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A Witch's Destiny (Web Of Dreams Book 1) by E.J. Bennett (11)

Chapter 11

“They killed each witch before they clocked that age” He responded slowly.

“Now, my life is on the line?” Divina asked calmly. It was a dream come true and a nightmare gone wrong. This was expected to be her best birthday, if not the best, the second best. She was twenty-one for goodness sake, how could all this just pop out from the blue. She was meant to finally be classed as an adult. Legally able to buy alcohol and party hard.

Aiden walked up to her. Traced her hair with his seemingly rough tender hands.

“Nothing is going to happen to you, we are here for you,”

Amy couldn’t get over it.

“I thought you had this,” she began to lament.

“Yes, I got this all figured out,” Aiden responded.

“I can see, you doing just that-”

“Don’t put this on me! It was your idea to keep all this from her and we are doing just that,”

Amy began nodding her head intermittently. She closed her eyes drawing Divina close to herself, hugging her tightly.

“Mom, what are we going to do? Where we going to go now?”

“We are going nowhere,” determination wrecked Aiden’s voice.

“Definitely, we are just going to give her to them right?” Amy asked sarcastically. She knew as soon as the supernatural world got wind of Divina that Blackclaw would have men looking for her.

“You know what to do. You just keep running away from it. This is our fate, we have to face it.”

At that moment the truth became inevitable. Amy would have to teach her little daughter how to defend herself or face the possibility of losing her daughter to the werewolves and the  vampires.

’oh no’ she quipped, as the thought of general Blackclaw holding Divina hostage swept through her mind. It was time for action she concluded. Amy would need the help of her divorced husband Aiden in order to defeat those who pose a threat to her daughter’s life.

She knew the future they all faced was dark and bleak. Full of uncertainty. Yet she would have to stay strong and protect her daughter at all costs.

“Divina my dear, I have a little truth to tell you,’’ Amy continued

‘’Oh mum, there is more isn’t they?’’ Divina raised her eyebrows.

‘’What could be more terrible than everything you and dad has withheld from me all through these years?’’ Divina said as tears welled up in her eyes. The situation finally hit home. She wasn’t who she thought she was. Hell her parents were supernatural beings.

Aiden on his part had been preparing for this day for a very long time. He knew his daughter was special and he tried convincing his wife to allow him to teach her some tricks in order to defend herself which Amy continually turned down. That continual rejection led to a strain on their relationship and then eventually divorce five years ago. He had tried teaching Divina some tricks without Amy knowing and that had led to multiple bruises on Divina’s body which she knew was Aiden’s fault.

“I should have insisted,’’ Aiden thought out loud. “If I had then, we would be having a much easier discussion than what we are having now,’’ he concluded. Aiden was still in the business of blaming himself when Amy blurted out.

“Aiden, I should have told you this a long time ago,’’ Amy said looking dejected.

‘’Tell me what huh? ‘’ Aiden was tired of being pushed out.

‘’A-m-y’’ Aiden called out with a perplexing look on his face, he was eager to hear what his ex-wife had in stock for him but he feared the worst at this stage.

Amy turned slowly turned towards her ex-husband and daughter, looking at them squarely in the eyes she said ‘’she is a dream-walker,’’

‘’I know I should have told you Aiden but I- was-

‘’What? Dream- walker? Divina shot a glance at her father.

Aiden responded by giving her a “I-am-just-hearing-about-it-now look”.

“Why didn’t you tell me?’’

“You just didn’t trust me enough after everything we have been through?’’ she said sadly. She had known awhile when Divina was a small child she had entered her dream and scared Amy to death. After that she had bounded her powers so that no other occasion could arise with Divina’s rare gift.

‘’Wow this is unbelievable, what else should Divina and I know about? Aiden said with scorn on his face.

‘’Am so sorry, I love both of you so much but I-’’

‘’Mum don’t call that love,’’ Divina interjected. She was sad that even her dad didn’t know about this dream-walking thing.

