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UNTAMED: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance by Zoey Parker (25)




As soon as I hung up with Adrienne, Micah exploded. “That fucking asshole!” He stood from his desk and brought his fists down on it, and in spite of the fact that I knew that it wasn’t directed at me, I felt my heart beating faster in my chest all the same. How twisted is my brain that this kind of turns me on a little bit? The idea of Manny beating up Adrienne wasn’t hot, but Micah’s reaction to it was. “Fuck!” Micah brought his fists down again and took a deep breath. “Bamber, you get your ass comfortable right here because you are not moving a fucking inch.” He looked at Rob. “Go back to the bar, but be ready in case Manny tries to pull something.” Rob nodded. Micah looked at Brody. “You know those friends we have in the next town?” Brody nodded. “Tell them Manny’s status is BD, and if he shows his face out there, the person who brings me his hands gets fifty G.” Brody nodded and took out his phone. Micah looked at me. “Sadie, you’re coming with me. I want to see what that motherfucker did to Adrienne with my own eyes.”


I’d wanted to go to Adrienne on my own, but I had to admit that if Manny had left anyone behind to watch the girl’s place, it made sense to have Micah with me. “Fine,” I said.


I followed him down the stairs from his office with Rob hot on our heels. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and every nerve in my body tingled. “We’re taking my bike,” Micah told me, not even looking at me. I wanted to argue, but I knew better by now. I could only hope that Micah would drive a little less erratically than my brother. Rob veered off and went to his car, leaving Micah and me alone.


Micah’s bike was obviously sweet, even to my untrained eyes: low and wide but somehow sleek, with a BMW logo. The back end had two big compartments attached to it, and Micah opened one of them, grabbed a pair of helmets. He held one out to me and I took it, trying not to show how the prospect of riding on his bike with him made me nervous. Before he closed the compartment, I could see a few other things—pipes, gloves, and I was pretty sure a knife or two. I tried not to think about it as Micah swung his leg over the bike and settled himself in the seat.


There was just enough room behind him for me to fit, and I realized with a mix of dread and excitement that I was going to be pressed right up against the boss himself. “Come on,” Micah said, looking at me over his shoulder. “Get on and let’s get out of here.” I took a quick breath and put the helmet on, fumbling with the straps for a couple seconds. My heart felt as if it was going to bust out of my ribcage as I tried to swing my leg over the bike behind Micah.


I was just starting to settle into the seat behind him when Micah turned the engine on, revving it quickly to get it going properly. I bit back a yelp and resisted the temptation to jump off of the bike as it roared around me. Over the grumbling, rumbling roar of the bike, I heard Micah shout back, “Hurry up, Sadie! Plant your ass in the seat.” I looked on either side of the bike to make sure that I wasn’t putting my feet on an exhaust pipe or something and sank down behind Micah. The motorcycle vibrated so hard underneath me that I wasn’t sure where my trembling ended and the machine’s shaking began; I could feel it between my legs, almost up against my pussy. Micah took his hands off of the handgrips and twisted in the seat to face me. “You’re going to have to be closer than that,” he shouted over the idling engine.


Steeling myself, I sank down further on the seat, and almost cringed as my hips pressed against the curve of Micah’s ass, and my pussy—barely covered by my skirt and panties—pressed against the warm seat. Even at an idle, the whole thing shook between my legs, and while I wasn’t sure, I thought I was starting to get wet from the stimulation. I gritted my teeth and pushed my legs against Micah’s and my butt down against the seat, and hesitantly wrapped my arms around Micah’s waist.


The bike roared to life and I almost cried out at the feeling of it between my legs. Micah leaned it to the side and kicked back the stand, and I thought my heart would jump up into my throat as he took off. Micah peeled out of the parking lot and I grabbed at his waist harder, almost shaking as the adrenaline rushed through me. I made myself relax a bit, and leaned into Micah just a little more. The feeling of the motorcycle humming between my legs, right up against my covered pussy, was exhilarating, and in spite of my worries about Adrienne, and Manny, I could feel myself getting turned on. What the hell is wrong with me?


