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Dragon's Surrogate (Shifter Surrogate Service Book 1) by Sky Winters (15)

"I don't need to tell you how valuable an employee you've been."

Anna Clinton sat nervously in the office of her boss, Kenneth Walloon. Kenneth, a round-bellied man in his late forties, with a brown horseshoe of a receding hairline and a thin mustache above his puffy, pink lips, leaned forward, placing his substantial weight on the surface of his desk. The desk groaned and creaked.

"Thank you," said Anna, still not sure of the purpose of this impromptu meeting.

Behind Kenneth, the city of New York seemed to sprawl out forever. Despite the strange nature of the meeting, she couldn't help but admire the view of her boss, one of the senior executives here at Flintlock Investments, the massive firm where Anna had been employed for the last several months. The sun was setting, and the sky was brilliant with orange and cream.

"I don't normally bring my subordinates into my office after hours to discuss matters like this," said Kenneth, his watery blue eyes like tiny marbles behind his thick-rimmed glasses, "but I do like to have little checkups every now and again."

Anna wasn't sure how to respond. This meeting was impromptu, with Kenneth placing his hand on Anna's shoulder as she packed up for the day, asking her if she wouldn't mind stopping by his office. Kenneth had normally never talked to her unless it was in the form of barking commands, so his inviting tone struck her as strange. But she wasn't about to turn down some one-on-one face time with a boss who she desperately needed to impress.

"Um, thank you for your time," said Anna, rubbing her hands together.

Kenneth sat back into his seat, and now it was time for his chair to groan under his weight.

"I see that tomorrow marks your third month here at Flintlock," he said, looking over a file on his desk. "Has everything been going as you'd hoped when you joined on?"

Anna took this as her time to shine. Sure, she was just an assistant, barely making enough to afford her room in the three-bedroom apartment in Queens, which she shared with two other girls, but Anna felt she could muster up some enthusiasm. It would look good, after all.

"Everything has been wonderful," she said, lifting her voice. "I've been learning so much, and everyone's been really nice to me. I can't wait until I get my first year under my belt; I think I'll be able to bring a lot of value to this organization."

Kenneth nodded, his jowls spreading out with each lowering of his head.

"Just what I was hoping to hear," he said.

He picked up the file from his desk and looked it over.

"This is all very impressive," he said. "Top grades from Penn State, an internship with a great firm, and an attitude that is, overall, extremely professional. I think it's safe to say, a young woman like you could go a long way here. Yes, a very long way indeed."

"And if there's anything I can do to improve my performance," said Anna, hurrying to add the words, "please, let me know. I'm eager to learn."

"Eagerness is a virtue here," said Kenneth. "I think it'll take you far."

Kenneth raised to his feet once again, walking down the length of his spacious office to the front door. Anna watched him over her shoulder, noticing that the hallways outside the office were empty and dark, far from the bustle of activity that was common during the day. It appeared that Anna and Kenneth were the only two people still on the floor.

Then, to Anna's surprise, Kenneth locked the door. She felt her stomach twitch as he did this, not sure what to make of it.

Why does the door need to be locked for a meeting? she asked herself.

"Just want to make sure we're not bothered," said Kenneth, a little smile forming on his face as he made his way back to his desk. "Just want to make sure I can give you all the attention you deserve."

As he returned to his desk and sat down on the edge of it, the tight feeling in Anna's stomach began to worsen. She was getting a very bad feeling about all of this. Where Kenneth sat, he was only a few feet from her, his position, sitting on the edge of his desk, making him loom over Anna.

"Now," he said, "in case you hadn't noticed, I'm a man with a lot of pull in this organization. I'm the sort of man who can get that little butt of yours moving right up the ladder. Consequently, I'm also the sort of man who can keep you right where you're sitting, spinning your wheels for years, still making just enough money for you to get by. I guess, in a way, I'm like the god of your career."

He chuckled again. His laugh set Anna's teeth on edge.

"And…I'm happy to do whatever it takes to get ahead," Anna said. "I want to be a valuable member of the team."

"That, my dear," said Kenneth, "is exactly what I was hoping you'd say."

With that, he stood up from his desk and walked in a long, lazy circle until he was just behind Anna. The skin on the back of Anna's neck tingled as he moved behind her, and she wondered just what the hell he was doing.

Moments later, she got her answer.

Kenneth's sweat-sticky, warm hands fell onto Anna's shoulders, her body tensing at his touch. Then, he began to gently knead her flesh, rubbing the muscles of her neck.

"So tense," he said. "But I can think of a way to get you to loosen up."

Anna couldn't take another moment of this. She sprang from her seat, sending Kenneth lurching forward from the movement.

"Mr. Walloon," Anna sputtered, barely able to speak. "What the hell is going on here?"

Kenneth stood up straight and shook his head, that little smirk still on his lips.

"What do you think is going on here?" he asked. "Come on, you're a smart girl, you can figure it out."

Deep down, Anna knew. But she didn't want to accept the reality of what was happening; that her boss was making a move on her.

"It looks like what's happening is that you're trying to do…something," she said. "And I don't even want to think about what that is."

"Oh, please," said Kenneth. "I'll just come right out and say it, then. I want you to have sex with me, right here, right now."

Anna could hardly believe how bold he was being.

"But…you're married!" she exclaimed, her eyes flicking to the gold band on Kenneth's ring finger.

He waved his hand through the air, dismissing the thought.

"What wifey doesn't know won't hurt her," he said. "Not like she's found out about any of this so far."

"This is disgusting!" shouted Anna, staggering backward and away from Kenneth, who was now moving toward her.

"It's a very simple proposition," he said. "You give me what I want –a little now, a little later- and I'll make sure you move up in the world. And if not, I'll make sure you stay right where you are until kingdom come. Easy as that."

"No!" shouted Anna. "Not a chance in hell!"

Kenneth's expression darkened.

"Last chance, girlie," he said. "Last chance to do the smart thing."

Now he was close enough to place his hand back on Anna's shoulder, which he was quick to do.

The idea of Kenneth touching her again sent Anna into a rage she didn't know she was capable of, and not just a rage, a strength. Building within her was some sort of power that forced her to take pause. It was almost as if some inhuman spirit had taken hold of her and filled her with its power. 

Forming her hand into a fist, she pulled back and drove it right into Kenneth's stomach, the impact causing his fat to jiggle. A shocked expression crossed Kenneth's face, and he stumbled backward. And as he stumbled back, Anna looked at her fist, surprised at just how hard she’d been able to hit him.

How the hell did I do that? she wondered.

"What…what the hell did you just do?" he said, his face red.

"I, um," said Anna, struggling to form the words. "I just quit!"

With that, she hurried toward the office door, fumbling with the lock to get it open.

"You can't quit!" shouted Kenneth. "Because you're fucking fired! Fired! And consider your ass blacklisted!"

Anna didn't want to say another word. Snatching her purse off the floor and opening the door, she rushed out of the office, slamming the door behind her and hurrying to the elevator. She pressed the "call" button over and over, as though she were in a murder movie and the killer was just at her heels. Once the elevator arrived and she stepped in, the doors sliding shut slowly in front of her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

What the hell just happened? she asked herself, unable to process the events of the last twenty or so minutes. Did my boss actually just do that? Is this all a dream?

Soon, she was back into the spacious, modern lobby of the office. She rushed through, not making eye contact with a soul. Stepping through the tall, glass doors of the building and back onto the city street, she leaned against one of the tall columns of the building's façade and attempted to catch her breath. Her heart raced, and she felt as though her knees might buckle under her at any moment.

She felt as though she'd just woken up from some kind of dream. But the buzzing of her phone in her back pocket snapped her right back into reality.

It was a text from Kenneth.

‘Don't bother coming in tomorrow. Pleasure working with you.’

Shoving the phone back into her pocket, Anna's fear gradually shifted into rage. Part of her wanted to storm back up to the office and work Kenneth over with her purse. Instead, however, she headed home in a daze of anger. Once she stepped off the train at her stop in Astoria, the reality of what just happened dawned on her. In about the span of an hour, she'd gone from gainfully employed to without a job, all because she didn't want to give that pig of a boss what he felt entitled to.

Reaching her building, Anna stormed up the stairs, into her apartment and then to her room, not saying a word to Katie or Eleanor, her two roommates. She plopped down in front of her laptop and, after a little digging around, found the email address for Kenneth's wife. Still boiling over with anger, she typed up a professional email outlining exactly what had happened in Kenneth's office only a couple of hours ago. Once done, Anna held the cursor over the ‘Send’ button, knowing that, with a click, she'd  be blacklisted from the industry that she'd fought so hard to get into.

She took a breath and clicked, the tension draining out of her body as soon as she did.

So much for my career in the investment industry, she thought to herself as she sat slumped in her chair.

But she wasn't interested in sitting around. The email sent, she headed over to Craigslist and began looking for something to bring in some money while she figured out her next step.

But before she even had a chance to scan through the postings, the chime of an incoming email sounded.

Oh, no, she thought, figuring the email was a response from Kenneth, her stomach tightening at the prospect. As she read the email, however, she saw it wasn’t from any address she recognized. It appeared to be from some kind of headhunting company.

Ms. Anna Clinton, the email began, a local company is looking for enthusiastic new hires. After reviewing your profile, we have determined that you would be an excellent candidate for the position. Please review the posting, and contact us if you’re interested in learning more.

-       Silver Talon Headhunting Agency.

Confused, not to mention struck by the uncanny timing, Anna read the description.


That last part gave Anna pause. Why would a nanny service need their employees to be discreet? Still, the middle three bullet points made this job too good to pass up. Anna clicked the job.

Looking for a good-paying job in the city? Ready to work with the children of some of the wealthiest clients in Manhattan? Apply now to Ladon Nanny Services! Our salaries start at 50K, and we provide full medical and dental, as well as free accommodation with client. Full background required, as well as an NDA. Apply now! Positions available immediately for the right candidate.

It was strange; Anna couldn't get over why a nanny service would be paying so much money, as well as offering such solid benefits. She'd had friends who worked as au pairs during college, and they were all in it for the experience of living abroad, not the money. And the background check and NDA; it struck her as something that'd be more appropriate for a job with the CIA, not a nanny service.

Still, assuming it wasn't a scam, it was an opportunity too good to pass up. Anna pulled out her resume, updated it, and sent it off along with a cover letter to the headhunting agency.

I'll start pounding the pavement tomorrow.

After this, she headed into the living room where her roommates were both well into a bottle of wine and their reality TV. Plopping down on the couch, she poured herself a glass and vowed to not get too emotional about her situation. However, a couple glasses of wine later, that all went out the window. She burst into tears in front of Eleanor and Katie, telling them both her sorry tale. After a little more wine, as well as some commiseration, she felt a little better, and more than a little tired.

Okay, time for bed, she thought. Big day, tomorrow, of trying to piece my damn life back together after this mess.

As soon as she changed into her PJs, she decided to check her email one last time before bed, a nagging feeling that Kenneth's wife might've responded to her tugging at her stomach. She turned her computer back on and, to her surprise, there was already a response from the nanny service. Eagerly, Anna opened the email.

Ms. Clinton,

Thank you for your application. After reviewing your information, we feel you would potentially make a great fit here at Ladon Nanny Services and would like to interview you in person. Please come to 432 Fifth Avenue tomorrow at nine sharp. Bring your identification, passport, and multiple copies of your resume, and let the front desk know you've arrived. Professional attire required.

And that was it. Anna was excited that her job hunt might already be over for the time being, but she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was seriously off about all of this. Still, a job was a job, and she wasn't in any sort of position to be choosy. Anna gathered her information and interview clothes, making sure everything was set for tomorrow. Getting into bed and turning out the lights, she couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow had in store.

Anna stood in front of her full-length mirror, looking over, with uncertainty, the outfit she'd chosen for the interview. With a small smile, she noticed her pressed black slacks, smart blue-and-white striped button-up shirt, and black heels were essentially what she'd worn for her interview at Flintlock. She turned to the side, making sure the clothes fit properly on her slim body. Anna knew she'd dropped a few pounds during her time at Flintlock –the result of skipping more than a few lunches to continue working through the break- and found herself worrying that she was beginning to look too slender and fragile.

