look of wonder surging across his face. He thought this was just as amazing as I did, and that, in itself, brought a warm and comforting feeling to my chest. The baby was overly excited and went on for several minutes, rolling, kicking, and punching in my belly. As if every time were the first, Milos’s eyes would widen, and he would wait patiently for the next feeling. Carrying a human life was so crazy in every aspect, but I was overjoyed to get to share it with Milos. As the baby calmed, Milos sat back and put his arms behind his head, sighing deeply as if he had something on his mind.

“I grew up in such a strange life,” Milos said. “I was constantly on the go, and things were always for show. But when it really got thick, and the stress of royal life started pounding down on me, my parents were there to pick me up and dust me off. They always made everything better, even as an adult. I’m not saying they solved my problems for me, but they knew just the right amount of encouragement to give in order for me to push through it on my own. I never really paid attention to how much they loved me, how much they protected me, until I started thinking about our child. I realized there is so much I can learn about how to be a parent, just by looking back at how my parents treated me. We weren’t the normal family, so obviously they parented differently, but our child will have the same life as me. I was lucky they were there.”

“I’m glad you had them,” I said, smiling.

“I am, too,” Milos sighed. “But I tell you what, regret is a bitch. My father tried so hard to push me down the right path. He knew the man I could be, long before I ever realized it. He was a tough man, but he was a good man. I wish I had listened to him as I grew up, you know? I wish I had really taken in his wisdom and lessons in life. When it comes down to it, I wish I could have made him proud of me.”

“Oh honey,” I said sitting up and turning toward him. “Your father loved you so much. If he didn’t, he would have never pushed you so hard. I know, and I never even met him, that he would be so proud of the man, the husband, and the king you have become.”

“Thank you,” he said with a small smile. “I wish you had met him, too. He would have loved you. But you know what? It's never too late to take his lessons to heart. I promise you, Adriana, I am going to keep becoming a better and better man for you and for our children. I want our children to be proud of me, like I am of my father. I won’t let you down ever again. I promise.”

I leaned my forehead against his, holding back the tears that were trying to burst forward. I truly believed every word that Milos said, and I couldn’t think of another man I wanted to share my life with. He had become the man I needed, the man I wanted, and the man that I knew he could be. Everything from here was just extra.

“I want you to know, I’m already proud of you,” I said, sniffling.

Milos reached his hands up and pulled my face toward him, kissing me long and hard. He tilted his head and continued to lap at my mouth. Our passion and love began to erupt. I scooted closer to him, needing to feel his body against mine and his heart beating in his chest.

He ran his hands down my arms and lifted himself up onto his knees. He pushed my long hair back over my shoulders and untied the bow holding up my dress. My clothes fell from my body, and he ran his hands over my shoulders, touching my skin softly and seductively. His eyes searched over me, but not in lust. Instead, it was a look of love and gratefulness, something I had not seen from him before. I wrapped my arms around his neck and fell backward, pulling him on top of me.

I sighed a deep breath as he pressed his lips to mine, savoring our connection with no rush forward and no steps backward. I slowly pulled his shirt over his head and touched his warm skin, gently kissing his shoulder and arms. It was an incredibly intimate moment. Our naked bodies wrapped tightly around each other, and we took the time to feel every touch of our skin. I leaned my head back as he trailed his lips over my neck and down my chest. The storm in the background felt like our past, long lost at sea, while the setting sun felt like our future, holding secrets of the night, and glimmering in the vibrant colors of the sky.

The sounds of the waves took over, covering up our heated breath and the movements of body. The song of the insects in the forest created a backdrop of passion as our bodies moved and twisted, taking each other in and looking for more. As the sun set over the island, we let go of everything and made love on the white sandy beaches.

Later that night, we curled up in the bed and turned on an old black and white movie as the storm made landfall. The sound of rain falling on the roof top put Milos to sleep almost instantly. I got up from the bed, turned off the television, and rummaged through the fridge, trying to find something to satisfy my hunger. I settled on a bag of chips from the cupboard and sat watching the rain fall over the beach. As the lightning flashed in the background, an odd feeling moved through my chest, the feeling that something was just not right. I took a deep breath and put the food away, figuring I was just tired. I crawled back into the bed and under the covers where I found the comfort of Milos’s arms. I fell asleep, but didn’t stay that way for very long.

The loud clap of thunder over the house jolted me awake, and I laid with my head on the pillow, looking out at the rolling ocean. With each flash of lightning, I could see the white capped waves rolling angrily and crashing against the shore. I shuttered as thunder clapped again, this time shaking the bed slightly. I didn’t know if it was the food, the storm, or the hormones, but immediately, I felt a complete sense of dread. I couldn’t shake it, no matter how close I scooted into Milos’s arms. It felt like out in the darkness, something was lurking in the shadows, something that was coming to haunt us. I had never felt this way before in my life, and the suffocating feeling in my chest was almost unbearable. I closed my eyes and began to hum softly to myself, trying to calm my nerves.

I could feel my muscles begin to unwind, but just as they did, thunder and lightning would crash around us, sending my heart rate skyrocketing. I pulled the blanket up to my chin and closed my eyes tighter, humming a little louder this time. I could hear the pause in thunder and slowly opened my eyes. However, just as I expected to hear another clap, I sat up in bed, listening to someone pound on the front door. Who could that be? It was the middle of the night, and we were on a completely private island. I turned to Milos and shook him hard.

“Milos,” I whispered. “Someone is pounding on the door.”

He sat up on the bed and waited for a moment to see if we heard it again. Just as I began to relax my shoulders, the pounding came again. Milos slid from under the covers, and I grabbed his arm, shaking my head.

“Don’t answer it,” I said. “I have a terrible feeling.”

“Don’t be silly, love,” he said, kissing my forehead. “What if it is an emergency at the castle?”

I watched as he pulled on his robe and made his way out of the room and around the corner. I sat listening intently, knowing that whoever was on the other side was not coming with cheerful news. Whoever was on the other side was about to change everything in our world in the blink of an eye.

Chapter 24: Milos


I walked through the cottage, leaving my bride alone in our bed, and all I could think was whoever was behind that door better have a damn good reason for not only interrupting my honeymoon, but for arriving in the middle of the night. I flipped the lights on through the house and peeked through the window in the door. It was Brat. What the hell was Brat doing here at this time?

“Brat,” I said, opening the door and stepping to the side. “What in the world?”

Brat hurried through the doorway, shaking the rain from his shoulders and wiping his face on the towel I handed him. He had traveled in this weather and was standing outside my door in the pouring rain. I gave him a minute to gather himself before launching into a barrage of questions. If I knew my best friend well enough, he would never have come here if it wasn’t a really good reason.

I looked over my shoulder as Adriana appeared, looking worried and leaning against the door frame. I smiled at her, trying to give her comfort, but from the look of her arms crossed across her chest and her furrowed brow, she wasn’t going to calm until Brat told us why he was here.

“I’m so sorry for interrupting your honeymoon. Truly, Adriana, please accept my apologies.” He turned from me to her. “But I believe there is a situation that needs your urgent attention, and it couldn’t wait.”

I laughed at Brat’s disheveled look. “Yes, of course, but you couldn’t have picked up the phone?”

“I tried to call, but you must be out of service range here, and you were hell bent against landlines,” Brat replied, shaking his head. “So, I jumped in the jet and came out here.”

“Well, what’s this news?”

“Reg Evers has been sniffing around the castle,” Brat revealed. “He was supposedly trying to get an appointment with the King and his new Queen. By the time I heard of it, he was apparently getting pretty impatient.”

“What? What the hell does he want?” Adriana’s voice was shrill and angry.

“Well, that was just what I wanted to know, so I approached him and took him to lunch to find out,” Brat said shaking his head. “He wouldn’t specify the terms, but he said that he is going to be expanding the business, and he believed Milos would be interested in helping him.”

“Syn sukinsynu,” I cursed in Polish. “How dare he attempt to blackmail me? Does he not realize who I am?”

