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Devour by Susan Bliler (2)

Chapter 2

Modess sat in the mess hall of the Shadow Walker Pack.  The Shadow Walker Alpha, Michael, postured beside him but it was a pitiful sight.  Michael was a good enough Alpha, but he was shit compared to Modess.  Spine rod straight, Michael flared his shoulders out in an attempt to match the sheer size of Modess.  It wasn’t happening.  Leading the Blood Lust Pack through years of endless battle had honed Modess into a combat hardened beast.  He was the largest shifter in the room.  Impatient, easily riled, and currently bored as fuck, Modess let his eyes roam over the two dozen shifters settled at cafeteria style tables beneath the dais on which he, his Beta, Bull, and Michael and his Beta currently sat.  He’d only brought a handful of his own pack on this “visit”, which was actually an attempt by Michael to negotiate fighters from Modess’ pack.  Wasn’t fucking happening, but if Michael wanted to lavish food, women, and drink onto he and his men, it was fine with him.

Four females approached the dais. When Michael nodded, they brought their trays up and settled them on the table before the two Alphas and their Betas.  Fuck the food, Modess eyed the ample cleavage that was clearly on display in an attempt to sway Modess into accepting one of them and agreeing to Michael’s request.  Hell, he liked big bouncy tits as much as the next man, but he wasn’t about to lose any of his fighters over some pussy he could get with the snap of his fingers back home.

As Alpha, he had his pick of the unmated females back at Blood Lust and he could easily have his choice of any of them.  If Michael wanted fighters, he’d need to offer Modess something he didn’t already have.

One of the platinum blonde females bent low to fill his mug with the pitcher of beer she carried.  He stared at her tits, but clamped a hand over his mug.  He had no intentions of drinking in foreign territory while he and his men were so greatly outnumbered. Granted, he knew he could easily take half the pack by himself, but still.  Best not to lose his head.

Michael leaned toward him, “You’re not drinking?”


The scent of Michael’s nervousness spiked and for the fucker’s sake, it had better be because Modess was proving to be a difficult negotiator and nothing else.

Rolling his shoulders, Modess glared at the group of shifters seated at their tables.  Several cast curious glances at him, but most kept their attention on their own glasses or their pack mates sitting across from them.

Lifting his hand, Michael shooed the females away and snapped twice.  Modess didn’t even bother stifling the bored sigh that left him.  He’d come all the way to Shadow Wolf territory for this?  Fuck!  He could’ve had beer, pussy, and dinner back home.

Even more women entered the room as dinner was ushered in.  They flanked both walls, each wearing similar skimpy outfits.  Modess thought it was pretty fucking tacky of the Alpha to use the women of his pack like this.  Modess would never ask his females to do anything so shameful, regardless of what it was his pack needed.  If he couldn’t earn it with muscle and mettle, then they would live without it.

“Dinner,” Michael offered lamely as one of the women settled a tray of food before Modess.  Tired of the sport, he didn’t even bother looking at the women’s breasts as she bent further than necessary.  Her demeaning display was in direct contrast to the scent of fear wafting from her.

The food didn’t look particularly enticing, but the smell that hit him had his belly grumbling.  He’d foregone lunch to get to Shadow Wolf earlier in the hopes that they’d settle their business and he and his pack would be on the road back to Blood Lust sooner.

The women along the walls served the men, but Modess didn’t wait.  He didn’t wait for Michael either, which was bad form, but he was fucking hungry.

Lifting his fork, he jabbed at the concoction of what looked like a pile of noodles, green peppers, and seared steak coated in smooth brown gravy.  A huge forkful passed his lips and then he was glaring at the room and chewing.  Holy fuck!  He must have been way hungrier than he’d initially thought because this shit, whatever it was, tasted like fucking heaven.

Another forkful filled his mouth. He ignored Michael’s attempts at conversation as he continued to shovel up the entire plate. He even used the outside tine of his fork to scrape the remaining gravy off the plate.

“D-does he want more?”

“Yeah, sweetheart.  Bring him more.”

Modess jerked his gaze to the side to frown at his Beta, Bull, who answered for him.  Looking toward the female scurrying away, Modess realized he was hunched over his plate with it drawn in close to his chest like a wolf protecting a carcass.  He glanced around and saw a few people watching him in clear shock.  Forcing his shoulders to relax, he realized he looked as though he was concerned about someone snatching his plate from him, which was fucking stupid.  No one took anything from him, ever!

The woman came back and set a second plate of food on the edge of the table, pushing it toward him with the very tip of one of her long red fingernails, afraid to get too close.

Shrugging indifference, he shoved his empty plate away and snagged the full one, pulling it to him before digging in.

Flicking a glance at Michael, he saw the Alpha was smiling and nodding in approval.  That bothered him, so his fork stilled and his nostrils flared as he scented the food.  Is it drugged?  All he could smell though was food.  Damn good food.  Taking a moment, he swallowed his bite down and then ran his tongue over the roof of his mouth checking for any residue that would indicate his meal had been tainted.  He found nothing, but to err on the side of caution, he shoved the rest of his food away and wiped his mouth with the napkin that had sat beneath his silverware.

