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Draco Family Duet by Emma Nichols (28)



Though there was a chill in the air, I barely felt it. Instead, I was nestled up against my dragon, the heat of him keeping me toasty warm. I’d expected Mishal’s scales would feel reptilian, but they were smooth and hard. Sadly, not hard enough or I’d be cuddling with a man instead of a dragon. In this position, I could hear the blood pumping through his veins and the sound of his pulse lulled me to sleep almost as much as his rhythmic breathing. My nerves were more frayed than I cared to admit. We’d had far too many close calls in the last two days. A nice, quiet life sounded pretty perfect, but what kind of life would I have with this man who’d managed to claw his way past my defenses?

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a helicopter and saw a floodlight coming through the trees on a direct path for us. I hopped off of Mishal and planned to rouse him, but his eyes were already open. “You probably need more time to heal. You have no clothes. What the hell are we going to do?” I could feel my heart racing. Why hadn’t I considered the police would show up when the cabin went up like a Roman candle?

I hopped off him and began to pace. Before I could work myself up into a complete frenzy, Mishal laid a hand on my shoulder. “Come with me,” he murmured. “We’ll hide. Then when the helicopter lands, we’ll fly back to my clothes. We’ll meet up with the police on our terms.”

My brows shot up. “We’ll fly?”

“I’ll fly. You’ll ride,” he joked, even as he doubled over in pain. “This way.” He reached out and took my hand to lead us deeper into the woods.

Shaking my head in wonder, I realized I’d follow this man anywhere. For someone whose role had always been that of a leader, this was a change. I expected I’d feel more off balance, but I actually felt this amazing sense of peace, like all was right with my world. I’d never experienced anything like this before. Soon, Mishal must’ve decided we were far enough away from the crime scene. He shifted and again I curled up with my dragon, but this time my eyes remained open, my body on full alert. A good fifteen minutes passed before the helicopter landed and police cruisers pulled up. In the distance, I thought I picked out Detective Jeffries. They had obviously been looking for me. Finally, Mishal decided it was safe and his head nudged me to climb up onto his shoulders. Once I had settled in, he galloped a few feet before launching us into the air. Sure, if I moved too far one direction or another on his slippery scales, I could plummet to my death, but that thought barely crossed my mind because I knew Mishal would never let any harm come to me. He seemed to know exactly where we were going. In all of ten minutes we were landing. When I slid off him, I sighed. “Too soon,” I mourned. “I really enjoyed riding you.”

Mishal shifted and grinned. “Say the word and you can ride me whenever you like.” He waggled his brows then wrapped his arms around me. “No rush, cupcake, but I’m really looking forward to claiming you.”

I hooked my hands behind his neck. “I look forward to being claimed.” I studied the area. We were entirely too close to the road. “Sadly, this is neither the time, nor the place, but soon. I promise.”

Mishal nodded. “Me too.” He walked a few feet away and I saw where he’d left his clothes in a neat pile. “Let me get dressed, then we can call Stephen, if we can get any reception. If we can’t, we walk and wait for the police to find us.” Mishal shrugged.

“Sounds like a plan.” I smiled and turned around, trying not to appear too interested in his body by watching him get dressed, but honestly, it took every bit of restraint in me to not stare. I could gaze at him all day and never grow bored.

Once clothed, Mishal turned on his phone and he shook his head. “Not looking good. We barely have a signal.”

“It’s worth a try,” I grumbled.

We stepped out onto the road and he tried to make a call, but it didn’t go through. We started trudging down the road and walked all of fifteen feet when his phone began to ring. As he glanced at the screen, Mishal laughed. “Fredo! So glad to hear from you.” He hit the button to place it on speaker.

“Have you managed to reconnect with Peri?” he asked anxiously.

“I’m here, Uncle Fredo,” I responded.

“Very good.” There was a slight pause before he added, “So, have you…made it official?”

We let out a collective groan.

“Enough said.” He chuckled.

“We still have to deal with the police,” Mishal explained. “And we’re lost in the woods, so it could be a while.”

“Perfect. I’ll be in touch soon.” Then Fredo ended the call.

“He’s usually a lot more loving and supportive than this,” I mumbled.

“He always is…in his own way.” Mishal hauled me against his body and my frustration melted away.

We plodded along in silence for a few minutes. He was tired since he hadn’t truly finished healing. I was worn out from expending so much energy to fend off Spencer. We needed showers, food, and sleep, but all I could think about was getting him into bed. Then a car drove toward us and we realized Stephen had come back for us.

“Climb in. The police are looking for you,” he explained through the open window. “I’d about given up on finding you.”

“Well, thankfully you pressed on.” Mishal turned to me. “Shall we get this over with?”

“So we can get on with our life?” I nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. As soon as possible.”