From there, I couldn’t help but let go, and I stood cursing in my native tongue, knowing Adriana would not be able to understand. When I had gotten it out of my system, I took a deep breath and looked back at her. She was standing there, clutching the doorframe with a face full of fear. Immediately, I felt terrible for not comforting her first. I raced across the room and hugged her tightly, kissed her on the head, and looked up at Brat standing in the foyer.

”I’m sorry, my love,” I whispered. ”Don’t worry about a thing. I will take care of all of this. I will not allow this gutter trash to reveal anything about our past. Our life together is too important for that.”

I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do about this, but I knew that whatever it was, Reg Evers would be lucky to leave with his head intact. I had just gotten my relationship with Adriana back on track, we were expecting a child, and the people of Silesia were more than ecstatic to have her taking the reins from Mother in the future. Everything was absolutely perfect, for the first time in my life. Then, this happenened. Maybe I couldn’t expect my past to stay hidden forever. Karma had a tricky way of sneaking up on you when you least expected it.

”My dear,” I said to Adriana. ”Would you mind getting Brat some dry clothes and starting a pot of hot tea for us?”

I smiled kindly at Adriana and watched her disappear into the other room. I didn’t want any tea, but I needed Adriana to feel as if nothing had changed. I needed her not to worry about this, especially being pregnant. She needed to stay calm and comfortable at all times. I took in a deep breath and stepped out onto the covered porch. The rain hit the thatched roof and ran over, cascading over the edges like a waterfall. I could feel the anger simmering in my stomach, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I had never been blackmailed before, simply because of the fact that I never gave a damn about revealing what I was doing. That was, until it became a situation that affected my wife and unborn child. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth as I paced across the patio floor.

”Damn it,” I growled as I kicked the trash can sitting out back.

”Maybe we should gather our things and go back to the castle,” Adriana said from behind me. She had seen my outburst. ”We will be better prepared to take care of this whole situation if you can sit down with Reg and talk this out. He is a simple fool. I’m sure it can easily be taken care of.”

”Blackmail is never that easy,” I said, shaking my head. ”Besides, this is our honeymoon. I completely screwed up our marriage the first time, and now that it is perfect, I don’t want to ruin it again by ending our trip and running back because of some asshole who thinks he can pull one over on us. You and that baby are the most important things to me.”

“I know, my love,” she replied, stepping out the door and walking over to me. “And by taking care of this before it explodes, that is protecting your family. I let Reg Evers control my life for a long time, and I cannot allow it to happen anymore. We will have plenty of time to vacation, but this calls for our immediate attention. It isn’t your fault, any more than it is mine. But it is something that needs our attention, and not three days from now, when we go back, but right now.”

“You truly will be a wise queen,” I replied, stifling my anger and kissing her on the forehead. “I will be inside in a moment. I just need to clear my head.”

“I love you,” she replied. She kissed me on the cheek and walked back in the house.

“She really will be an amazing queen,” Brat said, walking out onto the patio. “But first, we have got to take care of this little problem. And Milos, understand that we consider this to be a threat against the Kingdom, and therefore, are ready to handle it in such a way.”

“That won’t be necessary,” I replied. “Though it definitely has crossed my mind. I could toss his sleazy ass in the deepest, darkest prison cell in the kingdom, and never have to worry about him again. But I don’t want that dark cloud hanging over Adriana and me. I’d rather settle this issue once and for all.”

“Well, know you aren’t alone in this,” Brat said, tapping the door with his hand and walking back inside.

I stood on the porch, watching the rain for several minutes. This place had seemed so perfect, and now, it was tainted with royal business and our past creeping up on us. I took a deep breath before going back inside, not wanting Adriana to see me all bent out of shape. However, as I packed our bags and readied to get on the jet, I couldn’t help but be angry and bitter. I was supposed to be on my honeymoon, not dragging my pregnant bride back to the palace so she can worry about her old boss and her past. This was absolutely insane. I was so angry, I didn’t even realize I was slamming things down into the suitcase. Adriana walked over and patted my hand.

“Why don’t you go sit and speak with Brat,” she said. “I’ll take care of packing the bags. We are almost done.”

“Thank you, my love,” I replied, leaning over and kissing the top of her head. “Don’t lift them though. We will come get them for you.”

“Of course,” she smiled.

However, as I walked from the room and turned back toward her, I watched her smile quickly fade into a frown. Instantly, I was angry again, dislodged from the fantasy of our honeymoon and thrown back into a harsh and unhappy reality.

I grabbed my backpack and started packing it with my personal items, such as my laptop and tablet. I threw them in the bag and zipped it up, sitting down and waiting for Brat to return. He had gone to get the jet ready and bring an escort for Adriana, since it was pouring rain and the airstrip was on the other side of the island.

I heard a small beep, so I walked out the front door and stared at Brat, sitting in a covered golf cart from the maintenance shed. He opened his arms up, smiling at what he had found. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, turning to walk back in to get Adriana. Brat hustled to catch up with me and handed me the key.

“That’s very royal,” I scoffed. “We are taking the pregnant Princess of Silesia to her private jet in a golf cart in the pouring rain.”

“Hey, I did the best I could,” Brat said, chuckling. “I’m not the one who didn’t think about rain precautions when I bought a cute little island for my wife. How did you get over here when you got here?”

“The golf cart,” I said laughing. “But it wasn’t raining.”

“You, sir, are a tool,” Brat replied, walking into the house and grabbing suitcases.

I grabbed two of the bags and followed Brat back out to the cart. We piled them up in the back and looked up as the rain began to slow up. Brat shook his soaking wet head and laughed to himself. As he began to walk away, I reached out and grabbed his arm.

“This is my whole life,” I said. “I need this to go right. This Kingdom and Adriana do not need any more hardship. They have all been through enough.”

“And because you feel that way,” Brat replied, slapping me on the shoulder. “I will do anything you need to take care of this.”

“Anything?” I said, looking him dead in the eye.

Brat nodded his head before turning to the door where Adriana had emerged, carrying her laptop in a bag over her shoulder and waddling along with her pillow and blanket for the plane. I smiled at her as she looked up at me, radiant as ever. She had changed into a pretty, long blue beach dress with flip flops, and her little round belly popped out in the middle. She looked worried, and that didn’t make me any less angry. Immediately, I began thinking of all the ways I could kill Reg Evers in a slow and painful way. How dare he put my family through this, especially considering I was the King of Silesia. There was nothing funny or cute about what he was doing, and at that moment, I swore to take him down in every way that I could.

Thunder clapped loudly in the background, mimicking my angry mood. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for this woman and that child, and it was my responsibility to make sure the Kingdom stayed happy and prosperous. If this information leaked, it could cause major issues with the way the Kingdom looked at the future Queen of Silesia, and that just could not happen. Reg Evers had it coming, and I couldn’t wait to get back and let him know exactly how I felt.

Chapter 25: Adriana


I stared out the window of the plane as more and more distance was put between me and paradise. As the skies cleared, and we sailed steadily through the night, dread began to pound down on my heart. Reg showing up is just completely out of the blue, and it did more than knock my legs out from under me.

I didn’t know whether to be angry, scared, or just livid, like Milos, and the confusion was tearing me up on the inside. At that point, I should have thought about him, or at least been on the lookout for him to come sniffing around. Me leaving like that probably didn’t leave a very good taste in his mouth, and the news that I had become Queen probably, instantly, flashed dollars signs in his head. Then again, until just recently, I figured the marriage was fake anyway, so why worry about someone like Reg?

Honestly, part of me considered going back and working for him when the contract was over. I never imagined I would actually fall in love with Milos. But now, as I sat there, headed back to the castle, surrounded by anger, my past churned around me. It didn’t just have the ability to hurt me, but my husband, my child, and the Kingdom I was supposed to take over as Queen. I shook my head and looked over at Milos, who was staring silently out the window. I knew he wasn’t angry with me. He was just as much a part of this as anyone, but I couldn’t help but feel terrible about it. I had given him hell about his past and mending it for the future, and now, my past was the thing threatening the sanctity of the Kingdom.

