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SINGLE DADDY DOM: Bone Breakers MC by Sophia Gray (44)



Maggie checked her reflection for the fifth time in the mirrored wall of the Lafitte Lounge as she waited for Gabe to arrive. Adamo sat in the corner, watching her closely.


Her mother had tried to apply Maggie's makeup and choose her outfit for the evening as she usually did before Maggie's arranged dates, but this time, Maggie refused and stood her ground. To Maggie, this second date with Gabe was even more special that the first. Now that they were both aware of the intense passion that burned between them, there'd be no need for small talk or pretense. They could bask in each other's presence completely, holding hands and embracing and kissing as they pleased. It was important to Maggie that for such a magical night, her makeup and clothing represented her, not her mother. It would make things more personal between her and Gabe, more intimate.


Amelia had protested for twenty minutes, but finally, she threw her hands up in frustration and stalked off. When Maggie emerged from her room almost an hour later, her mother raised her eyebrows in surprise and admitted that Maggie had managed to look beautiful all on her own. It was one of the nicest things Amelia had ever said to Maggie, and she had to stop herself from crying so her eye makeup wouldn't run.


Beautiful. Maggie couldn't remember the last time she'd heard anything from Amelia that wasn't harsh criticism, but today—when her heart was already singing with anticipation—her mother had actually called her beautiful.


Excitement tickled Maggie's stomach like rows of marching ants as she inspected her makeup in the mirror, then spun around slowly, watching the pleated hem of her dress twirl. How would Gabe arrange for them to be together after dinner, despite their respective bodyguards? Maggie didn't know, but she was sure he'd find a way. He was so brilliant and charming, she was sure he could get away with anything if he tried.


And then their bodies would be entwined again, and he'd be inside of her, and all would be right with the world.


When the menu comes, I'm going to order anything I want, Maggie decided firmly. I'll start with an appetizer—some kind of crab dip with thick, rich, gooey melted cheese—and some hunks of crusty garlic bread to slather it on. And then maybe a big Caesar salad with lots of parmesan and dressing. No, forget the salad...I'll go straight to the entree, something fried and spicy that'll make me feel like I want to burst by the time I'm done. And dessert! Something with dark chocolate and a mountain of whipped cream on top. Let Adamo tell my mother whatever he wants. I'll already have eaten, and it'll be too late for her to do anything about it. Tonight is my night, and no one can take it away from me.


Her stomach growled encouragingly.


Gabe walked in with Rodolfo behind him, and the jitters in Maggie's belly went into overdrive. Gabe waved at Adamo and walked over to Maggie with a big smile. “Sorry if I'm late,” Gabe said.


“If you are, you're worth it.” Maggie wrapped her arms around Gabe and planted a long kiss on his lips. He seemed taken aback at first, then relaxed into it slowly, his hands caressing her back.


“You look amazing,” Gabe murmured.


Maggie leaned forward to nibble on Gabe's earlobe playfully. “You'd better be able to find a way for us to be alone together later,” she whispered. “I can't wait.”


Gabe pulled away from her, and she saw that his eyes were full of concern and regret. “Yeah, um...about that.” He turned to Rodolfo. “Can you give us a moment alone, please?”


Rodolfo scowled at him.


“You can watch us from across the room, okay?” Gabe sighed angrily. “Look, there's Adamo. Go see if he knows any good jokes or something.”


Rodolfo rolled his eyes and loped over to where Adamo was sitting.


Maggie looked at Gabe as the first hints of worry crept into her mind. “What's wrong?”


“Look, what happened between us at the end of the last date...that can't happen again, Maggie. It never should have happened to begin with. It was disrespectful to you—”


“No it wasn't!” she protested. “I had a wonderful time. I thought you did, too. I thought it was special for both of us.”


“Sure it was. And I did have a wonderful time, honest.”


Maggie frowned. Her heart felt like it was plunging down a cold, dark, bottomless well. “'I did have a wonderful time, honest.' Wow. That sure sounds convincing.”


“It was a mistake. On some level, you have to realize that. I mean, it was our first date, for Christ's sake. All I'm saying is, let's take a deep breath, relax, enjoy a nice dinner together, and take things a little more slowly.”


“I don't think it was a mistake.” Maggie felt her face getting flushed, and her voice was starting to tremble. “I don't understand. Was I...that bad?”


“No, you were incredible. I had a terrific time. This isn't about that.”


“Do you not respect me anymore because I did that on the first date? Do you think I'm some kind of slut or something?”


“It was disrespectful to your father, okay?” Gabe snapped. “He trusted me to take you out on a date, and I abused that trust. If he found out, he'd be pretty pissed about it. And even if he never finds out, that still doesn't mean it was the right thing to do. He and I are going to be in business together, and I don't want it to start off like this. He's an honorable man, and I need to show him I'm one, too.”


Maggie blinked back tears. “This is because of my father? You're so afraid of upsetting him and ruining your business together that you'll just toss me aside?”


“No one's tossing anyone aside. Just relax, okay?”


“No, I won't relax.” Maggie sniffled as she felt the first hot tears traveling down her cheeks. Some of the other patrons were starting to stare at her, but she didn't care. “I thought you were different. I thought you really cared about me instead of sucking up to my father and trying to marry your way into his family. But you're just like all the others, aren't you? A slick, spoiled, greedy bastard who'll say and do anything to get my father's approval.”


“This isn't like that,” Gabe protested.


“Of course it is,” Maggie shot back, grabbing a napkin from a nearby table and dabbing at her eyes. “I should know. I've certainly seen it enough times.”


“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Let's just go over to our table and talk this out...”


“Why? Are you upset about jeopardizing your big payday? Don't worry, my father will marry me off to you whether I like you or not. So go on, make your important deals with him and keep kissing his butt. I guess I'll see you on our wedding day.” She pushed past Gabe, storming out of the restaurant.


Once she made it outside, she collapsed against the wall of the building, sobbing uncontrollably. Just a few minutes ago, she'd been eagerly awaiting the happiest night of her life. Now she wished she were dead.


“Miss Margherita? Are you all right?” Adamo was next to her, staring at her with his crab-like eyes and holding out a handkerchief.


But Maggie felt like she'd never be all right again.