Soon we were back at what remained of the cabin while Jeffries questioned us. “I found her,” Mishal announced. “Unfortunately, during the rescue, Spencer Morse decided he’d rather die than go to jail. He set the place and himself ablaze.” His shoulders drooped.

“It was terrible,” I added. “The minute he realized there was no escaping his fate, he tried to kill us.” I showed the wound on my arm. “When that didn’t work, he killed himself.” I wrapped my arms around my body. “I’ve never seen anything so terrible in all my life.”

“You’re very brave,” Detective Jeffries told me. Then he turned to Mishal. “And you’re very stubborn.”

“I know things might have turned out differently had the police handled it. Mostly, I fear Peri would’ve died with him.” He frowned. “The man was completely unhinged.”

Jeffries nodded. “You need to get that arm looked at, but you’re both free to go. Hopefully my captain will let this stand as your official interview.”

“I hope so too,” Mishal joked. “We have a lot of catching up to do.” He winked at me.

“He means sleep and food,” I blurted out.

Jeffries smirked. “Sure he does.”

We hopped in the car and curled together in the back seat. While I was dozing off, I heard was the chime on Mishal’s phone, but I was too tired to react. “New destination, Stephen. I’ll text it to you. Wake us when we get there.” Then he wrapped himself around me and we both passed out.

I woke the minute the car stopped, and sat upright so quickly, my head hit Mishal in the jaw. “Sorry,” I whispered as I studied our location. The sun was starting to peek over the horizon in between the mountains. Before us was a gorgeous log cabin with a stone chimney. While I stared in awe, Uncle Fredo appeared on the porch and motioned for us to enter. I glanced at Mishal who wore a silly smile on his face. “Did you know about this?”

“Are you kidding me? I didn’t even know he was here.” Mishal opened the door and stepped out of the car. “Does Blaise know where you are?” he called out.

Uncle Fredo smirked. “Would I ever leave your brother in the lurch, sir?”

Mishal chuckled. “You might if he pissed you off enough.”

Clearing his throat, Uncle Fredo murmured, “He’s in Italy, planning his wedding.”

My eyes widened. “I know what you’re thinking. Let them have their day.”

He shrugged. “You’re probably right.” Mishal held out his hand to help me exit the car and together walked me up the steps to the cabin. We paused in front of my uncle. “Happy to see you again, old man.” He clapped my uncle on the shoulder.

“You, too, sir.” Uncle Fredo nodded. Then he smiled at me. “This is for you…at least for the next few nights. Go on. I believe there’s a dragon waiting to claim you.” He leaned close and kissed my forehead. “You couldn’t share your life with a finer man.” He looked up at Mishal, ready to speak, but Mishal interrupted.

“You don’t even have to say it, Fredo. I’ve waited hundreds of years for this woman and it has been worth every bit of the pain and loneliness to get to this place with the one person in the world who was clearly made for me.” He smiled and raked a hand through his long, shaggy blond hair while staring down at me with such tenderness in his gorgeous blue eyes, I could weep. “Come on, cupcake. We have a mating to complete.” Mishal’s arm wrapped around my waist. “Let’s start our life together.” Reaching out with his free hand, he opened the door and urged me inside with a gentle push on my lower back.

Shyly, I entered and stopped a few feet inside the door so I could take everything in. There were soaring ceilings inside with huge log beams. A stacked stone free-standing fireplace across the space caught my attention. From my vantage point, I realized it was double sided with a huge king-sized four poster bed on this side. There was a kitchen area to my left with an island and fancy high-end finishes where Uncle Fredo had placed a bouquet of flowers, a tray of sliced fruit and cheeses, and a bottle of wine with a card. I quickly made an observation. “This is just one big honeymoon suite.” I laughed as a walked around. “There’s a loveseat at the end of the bed. The only television is over the fireplace.” I wandered around to the side I couldn’t see, then peeked through the flames to announce, “There’s a jetted tub right here!”

Mishal laughed and joined me. “Ah, and your uncle has already drawn the water. How nice!”

Outside on the gravel drive, we heard the sound of a vehicle moving. When we ran to the door to investigate, we saw Stephen and Fredo driving away. Mishal’s phone chimed. Pulling it out of his pocket, he peeked at the screen. “Stephen says they’re going back to the cottage. Let them know if we need anything or want to go anywhere.”

I lowered my chin slightly and stared up at him through my lashes. “I’m good if you are.”

He laughed. “Oh, I’ve never been better.” He scooped me up in his arms. “For the first time in my life, I have everything I’ve ever wanted.” Mishal tilted his head. “Almost everything.”

My brow furrowed and then I realized what he meant. “Ah, you mean sons to carry on the line.” I grinned. “That can be arranged. I know how important it is to carry on the family name.”