For the rest of the flight, silence was the name of the game. Every once in a while, Brat would look over at me and smile, but Milos stayed quiet, his teeth clenched tightly, and his eyes fixed out the window. I could tell his anger had not subsided, even in the least. When we landed, I was actually relieved to be home, and I smiled kindly at the servants who greeted us.

It was the middle of the night, so we knew the Queen wouldn’t be awake, and Milos had already decided he was just going to tell her that I wasn’t feeling well and wanted to return home to get some rest. With every cover-up, we created another lie and another path to hide. It was a never-ending cycle, and I hated it with everything in my being. I did not want to continue lying to the Queen, but we couldn’t tell her what was going on. She would be furious.

When we got to our wing of the house, I sat down on the couch and stared into the fire that the servants had started, knowing I hated the chill in the castle at night. I smiled sweetly at my head servant as she asked me if I needed anything else. I shook my head and listened as she stepped from the room and the doors shut behind her. Milos approached the fireplace and leaned up against it, his arm at the top and his head facing the flames. He breathed in deeply and let it out, obviously mulling everything over in his mind.

“We should get some sleep,” he said, not looking at me. “It’s been a long night, a long plane ride, and we need to rest, especially you.”

Milos turned to me and smiled as he reached his hand out for me. I didn’t want to go to sleep. I wasn’t tired in the least, but I wasn’t about to argue with Milos. He had enough on his plate at the moment. I stood and kissed him on the cheek before retreating to the bathroom to change into my nightgown and brush my teeth.

I looked at my face in the mirror, remembering the nights in spandex gold jumpsuits and six-inch heels. It felt like it was a lifetime ago, yet it was still something that had to be drudged up again. My life was completely different now, and I couldn’t understand how someone could be as vile and despicable as Reg, especially since if he knew we were married, he must have known we were expecting a child. What kind of man bribes a pregnant woman? Reg Evers was an asshole and has always been one, so I don’t know why I can’t wrap my head around all of this.

I took in a deep breath and made my way back to the room where Milos was already in bed and waiting for me. He pulled the covers up over me, and I struggled to get comfortable. It was already difficult to find comfort with a basketball attached to my stomach, but on top of it, I had the stress of everything running through my mind. I turned from side to side, trying to find a comfortable position, but it seemed that no matter how I laid my body on the bed, I would still feel that aching in my chest, and an uncomfortable feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Finally, as I turned away from Milos for the hundredth time, he grabbed onto me and pulled me in close to his body. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and laid his chin next to my ear.

“Shh, my love,” he whispered. “I promise that I will forever protect you, even from this idiot.”

“I know,” I said, losing control of my emotions and bursting into tears. “I’m so sorry for this entire thing. It is such a mess. You are a prince. You were groomed, taught, and brought up with an impeccable pedigree, and here I am, trashing your name. I’m the daughter of a single drunk mother, and I made a living taking my clothes off for other men. It's disgusting, and I feel sick to my stomach over it.”

I sniffled and wiped the tears pooling on the pillow beneath me. Milos shifted and turned me onto my back, looking down at my face. He moved the hair from my eyes and wiped his fingers across my wet cheeks. He leaned forward and kissed my lips softly, a tired look in his eyes.

“Did you forget that none of that matters?” he asked. “Did you forget that you are the love of my life? I see you only as this perfect creature that I am more than lucky to have as my wife. Besides, if it weren’t for you working for that scum bag, we never would have met. So, in some ways, your past is what brought you here to this moment. Try not to beat yourself up. I have screwed up so much in the past, this is barely a speed bump.”

“I guess I should be glad there are no pictures of me on the front of the paper yet,” I said, sniffling.

“Yeah, although maybe if there are, gold spandex jumpsuits will come back in style,” Milos joked.

I laughed through the tears and smacked him on the arm. He laid back down on the pillow and brought me in close again. I could feel his love wrapped around me, and suddenly, the exhaustion of everything hit me like a ton of bricks. Curled up in our warm, safe bed, I began to fall asleep, traveling through into the dream world.

I found myself floating downward through the air, as if I were as light as a feather. When my feet touched down, I looked at the sand and surf surrounding me. I was no longer in the castle, but back at the beach. I could only see a few feet in every direction. The rest was pitch black. I looked down at my body and realized I was no longer pregnant. Instead, I was holding my child in my arms.

I pulled the blanket back and stared at the baby’s perfect little face. A feeling of warmth washed through me. However, before I could say a word, cold water rushed over my ankles, and the darkness began to close in around us. From the edges of the encroaching blackness, I could hear a deep, menacing laugh. I pulled the baby close to my chest, frantically looking around.

“Who’s there?” I screamed. “Leave us alone!”

Everywhere I turned, it was nothing but darkness, and I couldn’t figure out where I was going. The voice started growing louder and louder. I climbed up the beach and ran through the woods. The sounds of screeching monkeys and laughter filled my ears. I stopped, sensing something getting close, and I squinted into the distance. Moving quickly toward us was a large mouth, laughing loudly and opening wide. I screamed and shot forward into the woods.

I could feel the wet leaves under my bare feet and the breathing of the baby against my chest. As I stepped into the clearing, I froze, looking out over a giant cliff, plunging into the darkness below. I turned around and watched in horror as the mouth spread over us and slammed shut.

I sat up in the bed, grabbing my chest where the baby had been, and I looked around in panic. My head was covered in sweat, and Milos ran his hand over my back. My vision cleared, and the fear clouding my brain receded. I looked down at my belly and sighed in relief. It had been a horrible nightmare, and I knew exactly who was to blame. Tears filled my eyes, and I put my face in my hands, no longer able to control any emotions. I sobbed uncontrollably. Milos scooted up behind me, put his arms around my chest, and kissed the back of my neck.

“It’s all right,” he whispered soothingly. “It was just a nightmare. Take a deep breath. I’m right her with you.”

I breathed in through my nose and out my mouth, trying to settle the uncomfortable feeling in my chest. It had all seemed so real, and I’d felt so helpless. I couldn’t protect myself, I couldn’t protect my child, and I was left, standing on a cliff with a choice of either jumping or facing the demon chasing me. In the end, I let the mouth engulf us both, lost in the darkness that followed.

There was no doubt in my mind it represented my uncertain future. Do I let Reg engulf me with his bribery and continue with these terrible snow ball of lies, or do I jump into the darkness, hoping for a soft landing below? One thing was for sure. I never wanted to feel that helplessness again, not for me or my child.

I gathered my emotions and leaned back into Milos’s arms, feeling his comfort wrapped around us both. The baby kicked hard in my stomach, and I rubbed my belly, knowing it too could feel my despair. I felt terrible about all of this, every part of it, but even worse, I no longer felt like I was in control of the situation.

I felt like everything was spiraling out of control, just like in my dream, where I was running blindly through the woods, everything frightening, and no knowledge of where to go from there. However, unlike my dream, I knew that I did not have to face the darkness alone. Milos was there to stay, there to do whatever he could to help us get through this, and no matter what happened, we would have each other in the end.

I turned my head and let Milos wipe the tears from my face. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against my forehead. I closed my eyes, taking in his scent, his strength, and his comfort. Reg Evers had picked on the wrong family, and I wasn’t going to sit by and let him take advantage of me all over again.

Chapter 26: Milos


I sat in my chair by the window, staring down over the gardens. It was now raining here, too, and the weather matched my mood. I hadn’t slept very much, since Adriana was having a hard time getting settled. Then, without warning, she woke from a nightmare that had completely shaken her world upside down. She didn’t explain the dream to me, but I could tell that this Reg controversy had really gotten into her head.

I felt helpless, and I needed to step up and stand up to this tyrant. No one was going to come into my Kingdom and bully me and my family around without some severe repercussions. The first thing I needed to do, though, was find out what exactly he was looking for. I swiveled my chair around and faced Brat, who was standing, waiting for me to tell him what came next.

“Can you get word to Mr. Evers?”

“I can,” Brat said carefully. “What would you like me to tell him?”

“Tell him to meet me at that small pub in the capital in an hour,” I replied. “I’ll listen to what he has to say.”

“Are you sure this is the right thing?” Brat asked. “We already know he is looking for money.”