Amy continued.

“I found out about this dream-walker thing late because it is very rare in my family,’’

‘’my twin sister has been the only dream-walker in my family for ages,’’

Divina on her own part was getting more confused than she was before. She woke up on her Twenty first birthday expecting to have fun but only to discover that there is a moon and star on her shoulder and her parents just confirmed that she wasn’t crazy and somehow a supernatural being and in fact a great one at that. Now she just learnt her mum had a twin sister she never mentioned before.

“Well Mum, I think you are the most secretive person I have ever met,’’ she said half-heartedly.

‘’You never mentioned that you had a twin sister, you just keep hiding things from me-all these secrets are just-’’

“Pumpkin I was only trying to protect you from the past. Who we were before we had you. But I think you have to do that yourself,’’ she said clenching her fist.

“We will teach you,” Amy continued, “how to fight,” Aiden concluded as both gave each other a wink.

Amy and Aiden were notorious for finishing each other’s sentences and it gave both much pleasure to know that they could still to do so after several years of being apart.  Divina was excited about the notion of being taught how to fight. She had always been picked on in her pre-school and it was indeed refreshing news to Divina.

‘’Of course I won’t hurt people,’’ she said happily.

‘’At least not the people who don’t deserve it,’’

Amy and Aiden knew that the burden of teaching their daughter how to fight would have to be shared equally between them. Amy would be in charge of teaching Divina the witches spells and intimating her about her progenitors, while Aiden would be in charge of the fighting part he was quite good at it. Amy and Aiden both knew that teaching Divina would draw the attention of the witch-hunters and most importantly general Blackclaw but that is the risk they were willing to take as long as their daughter was safe and could keep herself safe.

‘’Divina pumpkin,’’ Amy called out as she sauntered towards the table to pick up the book of spells Aiden had brought.

“Listen to me carefully,’’ she said, “being a witch is no small joke and by the virtue of who you are, evil people will want to attack you. They will stop at nothing until you are dead,”

“Don’t worry mum,’’ Divina said reassuringly ‘’I will learn hard to defend myself from them,’’

Amy couldn’t hold back the tears in her eyes now she allowed them to roll over as she hoped freeing them would give some comfort. She wasn’t prepared despite the warnings from her husband. She quickly cleaned up and kissed Divina on the forehead and continued.

“Dad and mum loves you so much, but the only thing we can do now is to teach you how to protect yourself,’’ Amy said controlling her emotions.

“Mum I love you too,’’ Divina said as she gave her mum a full hug.

“You must always remember that every spell cast would demand an equally balanced opposite reaction, so you must be very careful. Everytime you use magic. It will be like a beacon for the witch hunters, ’’

‘’I will leave you to it now, call me if you need any help,’’ she concluded

Unable to hold her emotions together again she burst into some uncontrollable tears as Aiden rushed towards her leading her out of Divina’s room.

‘’She will be fine,’’ he said reassuring his ex wife but doubted the sincerity of those words. Divina was an twenty-one year old supernatural who had major evil perpetrators on her heels and she didn’t even know the simplest spells. She was barely an adult with the weight of so many hardships.

Divina took a moment to digest everything her parents had told her. A lot of things were now making sense to her. She had always been treated specially by her parents even though she didn’t have other siblings. There was always the sense of reverence her parents had always given her. Now that she knew who she was, she was determined to live up to every expectation.

Divina took a deep breath and opened the heirloom her mother had thrust into her hands.

“Hmm quite heavy,’’ she said as she tried muttering the first spell that caught her attention.

Bal ba arisa- krikum’’ she struggled.


AIDEN WOKE UP WITH a strain in his back. He had slept on the couch the previous night thinking about the troubles that had brought him to town. The sun shimmered in through the see through curtains. He breathed heavily and rolled over. He had been in town for three days and he had yet to see Vanir whom he owed a favor. By now his off springs were most likely dead and Vanir would be off on a killing spree. He prayed that wasn’t the case and that he would understand he had his own family to protect.