“Actually, it’s about so much more than that, cupcake,” he whispered in my ear. Then he drew back to stare into my eyes. “It’s about wanting to share that incredible experience with you. One day, I want to have my hands on your belly and feel our child growing inside you. I want to be there comforting you through the birth. I look forward to feedings…”

My brow rose. “What if I nurse?”

“Then diaper changes.” Mishal chuckled. “I’m excited to think of all the many firsts we’ll have to share.” He cupped my face. “We’ll live wherever you want. We’ll raise our sons to be loving, respectful men.” He pressed his forehead to mine.

“That part will be easy. After all, they’ll simply need to watch you,” I murmured as I stared into his eyes. His words had stoked the fire inside me. My body yearned for him like I’d never wanted anyone before. The flames tickled and tortured my womb and I knew it was time. I pushed myself off his chest and landed on the floor. Once there, I took him by the hand and brought him closer to the tub. Then I began to undress, kicking off my shoes and pulling my shirt over my head. “This is seriously unlike me,” I explained. “I don’t just sleep with guys. And yet here we are and I actually don’t feel guilty about this at all.” I shook my head and glanced at Mishal nervously while I unbuttoned my jeans and tugged them down my hips. “Say something before I make a complete and utter fool of myself, please.”

He shook his head, raised his arms then dropped them back at his side. “I can’t, my love. Your beauty has rendered me absolutely speechless.” Mishal moved closer to me. “How is it possible someone so perfect could be all mine for the rest of our lives?”

“I feel the same way.” I sighed happily. “Oh, but I’m not yours yet.” I winked as I unhooked my bra and let it slide down my arms, and then dropped my panties, stepped into the tub, and slid under completely under the water. When I resurfaced and smoothed my long hair back, Mishal was squatting beside the tub and quickly kissed me.

“Gimme one second and I’ll join you.” He stood and began to disrobe rapidly while still looking insanely sexy. When his boxer briefs dropped to his ankles, Mishal smiled and stepped into the tub.

The water splashed around us and I giggled as he hauled me onto his lap. My butt slid down his thighs and I gasped as I came to rest against his erection. With wide eyes, I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my chin on his shoulder. The need to have him in me caused an indescribable ache. I drew back and peeked at his face to see if he was having a similar reaction to our closeness.

Mishal blew out a breath. “Okay, so I vote for a quick bath.” He nodded feverishly and I laughed.

“Perfect.” I looked away, almost ashamed of how badly I wanted him.

Reaching to the side of the tub, he picked up a bottle of shower gel. “Vanilla. This must be yours.” He poured some in his hand and began to rub my shoulders, slowly, tenderly moving lower to my breasts.

I whimpered, but he wasn’t done. Mishal raised my butt with one hand and sat me on the edge of the tub with my back to the crackling fire, keeping me toasty warm while he dripped the shower gel in a circle around my belly button. There was a gentle thud as he set the bottle down, then with his palm he rubbed around my stomach. I arched my back and he grabbed both hips, ran his hands around my butt cheeks and circled my legs, coming to rest at the juncture of my thighs. My eyes opened wide and I sucked in air in anticipation of his touch.

Mishal didn’t disappoint. He rinsed me and his hand in the water without ever losing eye contact. A second later, his hand ran up my inner thigh, he cupped my labia with his palm, and then ran his fingers down my slit, carefully slipping a finger inside me. Twisting his hand around, I could feel his finger flicking forward. My hips began to writhe as the pressure built inside me.

“Mishal,” I moaned. “Please.”

“Sorry, cupcake. Unless you have at least two orgasms, you haven’t been properly claimed.” He grinned proudly as he continued to move his finger.

I stared into his eyes and watched as he bent his head. Slowly his tongue emerged and he began to lick, paying particular attention to my clit. I turned my head and closed my eyes. Every bit of being with him was so intense, I could barely hold it together. Already I could feel my body responding, longing to shatter from his attentions.

“Don’t hide from me, Peri. Let me see those vibrant violet eyes.” Even his words hummed against me sending the most delightful tingles through my lady parts.

Hesitantly, I turned my head to look at him again, knowing full well what would happen when our eyes met, accepting that I’d held on long enough. Gazing at him, I saw him staring at me while his tongue performed magical feats. Inside, the pressure built and I knew in a matter of seconds I would come completely undone. Mishal grinned, then positioned his lips and sucked my impossibly swollen clit into his mouth. Choking back a sob, I squeezed my eyes shut and felt the waves as my muscles contracted and I rode them out on his finger. When they ended, I blew out a breath. A smile played on the corner of my lips as I murmured, “Your turn.” Then I reached for his cock.

Mishal shook his head. “I only get one turn during the claiming.” He slowly stepped out of the water, grabbed a towel from the warmer against the wall, and wrapped it around his hips. Holding out a hand, he smiled. “Care to join me?”