“We assume it’s money,” I replied. “But we don’t know for sure. Reg Evers might be an asshole, but one thing he is not, is stupid. I want to hear him out before I make my decision on how to handle this.”

“Understood,” Brat replied with a bow of his head. “I will go call him. Do you want me to come along?”

“No,” I replied, looking over at the closed door to the bedroom. “I think it best we keep as many people out of this drama as possible. I’ll meet with him alone.”

“I’ll have the car sent around for you,” Brat replied, before turning and walking from the room.

I sat in the chair, finishing my coffee and staring out into the scenery below, before standing and heading back to change. I wore plain clothes and pulled on my waterproof trench coat. I stepped in front of the mirror and stared at my reflection, wondering how inconspicuous I actually looked. I pulled the collar up on my coat and pulled a hat on, bringing the bill down low to hide my face. I clutched my sunglasses in my hand, wondering what kind of money this asshole was really looking for. I knew, even if I paid him off, this would never end. I needed this to be as discreet as possible. In the past, I hadn’t cared if I was splashed all over the tabloids, but now, I had a family and a kingdom to think about. I had to be extra careful meeting with this man.

As I turned back to walk out of the room, I stared at Adriana leaning against the doorframe. She smiled and walked over to me, pulling my collar up and kissing me on the cheek. She looked tired but more relaxed than the night before. I pulled my arms around her and hugged her tightly, knowing this was all very hard for her.

“I am going to meet Reg,” I said, still holding her tightly.

“I know,” she replied, pulling back. “I heard you and Brat. Just be careful, and don’t do anything you will regret.”

“Of course,” I replied, leaning in and kissing her lips.

I walked out of the room and out into the sitting area, pulling my sunglasses on and looking back one last time as Adriana stood by the fireplace, watching me walk out. She looked worried, which made this all that more important to me. There were so many good things in our lives, and I would be damned if I let this asshole ruin that. I nodded at Adriana and mustered the biggest smile I could manage. She shook her head and smiled, giggling to herself. That was exactly what I needed to see before leaving for this meeting, a reminder of everything I was fighting for.

I took a long way around to the front to avoid walking past my mother’s wing. I didn’t want to bring her into this unless I absolutely needed to. She had enough on her plate. I jumped in the car and headed out to the capital. It had been a while since I had been here alone, in fact, the last time I was here, I was wasted, trying to forget Adriana, not realizing I was doing the exact opposite of what I should have been doing.

I had the car stop two blocks away on an empty street and let me out. I knew the car would be a dead giveaway, and I didn’t want anyone to notice me or even think that I looked out of place. As I rounded the corner, I caught sight of Reg standing in front of the bar. He nodded to me with a shit-eating grin, and immediately, I felt enraged.

I took a deep breath and clenched my fists as he opened the door for me, and I walked in ahead of him. The bar smelled like piss and beer, a perfect backdrop for this type of discussion. There were only two people in the bar, so we moved to the back of the room and grabbed a booth in the shadows. I took my glasses off and looked up at Reg sternly. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and ordered a beer. I waved the waitress off, not wanting anything at that time except the ability to knock Reg’s smug face straight out of the booth. However, knowing I couldn’t make a scene, I kept my cool, ringing my hands together under the table.

“Not drinking?” Reg asked with a smirk. “I see family life has really changed you. Maybe it’s the baby on the way.”

“Don’t talk about my family,” I said with gritted teeth. “What do you want?”

“Not into small talk? I guess that’s a good thing. I am looking to build a new establishment here in your lovely little capital. It will be a huge deal, bring lots of money in, and grow the tourism factor of your city.”

“We are just fine without dirty strip clubs and drunks,” I replied.

“Now, now, Your Highness,” he said with a grin. “Don’t forget who spent the most money last year at my ‘dirty strip club.’ But that point aside, it's not a strip club.”

“I don’t know what any of this has to do with me? Do you need money? Is that what this is about?” I was tired of his games and wanted him to just get to the point.

The waitress walked up, and I looked down at the table, not wanting to make eye contact. It was a small place, and everyone had seen my face a million times. The last thing I needed was to be photographed with the owner of a strip club at a dirty bar. That would immediately catch my mother’s attention and make me look really bad.

I was starting to regret the decision to come out here alone. It might have been less conspicuous to take him to a fine dining restaurant than a dirty, dusty bar where we were lurking in the shadows. But none of that mattered now, because we were here, and we needed to get through this so I could move on with my life.

“I don’t need your money,” Reg said angrily. “I am actually a really good businessman.”

“Because you rob your employees and treat them like shit,” I replied.

“They ain’t really the highest quality of people,” Reg scoffed. “Except your wife of course. She never really belonged there, but either way, she was there, and she was my employee.”

“So, if you don’t need money, what is it you are looking for?” I’d had enough.

“I want to open a casino of sorts,” he replied. “An upscale gambling facility, and I need you to grant me a concession.”

“Gambling is illegal in Silesia,” I scoffed. “It has been for many decades, and I fully support that decision. These people need prosperity, not some leech sucking their money right out from under them.”

“It would bring tourism and jobs to your kingdom. How could that be wrong?”

“This is a pointless conversation,” I said, putting my hands up and pushing myself to my feet.

“Hold on,” Reg said grabbing my arm. “You might want to sit the hell down, Your Majesty.”

His tone was harsh but knowing, and I grimaced at his dirty hand around my arm. From the look on his face, I could tell his nice guy routine was over, and he wasn’t there to play games anymore. I sat back down in the booth and folded my hands in front of my face.

“I am not sure why after decades of a law, you would think I would change my mind now,” I said with irritation.

“Have you forgotten where you came from Milos?” Reg asked with squinted eyes. “Have you forgotten where you met that lovely wife of yours? Ahh, the memories I have of your sweet Adriana. She was a fan favorite, especially when it came to the lap dances. She moved her hips unlike any girl I knew, and her blonde hair was a favorite of the crowd. What’s even funnier was at one point, we called her ‘The Queen.’ You know, a stage name fit for her majesty.”

“Enough,” I growled, drawing the attention of the people sitting at the bar. I looked across the table at Reg, waiting for him to say it.

“No, it will not be enough, until I get what I want,” Reg replied with an angry tone. “I wonder how your subjects will think of their precious Queen when they know she used to bump and grind against every dick that came through the door? You do this Milos, or I will make sure everyone knows of Adriana’s past.”

Reg stood from the table and downed his beer, tossing a few bills on the table and straightening his pants. He reached down and took the hat from the chair next to it and slapped it on his shiny, bald head. He turned back to me with a happy smile and nodded at me.

“I’ll give you until Monday night to make your decision,” he said. “Until then, remember my finger is on the speed dial to the press. Don’t do anything stupid, my friend.”

He turned and walked from the bar, nodding at the bartender as he left. I sat there for a moment, gathering my self-control. All I wanted to do was rush across the bar and throw him through the front window. There was no way I could get away with a concession like that, nor could I even imagine doing it. This Kingdom’s history was rich, and there was no place for a dirty casino and unruly tourists. That’s why there were so many outgoing flights to Prague. Do your business there, but leave our city clean and historical. I would not allow this to happen. I was the King of Silesia. No one was going to blackmail me, or my family, for that matter.

I dropped some extra money on the table for the waitress and threw my sunglasses back on before heading back out to the car. Livid did not even start to describe the way I was feeling. My poor wife was probably beside herself at the castle, and all I wanted to do was handle this in the most discreet manner possible. The last thing I needed, though, was another scandal on my hands. I stared out the window of the car as we made our way back to the castle. Reg Evers was going to get what was coming to him, and hopefully, it would be everything he deserved and more.

Chapter 27: Adriana


By the end of my time in this castle, there was going to be a line worn into the carpet from where I have paced the floor over and over again. I stood in the living area of our quarters, biting my nails and walking back and forth between the fireplace and the window. I knew Reg was going to put something really heavy on Milos’s shoulders, but I was more scared of what his reaction would be.