Why did I feel like I needed to get so dressed up for an interview at a nanny agency? she wondered. Business casual would be more than appropriate.

The more she thought about it, however, the more she realized that something about the professional tone of the emails from the agency, coupled with the background checks, gave her the impression that Ladon Nanny Services was more than just some casual agency. Anna applied a touch more blush to her prominent cheekbones and gave a satisfied nod.

Stepping closer to the mirror, she took a look at the finer points of her outfit. Her auburn, shoulder-length hair was tied into a neat braid, her sparkling green eyes were outlined with a tasteful amount of black liner, and her full, Cupid's-bow lips had, what Anna felt was, the perfect amount of scarlet-colored lipstick.

Once she felt her appearance was to her satisfaction, she put the requested documents into her bag and headed out. Her roommates, both in the service industry, were still asleep. To her surprise, Anna felt too nervous for a full breakfast, choosing, instead, to pour herself a thermos of coffee. On the train ride to Midtown, she found herself unable to shake the strange feeling she had about all of this, as though she were walking into something that wasn't what it first appeared to be.

Soon, she stood at the base of 432 Fifth Avenue, the building where the agency was located. The tower was one of the ultra-modern skinny skyscrapers that'd been popping up all over Manhattan in recent years, and this, too, struck Anna as strange.

These are some nice digs for a nanny agency, she thought as she walked through the front doors of the building and into the sleek lobby. Nicer than Flintlock, so far.

"Um, hi," said Anna, approaching the smartly-dressed young woman at the tower’s front desk. "My name is Anna Clinton; I'm here to interview with Ladon Nanny Services."

The young woman's eyes flicked to Anna, and she looked her over with suspicion.

"Two forms of identification, please," she said brusquely.

Anna fumbled in her bag for her New York City ID and passport, handing them both over. The receptionist looked over the documents, her eyes going back and forth between Anna and the IDs. Once she was satisfied, she handed the documents back over. Next, she pressed a small button by her computer, which revealed on the desk, a small, electronic sensor.

"Place your thumb there and hold it until I say so," said the woman, typing away at her keyboard.

"What's…what's this for?" asked Anna.

"Agency policy," said the woman, her tone sharp and her eyes still on her screen.

"Oh, okay," said Anna, placing her thumb on the sensor.

She held it for what seemed like a full minute, her eyes darting around at the serious-faced, professionally-dressed men and women who made their way through the lobby.

"Okay," said the receptionist, "remove your thumb."

Anna did so, a red imprint of her thumb remaining on the sensor; her name, date of birth, and other information listed below it.

"That will be all," said the receptionist. "Please go down and to the right to the elevators. Take the third one on the left. The forty-fourth floor."

Then she turned her attention back to her computer, making it clear to Anna that the conversation was over.

That was…weird, she thought as she walked through the lobby.

Soon, she arrived at the elevator. A press of the call button later, she stepped in and pressed another button for the designated floor. The elevator rushed up silently and opened moments later, revealing an ultra-modern office space. Anna stepped into the lobby, her mouth slightly open.

This is a nanny service? she asked herself, her eyes scanning stylish, contemporary furniture, the young, attractive professionals who darted here and there purposefully, and the clean white and gray color palette of the décor.

Anna approached the front desk, where yet another attractive, seriously-faced young woman sat at a long, gray desk, the words "Ladon Nanny Services" written above her in sharp, silver letters.

Anna stated her business, and the woman gave Anna the same skeptical treatment as the girl downstairs, requesting her documents and thumbprint.

"Take a seat and wait there," said the woman, gesturing to one of the free seats in the lobby.

Still feeling on edge, Anna hurried over to the seat and quickly sat down, as though she might be scolded if she didn't follow the directions to the letter. As she waited, she noticed the high-tech security cameras in the upper corners of the lobby, their jet-black eyes scanning everyone and everything.

Not very homey for a nanny service, she thought. This place feels more like some kind of tech company.

Before she could spend too much time considering her situation, a voice called out her name.

"Anna Clinton?"

Anna looked up and saw that the voice belonged to a trim, middle-aged woman with severe features and dressed in an women's power suit.

Standing up, Anna nodded.

"Come this way," the woman said.

Then, without waiting for Anna, she turned and headed down the hallway. Anna hurried to keep up and was quickly at the woman's side. The pair walked silently, and soon, the two of them entered a stark office of white walls and simple furniture, a pair of windows looking out onto the city, the only strange detail of note to Anna being the dark glass of one wall.

"Have a seat," the woman said.

Anna did just that, taking a seat at the large table dominating the room.

"Anna Clinton," said the woman as she sat across from Anna and began to go over her file.

"That's me," said Anna in a sheepish voice.

"First of all, welcome to Ladon Nanny Services," said the woman, her voice clear and authoritative. "I hope none of the front desk employees gave you too much trouble."

"No," said Anna. "It was all, um, very business-like."

"That's how we do things here at Ladon. If you haven't noticed, by now, we're not your average nanny service."

"I had noticed," said Anna. "Everything's so…fancy and modern."

"That's right," she said. "Let me start by telling you a little about Ladon. We've been in the business for decades, catering to a very, very exclusive clientele. We specialize in the sorts of people who want and can afford, the sorts of nannies who fit their very exacting specifications. And, most importantly, the sort of clients we cater to have…unique circumstances."

"What does that mean?" asked Anna, her stomach tingling.

"It means our clients have the sorts of jobs and lifestyles which require anyone working closely with them to provide total discretion along with top-tier nanny services."

Anna's mind raced with what this might mean.

"What sort of, um, ‘jobs and lifestyles'?" Anna asked carefully, as though possibly discussing a forbidden topic.

The woman flashed her a sharp look.

"Those are matters that will be discussed should we decide to bring you on board. And only then."

Anna zipped up, regretting speaking.

"Well," said the woman, looking over Anna's file. "Your credentials are what we're looking for. We prefer our applicants to be college-educated, preferably from good schools and with excellent records of achievement."

"Th-thank you," said Anna.

The woman didn't acknowledge Anna's words.

"And your background check came up clean. You've even got a decent credit score."

Anna's mind raced with just why all of this was necessary. But she knew better than to ask.

"But I see here that you were employed until…yesterday?" the woman asked, looking over her glasses. "What happened with you and, ah, Flintlock Investments?"

"I had some…disagreements with the boss."

The woman gave Anna a careful look.

"You're going to need to be a little more specific than that."

Anna's stomach tightened even more at the idea of sharing what had happened between her and Kenneth.

"Well, out with it, girl," said the woman.

"My boss…um, said that I had to –if I wanted to keep my job–do…um, certain things for him."

The words hung in the air for a brief moment, the woman looking Anna over carefully, as if noticing something  Anna wasn't aware of.

"I see," said the woman. "Well, rest assured no business like that happens with our clients. Our…clientele is screened for such personality types."

Anna said nothing, unsure of how to respond.

"How are you with children?" asked the woman.

"Good," said Anna. "I mean, great. I have a few nieces and nephews and I just love them."

The woman looked at Anna carefully again.

"Now, as we mentioned before, discretion is required. How do you feel about keeping secrets; are you capable of learning intimate details about your clients that you won't share?"

"What sort of…details?" asked Anna.

"Nothing illegal or anything of that sort. But the clients we cater to lead private lives and don't want their business being shared all over town. Not even with your closest friends and family."

Anna thought about just who might fit this criterion. Katie and Eleanor were occasional drinking buddies, but as far as friends, she didn't really have any. Since moving to New York, she'd put all her effort into her job at Flintlock.

Fat lot of good that did me, she thought.

And while she had family, they were spread out all over the country. Aside from the odd holiday get-together, her communication with them was the occasional catching-up phone call.

"That won't be a problem," she said.

The woman scoured her with her eyes once again.

"Very good. Now, one final question," the woman stated. "If you were to be accepted by our client, you would be required to move in with them in order to be present whenever he or she might need you. If all necessary accommodations and financial considerations were accounted for, is this something that you would be willing to do? Bear in mind this would all take place as soon as possible."

Anna thought this over. Living with a stranger? It seemed bizarre, especially so suddenly. But, Anna thought, she did say all considerations would be accounted for. She realized that with her job now a memory, she really had no reason to not take an opportunity like this. And it might give her an opportunity to make some good money.

"I think so," said Anna.

"You think so?" asked the woman. "You're going to need to be a little more decisive than that."

"Yes," Anna said, her voice firm. "I would."

The woman sat back in her chair and looked at Anna carefully, once again.

But before she could say another word, a voice piped into the room through a hidden speaker.

"What do you think, Madeline?"

It was a deep, resonant man's voice.

"She's telling the truth about everything," the woman said. "Background checked out, her profile fits what you're looking for. But, then again, everything's up to you, Mr. Shaw."

Anna's eyes flicked around the room as she tried to determine just where the voice was coming from. But she couldn't spot anything.

Moments passed, silence hanging in the room.

"I think she'll do," the voice said finally. "Send her to me."

Anna stood in front of the large double doors the woman had led her to.

"Good luck," said the woman as she left Anna alone, not opening the doors for her.

Wrapping her hand around the sleek, silver handle of the door, Anna took a deep breath and opened it. She gasped at what she saw.

The door opened to reveal a vast office with high ceilings and decorated just as modern as the rest of the floor. The windows of the office were floor-to-ceiling and afforded a stunning view of Midtown Manhattan. A massive black desk sat in the back center of the room, and just to the side of it stood a suited man.

"Come in," he said in the deep, purring voice Anna recognized from the other room.

Anna entered, her eyes locked on the man. He stood with his back to Anna, his hands clasped behind him. His shoulders were broad and his waist trim, the dark suit fitting him perfectly. He didn't turn as Anna entered the room.

"Have a seat," he said.

Anna's eyes fell onto the pair of high-backed black chairs across from the desk. Walking carefully, as though she were intruding on something, Anna made her way to the chair on the left and slid into it. She felt small in the large chair, and couldn't help but notice how well-made and comfortable it was.

Once seated, Anna's gaze fell back to the man.

Who is this man? she wondered, still feeling out of sorts from the whole experience.

Before she could wonder any further, the man turned. It took all of Anna's restraint not to gasp right then and there.

The man was gorgeous, to put it lightly. Jet-black, slicked back hair sat upon a face of terrible beauty. His eyes were a stunning, piercing blue, his nose was slim and strong, and his lips were full and sensual. His features were framed by a face of hard angles and pronounced cheekbones, all working together to give him the appearance of a model. His immaculately-tailored suit hung on him in a manner that hinted at the strong, muscular body beneath it. A black tie and glossy black shoes completed the outfit. Anna realized he was likely the most attractive man she'd ever seen. And Anna couldn't quite make out his age, but he appeared to be in his late thirties or early forties.

The man then proceeded toward Anna, his movements slow and controlled. And despite his masculine look, there was almost a grace to the way he walked, as though he'd been trained physically in some way.

"So," he said, taking a seat in the chair behind the desk and sitting back. "You're the applicant."

"I suppose so," said Anna.

"You ‘suppose' so?" the man asked, raising his thick, dark eyebrows. "You're going to need to speak a little more assertively than that."

"Sorry," said Anna. "This whole process has just been…strange."

"Not what you expected from a nanny service?"

"Exactly," said Anna. "I was expecting to meet with a friendly, older woman in some little office in Brooklyn. Not interview for the Men in Black."

The man chuckled a bit, the corner of his lips raising just a bit. Then, he leaned forward.

"That's because this isn't your average nanny service, as Madeline explained."

"I can tell," said Anna. "Is…is there any way you can tell me just what all of this is about, then?"

"I can," said the man. "I think you'll be a good fit for the job. And you got Madeline's approval, which goes a long way. But first, is this job something that you'd be interested in?"

"It is," said Anna. "I'm ready to work."

"Good," said the man. "Then let me tell you about it. First of all, my name is Jason Shaw; I'll be the client for whom you'd be working. I have two children: Sophia, my daughter, and William, my son. They're six and eight, respectively. Both good kids; no trouble-makers. Well, beyond what you'd expect for children that age."

"No mother?" Anna asked.