I tried to focus on the problem at hand, but as Micah navigated the streets toward Adrienne’s place, I could feel my body starting to respond. I’d been on a friend’s scooter before, once or twice, but it was nothing like riding behind Micah—nothing like his bike. I was stressed out about the situation with Manny, but that almost seemed to heighten how sensitive I was, how thrilling the ride felt. My toes tingled, I had hot and cold flashes through my body, it was almost like sex itself.


I closed my eyes, because the way Micah was veering through the streets was too much for me to take with my stomach already doing flip flops inside of me, but all that did was make images of all the times that Micah and I had had sex flash through my head. I shivered, seeing myself pinned down on his desk taking him from behind, hearing his voice in my mind telling me that I was his own personal slut, feeling phantom versions of his hands on my body. Stop. Stop. You should be thinking about Adrienne: how hurt and scared she is. Or Manny. I gritted my teeth, trying to keep my breathing steady.


Struggling to think of anything but my now-dead sex life with Micah, I remembered the confrontation in his office. Chris was still back there, hopefully guarded by Brody, waiting to hear one thing or another from Micah, or Rob, or whoever. My brother—who had gotten me into this mess—had somehow managed to become the least important person in the room. I hoped that he was safe, that Manny wasn’t going to have the chance to come at him the way he’d gone after Adrienne. Manny isn’t that stupid; if he was, he wouldn’t have been able to get away with what he was doing for so long. I unconsciously pressed myself closer to Micah, until I was almost cuddling him, and tried to pull back but I couldn’t make myself do it. It felt too good to have my body pressed to his, it made too much sense. A little thrill worked through my spine and I had to remind myself once again to focus, to keep my mind on the problems and not the humming between my legs or the gorgeous, handsome man I was wrapped around.


I realized as we kept going that my nipples had hardened into little nubs, that they strained at the fabric of my bra, almost aching from how firm they’d become. It was like every single nerve of my body was awake, active, alive; it was so easy to see why so many people loved to ride a bike, why Micah loved to ride. When Micah stopped, the engine’s vibrations slowed down to a low throb, just enough to make my clit tingle. And when he roared through the intersections, it was almost as good as a vibrator set to high, right between my thighs.


Micah began to slow down and bank into a turn, and I thought we must be getting close to Adrienne’s place. I could still feel the body-wide tingling that the motorcycle revving sent through me, but as we got nearer to Adrienne’s apartment it was easier for me to focus. Manny obviously knew about what was going on, the fact that we’d gone to Micah. He’d tried to take it out on Adrienne—I assumed for going to Rob with what she knew—and he’d probably go after anyone else that he could. At least with Micah, I thought I was reasonably safe. As safe as anyone is in this insane situation. I thought about poor Adrienne herself; she was bleeding, and her voice on the phone had sounded like she’d taken a lot of damage to her face.


Before she’d put the phone on speaker, Adrienne had said something about Manny telling her she was going back to the street. Obviously he wanted to make sure she was beat up enough to not be able to work with the bankers. I shuddered at the thought of how bad it was going to be. Focus down, Sadie. You have to help her, and you can’t do that if you freak out. I opened my eyes and looked around just as Micah was pulling into a parking lot attached to one of the big apartment complexes, at least four or five different buildings.


I waited for Micah to not only park the bike but shut it off before I even thought about trying to dismount. My legs felt like jelly—tired and tight and weak all at the same time. I fumbled again with the straps to the helmet, but got the big thing off of my head and handed it to Micah, who was already putting his own away in one of the back compartments.


“Which unit is she in?” Micah looked at me with one eyebrow raised. “I’ve never visited her at her place.”


“She’s in building five, unit 213,” Micah said. “Let’s go.”