What if he lost control of his anger? What if he gave in and gave Reg whatever he wanted, even though Reg would never stop coming around? I knew Milos wanted this to go away as much as I did, but I also knew we couldn’t hide from our past forever. Eventually, somewhere down the line, someone was going to say something, and then poof, the scandal would explode all over again.

I stopped and sat down at the table, feeling dizzy from not eating. I had gotten myself so worked up over all of this, I hadn’t even touched the lunch that the service staff had brought up for me. I pulled my chair up to the table and spread some cheese on a cracker, shoving it in my mouth and staring out the window as I chewed. It was raining like crazy outside, and my thoughts went back to the island and how just a few days ago, we were carefree, making love on the sand, and dreaming of our future family.

Now, I was sitting nervously at this table, wondering what kind of future I could bring my child if my newly found royal following didn’t trust me or respect me at all. To make matters worse, when the news got out, all of my family and friends would learn the truth of what I had to do when I set out on my journey to backpack across Europe. Instead of taking in the sights, I had ended up in a dirty apartment with nine other girls, flashing my tits for a few Euros, and taking shots every night just to get through. It was hardly the kind of life that made a Queen.

I sat there nervously for nearly an hour, eating cheeses and fruits and staring out at the road beyond the castle. I would be able to see Milos driving back from there, and I wanted to be prepared and supportive when he returned. I took a swig of my water and paused as the royal town car moved over the hill and through the gates. I dusted the crumbs off my belly and had the service staff take my lunch away, making sure that they knew not to disturb us after Milos returned. My hands were ringing with anxiety as I stood waiting for him to walk through the doors and reveal what he found out at the meeting.

Slowly, the door opened, and Milos marched through it, tearing off his jacket and throwing it down on the couch. He walked over to the fireplace and leaned against the carved stone, looking down into the flames. The look on his face when he came through was more than livid, and I assumed that things did not go well at all. I gave him a minute to gather himself before I asked any questions. The last thing we needed was to start fighting amongst ourselves. When he seemed to have calmed a bit and his shoulders had relaxed, I walked over and sat down on the sofa.

“What happened?” I asked calmly.

“He wants me to sign a concession so he can build a casino,” Milos scoffed. “And if I don’t, he will reveal your past and everything that happened while you worked at the strip club.”

“I knew it would be something like that,” I said to myself before looking back at Milos. “What do you plan to do? You can’t sign a concession for that. It’s illegal.”

“I am aware,” he said sharply. I took a deep breath and let his anger roll over my shoulders. “I don’t want you to worry about it. I will take care of this problem so that it is finished and done with.”

The tone of his voice sounded almost maniacal, and I didn’t like the uneasy feeling it pushed into my stomach. What did he mean he would take care of it? The last thing he needed was to get himself into another predicament, another scandal. This one, however, would just be another mark on him, another mark on our marriage, on our child, and the future of this Kingdom.

The Parliament was happy for now, but it wouldn’t take much to push them over the edge. Milos’s life had been shrouded in enough controversy, and I did not want to continue our marriage under that same cover. I also didn’t want to raise a child, always wondering in the back of my mind if he or she would one day find out about our secret. That was it. I couldn’t let that happen. I had to make sure that Milos did this the right way.

I stood from the couch, walked back over to the window, and stared out at the rain. There had to be a better answer to this. I needed to get control of this entire thing. The last thing we needed was Milos going crazy over this without control of himself or his actions. I understood his anger, and I felt it too, but at the same time, these were the facts. I was a stripper. He had picked me up at a strip club. I did not have the regal past that everyone thought I did. No matter how angry or bitter we got, those were the facts, and they were never going to just disappear. I stopped for a moment, realizing that if I didn’t do something about this myself, it would forever haunt me. I turned toward Milos and sighed.

“I don’t care anymore,” I said loudly. “I can’t hide from this any longer.”

“What are you talking about?” Milos asked as he stepped forward cautiously.

“We cannot change the past, Milos, it is what it is. Everything I experienced, every choice I made, created the woman that is standing here in front of you today. What you may see as shameful actions are the ones that brought me to this Kingdom. I am tired, damn tired, of having to hide this.”

“What about you?” Milos asked. “What about the Kingdom? The people aren’t just going to applaud this.”

“Maybe they will accept me, and maybe they won’t. But either way, I won’t have to live the rest of my life always looking over my shoulder, always wondering if someone is going to expose me. Just wait, when the baby is born. The news will spread like wildfire. Then we have to not only worry about shielding ourselves, but our child as well. It will always lurk over my shoulder, Milos. If I can handle this on my own terms, I can be in control of how it is presented to the people.”

I put my hands down and looked down at the floor. I hated that I wasn’t the one who got to make the decision on this. It was my life, my past, and my future, but everyone was trying to protect me, like I was a porcelain doll. I understood that Milos’s guilty conscience was driving this force, but this wasn’t about him anymore. He had made his bed long ago, and we had come to a point where that was all behind us. He didn’t need to prove his love by doing something stupid and taking another hit on his reputation.

I knew that if this wasn’t handled properly and intelligently, then it could blow up worse than before. If we wanted to teach our children about honesty, integrity, and pride, then we needed to live by those standards, and not hide behind our riches and our titles. Sometimes, that may mean doing things that make us uncomfortable or even scared, but in the end, it was the right thing to do, for everyone.

I slowly walked over to Milos, who was standing there silently, watching me as I moved. I could feel our child inside of me, kicking and moving as we spoke. I know Milos couldn’t feel it, but I knew he felt the love and protection in his heart. I just needed him to see that it was about the future, not covering up the past. We were done with cover ups, and we should move forward with full transparency. The people, our family, and our child will appreciate that in the future. I grabbed Milos’s hand and set it on my belly, gazing up at him with loving eyes.

“Let me do this my way,” I said gently. “For me, for you, for our child, and for the future of this Kingdom. Let me control my past.”

Milos looked down at me and down at his hand, resting on my belly. I could see his heart breaking. He took in a deep breath and kissed me on the forehead, pulling his hand from my belly. I watched as his eyes shifted from mine and then back to the fire. He shook his head feverishly as the thought ran through his mind.

“No,” he said sternly. “I will take care of this in my way. I have put you through hell and back, ever since we met, and there is no way I am going to allow you to face the embarrassment and ridicule that could come from this. You don’t deserve any of it, and I won’t allow it to happen.”

“Milos,” I said as he turned toward the door.

“That is the end of it,” he replied sternly. “I am going to go meet with Brat so we can plan our strategy. Please try to rest and know that this whole situation is in good hands. I love you very much, Adriana, and I promise to make all of this go away.”

I stood angrily with my arms crossed as he left the room. I walked back over to the chair and plopped down, not knowing how to feel. I wanted to be furious, to lash out, and to tell Milos “no.” But I also knew that everything he was doing was because he loved me, he loved this child, and he loved his Kingdom. Just a few months ago, he wouldn’t have given a damn about my reputation, but now, he would jump through hoops to make this right.

The problem was, he was using his guilt of the past to drive his choices in the present. He was completely ignoring the repercussions that could come from that. While his words were not meant to hurt me, there was part of me that couldn’t help but be saddened by his demeanor and wish that he could see that we were supposed to work as a team, not be split apart by all of this. When that happens, Reg is getting exactly what he wants, control over the entire situation.

I rubbed my belly as the baby continued to kick and move, sensing my uneasiness. The rain poured hard outside, washing the petals from the flowers in the garden. I couldn’t just sit here and let him destroy himself. What kind of wife and Queen would I show myself to be if I didn’t step in when Milos needed me the most? He may not know it, and he may not see it, but this was one of those times that would test our strength as a couple. This was no longer his decision to make, and like it or not, I was about to take control.

Chapter 28: Milos


I felt incredibly guilty as I stomped out of the room, knowing I had pulled the control right out from under Adriana. She just didn’t understand, and it was because she was so new, so green in this royal life. She wanted to be true and honest, which was something I admired so much about her, but she didn’t realize she could bury herself with that kind of transparency. Instead of wondering if our secret would ever be revealed, we would spend our lives defending our actions, fighting for our place in the Kingdom, and drowning in ridicule from the people we were supposed to be representing and leading. Adriana had been through so much in her life, even before I came into the picture. The last thing I wanted was for her to go through even more.