Jason winced just a bit, and Anna felt as though she’d asked something she ought not have.

"No mother," he said. "Now, if you accept the position, then you'll be moving into my home on the Upper East Side. Your rent at your current accommodations will be covered, and your room at my place will be free of charge. All moving fees will be covered by me as well."

Anna welled with excitement at the idea of her rent money going right into her savings.

"However, the job I require has…odd hours, and often necessitates that I leave at a moment's notice. So, you'll be on-call at all hours."

"Sounds fine with me," said Anna.

"Good. Unfortunately, that's all I can tell you at this exact moment. If you wish to know more, there's something we must take care of first."

Anna's eyebrows raised.

"Oh?" she asked. "What might that be?"

Jason reached across the desk and pressed a button. Moments later, a pair of well-dressed professional men appeared in the room, a folder in one of their hands. The folder was placed on the desk in front of Anna, and a quick scan revealed to her that it was a non-disclosure agreement.

"Is…is this an NDA?" asked Anna.

"I see it's not the first one you've signed," said Jason.

"It's not…but I've never had to sign one during an interview."

"You'll soon find out why," said Jason. "Now, I'm sure you don't speak legalese, so I'll just tell you what's there. If you sign that, you're not agreeing to the job. What's there simply states that you will not be able to freely discuss anything from this interview with anyone else. You can say you had an interview, that it was with a nanny service, and that it went well or poorly. That's all. You're not to repeat the name of the service, my name, or any details about the office. And you're especially not to repeat what I'm about to tell you, should you sign the document."

A strange sense of foreboding overcame Anna. What could he possibly tell her that would require a document like this?

Jason picked up an expensive-looking pen from where it sat and slid it across the table to Anna.

"And if I don't sign?" she asked, her eyes on the pen.

"Then you don't get the job; simple as that," said Jason. "No hard feelings, of course; I know this is all quite strange for an interview like this. But you're perfectly free to get up and leave, right now, to go straight home and tell your roommates about the bizarre interview you just had."

Anna's eyes flicked back and forth from the pen to the NDA.

Now or never, she said to herself.

She picked up the pen and scrawled her signature on the indicated line.

"Now on the last page," said Jason.

Anna flipped to the last page, trying to make heads or tails of the document as she signed it. As far as she could tell, it was pretty standard stuff.  She reached the last page and signed. As soon as she was done, one of the two professionals who'd been standing at her sides took the folder, closed it, and the two of them both left the room as quickly and silently as they'd come.

"Excellent," said Jason. "So, now that all the legalities have been taken care of, allow me to explain just who I am."

He rose from his seat, buttoning one button of his suit jacket as he did.

"My full name and title is Special Agent Jason Shaw. I work with a group known as Silver Dragons Security. This group is an elite mercenary force that operates internationally, typically in the service of a handful of employers. My job is dangerous and often requires me to be away for long periods of time. And, as such, I require the services of a skilled and discrete nanny who can watch after my children while I'm away. And I think you just might be the right fit for the job."

Anna's eyes widened as everything Jason said washed over her like a wave. She didn't know where to begin.

"Um, uh, a mercenary group?"

Jason nodded.

"And you, um, kill people?"

"That's…one way of putting it."

Anna wondered what another way would be.

"'Silver Dragons?" she asked. "That's…an interesting name."

A wry grin formed on Jason's features; Anna couldn't help but find his smile irresistibly attractive, despite how strange everything happening was.

"It is. But fitting."

Now, wondered Anna, what the hell does that mean?

"And this is the big secret, that you work for a mercenary company?" she asked. "Please tell me there's nothing more than that."

"There are…other details," he said. "But you'll learn them in time. But this particular aspect of your job is the one you ought to become acquainted with the soonest."

"So…does this mean that, if I take the job, I'll be in some kind of danger?"

Jason shook his head.

"No," he said. "Everything about my identity is a secret to those who might have an…issue with my line of work. And on top of everything, us Silver Dragons look out for one another; when one of us is out on a mission, the others make sure to look out for the families of the active agent. So far, in all of the years of our agency, we haven't had an issue."

It was all so strange to Anna.

"Then that's what all of this is about?" she asked, gesturing around her.

"More or less," said Jason. "Not all the clients of Ladon are mercenaries like myself, but we all have certain circumstances that require discretion. Not to mention, families."

A moment passed as Anna considered everything.

"Keep in mind, you're still free to leave at any time," said Jason. "You won't be able to tell anyone what I've just told you without harsh legal penalties, but you're not locked into anything. The choice is all yours."

Anna sat back in her seat and considered everything. The mercenary angle was something she hadn't expected, but Jason made it sound as though she might not even need to worry about it. And it certainly explained the lithe, powerful way he moved; the training she suspected was clearly for combat. She went back and forth for a bit, debating the pros and cons. However, she soon realized she had no good reason to say no; the benefits and money were just too good to pass up.

"You know what?" she said. "I'm on. If you think I'm good for the job, then I'm ready to get started."

Jason nodded approvingly.

"Then let's not waste any time," he said, pressing the button on his desk once again. "I'd like to get you moved in as soon as possible. Are there any loose ends you need to tie up?"

"Just with my roommates," she said. "I don't want to leave them high and dry."

Jason withdrew a notepad from his desk and slid it toward her.

"Write down your address and the names of your roommates, along with their phone numbers. I'll have everything taken care of by the time you finish signing the paperwork."

"I hope that doesn't mean you're going to kill them," said Anna, a little smirk on her face.

"I guess you'll have to wait and find out," said Jason, returning the look as he got up to leave.

Anna was alone for a brief moment before the two lawyers returned, now with multiple folders. For the next hour, they went over all the details about the job, including benefits, salary, living arrangements, and everything else Anna could think of. By the end of it, her wrist was sore from all the signing.

Soon, the lawyers were gone, and Jason was back. Instead of sitting, he leaned against the edge of his desk, across from Anna.

"All's taken care of with your roommates," he said. "Your rent's paid up for the next few months, and if you're still on board by then, I'll finish out the lease. And I made it very clear to them that they're not to rent out the room while you're gone."

"Oh, thanks," said Anna, surprised he was able to take care of everything with such ease.

"We can get the process of having your things sent over sorted out by the end of the day," he said. "But, for now, I think I'd like to get you over to the apartment and introduced to the kids. I'd like to have you settled in by the time I start my next op."

"Sounds good," said Anna.

"Then let's go," said Jason. "I'd prefer not to waste another second."

With that, he moved to the office doors and held them open for Anna. She left with him, and the two of them made their way down the long hallway. As they walked, Anna couldn't help but notice the looks the female employees of the office gave to Jason. Nearly all of the women, young and old, couldn't seem to keep their eyes off him.

Can't really blame them, Anna thought, her own eyes flicking to his rear end. Might be…distracting working with a boss like this.

She found her thoughts surprising; she never really thought she'd be attracted to an older man like Jason. But Anna couldn't resist. Not to mention, he was in better shape than most men her own age.

They continued through the hall, eventually reaching a small elevator. Stepping inside, Anna saw that there was only one button, labeled "H."

"Where does this go?" asked Anna as the doors slid shut.

Jason said nothing, simply pointing up.

Then, the elevator rose. After a quick flight up, the doors opened to reveal the roof of the building. Anna gasped as she stepped out, noticing, at once, that it was a helipad, a jet-black copter parked right in the center. She'd never been on a roof like this before, and her eyes went wide with excitement as she took in the three-hundred-and-sixty-degree view the space afforded her. It was like nothing she'd ever seen before.

As they approached the helicopter, the blades of the machine whirred to life, the sound quickly becoming deafening. Opening the door to the craft, Jason pulled out two pairs of headphones, handing one to Anna. She slipped it on over her ears and the sound of the blades mercifully quieted.

"Ever flown in one of these before?" asked Jason, his voice coming in tinny through the speakers.

"Nope," said Anna, still taking in the amazing view.

"Fastest way to get around," he said. "Well, one of the fastest."

But before Anna could even wonder what he meant by that comment, the helicopter lifted, and they were off.

The helicopter soared over the city, and Anna spent the entire flight with her hands pressed against the window, her eyes on the city below as she tried to take in every detail. The sky above was a cloudless blue, so the conditions were perfect.

But after only a few minutes of flight, the helicopter positioned itself over a building on the Upper East Side and gently landed. The view from the top of this new building was still stunning to Anna, but nothing quite like what she'd just seen. Soon after landing, the blades of the copter came to a stop, and she took off her headphones.

"Like the ride?" asked Jason, opening the door and helping her out.

"That was…amazing," she said. "I've never seen anything like it."

Jason smirked. "I don't take this all the time, but when you need to get somewhere fast, it can't be beat. Maybe I'll take you up again sometime."

"That would be amazing," she said, her heart racing.

"But first thing's first," said Jason, leading her across the helipad and to another elevator. "Let me give you a tour of the place."

Upon reaching the elevator, the doors opened and the two stepped inside. Jason pressed another button, this one labeled "PH," and the elevator descended. But the trip down took no more than a second or two. And when the doors opened, Anna gasped once again.

Jason's home occupied the penthouse suite of the tower where he lived. Anna stepped into the main room of the apartment, which was an expansive, open room with a tiered floor. The ceilings seemed to reach up forever, and the back walls of the apartment were glass, like the office, and looked out onto the city. The apartment was appointed with a well-selected mix of modern and older furniture, a grand fireplace dominating the western wall. The room was bright and cheery with the natural light that poured in. Anna could hardly believe how amazing the place was.

"Welcome," said Jason.

"This is, um, quite a pad," said Anna, stepping into the apartment, which she realized was the largest she'd seen, so far, in New York.

"Thanks," said Jason, the word coming out offhandedly. "Little too much space, maybe, but I'd rather have too much than too little."

Quite a dilemma to have, thought Anna as she walked further into the apartment.

Eventually, she reached the back wall, which led out onto a large balcony and provided a spectacular view of the Upper East Side. They were high enough she could see the green rectangle of Central Park. Her mind reeled as she considered just how much a place like this must've cost.

"Let me show you to your room," said Jason. "The kids and I are on the other side of the apartment, down the other hall, so you'll pretty much have this side to yourself."

My own wing, thought Anna. Incredible.

Jason led her down the hall, passing door after door until they reached the last one on the left. He opened the door to reveal a large, yet cozy bedroom. The windows looked out onto Lower Manhattan, the towers of Midtown dominating the view. Stepping into the bedroom, she realized it was nearly as large as the apartment she shared.

"Like I said, we'll bring your clothes and whatever else over," said Jason, standing near the door. "I can have the movers go over to your place this afternoon, if you'd like."

"That'd, um, be great," said Anna, still coming to terms with her new accommodations. "This is all really nice. Thank you."

"Save your ‘thank yous' until I can see that you're actually worth keeping around," said Jason.

Anna gulped, remembering she was now in the employ of a mercenary- not exactly the sort of guy who likes to screw around.

"I'll do my best," said Anna.

"Do you actually have any experience with children?" asked Jason. "You were chosen as a candidate due to your impressive credentials, but I want to know how much hands-on experience you truly have."

"Um, well, I babysat a lot when I was in high school," said Anna. "And I've got lots of nieces and nephews."

Red formed on Anna's cheeks. She knew that despite what she was telling Jason, which was the truth, she didn't actually feel as though she had a natural knack for kids. She found herself feeling awkward and stiff around them, and at times, she wondered if she was one of those women who just didn't seem to have a maternal instinct.

"The kids can be tough," he said, his gorgeous blue eyes still fixed on her. "Sophia and William have had a hard time adapting to things since their mother passed."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Anna asked. "How long has it been?"

Anna felt she might've been prying a bit, but she felt these were details she needed to know. Not to mention the fact that part of her couldn't help but wonder if the death of Jason's wife was in any way related to his career.

"About a year ago," said Jason. "Cancer. All happened over the course of about half a year. But enough about that."

Anna didn't press the point; it was clear this was a subject Jason didn't care to discuss.

"I did babysitters for a while, but the kids had a rough time with it. Just too many mother-figures constantly coming and going. I figured a nanny would be the best bet; you can stay here when I'm gone and give me some peace of mind."

