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Chasing Pan: Tales from Neverland (Dark Fairy Tales Book 3) by S Cinders (37)

CHAPTER 37 – Alex

“WHAT IN THE HELL IS this?” Silver raged as we all stared at the blank map. Obviously, it had been created to work in code, but without the knowledge of how to release the images, it was about as useful to us as toilet paper.

Silver tried using smoke, almost damn near burned the sheet up in the process. He tired salt water, sand, and even blood. But no matter what he tried, nothing worked.

Tiger Lilly was once again locked up in the cabin below, and I was glad that she wasn’t there to see Silver losing his shit. The man was ranting and raving at everyone. He sounded more like the red queen threatening his men that they were going to lose their heads, than the Silver we knew.

To me, there was only one person left to turn to, Tinkerbell.

If it was magic causing the map to be blank, she would be able to unlock it. I supposed that Puck could also help, but I didn’t know about Peter. When he was tossed from fairly land his magic was taken away. For a time, when he first came, Peter could still fly. But that had been a long time ago.

“We need the fairy, Silver,” he flinched, as I voiced my opinion.

“We don’t need any more fucking fairies, Alex!”

“Captain, if this is coded by magic, that is the only way to unlock it,” I leaned in close. “And if Hook gets a hold of the map you might as well give up.”

“Do you trust her? I haven’t met a fairy yet that is worth putting my trust in. Shit, the reason we are in this mess is that Peter stole the treasure from me in the first place, and then Hook got ahold of it. I wish I knew what happened to it after that.”

It struck me at that moment that I didn’t have a fucking clue what I was doing. I was double-crossing Silver every bit as much as Peter had all those years ago. To make matters worse, I was working for my father who hadn’t the decency to claim me as his bastard son.

Was I fighting on the right side?

Who were the good guys?

Silver wasn’t evil. He might be shrewd, double-crossing, and a downright dirty fighter. But did that make someone bad?

In the same regard, what was Hook? There had been times in my life when I would have sworn that he was the evilest man alive. But that wasn’t true either.

“Why do you want the treasure?” I blurted out, not answering his previous question.

Silver’s jaw ticked, “It’s my treasure.”

I got that, I really did. But something still nagged at the back of my mind.

“If you take it from Neverland, the island will die, all of these creatures will die. Are you ready to sentence everyone to death?”

Silver’s jaw tightened, “The treasure doesn’t make the island survive, it is the Never Stone.”

“Isn’t that part of the treasure?” I didn’t understand.

It seemed like everyone was speaking in circles. Who was to be trusted or was anyone? I was starting to wonder.

Silver grunted, “I asked you a question before.”

I raised a brow, “No, I wouldn’t trust any of them.” And then I looked him straight in the eye, “But I don’t think I’d trust you either.”

Instead of becoming angry, Captain Silver threw his head back and laughed.

“Smart Lad!”

I grumbled something about needing to check on the hostage and slipped down below.

As soon as I opened the door, Tiger Lilly looked up from where she was reading on the berth. Her gorgeous eyes raked my face, and I felt my cock twinge.

Damn, she was so beautiful that it hurt to gaze upon her perfect features. I locked the door behind me and went to speak with her. But first I needed a small taste of her lips.

Tiger Lilly tilted her head up as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The moment our lips touched I would have sworn that the room illuminated with light.

Magic, this woman’s love was pure magic.

And then I heard the voices.

“What the fuck?” I reluctantly wrenched my lips away.

Tinkerbell and Puck stood in the small cabin with bright eyes.

“You can’t be here! Silver wants to capture one of the fairies to figure out the map.”

“Why are you here?” Puck demanded, shoving Tinkerbell behind him. “I thought you worked for your father?”

“He might share my blood, but Hook has never been a father to me. Don’t refer to that bastard as my father.”

Tinkerbell raised her brow, and pushed past Puck, “Alex, what is going on?”

It didn’t take very long to catch them up as to what was happening onboard the Henrietta. They filled us in on the camp of rebels.

“We went to Hook first,” Tinkerbell added, “But he smugly said that he already had a plan in place. That must be you.”

I felt like I had to lay out my misgivings, “I don’t know who to believe.”

Puck smiled, “You are smarter than you look, pretty boy.”

I scowled as the girls giggled.

“Neither pirate should get a hold of the Never Stone,” Tiger Lilly wrinkled her brow, “The question is how we get it before they do and who do we entrust with such a valuable object.”

“I have an idea about that.”

I turned in shock to see my best friend, Ebony, and Peter.

“How? What?”

Ebony raised one sassy brow, “Did you think that we would abandon you, Alex?”

“No, but I don’t know how this is possible.”

Ebony looked over at Peter, the love in her gaze, was almost embarrassing to behold. But I was happy for her. This woman had been like a sister to me all these years, and if anyone deserved a happily ever after, she did.

Peter cleared his throat, “Puck and Tinkerbell can be rather convincing when they want to be.”

“So, what is the plan?” Tiger Lilly asked.

Puck grinned and shimmered into the exact replica of Captain James Bartholomew Hook. Every affectation was the same from the way he held his head to the cock jut of his jaw.

Then Tinkerbell turned to Ebony, “It’s time.”

Ebony smiled at the curvy blonde, “Tinkerbell, I wish you were small again.”

There was a flash of disappointment as the fairy began to shrink in size. I knew that she hated being in that diminutive form. But they clearly had thought this out, so I waited to hear what the plan would be.

Puck turned to the rest of us, “I should probably say that I am sorry for this.”

His cocky smirk had me hesitant.

“What are you...?”

In a flash, we were all shrinking the same way that Tinkerbell just had. I watched Tiger Lilly’s hair lighten and her form change.

He wouldn’t.

Shit on a stick—he did.

Fuck me if there weren’t five tiny identical fairies gaping at each other.

“You made me into a fucking chick?” I fumed.

Puck’s laugh made me want to put a fist through him. But considering that he was huge, and I looked like a firefly I resorted to flipping him off.

Tinkerbell smirked, “You even have the attitude down.”

I wasn’t even sure if it was Tinkerbell that had spoken. That smart remark had Ebony written all over it.

Then I looked down and realized I had tits. I know how inappropriate the thought was.

But I am a guy, and these things are like the holy grail.

I cupped my breasts, "Holy Fuck!"

Three very angry Tinkerbell's descended upon me, kicking my ass. 

All the while Puck laughed.