I didn’t want a single soul to know of my beautiful Queen’s past, beyond the few who already knew. I was in no way ashamed of her, but I knew others would not understand and see the amazing human being she really was. They would immediately judge her and I based on how we met and where she worked. I knew this all too well because I had done that exact thing when picking Adriana to contract for the fake marriage. I had assumed that since she was a stripper, she lacked morality, class, and social equity, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I wanted people to see Adriana the way I did. I wanted them to see her kind heart, her enormous intellect, and her servitude for a country she only just met. With a past like hers looming over her, I didn’t see how people could look past it.

Throughout my life, I have come to know the tabloids as if they were cast off cousins no one was happy to see. They knew me by first name, and I was pretty sure I had bought a few journalists drinks in some of my drunken tirades. I was pretty sure they were bummed when I turned over a new leaf, seeing as they wouldn’t have my dumbass self to post all over the front page. Their sales were plummeting, and if they got ahold of a story like this, they would have a field day.

Not only would me and Adriana be called out for all of our past transgressions, my mother would be implicated in the whole thing. It would be hard for the public to believe that something like this could have happened right under the Queen’s nose without her knowing. From there, our children would never be able to sneeze wrong around the press without getting beat up and splashed all over the headlines. They will have to make choices as they grow that will determine their character, but the last thing I wanted to do was start them out behind the curve.

As I walked into the meeting room where Brat was waiting for me, I rubbed my hands through my hair and grabbed a bottle of water. I shook my head and sat down at the table, watching Brat stare out at the gardens, lost in his own thoughts. Hearing the squeaking of the chair wheels, he turned around and grabbed the back of the chair.

“So, what’s the scoop, boss?” he asked with a deep sigh.

“I could really use a glass of whiskey right now,” I said, chuckling. “But I suppose this water will have to do.”

“I promise when we get through this, we will both have a beer, on me,” he replied.

“So, this is where we are,” I said, lowering my voice. “I cannot grant this guy his request. First of all, it would never fly, second of all, we know that he would never stop coming back with the same threat over and over again. So, that’s out.”

“What does Adriana have to say about it?”

“She thinks that transparency is the best option,” I replied shaking my head. “She wants to tell everyone the truth. I love her, but I am not going to let that happen. She doesn’t need any more grief after what she’s already been through.”

“She’s a smart woman with a big heart,” Brat smiled. “She just doesn’t understand yet. You are the most fierce and loyal friend I know. I knew you’d never let her reveal her secret.”

“Nope,” I replied. “So, what are our other options?”

“Well, we could have the Caspian burned to the ground, all the files and paperwork with it,” he replied. “We’d make sure the girls were out of the apartment, make sure no civilians are hurt, and just get rid of the place. Then, if he came forward, it would be his word against ours. Everyone would think it was some kind of extortion act of a desperate mad man.”

“True, but that could be tricky. What if one of the clients or the girls came forward and backed up that story? Either way, it would make waves that I really just don’t know if I want her to have to deal with. What else?”

“The only other option is getting rid of Reg Everly completely,” Brat said, leaning back in his chair. “That doesn’t mean your secret is safe forever, but it means it’s safe from him. But man, these are really crazy ideas. I mean, these kinds of solution to the problem are worse than the problem itself. I wedo any of this, it will become another secret we have to keep hidden from the world.”

I nodded. “I know,” I replied. “And you know I hate violence, Brat. You know that this is not something I would even consider if it weren’t so important.”

We sat in that meeting room for hours, throwing ideas back and forth to each other. I ordered a steady stream of coffee. I could tell it was an all-nighter. We only had until Monday afternoon to make our move, and it was already starting to get light outside again. I hadn’t heard a peep from Adriana and assumed she ended up going to bed without me.

I sent one of the service people to check on her around five in the morning, and they reported that she was up and moving around but seemed okay. I hoped that what I said the day before didn’t upset her too much. I never liked letting her go to bed without me, after leaving her alone so many nights before, but this was vital to our survival as a family.

I grabbed a donut off the tray of food by the counter and shoved it in my mouth. I needed some air. I was starting to feel hopeless. I walked over to the window and cracked it open, letting the approaching morning breeze hit me right in the face. Brat was at the table, jotting down different options, but in reality, we had pretty much tapped the reserve on ideas. I was starting to think, whether I liked it or not, taking Reg completely out of the picture might be the only way we got around this whole issue. My biggest problem with that, besides the obvious, was the slippery slope that would send us down. Not only would I face execution if I were implicated in a murder, but what would happen when the next person arrived, screaming he knew the secret? How many people would we end up killing just to hide our past?

This was all starting to sound like a bad mafia storyline, and I couldn’t believe I’d even thought about resorting to violence. I thought about Adriana and the baby, safe and sound inside the castle walls, and the feeling of comfort that that gave me. What if all that was taken away? What if we were cast out of the castle to fend for ourselves? I would never forgive myself if anything happened to Adriana or our child. It was just too risky. I needed to get this situation under control and fast.

I closed the window and started to pace the room, making plans in my head for an assassination of sorts. It would be simple, especially since Reg was nobody of high regard. But making sure all the details were set and secure was something that I absolutely had no idea how to do.

I walked over and sat down next to Brat, grabbing a pen and piece of paper. I thought about all the things I would need to do to make Reg disappear, and I started to make a list. If I was going to go down this path, we would have to get started. The clock was already ticking, and it wasn’t going to slow down for anyone. I tapped my pen against my mouth as Brat leaned back and stretched his arms over his head. He looked down at my paper and jumped from his chair, grabbing the notepad from my hands and tossing it into the fireplace.

“What are you thinking man?” Brat sounded shocked and appalled.

“I got to do what I got to do,” I replied, straight-faced.

“Okay, well before you go starting to assassinate people, hear me out,” he replied.

I watched as he walked over and grabbed his notepad off the table, giving me a sideways look as he began to pace the floor. He scanned his finger down the lines and lines of notes on the page. When he had gotten himself back together, he stopped in front of me like he was presenting to a board.

“Here is what we can do,” he explained. “There is legal recourse we can take here. Blackmail is a crime, especially against the Royal Court. Now, if we brought in a few trusted advisors, they could build a legal defense against Reg, barring him from speaking about Adriana, and possibly giving him a good amount of jail time for blackmail.”

“But what advisors could we bring on board that we trusted enough with that kind of information? I couldn’t be sure that it wouldn’t get leaked. And in the end, when all the court proceedings became public, so would her past. Either way, we would be exposing her, one way would just be controlled, while the other would be in Reg’s hands. Man, this seems impossible.”

“It’s not impossible,” Brat said with frustration. “We have to try to deal with this in a way that doesn’t dig an even bigger hole for us.”

I tossed the pen across the table and put my head down in my arms. I was exhausted. I hadn’t slept well in days, and I was so wildly out of it, I had actually considered murdering someone. There had to be away around this that didn’t include destroying my bride and my child in the process. No matter what Adriana said, I knew if the truth came out, she would be mortified, and possibly never forgive me. No matter what understanding we came to, I knew my past actions played a role in our future. I picked my head up as Brat’s phone vibrated against the table. He reached over and pressed the button, looking down at the screen. His eyes grew wide for a moment before he turned toward me. I lifted an eyebrow at his reaction and grabbed his phone from his hands. What could it possibly be now?

“Wait, how do you work this thing?” I tilted the phone back and forth trying to see the video he pulled up.

He grabbed it and set it up in front of us. As the screen popped back up, we watched as Adriana, dressed in a beautiful suit with perfect hair and perfect makeup, sat down on the couch in the Queen’s interview room. My mother was standing behind her and a journalist was to the left. I looked at Brat with panic, and he put his hand on my shoulder. She was getting ready to tell her story, and there was nothing I could do to stop her.