"How often are you gone?" asked Anna.

"Hard to say, exactly," said Jason, thinking the question over. "Long enough that I'm sure I don't qualify for any father of the year awards."

His eyes went back to Anna.

"One more thing," he said. "There's a door down another hallway; it's marked with a silver crest. Under no circumstances are you to go inside it. Understood?"

Anna felt herself stiffen. Jason's tone was as stern as she'd ever heard it.

"Sure," she said. "Don't touch the door with the silver crest."

"Glad we understand each other," he said.

Jason checked his watch.

"Kids won't be back for a little bit. Let me take you out for some lunch, then you can have the afternoon to get used to the place before the kids come back."

"Sounds good," said Anna, secretly feeling more than a little nervous about meeting the kids.

She wondered what they were like, imagining a pair of children with the same striking blue eyes and serious temperament as their father.

"There's a bistro down the block that I like," said Jason. "Come on."

"We going to take the helicopter?" asked Anna, allowing herself a little smile.

Jason's mouth turned up on one side ever so slightly.

"I know the owner; not sure he'd be hot on a rooftop landing."

With that, the two of them headed down to the street and toward the corner. As they walked, Anna couldn't help but watch Jason out of the corner of her eye. Just as before, his walk was more of a stride- intense, and with a bearing that seemed to suggest he was ready for anything that might happen at any moment. It was strange to her; she felt a little off-center by Jason, but at the same time, safe, as though she didn't have anything to worry about when she was with him.

The two of them stepped into the sunny interior of the bistro, the lunch crowd filling the air with the din of a busy restaurant. A balding man in a gray suit approached the pair. He greeted Jason warmly, and Anna got the sense that this was the owner. The man led them to a two-person table near a window that looked out onto the busy avenue next to them. Anna couldn't help but notice that the chair Jason took had its back to the wall; it reminded her of the old mobster movies her dad liked to watch. When the waitress approached, Jason went ahead and ordered for the both of them. The independent woman in Anna bristled at this, but the certainty with which he ordered made her believe he really knew what she would like.

"Been coming here for years," he said, handing the menus to the waitress, who silently departed, "never disappointed by the specials."

"Well, then, I'm looking forward to not being disappointed," said Anna.

Jason allowed himself a small smile, and Anna couldn't help but notice that his blue eyes went from her to the rest of the restaurant, as though he was constantly on watch for anything out of the ordinary.

"Spot any trouble?" she asked, half joking and half serious.

Jason regarded her with a wry expression.

"My line of work, you can't really turn things off," he said, settling into his seat.

"I see," said Anna.

"Now," said Jason. "I know all about your past –at least what I know from your information and the thorough background check we ran on you- but I'd like to know more about you."

Anna's eyes widened at this.

"What do you want to know?" she asked. "I mean, there's really not much to say."

"I doubt that," said Jason. "Everyone's got a story. And most people are eager to tell it, regardless of how shy they might be at first."

Anna thought about the question of who she was. Despite what Jason said, she viewed herself as about as normal and boring as they come.

"Well," she said, "I'm from the Midwest –Kansas City, to be specific- and, um, I went to school, then I moved to New York."

Jason smirked. "I see I'm getting the abridged version."

"Sorry," she said, "I'm not all that exciting."

"Well, you came to New York, didn't you?" he asked. "That, at least, tells me that you didn't think you'd be happy with the quiet Midwestern life."

"I suppose not," said Anna, realizing there was truth to what he's said. "I mean, I love where I grew up, but it was so…"

"Quiet," said Jason, finishing her words.

"Exactly," she said. "I needed…more. And when you're a girl growing up in the suburbs, New York seems like just about the most exciting place in the world. I wanted to be someplace where I'm constantly being stimulated and challenged."

"That's a good trait," said Jason. "Most people want nothing more than what they're familiar with. ‘New and different’ to them just means ‘frightening and weird'."

Anna knew he was dead-on. She knew the Midwest produced friendly people, but also the types who didn't want their lives to be changed in any drastic way. They wanted the same suburban house and two to three kids that their parents had.

"But it's so cliché," said Anna. "New York is the go-to place for anyone looking for excitement. It seemed like half the girls in my office were all small-town girls wanting the same thing I did."

"But you aren't any of those girls," said Jason. "Don't ever fool yourself into thinking you're just one of the crowd; that's the fastest way to make it actually come true."

“And there’s something else, too,” said Anna, speaking the words with hesitation.

“Oh?” asked Jason, clearly intrigued.

“Never mind,” said Anna. “It’s stupid.”

“Well, let me be the judge of that.”

“It’s just, I don’t know, as strange as it seems, I never really fit in with anyone.”

“That’s very common for girls like you,” said Jason. “Alienation from peers.”

“No,” she said. “It’s…more than that. I don’t just mean I didn’t fit in with my friends, I mean I didn’t feel like I fit in with anyone, not even my family. I don’t know how to explain it, but I remember sometimes feeling as though I was, like, an alien from another planet or something. Like I wasn’t actually part of my family.”

“Like you were adopted?” asked Jason.

“Kind of…but deeper than that. As though there was some serious, inborn difference between my family and me. Something deeper than blood.”

Anna looked up and saw that Jason had been taking in every word with rapt attention.

“Sorry, this is so stupid,” Anna said at once, feeling ashamed.

“No,” said Jason, placing his hand on hers. “If you feel something like this, then you owe it to yourself to figure out why. Mistrusting your own intuition is one of the easiest ways to become truly lost.”

Anna considered his words, almost feeling as though he knew something she didn’t. But before she could respond, the waitress brought their meals. On the plate placed in front of her was a delicious-looking sandwich with a small side salad. She lifted it and took a bite, her eyes widening as she realized just how delicious it was. The bread was chewy and toasted perfectly, the ham and cheese were savory and sinful, and there was a wonderful sauce she couldn't quite identify.

"What'd I tell you?" Jason asked, setting down his own sandwich.

"Amazing," said Anna, covering her mouth with her hand when she realized she still had food there.

She swallowed.

"I'll never doubt you again."

Jason flashed her a smile, and Anna's heart skipped a beat. Aside from the fact he was her boss and a very formidable-seeming man, Jason was also extremely attractive to Anna. She'd noticed how handsome he was when they first met, and now, here in the bright restaurant, the light catching his eyes in such a way that brought out the gorgeous, almost inhuman blues, she felt a tingling in her stomach.

"That's the best first step to you and me having a good working relationship," he said with another one of his wry grins.

The two of them finished their lunch and headed back to the apartment.

"Go ahead and get settled," he said. "Make up a list of everything you need from your apartment and I'll have it brought over by the end of the day."

"Sure," said Anna.

And with that, he left down the other hallway.

Anna went into her room and fell onto her bed, thinking about how strange this all was. Over the span of less than twenty-four hours, she'd gone from gainfully-employed young professional to…whatever this was. She lay on the bed for a time, letting the situation wash over her. And to her chagrin, Jason's face continually appeared in her thoughts.

This is going to be even more complicated if you start crushing on your older boss, thought Anna to herself. Stop it!

Looking for some way to block out her intrusive thoughts, she got up and sat at her desk, writing the list of things she wanted to have brought over. She jotted down clothes, then bathroom things, then a few odds and ends here and there like her computer, but other than that, she couldn't really think of anything she needed. One of the reasons she'd chosen the room she did was because it came pre-furnished; she didn't have to worry about making any major purchases. But it was still striking to her that all she had to show for her life was a few boxes worth of cheap clothes from H&M, and a few random things.

Before she could consider the matter for too long, Anna heard the front door open, followed by the pattering of little feet. She felt her blood run cold when she realized that the kids, the children she'd be responsible for, had arrived.

Oh shit, she thought. First impression time.

Part of her wanted to hide out in her room, to pretend she was simply staying at a luxury apartment where she didn't have to worry about a single thing. But she dismissed this as silly, realizing it was better to get the introductions out of the way as soon as possible.

So, taking her list of things and slipping it into her pocket, she opened the door to her bedroom and headed out to meet her charges. 

"Dad, who's that?"

The boy standing in front of Anna was, just as she expected, possessing the same striking features as his father. His eyes were a deep blue, his hair was black as ink, and his features were those that made it clear he was going to develop into a very handsome young man. At his side was his younger sister, a pretty girl with reddish hair and hazel eyes. She lacked the clear similarities her brother had, but it was obvious the two were siblings. Both children were dressed in well-fitted and stylish school uniforms.

"What do you mean ‘who's that'?" asked Jason, mussing the boy's hair. "This is the nanny I told you about."

"I don't like her," said the girl, stepping behind her brother and hiding her face.

Off to a great start, thought Anna.

"Well, don't be rude," said Jason, placing his hand on the boy's back and giving him a gentle shove toward Anna. "You two introduce yourselves."

The boy straightened his back and walked toward Anna in a charming attempt at his father's confident stride.

"Hello, I'm William," he said, extending his hand, his high voice clear.

"Pleased to meet you, William," said Anna, taking his hand and noting how he shook it delicately like a man would shake a woman's hand.

He quickly slid his hand out of Anna's and stepped back, as though the attempt at adult behavior drained him.

"And who's this pretty little lady?" asked Anna, kneeling down to the girl's level.

The girl shook her head and took her place behind her brother once again.

"Sophia," said Jason. "What'd I tell you about being rude in front of new people?"

"Don't do it," the girl said in a quiet voice.

"That's right," he said. "No need to be shy; Miss Anna is a very nice woman. Isn't that right?"

"Um, that's right," said Anna. "I'm really, totally nice."

Judging by the way Sophia stayed in place, she didn't seem to be convinced.

"Last chance, Soph," said Jason, his tone sterner.

That seemed to be all the prodding she needed. Sophia stepped out from behind her brother, gave Anna a quick shake, then grabbed her bag and rushed off.

"She's a little shy, if you can't tell," said Jason.

"I was the same way when I was her age," said Anna. "I was scared of anyone more than a head taller than me."

"Can I go now?" asked William, shifting in place.

"You can go if you start right on your homework," said Jason.

"Fine," he said and hurried off.

"They'll warm up to you," said Jason. "Like I said, I'm thinking they've just seen too many women come and go; it'll take them before they realize you're here to stay."

Anna wondered if this was, indeed, going to be the case; part of her wondered if she was going to make it a week.

"So," said Anna. "You're going out of town soon?"

"Actually, change of plans," said Jason. "I got switched to a new op in town. Just basic escort work during the day. But, tonight, I've actually got some work that just came up. So, you'll be on your own with these two tonight."

Anna gulped. She knew it was only a matter of time before she'd be flying solo, but she had hoped for at least a day or two before then.

"Don't worry about it," said Jason. "It's a school night, so they're not going anywhere. They know to do their homework and get to bed early, so you just need to be the adult making sure they get everything done. I'll leave one of my cards so you can order dinner. They start getting sidetracked on their work, just tell them there's Mexican food waiting for them when they're done. That'll get them on your side."

"Oh, okay," said Anna, feeling overwhelmed.

"But I have to get going," said Jason. "Go ahead and start watching them, and I'll check with you on the way out. Help yourself to whatever's in the kitchen; you do live here now, after all."

"Okay," she repeated.

"Oh, and give me your list of things," he said, holding out his hand.

I handed the piece of folded paper over and he slipped it into his pants pocket.

With that, Jason hurried off to his bedroom. Anna stood still for a few moments, watching the kids work at the massive living room table, no sound but that of their pencils scrawling on paper. Anna walked slowly over to the table, making a slow circle around them for lack of anything else to do.

"Um, you guys need any help, just ask me. I went to college."

She winced as soon as the words left her mouth.

"Okay," they both said, not looking up from their work.

Before she had a chance to embarrass herself again, Jason emerged from the hallway. He was dressed in a different slick, dark suit, his freshly-polished shoes catching the early evening sun beaming in through the windows.

"Okay, I'm off," said Jason. "My number's on the fridge if you need anything. I'll be back before too late."

"Bye, Dad," said the children, at the same time.

And with that, he was off. Anna still wasn't sure what to do with herself, so she decided to make some coffee and sit near the kids, busying herself with her phone while the two worked. After an hour or so passed, the kids started getting fidgety and making excuses to stop their work.

