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A Secret Baby for Daddy Bear (Oak Mountain Shifters) by Leela Ash (259)



Glider helped Holly onto the bike and then climbed on himself. She gripped him around the waist and nuzzled into his back. She didn’t dare look to see if Elle was watching her. She could only imagine what she would think… not to mention the rest of the town who were there that night. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and sent Elle a quick text instead, letting her know not to worry and that they were going for a bite to eat.

Glider started up the engine with a deafening roar and pulled out of the lakeside and into the forest. As they zipped through the trees, it was as if they were the only two people on earth. It was so secluded and enchanting. Holly couldn’t believe her luck. She had never ridden a bike before, but now that she was on one with Glider, she knew she would be hooked. The feeling of having a powerful machine between her legs was addictive, and the sexy smell of gasoline mixed with whisky and smoke was driving her wild.

She whispered the directions into Glider’s ear so he could find the diner, and as they pulled off the road and into the parking lot, Holly could instantly tell that they had caught the attention of some of the people inside. The customers’ faces were turned and seemed to be pressed up against the window, but luckily some other bikes were lined up, so Glider wouldn’t be the first outlaw to wander into the Red Creek Diner and cause a stir.

He stepped off the bike and helped Holly down, too. He took hold of her hand and pulled her gently forward, as if they had been dating for years and were completely relaxed in each other’s company. Holly liked the way it felt to be led like that, she liked the feeling of someone else being in charge and complete control.

When they stepped inside, she smiled shyly at some of the other waitresses who all seemed extremely excited by the prospect of Holly bringing a hot biker into the diner. Glider nodded at some of the other men from his motorcycle club and they nodded back. Marie, one of the younger girls, showed them to a table by the window, and Glider sat back opposite Holly and smiled at her with respect and adoration as she spoke to Marie and took the menus.

“You’ve worked here how long, but you still need to look at the menu?” he laughed.

Holly felt her face blush and she shook her head and passed them back to Marie.

“You’re right, I was just thinking of you,” she smiled.

“Well, recommend something to me.” He leaned across the table and took hold of her hands. “I trust you.”

Holly swallowed hard. The feeling of his rough hands on top of hers was turning her on so much she almost forgot to breathe.

“Okay,” she stammered. “We’ll have two of the strawberry milkshakes.” As she said it, Glider looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “You said you trust me!” she laughed as she slapped him playfully on the wrist.

Glider held up his hands in defeat and then relaxed back into the booth. Holly was aware that a lot of eyes were on them, but she didn’t care. There was so much she wanted to ask him, about what had happened to his family and how he had coped, but at the same time, she knew the answers to it all.

“I was wary of moving here at first,” Glider said with a drawl. “But now I’ve met someone like you, I know it was all worth it.”

“You’ve only known me an hour,” Holly joked.

Glider took hold of her hands again across the table and squeezed them hard. “I know,” he whispered. “But it doesn’t matter… We’re the same, I can feel it.”

As his eyes burned holes in her, her temperature seemed to rise and her heart was racing so fast in her chest, she was sure he would be able to hear it.

Marie returned with the two milkshakes and set them down. Glider thanked her and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a smaller bottle of whiskey and winked before unscrewing the cap and pouring some into his. Holly laughed at him and then declined the offer of the same.

“You’ll ruin the taste,” she smiled. “It’s perfect just the way it is.”

“Nothing is perfect until whiskey is involved,” he winked.

Holly had the feeling she knew what he meant. 

As he drank it and watched her with his intense eyes, Holly knew that she was going to take him home. It was a rare thing to meet someone and have that instant attraction and connection with them. And after being single for so many years, she knew that the time was right to let herself go and discover someone new.

“I’m glad you came down to the lake tonight,” Glider said. “I really am.”

“So am I,” Holly smiled, “It feels like I’ve known you a long time.”

He knocked the drink back in record time and clapped his hands together.

“You’re right,” he said, “I ruined it with the whisky.”

Holly laughed and shook her head. “I told you.”

“Well, looks like I’ll be listening to you from now on,” he smiled at her and winked again.

“Okay then,” she said nervously. “Well, put me on the back of that bike of yours and take me home.”

Underneath the table their feet had twined together and one of his hands was resting on her knee.

“Well, alright,” he said.

Holly bit her bottom lip and watched as he climbed out of the booth and stood in front of her. As he took her hand and helped her to her feet, she felt tiny and protected by him, and as they walked out of the diner, she knew the next time she went back in there, she would be a changed woman.