Chapter 29: Adriana


I knew it was a risk, and I knew Milos was probably going to be angry, but after he left the night before, I really thought about everything. When it came down to it, I knew I was right. I knew that if I could tell my story, if I could tell it from my perspective, I would be able to control it. Otherwise, either it was going to get leaked and I was going to humiliate myself, my husband, my child, and the Kingdom, or Milos was going to do something that really put him in danger. I didn’t even want to think about the lengths that man would go to protect me and our family. It was terrifying. So, I made the choice. I went to the Queen’s chambers and told her everything.

I was so nervous, sitting there in front of her, watching and waiting for her disappointed look. I left out the part about the marriage contract, only because it wasn’t important, and I was pretty sure that Reg had no idea that part had happened. When I was done telling my story, she took a deep breath and sat silently, sipping her tea and thinking. It seemed like the longest five minutes of my life, waiting for her to either throw me to the wolves or agree to help me carry out my plan. Finally, she set her tea cup down on the table and leaned forward.

“Adriana,” she began. “I knew all of this.”

“What?” I said, flabbergasted.

“Did you think I wouldn’t do a little research into the next Queen of Silesia?” she responded with a chuckle. “When it came down to it, I saw you for who you were. You are a kind-hearted, strong, intelligent woman that I believe will lead this country even further into greatness. I knew that this situation would come up eventually, and I assumed after watching my son leave in the worst disguise ever, that you would be knocking on my door soon enough.”

“I’m sorry for lying to you,” I responded.

“Water under the bridge my dear,” she said, patting my hand. “Let’s get this all squared away, shall we?”

That is how I ended up here, sitting in the interview room, with clammy hands, too much makeup, and a very respectable skirt suit, waiting for the reporter to get there. I knew this was a dangerous gamble, and neither I, nor the Queen, knew how everyone was going to react. But I couldn’t live the rest of my life in fear, wondering when I was going to turn the corner and see my face on the cover of the tabloids. I also knew that I could not live with the idea of Milos having blood on his hands for “taking care of” the situation. This was the only choice I had, and I knew that no matter the outcome, it was the right one to make.

The Queen seemed to know exactly what to do, who to call, and what to tell me to calm my nerves. Though I was pretty sure this exact thing had never happened before, I assumed the Queen was pretty used to putting out fires in the Kingdom, especially with Milos as her son. The journalist was a good friend of the Queen’s and had covered all the major stories in the castle since the Queen was younger. She had a kind smile and a professional air to her. I was reassured that she would do everything she could to make this information get out to the public as easy and gently as possible. I took a deep breath as she sat down across from me, trying to ignore the camera in my face. When we were live, I held my composure and waited for the tough questions.

After introducing me to the viewers, she jumped right into it, pausing for a moment when the Queen entered the frame and sat next to me, grabbing my hand and nodding for her to continue. It was comforting having her by my side, and it was the first real time I had ever felt like I had a mother to support me. The interview itself was difficult to get through, having to reveal my deepest secrets to the world, but the reporter spun them into a positive light every time she had the opportunity. I could hear Milos’s voice on the other side of the door, but the guards were instructed to keep him out until we were finished. The reporter gave me a chance to address the audience, so I turned to the camera, still clutching the Queen’s hand, and took a deep breath.

“As we go through life, we make decisions based on what we truly believe will be best at the time. Sometimes they really do turn out to be what we believe they will be, but sometimes, we look back with regret. I do not regret working hard, supporting myself, and my family, and doing what I needed to do to put food on the table and clothes on my back. What I do regret is not being honest with you, our beautiful patrons of Silesia, from the beginning. I've learned that no matter where you are in life, whether it be sitting next to the Queen, working in a factory, dancing, or farming, always hold truth, pride, and accountability to the highest standards. Thank you for hearing my story.”

When I was finished, the Queen nodded to the reporter who had the cameraman focus in on her. I didn’t realize she was going to address the crowd, and I watched nervously as she straightened her crown. She smiled at the camera and cleared her throat.

“When Adriana came to our castle, I couldn’t have been more thrilled. When I learned of this news, it did not diminish that excitement one bit. We love our future Queen with all our hearts, and I know that my husband would have stood by this young lady with pride and love. We here in Silesia will always hold Princess Adriana in the highest regard.”

When she was done, she turned to me and pulled me in for a hug, holding on even after the cameras were shut off. I relaxed and embraced her back, thankful for her love and compassion. As she let go and the cameras rolled away, the doors swung open and Milos entered, holding his hands in front of him, a worried look on his face.

“Why did you do that?” he asked, worry filling his voice. “Adriana, I told you that I would take care of this. Why would you purposely expose yourself like that? I have been doing everything I possibly can to avoid allowing you to feel even a pin drop of pain. I love you, and I have put you through enough, but then you go and inflict this pain upon yourself. I just don’t understand.”

“Milos,” I said kindly, taking his hand. “This was the only viable option. You may have had plans, but if you really looked at what you were planning, you would realize they were worse options than just shouting it from the town square. With the support of your mother, we were able to get ahead of a story that, no matter what you did, would have one day exploded into the media. However, choosing to go this route, I just took the power out of their hands and put it in the Kingdom’s hands. From here, we can only hope that our transparency and love for the people of Silesia will show through, and they will take kindly to my past and look forward to the future.”

“I don’t think that is what you have done,” Milos replied. “I think you have just outed yourself to everyone and let them choose how they see you.”

“They are going to choose how they see me, regardless of where the message comes from,” I replied softly. “But this way, they can see what lies in my heart, not just in my past.”

“I think she might be right,” Brat said as he walked through the doors. “The story is trending on social media. People are loving how their future Queen not only had the courage to come forward with her story, but had a meager beginning just like them.”

“I knew this would work,” the Queen said smiling. “But what does your old, crazy mother know?”

“We should have come to her before,” I said. “She already knew where we met. She was waiting for us to come to her for help.”

“Mother,” Milos said, walking over to her. “You knew, and you didn’t say anything?”

“Sometimes, my job is to let you figure things out on your own,” she said, laughing. “This time, however, I’m glad you had Adriana to take the reins. I can only imagine what you two boys came up with.”

“Hey, I was just along for the support,” Brat replied, putting his hands up in the air and smiling. “But listen to this. The Silesia Times reports, ‘#QueenOfOurHearts is currently trending on all social media channels after Princess Adriana came forward, Queen in tow, to come out about her past as an exotic dancer and her courageous rise to the top. The people of Silesia are applauding the young Princess for her bravery in the face of adversity. They feel she is a true representative of the people, showing even the most meager of peasant can grow and chase their dreams of royalty.’ Wow, Adriana, you really knocked them dead.”

“I owe you an apology,” Milos said, stepping forward and taking my hands. “You are my wife, and as such, you are my partner. I should have listened to you. I was so terrified that you would feel even an ounce of pain or humiliation that I was hell bent on making it all disappear. In the end, your wisdom and courage are not only what made me fall in love with you, but they are what saved us from a lot of negative consequences. I promise from here on out, I will do my best to listen to you and work through these things as partners, instead of fearing the outcome.”

“I love you for loving me so much,” I responded. “But you have to get over what happened early on in our relationship, because I have. That was another time and another man. You have grown and become one of the most honorable and noble men I have ever known, and when you stoop to things like you did today, it takes away from your caring and loving person. You know what the right answer is. You just have to push back those fears and embrace it. I am never going anywhere ever again, and I know that working together, we can create a beautiful life for us, our child, and our kingdom, hand in hand.”

“You are a wise woman,” he said, leaning down and kissing my lips. “And I promise to walk hand in hand with you from now on.”

“Good,” I replied, stepping back and taking in a deep breath. “Now, who wants to send the guard to pick up Reg and throw him in jail?”

Everyone laughed, though it wasn’t really a joke. Milos walked forward and took my hand, kissing the back of it and then bringing me in close for a hug. I missed his touch so much, and I was more than glad the last few days were over with. We could finally take a deep breath and move forward, no fear, no questions, and no worry. I looked down and rubbed my belly as the baby flipped and flopped inside. The baby knew I was finally feeling better, and it could hear its father’s voice, calm and collected like it should always be. I loved my life, and now I could fully live it.