"Um, there's Mexican in it for you if you finish before seven," said Anna.

The eyes of the two kids lit up.

"Can I get a quesadilla?" asked Sophia, showing the most enthusiasm Anna had seen since she'd arrived. "With extra cheese?"

"Sure," said Anna. "Whatever you want."

"I'm gonna get two burritos," said William. "She said I could get whatever I wanted; you heard her."

"You can't even finish one burrito," said Sophia, scrunching up her face. "What are you gonna do with two?"

"Nu-uh!" said William, his tone bratty. "I can eat two; you'll see."

"Whatever," said Sophia, turning back to her work.

They continued on with their work, and eventually, Anna ordered the food, timing it so it'd be there at around when the children finished. After stuffing themselves full of food, the two kids plopped onto the couch to watch Netflix. After a time, the doorbell rang. William hopped out of his seat and pressed the buzzer, and minutes later, the elevator opened; a team of burly men in t-shirts and jeans had arrived to drop off Anna's things. Once they'd delivered her few belongings to her bedroom, she took a look over the total of her life so far, it finally sinking in that she was going to be living here for the time being.

When nine rolled around, Anna got the kids ready for bed. They were both cooperative and went off without too much hassle. An hour or so later, Jason returned.

"Everything go alright?" he asked, undoing his tie.

"Um, yeah," Anna said. "So far, so good."

"Good," he said.

And without another word, he headed down his hallway. Anna watched him go, noting that he stopped at the door with the silver crest, the one she was forbidden from opening, and stepped inside. She realized it was silly, but she couldn't help but wonder what was behind that door.

Focus on the job at hand, she told herself. You really want to get involved in a mercenary's private life?

Eventually, she found herself growing sleepy. Anna went to her room and got into bed, but after an hour or so of tossing and turning, she realized she wasn't going to get any rest; she knew that everything that had happened to her over the day was just too much for her to process. So, after a bit of pacing back and forth in her bedroom, Anna decided to head up onto the roof for some fresh air.

Anna walked through the cavernous apartment, the space dark and the only light coming from the twinkling lights of the city outside. She stopped in the kitchen for a glass of wine, thinking it'd be a nice compliment to her city-gazing. After a brief trip in the elevator, she stepped out onto the vast stretch of the roof, the majestic city all around her. And as she took in the view, she noticed something.

Someone else was there, standing on the edge of the roof.

The wind howled slightly, loud enough to mask her steps. Anna walked closer, and as she cut down the distance between her and the other person, she realized it wasn't a stranger, it was Jason.

He was sitting cross-legged, and as Anna drew closer, she saw that he was completely nude.

What the hell is he doing? she thought. Is he meditating or something?

She took a slow sip of her wine, watching Jason. He sat still as a stone, his hands resting on his knees. The moon was full and silver above them, the night sky the color of ink.

The time passed slowly as Anna wondered just what Jason was doing.

I should leave him alone, she thought. I don't know what he's doing, but I seriously doubt he wants me watching him.

But before she could even begin to leave, something strange happened, something Anna wasn't expecting in the slightest.

Jason began to change.

It started with him lowering his head, as though he had fallen asleep as he sat. Then, the broad, strong muscles of his back began to work, his shoulders rotating and shrugging, like he was preparing for a heavy lift at the gym. Then, two slits formed on his back, parallel lines that ran down the length of his back, dark slashes without a drop of blood. His skin changed from a pale tone to something darker, settling on a deep, shimmering silver. Then, out of the slits, emerged two forms that Anna couldn't quite make out, at first. But, as they grew, she realized what they were.

They were wings.

They continued to grow as they came out of Jason's back, eventually growing into a massive pair of silver, lizard-like wings. They extended from Jason's form, and once they spread out, Jason rose to his feet. Next, the rest of his boy grew, and Anna could see that the soft flesh of his skin was changing into some other kind of material. She had to squint to see just what it was, but it appeared to her to be scales.

What the fuck is happening, she thought, the glass of wine shaking in her hand.

The rest of Jason's body grew until he towered in height. He continued to change, his form turning from a winged, scaled human to something that struck Anna as something that resembled a dinosaur.

Then it struck her like a bolt of lightning what he had actually changed into.

He was a dragon.

Once he was completely changed, he stood proudly on the roof, his wings stretched out, his form fearsome and tall. His stomps shook the ground as he walked, and Anna found herself frozen in place, her eyes locked on Jason.

Then she realized she was seeing something she absolutely shouldn't have. Who knows what would happen if he saw her watching him?

But, right at the moment, knowing she needed to leave, her glass of wine slipped out of her hand, landing on the roof with a crash and shattering into a thousand pieces. Terrified, Anna looked up at Jason to see if he'd noticed, but he didn't appear to. Not wanting to press her luck, Anna rushed back into the elevator, back to her room, then under the covers as though she were a little kid hiding from a monster.

She didn't get any sleep that night.

When the alarm finally went off, Anna was wide awake. She spent the night trying to get some sleep, knowing she'd need it for the next day, but what she'd witnessed was simply too intense to allow her to rest.

He's a dragon, she thought. My boss is a dragon. How is that even possible? Dragons aren't even real!

But she knew what she'd seen. She was there as Jason transformed, turning from a human to a beast that was as majestic as it was terrifying. The image of him was clear in her mind as he stood proudly on the roof, his scales as brilliant and silver as the moon above.

Anna didn't want to leave the bedroom. Part of her wanted to find the nearest fire escape and climb down, despite the fact they were hundreds of feet up. She was keenly aware that she couldn't quit this job, despite the fact that she was apparently working for a monster out of medieval fairy tales.

So, steeling herself, she showered and got dressed. Once ready, she took a deep breath and left her bedroom. As she approached the main room of the apartment, she heard the sounds of breakfast. Anna checked her watch to make sure she hadn't overslept. Sure enough, she was on time. Stepping into the main room, she walked in to see Jason up, making a pancake breakfast for William and Sophia, who were still in their pajamas and sitting at the kitchen bar.

"Morning," said Jason, flicking his blue eyes to Anna.

Anna felt small under his gaze. But she knew she needed to play it cool.

"Good morning, guys," she said, entering the kitchen. "Am I late?"

"Not at all," said Jason. I've been up for a while, so I figured I'd handle the kids this morning–don't get the chance very often. I'm heading out soon, so you can finish getting them ready and take them to school."

"Sure, no problem," said Anna, pouring herself a fresh cup of coffee.

"Hey, dudes," she said to the kids.

"Morning," they both said, their attention occupied by the pancakes on their plates and the screens in front of them.

"Hey," said Jason. "What'd I tell you about using screens at the table?"

"It's not a table," said William. "It's a bar."

"Are you eating off of it?" asked Jason.

"Yes," said William.

"Are you sitting at it?"


"Then it's a table."

"I'm studying for a test today," said Sophia, proudly.

"What kind of tests does a baby like you even have," said William. "How to be a loser?"

"Dad!" said Sophia, her cherubic face tightening in frustration.

"Will," said Jason. "Cool it. And both of you put those things away and give Miss Anna a proper good morning."

"Good morning," they said, putting their devices down and speaking in unison.

Anna smiled and gave a friendly nod.

The little scene was such a normal, domestic situation that Anna managed to forget, for a brief moment, that the man speaking next to her was some kind of shape-shifting dragon.

"Okay," said Jason. "You guys get ready. Get on, now. And remember, it's Friday; if you want to do anything fun tonight with your friends, you'd better be on your best behavior today."

The kids shoved down their last bites of breakfast and trundled off to their rooms.

"So," said Jason. "Kids are going to be off for the day, which is the usual situation during the week. You can have the day to do whatever you want, just as long as you're outside their school waiting for them at three-thirty on the dot. I…don't like them walking home along."

"Okay," said Anna, feeling like she should've said more, but still feeling tongue-tied.

After all, how exactly do you speak to a dragon?

"And I've arranged for the kids to have a sleepover this evening. I'll leave the address on the counter. Just bring them back after school, get them after their homework, and drop ‘em off."

"And…you have the evening off, too?" asked Anna.

"I do," said Jason. "And make sure your plans are clear for the evening. I want to discuss some…matters with you."

Anna's blood ran cold; she was certain the issue of what happened last night would be discussed.

But how would he know? Anna thought to herself. I saw him, but he didn't see me. Then again, if he's a dragon, who knows what other kinds of powers he has?

"I'll, um, go see to the kids, then."

Jason nodded, and she was off. William seemed to have no problems getting dressed, but Sophia was hemming and hawing over a few different outfits. Anna helped her decide on one, and soon, both of the kids were ready to go.

"I'm off," said Jason. "The school's just a few blocks down the road. I'll head to the street with you three."

He did just that, riding down the elevator with Anna and the kids. The family said their goodbyes on the street and Jason was off. Anna couldn't help but watch Jason leave; she was fascinated by him now that she knew what she did about his true nature.

"Why are you looking at my daddy like that?" asked Sophia, snapping Anna out of her stare.

"I bet it's because she likes him," said William, and an impish grin on his face.

"Eww!" said Sophia.

"Come on, you little weirdos," said Anna, leading the two along.

After a short walk, the three arrived at the stately red brick building where the kids went to school, the entrance to the place a bustle of kids, parents, and teachers.

"Now," said Anna. "Just like your dad said–be here at three-thirty. And if you're both good then maybe we can stop for some ice cream on the way back."

Sophia's eyes went wide. "I'll-be-good!" she said, smushing the words together.

"Alright, get on in there."

The kids marched along the path leading up to the school, and soon, disappeared into the crowd of children. Anna sighed in relief as they went up, feeling good for getting them off on their first morning without a hitch.

But then a thought occurred to her as she walked back to the apartment: if their father was a dragon, then what did that make them? Surely, Jason's dragon nature wasn't some weird fluke, like being born with six fingers on one hand. Anna realized it had to be something passed down by the parents. Were the children both dragons as well?

Anna shuddered, feeling overwhelmed by the entire situation. She headed back to the apartment for a time, trying to relax, but unable to shake the weight on her about what she now knew about Jason and his family. And as she waiting for the day to pass, the door with the silver crest seemed to call out to her. Before, she'd just assumed Jason was a gun-collector or some such, or that the door barred the entrance to a study that was decidedly child-free. But now, Anna couldn't help but wonder just what was behind the door. If Jason was willing to keep this secret from her, then what else was he hiding?

The day passed by slowly, Anna spending most of the time trying to catch up on her reading while getting used to the apartment. By the time school was about to get out, she was more than ready to get the kids. True to her word, the three stopped for ice cream and Anna set them to work on their studies as soon as they got back. Once they were done, it was time to drop them off at their friends. Anna had them gather two small bags and then they were back outside. The friend's home was a gorgeous townhome near Central Park, and, just like with the apartment, Anna's mind reeled when she considered how much it must've cost.

I guess that explains why a guy in security can afford an apartment like his, thought Anna. Maybe he paid for it with dragon's gold.

Once she was back at the apartment, she made a fresh pot of coffee. And as it brewed, Jason arrived.

"Good day?" he asked, undoing his tie and taking off the gun from under his suit jacket.

"Yeah," said Anna. "No problems so far."

"They're good kids," said Jason. "Just don't take it personally when they start acting like little terrors, and you'll be fine."

"So…" said Anna. "Plans for tonight?"

"Right," said Jason. "I thought we could do with a little dinner out. Some adult time. And there're still a few finer points to the job I want to go over with you."

He slipped out of his suit jacket and tossed it onto the back of a nearby chair. Anna couldn't help but notice how his undershirt fit on his broad, muscular body.

"Give me a second," he said. "Go change if you need to. But nothing too fancy."

"That won't be a problem," said Anna with a smile.

Jason disappeared down his hallway and Anna rushed to her bedroom, trying to find something that wasn't wrinkled to hell. She settled on one of her work outfits, a simple black pencil skirt and a burgundy sleeveless top. She rushed to get ready, as if the faster she got dressed, the faster she could get to the part in the evening where Jason told her just what the hell was going on.

Who says he even wants to bring it up? Anna thought to herself. Maybe he didn't see me after all. Maybe this is just a normal night out.