Inhaling deeply, I nodded. “I’d love to.” I placed my hand in his palm and with his help, managed to step out of the tub without making a fool of myself. After the intensity of the orgasm, I felt positively weak. When both of my feet hit the mat, he took a second towel from the warmer and carefully dried me. “I could get used to this,” I whispered.

“Good, because I plan to love you and spoil you for the rest of our lives.” Mishal stood after rubbing my legs. He wrapped the towel around my chest, tucked it, scooped me into his arms, and carried me out of the bathroom. When we reached the bed, he yanked the bedding back and carefully laid me on the mattress. Mishal let his towel drop as he gently tugged mine off my body.

I watched while his eyes took in every inch of my body. Part of me wanted to wither under gaze, but the way his eyes sparkled and his chest heaved, the way his cock shot to attention, had me rolling to my side and patting the mattress instead. “Come here, dragon. Come claim your mate.”

“You’re awfully impatient for a woman who has already come once,” he joked. “Of course, since I’m aching to make you mine, I’m happy to comply.” He knelt on the bed and hovered over me.

My heart raced in anticipation. Staring up at him, a rush of emotions assaulted me. Something was happening inside, something bigger than attraction. There was a familiarity there, an affection that seemed impossibly natural. I could see our life together, just as he described, so full of love. I swallowed hard. Already? How could I fall so fast? Then I remembered everything about our time together, the way he cared for me, the way he made me feel, all those amazing words. How could I not? He treated me like a princess, instead of a freakish witch. And I knew I loved all of him, the dragon and the man. This realization hit me in the heart. I gasped and his lips covered mine, his tongue darting out of his mouth to touch mine.

Everything only grew more intimate from there. Soon, he had lain on his side, so we were skin-to-skin. I could feel the heat radiating from him, but we weren’t sweaty in the least. Mishal’s arm wrapped around my body, drawing me close. “You have to tell me if I hurt you,” he warned. “Sometimes I don’t know my own strength and I’m trying hard not to let urgency overrule prudence because I want you more than you could possibly understand. This…is so important to me, to us.”

I nodded as his head dipped and he sucked the tip of my nipple into his mouth. His tongue teased it while his hand cupped my other breast. Without thinking, I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck. “Harder,” I moaned. “I can take it.”

Mishal froze, and gazed up at me. With a nod, he moved down my body, his hands roaming, his lips and tongue kissing and teasing. Occasionally, I would feel his teeth scraping against my skin. Finally, he kneeled between my legs. “I don’t think I can wait any longer, cupcake.” He raked a hand through his hair.

I watched his cock jerking and I had to touch it, had to taste it before he slid it inside me. Wrapping my hand around the base of his shaft, I squeezed as I ran my fist up and down his shaft, earning a moan. With a grin, I sat up and leaned toward him, until I could lick my way around the head of his cock. I marveled over his response and the searing heat as I took him into my mouth. Before I could even find a rhythm with my mouth and hands, Mishal was pushing me back on the bed.

“You work some of your magic with that sexy mouth of yours, but not this time.” He shook his head seriously. While he stared into my eyes, Mishal wrapped an arm around my hips, effectively tipping my pelvis up to meet him. The tip of his cock pressed against my vagina. “I love you, Peri. Never doubt it. From this moment on, you become my life. As soon as possible, I’ll make you my wife.” He exhaled. “You know this will change you forever, right?”

I nodded. “I’ve always been different. At least now, we can be different together.” I wrapped my hands around his biceps. “Claim me, Mishal.”

With a determined look on his face, he pushed his cock into my body. For a moment, he stayed there, frozen in place. I hooked my feet around his hips and ran my nails down his back. This was all the encouragement he needed. Mishal bent low to kiss me while moving in and out of my body. Staring up into his eyes, we found a rhythm as easily as if we’d done this a thousand times. I could feel him inside me, growing, throbbing, as the heat between us intensified. I felt something else. Inside me, already, the pressure was building again. I’d never, ever been multi-orgasmic. No, I was a more ‘one and done’ kind of girl.

Soon, I was whimpering. This felt even more intense than the last. My breath came in tiny puffs as I struggled to concentrate while so many emotions rushed through me, like blood through my veins. In that moment, I knew Mishal was a part of me. I could feel my body changing, making me more like him as far as our abilities were concerned.

“You’re mine,” Mishal growled as he slammed into me one last time while erupting inside me.

Immediately, my body began to contract around his cock while his very essence seeped into me. “I love you, Mishal,” I whispered.

Slowly, he withdrew from my body. Reaching down to the floor, he pulled up a towel and gently cleaned me off. Then he pulled me into his arms. “Always, cupcake. You and me.” Then he pressed his hand against my lower abdomen. “Rest.”