Epilogue: Milos


The amount of people that turned out to greet us at Adriana’s last public appearance before the baby’s due date had to have been a record. I had never seen so many people gathered around the castle at once. They were cheering, chanting, waving roses, and holding signs of well wishes for Adriana and the baby. Even the tabloids had broken from tradition and ran positive stories, lifting her name up and praising her for her courage and strength.

The outpouring of love was almost overwhelming, and even my mother was taken aback by it, and she wasn’t easily surprised. They absolutely adored their future Queen and could not wait until the baby was born, and she could take her place on the throne. I was so relieved, especially now that I was able to step back and really look at the situation, and see that Adriana had followed her instincts and addressed the country as a whole. It had gone better than I could have ever imagined. Even more, with the love they felt for her, came an automatic acceptance and love for our child that was due any day now.

We had decided at the last sonogram to hold out and wait to see what the baby would be. I had my suspicions that it was a boy, and even though Adriana would only reveal that she hoped for a healthy baby, I knew she had a gut feeling of whether it was a little Prince or Princess. Either way, we had finished the nursery and hung up the excessive amount of clothes and baby items that we had picked up over the last few months.

Our mothers finally got to see their hard work come to fruition when the baby shower of the century was thrown in the kingdom’s gardens. They had more flowers than I think I had ever seen in one place, along with games, fireworks, and pretty much every important person in Europe, including the Prince of England and his wife. It was quite the celebration, and it almost eclipsed our extravagant, royal wedding. I was just happy to see Adriana more relaxed than I had ever seen her, and enjoying being free from secrets.

Reg had been apprehended trying to sneak out of Silesia after watching the broadcast of Adriana’s confession. He attempted to play it off, but no one was buying the idea that he just wanted a casino built inside the capital. He was taken to court very quickly, and we are still waiting on the final ruling from the judge. However, from the looks of his cocky and demeaning attitude when he took the stand, it looked like Reg will be staring down the back side of a set of bars for a very long time. Adriana didn’t really like the idea of retribution at first, but after hearing him degrade her on the stand, and watch as the whole country came to her defense, she came to a good place and was pretty happy to watch Reg be shoved into an orange jumpsuit and put to work in the local prison system.

When the courts seized all his property, Adriana requested that I do her a favor. I granted Sveta, her best friend, the right to run the Caspian while we sorted out the whole mess. Turns out Sveta was quite the business woman, and before long, the place was more than booming. All her girls were properly taken care of and paid. It may still be a strip club, but Sveta was not taking any shit from her clients and always made sure that the dancers were treated like human beings.

As a surprise, I had Sveta flown up for the baby shower. She had handled herself with so much grace and class, no one even realized she was Adriana’s best friend from the strip club, not even my mother. I had a sneaking suspicion that Brat had a crush on her, but he knew convincing his family, though not first-generation royalty, would be harder than convincing the whole of Silesia that it was an honorable upbringing. By the end of the shower, I had promised Sveta that once the assets were fully seized to pay off his debts, I would help her become the full owner of the property. She had big plans to expand, not in Silesia of course, but definitely in other places across Europe.

Adriana and I had taken a small vacation to Prague to visit Sveta and grant the media a one-time ability to tour the Caspian. They had been begging for the ability since Adriana had come forward with her news, and finally, we decided to give in. Adriana requested not to be on camera, so we let Sveta take the reins. The place looked completely different from when we had first met. Sveta had gotten rid of all the tacky red velvet, and the place was fully decked out in gothic style décor. You might think it would tacky, but the way she incorporated the history of Prague into every art piece that donned the walls, it was almost like taking a tour through a museum.

It was gorgeous in every way possible, and Sveta even had talked about turning it from a strip club into more of a theatre. She wanted to give the girls the chance to really show their creative side, so the shows were no longer just girls bouncing up and down the stage. They were choreographed numbers, set to new age music, with amazing pageantry. She had even built a separate stage for herself, where she put together a new age art installation where she painted canvasses in the nude. The clients loved it, and every night was packed to capacity.

Back home, when we weren’t preparing for my crowning or the baby’s birth, we were relaxing in our wing of the castle, watching old movies, talking until the break of dawn, or planning our next vacation to the island. We decided that after she had been crowned Queen, we would take the baby, who we decided would be named Milos, Jr., if it were a he, or Reece, if the baby were a girl, and go to the house for our first real family vacation. Knowing how much Adriana loved spending time with her newly sober mother and the Queen, we had two other houses built on the island so that when we went on family trips, everyone could be there to enjoy the time.

Of course, we definitely were going to go back by ourselves again, maybe when it was time to start trying for baby number two. Our mothers had already started asking when we would be announcing the second addition to our family, and we hadn’t even had the first.

It didn’t seem to bother Adriana at all. She talked about expanding our family as large as I wanted. Though having a big family definitely was in my plans, I was a bit more interested in the creating part of the deal than anything else. Adriana laughed whenever I said that and slapped me in the arm whenever I said it in front of my mother. Before the crowning, my mother had given Adriana a very special pair of earrings that she wore when my father was crowned. They were definitely a good team, and I couldn’t imagine a better choice in a mate, than Adriana was for me.

I couldn’t tell if my mother was more excited for the birth of her first grandchild, or her opportunity to finally retire. I had walked into her sitting area several times to find her in deep meetings with the gardening service, planning out huge expansions for her landscaping. It made me laugh to see her in such good spirits, and it made me realize that becoming the man I needed to be not only took a great deal of stress off of me, but it took a great deal of stress off of everyone that was around me. I even found the service staff to be much kinder toward me.

I had made sure that everyone that had to deal with me during those few weeks of alcohol rage inside my room got a card of apology and an extra bonus for the holidays. Adriana was proud of me for accepting that I had been a complete ass, and for being humble enough to apologize to those that deserved it, which was pretty much everyone.

As far as I went, it was just two days after my official crowning as King, and I had already enacted some laws that would start leading Silesia into the future. We were embracing alternative energy, and we were making agreements to improve the quality of our schools, our roads, and working conditions in the factories. The Parliament seemed pleased to have me on the floor with them whenever I saw fit, which I could see was regularly, and my mother actually looked at me as if I had finally made her proud.

My crowning ceremony was both exciting and bitter sweet, as I said goodbye to my father and my King, something I had not taken the time to do after his passing. However, having Adriana there as support was more than I could have ever asked for.

I stood in the doorway of the balcony overlooking the capital of Silesia, watching as my beautiful wife waved and smiled at all of her adoring fans. She had gone from a sassy, gold spandex wearing, hard headed girl to a beautiful, intelligent, and still sarcastic Princess of the people. I couldn’t believe how someone I hadn’t given two thoughts to at the beginning had jumped so swiftly into my soul. As soon as I saw the look in her eyes on our wedding night, even though I refused to admit it, I knew this woman had captured something in me that would forever change me as a person. Her beauty radiated from her body and soul, and her smile was what kept me going every single day.

I couldn’t even start to understand what kind of change she brought into my life. It was beyond anything I ever expected or ever felt that I deserved. She lit up my life with love and laughter from the first moment, and those feelings had only continued to grow as we awaited the birth of our first child. Looking back at all we had gone through really brought a sense of understanding as to how quickly life can change and move.

While she stood there, glowing with the life that was growing in her belly, I was standing here glowing with the love that she had given me. Though our child is one of the best things to ever happen to me, I couldn’t imagine a life without Adriana in it. She brought a sense of excitement and light to everything she touched, and I couldn’t remember a Princess in history, including my mother, that was so loved by everyone who came into contact with her. Her kindness and generosity spoke volumes to the people, so much so, that even though she had not made any speeches since her broadcast, the news reported on every charity event she hosted, every hungry child she fed and hugged, and every caring smile that came across her face.

I looked up at the bright sunshine beaming down on our Kingdom on this very special day and couldn’t help but feel like everything had changed in such an incredible way. I walked forward and wrapped my arms around Adriana, feeling the life moving in her belly below my hands. The crowd cheered even louder as she turned her head and kissed my lips. I buried my face in her hair as she continued to wave and acknowledge the people that came to see her.

“I love you, Adriana,” I whispered. “And I always will.”