She returned to the living room, where Jason waited with a glass of caramel-colored alcohol. He was wearing another one of his exquisite suits, this one dark blue.

"I'm ready if you are," he said.

Anna couldn't help but notice the way his eyes lingered on her legs.

"Sure," she said.

A silent car ride later, the two of them arrived at a slightly-upscale, very trendy restaurant on the Upper West Side. Anna's stomach tingled with anxiety; she didn't know what to make of this evening. Just as before, Jason ordered for the both of them, two of the fish specials along with a bottle of red wine. What she'd dropped on the rooftop last night.

Jason took a sip from his large glass, his eyes on Anna's drink.

"Not thirsty?" he asked. "I mean, I do know you like red."

Anna's blood went cold. She froze in her seat and stared straight at Jason like a prey animal caught in the sight of a predator.

"Um, you, I, uh," stammered Anna.

"Easy," he said. "I saw your little mess from last night."

"Then…you know that-"

"I know that you know," he said.

A silence hung in the air as Anna waited for whatever came next.

"You…weren't supposed to see that," said Jason, setting down his glass on the dark wood table. "Not yet, at least."

"What?" asked Anna. "What do you mean ‘not yet'?"

"Let me start from the beginning," said Jason, his voice low and words deliberate. "I'm not just in security. Well, not in the way you might think."

"I figured that from the apartment. And the helicopter."

Jason chuckled. "Don't know many security guards who can afford a penthouse," he said. "I'm aware that there are plenty of aspects of my life that are…incongruous with what I've told you."

"Then explain," said Anna. "I need to know just what I've gotten myself into."

"I'm getting there," said Jason. "First of all, I'm not in security; I'm a mercenary. I work for Silver Dragons Mercenaries, one of the oldest mercenary companies in the western hemisphere."

"And one that employs dragons."

The word fell out of Anna's mouth and onto the table like a stone.

Jason took another sip of his wine, his ice-blue eyes on Anna all the while.

"That's right."

Anna looked around, as if she might be on some kind of prank show.

"Dragons?" she hissed in a low voice.

"That's right," said Jason. "I'm a dragon. Well, a dragon shifter, to be more precise."

Anna sat still and straight in her seat.

"I…don't understand," she said. "This is the most insane thing I've heard in my life and you're just sitting there telling me like it's the most natural thing in the world."

"Well, for me, it is the most natural thing in the world. I haven't known anything else."

I guess he's got me there, thought Anna.

"Then, um, uh, tell me about this," she said. "Tell me everything."

Soon, the food arrived. But Anna's appetite was totally wiped out. She wasn't interested in anything but Jason explaining his situation. Jason, on the other hand, calmly placed his napkin on his lap and dug into his meal.

"Try it," he said, gesturing to her fish. "Best fish in the city, in my opinion."

But all Anna could think of was Jason in his dragon form, swooping over the ocean and snatching up claws full of sea creatures and shoving them into his mouth. Or whatever he did to eat while changed.

Finally, after another bite or two, Jason seemed to realize that Anna needed some information.

"Shifters are beings that can change from human to animal form at will," he said. "There are many different species, and I happen to be a dragon."

"And you're a mercenary."

"That's right."

"So…who exactly do you work for?" asked Anna. "I'm guessing you're not guarding any old clients."

Jason nodded.

"For the most part, you're right. I do some work for human clients every now and then –rich Saudis, paranoid tech moguls, those types- but most of the work my organization and I do is for various members of the dragon community."

"The ‘dragon community'?" asked Anna. "How many of your kind are there?"

"Many. And not just in New York. Our species is one of the oldest in the world; some of our kind have been around for over a millennium."

"And you?" asked Anna.

"Not a spring chicken, but not one of the elders. Some of my kind have been around since the days of Rome. You ever wonder where all the myths of dragons come from? Well, the source of some of them still walk the earth to this day."

Anna sat back in her seat, trying to take all of this in.

"And the kids?" she asked. "What about them?"

"They're shifters as well. But the ability to change typically doesn't begin to show until at least adolescence. So, they don't know their nature just yet."

Jason opened his mouth to speak, but seemed to change his mind.

"You know what? I think I have a better way to explain all of this. Go ahead and eat your meal; it's getting cold."

Anna turned her attention back to her meal. She still felt beyond freaked out by all of this, but something about Jason's cool confidence managed to put her at ease. Hesitantly, she took a bite of her fish. Sure enough, it was delicious. And the wine didn't hurt when it came to calming her nerves.

Soon after, they were back in the apartment.

"Come this way," said Jason, leading Anna down his hallway.

Anna walked with Jason, and the two of them came to a stop at the door with the silver crest. Anna had been afraid to even approach it before, but now that she was close, she could see that the crest was an ornate, elaborate symbol that contained an image of a dragon and words in Latin.

"What does that mean?" asked Anna.

"Not an exact translation, but the closest would be ‘even dragons have their ends'."

"Pretty morbid," said Anna.

"That's the point," said Jason. "To remind us of our mortality. Dragons are powerful, but we can be killed. An important thing to keep in mind when you're in the business I'm in."

Jason then placed his hand on the crest, the door unlocking with a click. He pushed it open, and what Anna saw next was something she wasn't prepared for.

The room was a massive, old-fashioned study, the walls lined with colorful spines of books, the floor covered with a deep red tapestry of an intricate pattern. But all around the room were decorations that seemed…otherworldly. There were bones of animals that Anna couldn't recognize, artifacts that looked to be thousands of years old, and portraits of stern-looking men and women with the same strange eyes as Jason.

And weapons. Lots and lots of weapons. Swords, guns, crossbows, slings- they were all here.

"What is this place?" said Anna, stepping in.

"Call it my memorabilia room," said Jason. "I'm a little bit sentimental, and this room is where I keep little reminders of missions I've gone on over the years."

Anna wandered over to a beautiful sword with a decorated gold hilt and a gleaming silver blade.

"That," he said, "is the sword of Richard the First."

"From England?" asked Anna.

"No," said Jason. "From the bodega down the road."

He flashed Anna a smart-ass smirk.

"It's amazing," she said.

"It was given as a gift to me," Jason said. "Back when I was very young. It's not our way to interfere in the human world too drastically, but there were some…individuals who were threatening the stability of the kingdom and that was part of my payment for eradicating them."

"So, humans know about…shifters?"

"That depends on the human and on the shifters. But you'd be surprised at who knew about dragonkind."

Jason stepped to Anna's side, a pair of drinks in his hand. Anna took hers without thinking, sipping it slowly. And as Jason stood close to her, she couldn't help but take in his warmth and strange, appealing scent.

What's gotten into me? she thought. I've learned my boss is pretty much a monster and all I can think about is how goddamned good-looking he is.

"And so, now you know what all the secrecy is about."

"And why interviewing for a nanny position felt like I was getting grilled by the CIA."

"That's right," he said. "There was much more to the background check than you realize. And you passed, which means you've been determined to be the type that could handle information like this. I mean, look at you- you're not freaking out and running for the hills; you're taking all of this rather well, all things considered."

Anna thought about it.

I guess he's right. This is all totally insane, but part of me is more…interested than anything else.

"Well, I guess this is a hell of a lot more interesting than working at an investment firm."

"Good to see you've got the right attitude," said Jason. "Now, come with me."

He led her out of the room, shutting it tightly behind him.

"I assume this is all covered under the NDA," said Anna with a wry grin.

"You learn fast," said Jason, returning her smirk. "Now, come on outside and get some fresh air; you've learned a lot today."

Anna felt that this was the best call possible. The two of them stepped out onto the balcony, and between the cool early autumn air and the incredible view, she felt more at ease. The booze didn't hurt, of course.

As the two of them stood together, Anna couldn't help but feel something else. Sure, she'd been attracted to Jason from the start, when she first saw him standing in the office, but now there was a new dimension to her attraction. Now that she knew he was some sort of terribly powerful beast, something inhuman, she began to feel…safe. She stood close to him on the large balcony, the two of them looking out onto the city in silence as they sipped their drinks. Before she knew it, their bodies were nearly touching, the skin of her arm rubbing against the soft fabric of his suit jacket.

Anna turned to Jason and saw that he was already looking down at her, his eyes just as brilliant and blue, even in the dark. There was something between them at that moment, a feeling of heat and intensity that grew by the moment. Anna felt weak before Jason's gaze, as if he could do whatever he wanted with her just then and she would be more than willing to accommodate him. She couldn't believe the hold he had on her from merely a gaze. And even more, she couldn't believe how much she liked it.

She was more than thrilled when he leaned in and kissed her. 

Anna fell into Jason's kiss immediately, the feeling of the cool wind on her skin blending with the sensation of his lips on hers. As he kissed her, part of her rational mind told her to put a stop to what was happening; that getting involved with a man who, well, wasn't even a man, not to mention was her boss, was an utterly terrible idea. But her body couldn't resist. Jason kissed her deeply, starting with chaste presses against her lips and soon, escalating things into deep French kisses.

His taste struck Anna as strange, but intoxicating. He tasted like no man she'd ever kissed before –though the pool of comparison she had was fairly small–and it reminded her of the feeling of being out in the wilderness, like walking through a forest after a rain. And the way he held her close; everything seemed to work together to remind her that the man whose lips were currently pressed to hers wasn't human but something different. She felt that even if she didn't know his secret, she would've suspected there was something unique about him.

"Is this a good idea?" asked Anna, pulling herself away for a brief moment. "I mean…you're my boss."

"And a dragon," said Jason.

"That too."

Jason looked at her with a smoldering expression, and Anna could feel whatever resistance she was able to muster up disappear right then and there.

"It's a fantastic idea," said Jason.

That was all Anna needed to hear. Jason brought his lips to Anna's once again, and now, she was more than ready to give herself over to him. They kissed like this for a time, Jason's strong hands moving up and down Anna's curves, settling on her soft hips as he brought her as close as he could. Anna couldn't help but notice Jason was an expert kisser; she figured that being around for nearly a thousand years might give someone time to practice. Her hands began to move over Jason's body, taking in the firmness of his muscles through his clothes.

Jason's lips then moved away from Anna's lips to her cheek, to her jaw, and then to the sensitive flesh of her neck. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to become lost in the pleasure, the feeling of Jason's lips on her skin sending something like electricity through her body. She ran his hands through his thick, dark hair as his lips moved along her bare collarbone, and all she could think about was how she wanted more, more, more.

"We should," Anna said, speaking through her sighs. "We should move this inside."

"I agree," said Jason, his voice a low purr.

Jason took Anna's hand and the two of them hurried inside. Jason led her down the hall to his bedroom and opened the set of double doors. The room, just like every other space in the apartment, was incredible. The bedroom was massive and had the same impressive view.

But Anna was interested in other things at that moment. Jason led her to the foot of the bed, where they resumed their kiss. But now, in the privacy of the bedroom, they could do exactly what they both wanted. Anna slipped her hands under Jason's suit jacket and pulled it over his shoulders before setting to work on the buttons of his shirt. And as she did, Jason moved his hands up her shirt, his palms warm and firm against her slender stomach. Anna felt as though she might melt under his touch.

Soon, she undid the last button of his shirt and pulled it off eagerly. Anna couldn't help but glance at his incredible physique as he continued to kiss her neck and collarbone. Jason's body was just as impressive as Anna might've guessed a nearly-immortal being's might be. His pecs were firm and sculpted, his shoulders were broad and strong, and his abs were six squares of perfectly cut muscle. Not a drop of fat was anywhere to be found on his torso. And as she gazed at him, Anna felt herself become more and more aroused.

Next was Jason's turn. His hands continued up Anna's body, stopping at the soft fabric of her bra. Jason quickly pulled her shirt off over her head, his hands moving right to the clasp of her bra and unfastening it like a pro. He then pulled her straps over her shoulders; her full breasts were now exposed. Jason's lips now moved down, even further along her torso until he reached her breasts. He took her left breast into his hand, squeezing it firmly as he moved his tongue to her nipple. Anna moaned, the feeling of warmth and wetness against the sensitive skin beyond divine. After a time, he moved to the other breast, giving it equal amounts of the same kind of attention.