“We have an exceptional cook,” Michael offered quietly.

As far as Modess could tell, the cook was the only thing exceptional about Shadow Wolf.  Hell, even their name was awful.  Who the hell wanted to be a Shadow Wolf? In his opinion, it was indicative of cowardice.  Wolves shouldn’t hide in the shadows.  They were apex predators for fuck’s sake!  He and his pack owned the light, standing defiantly among any who would issue challenge.

One of the women approached with a pitcher of beer and filled Michael’s mug.  When she turned to leave, Modess grunted. When she turned to look back, he held out his own mug.  If the ale was safe enough for Michael, it was safe enough for him and a mug or two couldn’t hurt.  Besides, the food had been excellent. One of the few small enjoyments in his life was the rare occasion that Modess found an exceptional meal.

Frowning at the room of shifters over the rim of his mug, he drank down half its contents in one swallow. His eyes slid to where the few members of his pack were seated.  Empty plates sat in front of them along with full mugs of beer.  Three or four had smiling, eager, females on their laps.  Apparently Michael took it as a good sign because he asked, “Can I interest you in one of our females for the night?”

He knew Michael expected him and his men to stay, but that hadn’t been the plan.  Originally, Modess had intended on coming, hearing Michael out, shooting him down, and heading straight back.  Now though, his belly was mostly full and the beer was relaxing him some.  Maybe staying for one night wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

Beside him, Bull leaned over, tearing his eyes from the blonde woman he’d been watching since they’d entered the dining hall and quietly suggested, “We could leave first thing in the morning.”  He jerked his chin to where two members of their pack sat, one with a female on his lap, the other wearing a stoic expression as he scanned the room.  “Christian and Henry aren’t drinking tonight.  They can stand guard.”

With a grunt, Modess looked from Bull to Henry and Christian.  As if the Blood Lust pack had to stand guard against even the strongest of Michael’s wolves.  Hell, the reason they were there was because Michael needed help teaching his men to become fighters.  Michael flicked him a hopeful glance while Bull looked from Modess back to the blonde woman.  She wasn’t like the others, wasn’t throwing herself at his pack, and Modess admired her for it.  Glancing at Bull, he smirked.  His Beta was notorious for avoiding the female species.  Many had wondered if he batted for the other team, but Modess knew the truth.  Bull had been too preoccupied helping him cement their pack as the most dominant in the region to concern himself with finding a mate.  Now though, the Blood Lust pack was solidified in its rank. Modess looked back to the blonde who peeked up shyly at Bull.

“Sure,” he spoke but kept his eyes on the woman.  “We can stay one night.”  It was the least he could do for Bull after all he’d sacrificed to help him bring the pack to its current status.

“Excellent!” Michael lifted a hand and waved over one of his pack members.  He spoke quietly, but Modess could hear the Alpha directing the man to prepare accommodations for him and his men.

A grin took his lips when he saw Bull wipe his palms on his knees beneath the table.  Apparently, his badass Beta who feared neither man nor beast was intimidated by the tiny blonde with the cornflower blue eyes.  “What about her?” his words drew both Michael and Bull’s attention.  Bull tensed beside him.

Michael looked where Modess was pointing and his expression snapped into a frown.  “Unfortunately, most of the women here are willing to entertain you and your pack.  Sadly, Simone is not one of them.”

Modess’ eyes narrowed on the woman.  “Can you convince her?” He turned to look at Michael, ignoring the dark look Bull was shooting at him.  “Bull promises to be gentle.  Don’t you?”

Bull’s expression blanked as his gaze drifted from Modess back to Simone.

Hiding a grin at Bull’s clear surprise, Modess held Michael’s eyes.

“I’ll see what I can do.”  He snapped his fingers and one of his pack rushed to him and bent to listen to Michael’s instructions.  When the man hurried away Michael offered, “I make no promises.  She and Hillary are the only two females here who don’t truly understand the meaning of pack!”

Still eyeing the woman, Bull commanded, “Explain.”

“The other women understand that certain sacrifices are necessary for the good of the pack.”  Michael’s eyes narrowed on the woman.  “Simone and Hillary refuse to make such sacrifices.”

Modess angled his head to stare at Michael.  “By sacrifice, you mean sharing their bodies?”

“I mean doing what they must for the good of the pack!”

Shaking his head, Modess snorted in disgust as he eyed the other women who sat with his pack.  “Do any of them really want to be here, doing this?”

“Of course,” Michael’s response was immediate.  “They could opt out like Hillary and Simone.  They are where they want to be.”

His words bothered Modess though.  In his pack, women weren’t treated like bargaining chips, and none of them would throw themselves at any man unless there was legitimate interest.  He admired Simone and whoever this Hillary person was for their conviction.  Eyeing the room, he couldn’t help but ask. “Which one is Hillary?”

Michael didn’t even scan the room.  “She’s not here.  She’s working tonight.”

Disappointment swept through Modess but he ignored it.  His curiosity would have to go unsatisfied.  Shoving back from the table, his pack mates jerked their attention to him and stood in unison.  The dining hall fell silent and Modess turned to Michael.  “I’m ready for sleep.”