He stood up, glanced at his wristwatch it was some minutes after nine am. He picked up his phone and made a call to Vanir

‘’Hello Vanir how are you?’’ he asked knowing full well that the words he used just weren’t right for the situation.

‘’Aiden, am confused,’’ Vanir replied coarsely.

Aiden could sense the emotion in Vanir’s voice. Aiden could identify with his problems he knew how tough it was when Blackclaw got to you.

“They have my girls Aiden, my girls,’’

“It’s alright Vanir, I will help you,’’

Dropping the call, he made his way upstairs to check on his daughter and ex-wife. He met both of them reciting some spells and he left them to it.

“Am going to town, I need to see a friend, and call to see Pa,’’

“Ok dad, don’t be long,’’ Divina replied barely looking up from the giant book that she had been studying since it was given to her.

“Curious one,’’ he muttered to himself as he saw himself out of the building.

Aiden and Vanir had arranged to meet at a popular coffee shop down town and Aiden had been waiting for almost ten minutes for Vanir.

He entered the coffee shop with little or no noise. He was a middle aged man who had a bitter look about him. He had lost his wife to cancer at a younger age and Blackclaw now had his daughters. That was nothing to be happy about.

‘’Hello Aiden it’s good to see you,’’ Vanir said as he took a seat opposite him.

“Am sorry to hear about your daughter’s man, how can I help?’’

Vanir took his time to divulge all his ordeals to Aiden. He had helped Aiden when he was wounded one time and Aiden at that time told him he owed him one. Now was the time to repay the favor. If Aiden had known that Vanir would want his debt paid when his own family was at risk then those words would never have left his lips.

“My girls are the most important things in my life now, I don’t want to lose them,’’ Vanir bowed his head to hide a stray tear.

Blackclaw won’t touch them,’’ Aiden said with a sympathetic look.

Blackclaw said I should bring him a girl who is a Lycan god mother and a . . .’’

Hearing the world Lycan- god mother, Aiden’s face tightened up and he tried to keep himself calm. Blackclaw was already in motion sending his friend to get her.

‘’Vanir, it’s my girl,’’ Aiden blurted out with his eyes closed. He had stopped by to see his Pa before he had met up with the man. Pa had done nothing but shut Divi lycan-godmother. He couldn’t believe it. Is daughter was the chosen one. The one in the prophecy.

“How? You mean Divina is the Lycan god mother,’’ Vanir said agape.

“Yes she is the lycan god mother, dream-walker, queen of the witches and some other stuff I don’t know,’’ Aiden said with little joy.

There were both at a cross road. Vanir was determined to rescue his daughters before they become meals for Blackclaw and his pack. Aiden was a very skilled hunter who knew first-hand about defense, and would go to any lengths to protect his own daughter.

Why had he told a desperate man the one secrete he should have held close? At that moment Aiden feared he had created a bigger problem. He had given up his daughter’s identity.

“What should we do now?’’ Vanir broke the silence.

“We will have to work together to kill Blackclaw,’’ he said as he whispered into Vanir’s ear. He needed him onside and not against him.

They exchanged pleasantries and both headed in different directions both cutting a little smile on their faces. They had a plan in motion, one Blackclaw would never expect.

Divina was getting stronger by the day and she was a quick learner. She was the hope of the world and the worlds of the Lycans and vamps. She had to fulfill her destiny in order to break the curse that had been placed on the witches. She had to be brave, face the strongest supernatural being that ever lived and must conquer. Still she couldn’t stop thinking about Kane.

“What’s all these dreams about,’’ she inquired from herself.

There is much at play here than what meets the eyes and Divina was determined to find out why she was so attracted to the man her best friend had called the perfect man, her property.

“Time Divina, time,’’ she reassured herself.

She was pulled out of this conscious thinking when she heard her mum’s car pulling into the driveway.