Anna, at that moment, decided she couldn't wait any longer.

Grabbing Jason by the shoulders, she pulled up, and moved back onto the bed. He landed on top of her, a sly smile forming on his lovely lips as he realized what she'd done.

"In a rush?" he asked in his low voice.

"Just ready for the good part," she said.

The grin he flashed her made it clear he felt the same way.

The two of them worked on each other's pants, getting one another out of the rest of their clothes. When Jason was down to just his skin-tight, black boxer briefs, Anna's eyes flicked to his crotch; she was eager to see what seemed to be on the verge of bursting through the fabric. Jason pulled down Anna's blue silk panties, rendering her fully nude. Then Anna slipped her fingers into the waistband of Jason's shorts and yanked them off.

Her eyes went wide as she laid eyes on what had just been revealed. Jason's cock was easily the largest and thickest she'd ever seen in person. Without thinking, she reached down and grabbed it; it was as though she wanted to know if her fingers would even be able to wrap around it.

Anna moaned as she held Jason's cock, his prick thick, hard and warm in her hand.

"I can't wait anymore," she said in a sensual, breathy voice. "Do it now."

Jason didn't need to hear another word. Anna spread her legs and wrapped them around Jason's waist, preparing herself for the feeling of that massive member entering her. Taking his prick by the base, Jason slowly slid himself into her.

The feeling was unlike anything Anna had ever experienced.

Anna felt as though she were being split in half in the most incredible way imaginable. With each inch that Jason's manhood slid into her, she felt as though she were being taken to another level of pleasure, and she wondered if she'd even be able to bear all of it being in her.

But she was willing to find out.

"Too much?" he asked.

"No," she said, pressing down on his round, firm ass and guiding him deeper into her. "It's perfect."

Once he was fully buried in Anna, he held still for a moment, giving her a moment of time to accustom herself to his size. Anna, through the pleasure, suspected he was used to the reaction he was getting from her, and that a prick of his size was nothing to take lightly, so to speak.

"Do it," she said, "please."

With that, Jason began to move inside her, the feeling of his cock sliding out of Anna was beyond compare. Once he was nearly withdrawn from her, she pressed down on his ass again –this time more insistently. She wanted him buried back into her and she wanted it now.

He was happy to comply.

Jason shoved himself into her again, this time penetrating her with more ease. Anna let out another long moan as he entered her once again. Soon, Jason was moving in her at a steady pace, driving into her over and over again, wracking her body with sublime agony. All Anna could do was hold on tight, as though she were on the ride of a lifetime. And in a way, she was.

Jason's slow thrusts soon shifted into deep, full plunges, and Anna, without thinking, found her nails digging into the thick skin of his back. Grunts sounded from Jason as he bucked into her, his body propped up on his massive arms, the sight of his muscles at work giving Anna something worth forcing her eyes open to see. She couldn't believe how incredible Jason felt inside her; it was a fucking she'd never before come close to experiencing. As he continued to pound her, she knew an orgasm wasn't far off. And judging by the intensity of Jason's grunts, she suspected the same for her lover.

After a time in the missionary position, Jason sat straight up and onto his legs, then grabbed Anna by the hips and pulled her close to him, his cock sliding into her again as he did. From this new position of Anna laying on her back while Jason entered her from the sitting position, Anna was taken to even grander heights of pleasure. He resumed his powerful thrusting, and Anna enjoyed the wonderful view of the muscles of Jason's shredded torso at work.

"Oh God," she said, the words slipping from her mouth without her control. "Oh God."

The angle this new position allowed made Jason's cock hit just the right spots. Anna couldn't believe how good he felt in her; it was pleasure so intense and sweet it seemed beyond sinful.

Orgasm approached gradually, then suddenly. The waves of ecstasy broke free, washing over Anna's body. Her limbs grew warm and tingling, and all she could do was hold on to Jason's thick arms for dear life as the orgasm pounded through her. It was like an impossibly intense fire that started in her loins and raged through the rest of her. And just about when it ran its course, Jason, with a heave and a grunt, had his own orgasm. He grunted like a wild animal, bucking into her as he shot himself deep within Anna. The feeling of him exploding in her took her pleasure to even greater heights. She felt his body shudder with pleasure as her hands remained on his rear end.

And when he was done, he collapsed on top of her. His cock remained in her for a time as the two of them caught their breaths as they lay together in a sweaty spent heap. Anna moved her hands up from Jason's ass and began caressing his back, savoring the feeling of his chest rising and falling, his heart beating hard in his chest. After a time, he rolled off her, a feeling of slight disappointment running through Anna as he removed his cock from her. Part of her wanted him to bury it in her and never take it out.

Before she could give the matter too much though, Anna was quickly off into a deep, dreamless sleep.

When Jason awoke a few hours later, he couldn't help but watch Anna sleep for a time. He was completely taken by her beauty, and despite only having known her for a brief period of time, he felt drawn to her in a way he'd never felt before.

They told me this would happen, he though. They told me I needed to be vigilant.

He checked his phone and saw that the hour for the meeting was near. The sky through the window was still dark as coal; the sun hadn't even begun to come up.

He hopped in the shower, took a quick rinse, and dressed in a navy suit. Standing in front of the full-length mirror in his bedroom, he gave his appearance a quick once-over. He needed to look his best- after all, he was meeting with his clients, the Abraxis Clan, this morning in order to discuss his current mission. One of the oldest dragon clans in the city; he knew that they were sticklers for appearance.

Anna shifted in bed as Jason tied his tie, and he watched her out of the corner of his eye.

Still asleep, he thought. Hopefully, I can be back before she wakes up.

Once Jason was satisfied with his appearance, he took the elevator to the roof where the helicopter awaited him. He knew he could've simply shifted and flown, but he didn't feel like dealing with the hassle of preparing the spell that would hide him from human eyes; he knew he had enough to worry about today.

As soon as he took his seat, he gave the signal to the pilot and they were off. Jason settled into his seat, his eyes on the city below as it passed by at a hurried pace. The helicopter flew east, and soon, they were over the long stretch of Queens, the dense, gray city eventually giving way to the green of the suburbs. Then they were out of the city and over Long Island. Jason watched as the tight clusters of apartments and streets changed to vast tracts of green, dotted with large estates. They were traveling to where the money on Long Island lived.

After a time, they arrived at the Abraxis Estate. It was an old building, of solid gray stone, one of the first estates built out in the Hamptons. The Abraxis Clan had been able to easily afford it, and Jason knew that however expensive it might be, it only hinted at the wealth the clan had been able to accumulate over the last millennium and a half.

The helicopter landed on the lawn and the pilot killed the engine.

"See you here in a bit, boss," said the pilot.

"Here's hoping," said Jason with a sardonic tone.

Jason crossed the long stretch of property that led to the stately building, the large half-circle of the driveway flanked by two grand fountains and surrounded with lawn work that looked straight out of Versailles. No one was there to greet him.

He approached the massive wooden front doors and knocked using the large, gold door knocker that was cast in the shape of a dragon's head.

Not very subtle, he thought, but then again, who the hell would guess actual dragons lived here?

A butler arrived and opened the door, leading him into the vast, museum-like entryway. The butler said nothing as they walked, and soon, they approached a large hall lit with several chandeliers that hung from a dizzyingly tall arched ceiling.

In the hall, seated like royalty, in three chairs on a dais, were the leaders of the Abraxis Clan.

The Abraxis Clan was one of the oldest and most powerful clans in the United States, and possibly even the world. Tracing their lineage back to the fall of the Roman Empire, the clan was the sort to have had their hands in just about every major event of human civilization they could, tipping the balance of conflict and struggle in whatever way might result in more power and glory for their clan.

And now, for reasons Jason could only guess, they had enlisted him for a very particular job: to get close to Anna Clinton.

Jason's footsteps echoed on the hard floor as he approached the clan leaders.

"There's our boy," said Mendian Abraxis, a woman who appeared to be in her mid-thirties but was, in truth, much older. She was a trim woman with a stern demeanor, her dark blonde hair worn in a short, cropped cut that framed her striking features.

"And right on time, as always," said Lenorian, the elder and leader of the clan. Lenorian was a slim-bodied man with long, silver hair and a face that was so slim and fair that it was almost feminine.

"Not sure why I have to be here for this," said Ionian, the eldest son of the two elders, a beefy young-looking man with his father's silver hair –though, cut very short- and his mother's stern demeanor.

"Hush, boy," said Lenorian. "You want to rule this clan one day, then you sit and watch how it's done."

Ionian quieted, tightening his body language.

Jason, remembering where he was, gave a formal bow to the elders.

"A pleasure, as always," he said.

Jason hated the formality that clans like the Abraxis demanded, but that was part and parcel of working the elder clans; they were sticklers for rules and traditions. He was surprised they didn't have the full court here with them.

"I'll get right to it," said Lenorian, his legs crossed and his hands folded on his lap. "I want to know what the status is of the target. I want to know if you've made progress."

"I have," said Jason. "I currently have her employed, and things are progressing on the…romantic front quite well."

Ionian snickered.

"That's quite the euphemism," he said, his tone snotty.

Jason shot him a narrow-eyed look at the same time Lenorian did. The boy quieted again.

"And everything came back as we were expecting with the background and DNA test, correct?" asked Mendian.

"Just as you said," said Jason. "The girl has a hell of a lineage."

"Which clan is she associated with?" asked Lenorian.

"The Garamundi Clan, some long-extinct, but very powerful, Italian clan of gray dragons."

And this was the heart of the matter.

"And she still thinks you've brought her on board as a nanny and nothing else?" asked Mendian.

"That's right," said Jason. "It was good timing since I have needed someone to look out for the kids for a while. And she's not bad at it, actually."

"But she doesn't suspect anything, does she?" asked Lenorian. "Anything of her heritage?"

"No," said Jason. "In fact, last night was the night she learned about my true nature. She hadn't heard a thing about dragons before that; still thought that they were nothing more than fairy tales."

"Typical human," said Ionian. "Never once stop to think there are things in this world that go beyond what they can see in front of them."

Lenorian said nothing to this, and Jason knew it was likely because he shared the same sentiments about humans.

"Well," said Lenorian, "I'm pleased to know everything seems to be going as planned. The next step will be to solidify your relationship with Anna, to have her believe that what's…going on between you two is nothing more than natural feelings developing. And you'll continue this for as long as it takes for the true mission to be accomplished."

"And then the debt will be paid?" asked Jason.

"Once the child is born and in our possession, then yes, the debt will be paid."

Ionian snickered again; Jason realized he likely thought it was pretty funny that being forced to sleep with a beautiful woman was his father's idea of getting someone to pay their debts, especially one as great as Jason's.

"And have you spoken to the rest of your mercenaries?" asked Mendian. "I want them to know about this mission so that when the time comes, we can take Anna into custody as easily as possible. I don't want her getting wind of this plan and running off."

"I have, and she won't," said Jason. "The rest of the team is away on other missions, and they all know about the plan. They're interested in payment, above all; they'll do whatever you want as long as there's a payout at the end of the mission."

"That there will be," said Lenorian. "They can rest assured about that."

A moment of silence hung in the air.

"Well, then," said Lenorian, "it appears we were right to trust you with a mission of such importance. That child is the key to our plans in the city. As soon as we have word that it has taken root inside Anna, then we'll begin the next phase of our operation. For now, we rule this tiny sliver of land. But soon, the entire city will be ours."

"And then, who knows?" said Mendian, a sly smile on her otherworldly beautiful face.

"Then, is that all?" asked Jason.

"That is all," said Lenorian. "I hope to hear very good things at our next little update. Now, be gone."

Jason bowed one last time before turning to leave. As he left, he felt the eyes of the Abraxis family on his back, and once he'd returned to the entrance, a wave of relief washed over him. The Abraxis Clan gave him the chills. To Jason, they all seemed to have been unstuck from time; they were the kind of shifters who'd made no efforts to remain contemporary in their behavior and dress. Jason figured that when you get that old, you stop caring about the trends of whatever decade you're in. After all, given a century or two, things will cycle right back around to how they were before.

"All go good in there, boss?" asked the pilot.

"Fine," said Jason. "Now let's get the hell out of here. I want to be back in the city."

"You got it," said the pilot.

Minutes later, they were airborne.

Jason spent the flight back considering his situation. It had only been a few days since he'd met Anna, the woman he'd been keeping tabs on for the last several months, and now that she was in his life and the deception underway, guilt was already beginning to eat away at him. But there was no way he'd share these concerns with the Abraxis Clan. He had a mission to accomplish, after all, and to an elder clan like them, being concerned about the emotional well-being of a human was no different than being bothered by the troubles of an insect. When you live to be a millennia-old, how can you be expected to care about a being that lives for ninety, at the most?

Jason, despite his age, hadn't been able to harden his heart in that way, but he knew that, if he were to complete the mission and be free of the debt incurred by his wife, he would have to steel himself. Part of him wondered if the job he was enlisted for by the Abraxis was some kind of revenge. How else could they send someone like him, the wounds of his wife's murder still fresh, on a mission to deceive a girl into loving him and bearing his child? He couldn't pretend to understand the ways of the elders.

All he needed to know was that he had a mission: to impregnate Anna, a human with dragon blood in her veins, with the child that would bring about the rebirth of an extinct lineage. And once the child was born, it would be taken by the Abraxis clan and mated with their son or daughter, in hopes of bringing about a clan hybrid that would be powerful enough to see to fruition their goal of supreme power over the city.

He was a pawn, just like Anna. And he hated every moment of it.

When he landed Jason made his way back to the bedroom, where he dressed in casual clothes so as not to appear that he'd gone out. He sighed with relief when he saw that Anna was still asleep. But as he changed, she rolled over in bed and looked up at him with bleary eyes.

"You been up for a while?" she asked.

"No," he said, the lie leaving a bitter taste in his mouth as soon as it left his mouth. "Now get up; we've got a busy day ahead of us."

Anna rolled out of bed, the cool air of the bedroom hitting her body and reminding her she was still completely naked. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Jason finished changing. Something about the way he'd said "no" struck her, as if she didn't feel he was being entirely truthful. But she realized she'd slept so soundly last night that there was no way to know if he had been up or not.

What would he even be lying about? she thought, standing up on her tiptoes and stretching in the morning sun.

And as she stood in the deep beams of the sun, something about her body seemed…different. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but it seemed that something had changed within her. It was a strange feeling, one that she'd never experienced before. She wrote it off as nothing more than an after-effect of the intensity of her "activities" the previous night, and tried to think nothing of it.

She showered and dressed herself, and felt she was ready for the weekend.

"What're the big plans for today?" she asked, stepping into the kitchen where Jason sat at the long kitchen bar, the newspaper in his hand and a steaming cup of coffee in front of him.

"Work for me, kids for you," he said, taking a sip of his drink. "I had a job come up at the last minute, and I'm going to be gone for the better part of the day."

"Damn," said Anna. "No rest for the weary."

"Nope," he said. "You don't get weekends with a job like this."

"I still can't believe you're a mercenary," she said, pouring herself a cup of coffee and standing on the other side of the bar.

"Believe it," he said.

"Does that mean…you've fought in wars before?" she asked. "A dragon warrior…sounds like something out of the fantasy novels my nephew reads."

As soon as the question shot out of her mouth she regretted it, as though she'd asked something intensely private.

"I have," said Jason, his voice sharp. "Some dragons prefer to take more detached positions when it comes to human affairs, but others, like myself, prefer to be more directly involved."

"Really?" asked Anna. "Why?"

"Too much injustice in the world to just sit on the sidelines. You think you'd be able to sit on the sidelines during World War II?"

Anna considered the question.

"But you're a dragon," she said. "I'd think humans wouldn't mean much to you."

"Then you'd be wrong," said Jason, his tone stern. "From what I've seen, with those of my kind, thinking humans aren't worth anything at all is the first step toward thinking you're some kind of god who deserves to rule over them. And if there's one thing I've learned from watching my kind and yours over the years, it's that thinking you're a god is a fast way to be brought right back down to Earth, one way or another."

Jason looked away as he sipped his coffee. Anna didn't know what to make of what he'd just said. It sounded to her like he was speaking from experience, but there was something more to it, as though the subject matter had tapped into something that happened to have been on his mind right at that moment.

"Um, so the kids?" she said, changing the subject.

"The kids," he said. "Yeah. You're going to be picking them up in a little bit."

"Sounds good," Anna said, rummaging through the fridge and taking out an apple.

"They've got some work to do today for school, but, for the most part, they're going to be free. Maybe take them around the city and grab some lunch."

"I can definitely handle that," said Anna.

And she meant it. She realized that compared to what she'd learned about Jason, this strange new world she was now a part of, hanging out with a couple of kids was easy stuff.

Jason folded his paper in half, tossed it on the table, drained the last bit of his coffee, and stood up.

"Okay, I should get going," he said. "I'll have my phone if you need anything."

But before he prepared to leave, his eyes fell on Anna as she stood eating her apple. His gaze struck Anna as strange. It was as though he were taking in every bit of her appearance to store in his memory. Or as though he was seeing if there was something different about her from yesterday.

"What?" asked Anna, feeling small under his gaze.

"Nothing," Jason said curtly. "Address where the kids are is on the fridge; go get them in thirty or so. Call me if you need anything. And feel free to get some things for yourself if Sophia wants to go shopping, which she almost certainly will."

And, with that, he stepped out of the apartment and into the elevator with long, fast strides, as though he was eager to get out of there.

That was strange, thought Anna. I mean, Jason isn't the most open and warm guy in the world, but there was definitely something off about him.

But before she could give the matter further thought, another wave of that bizarre feeling washed over Anna. This time, it was so intense she held onto the kitchen bar for support. It felt to her as though she were intensely drunk, but only for a few long seconds. And once the feeling subsided, she felt, somehow, better than before, as though she had more energy and clarity to her thoughts. But she realized with shock that she couldn't simply write off what she'd been feeling as a simple aftereffect of the lovemaking; it was something real.

She finished getting ready, drained her coffee, and headed out to get the kids. The weather outside was a perfect early autumn New York day. The air was brisk but not uncomfortable, the sky was blue with only a few puffy clouds here and there, and as she walked, a gentle breeze would kick up here and there and rustle the leaves of the elms and oaks that covered the sidewalks in their shade.

Anna arrived at a townhouse. Five minutes later, she had the kids in tow.

"So," said Anna. "Your dad says we can have the day to do whatever we want, just as long as you make sure to do your homework when we get back."

"Natural History Museum!" shouted William, shoving his fist into the air.

"Ew, boring!" said Sophia, scrunching up her little nose.

"Then what do you want to do that's so great?" said William in a mocking older brother tone.

"Um, I want to go shopping!" said Sophia, her face lighting up as though she'd thought of something she'd never considered before.

"Now that's boring," said William. "What's the point of just buying stuff when you have clothes you've never even worn?"

"Shut up!" said Sophia, crossing her arms.

"Okay, how about this," offered Anna. "We can do both, but whatever we do first, the person who waits gets to pick lunch."

"I'll wait!" exclaimed Sophia. "I want crepes for lunch!"

"Crepes?" asked Anna. "That's pretty fancy for a kid."

"She saw them in some stupid movie for girls," said William. "And now she thinks they're super fancy because the girls in the movie were in Paris or something dumb like that."

"Nuh-uh!" said Sophia. "I like them because they're like pancakes but skinny. And you can put whatever you want in them."

"Whatever," said William.

"Okay," said Anna, "museum, then crepes, then shopping. Sounds like a full day to me."

With that, the trio headed through the park. The Natural History Museum was just on the other side of Central Park, in the Upper West Side, so the walk was just the right amount of time. Anna walked slowly with the kids, enjoying their silly banter as she let the cool breeze wash over her. Soon, they arrived at the museum and headed in, William hardly able to contain his excitement. They rushed from exhibit to exhibit, taking in all of whatever caught William's eye.

After a couple of hours, Anna checked her watch and saw it was getting close to noon. They decided to walk down to Fifth Avenue, stopping at a charming little bistro on the way. Once seated, Sophia eagerly ordered her crepes and William ordered a cheeseburger. The three of them enjoyed their meal, discussing what they considered the most interesting parts of the museum. After they were all good and full, they continued their walk down to the premier shopping areas of the city.

And during their stroll, Anna considered just how much fun she was having. Sure, the kids were prone to squabbling, but all in all, she was having a surprising amount of fun with them. And this was doubly curious to her as someone who'd always thought she'd never had a mothering bone in her body.

Soon, the three arrived on Fifth Avenue. Sophia flitted from store to store, snatching all sorts of things from the racks and heading to the dressing rooms. Anna couldn't help but laugh as the little girl sauntered out of each dressing room in her new outfit, showing off her interesting choices in fashion. William, however, wasn't interested in the least, choosing to spend each store visit seated in the waiting area, his e-reader in his lap.

As long as they're not fighting, I'm happy, thought Anna as they left the final store, bags in hand.

"Can we take a cab back?" asked Sophia. "My legs hurt."

"Sure, kiddo," said Anna, stepping out of the bustling Fifth Avenue crowd and preparing to flag down a taxi.

But before she could reach her hand into the air, another one of those strange feelings came over her. This time, however, it was so intense she needed to take a seat on the curb as the warm, unsteady feeling took complete hold of her. The kids rushed to her side, expressions of concern on their faces. But Anna couldn't hear what they were saying; their voices sounded as though they were underwater.

"…you okay, Miss Anna?" came Sophia's voice, the distortion finally clearing.

"I'm…fine," said Anna. "Just had a little rush of blood to the head."

She hoped that was all it was.

Feeling good enough to stand back up on her feet, Anna flagged down a cab, and soon, the three were off, back to the apartment. During the drive over, that same euphoric feeling that she'd had after the first spell washed over her, a feeling of total contentment taking hold. And when it wore off, there were no side effects– she was right back to normal.

Once the three were back in the apartment, the kids seated at their usual spots at the table and busy at work, Anna made herself a fresh pot of coffee and considered her situation.

I can't ignore it, she thought. There's something seriously wrong with me. But what?

She didn't want to tell Jason and risk looking like the type of employee who'd call in sick mere days into her new job. But she began to worry about what might happen if she had another one of these spells during a bike ride, or something like that.

The day went on, and when the kids were done with their work and the sun began to set, filling the living room with rich orange light, Anna decided a movie and pizza night was in order. They all picked something out, and Anna ordered the food. Once the movies were over and the pizza taken care of, the kids were ready to wind down for the night. Anna got them washed up and ready for bed, and by nine in the evening, she was all alone in that huge apartment of Jason's.

Anna poured herself a glass of wine and headed out onto the balcony, this strange new circumstance still taking hold.

And, she thought, on top of everything, I screwed my boss.

She'd been so consumed with the kids and her strange spells that she'd almost forgotten what had happened last night.

Sipping her wine and looking out onto the city, she wondered just what the hell she'd gotten herself into.

A month passed, and Anna decided she'd finally settled into the apartment. With each passing day, her relationship with the children improved, and the three of them had settled into a nice routine: she'd wake them up in the mornings and get them dressed, fed, and walked to school. Then, she'd spend the day tidying up around the house, reading, and going for strolls in the city. When it came time to pick William and Sophia up, Anna was always waiting for them right outside the school. After a few weeks of this, their faces began to light up when they saw Anna, which gave Anna a feeling of happiness that she'd never known before.

Oh God, she thought one day as she walked home with the kids. I'm I turning into some kind of mom-thing?

She'd never imagined herself to be the mothering-type, figuring that a long career punctuated by occasional short-term relationships was her most likely future, but something about caring for these two satisfied her in a way she'd never before experienced.

And she liked it.

It was so strange to her, knowing that these kids weren't just the regular kids they seemed to be– they were dragon children. She imagined Sophia as a teen, turning into a dragon like the one her father had shifted into, her mind struggling with the image. It was all so strange to her.

Jason, on the other hand, was a different matter. Ever since their night together, he seemed to have grown somewhat distance. They had their conversations here and there, which were always nice for Anna after spending most of the day around children, but Jason seemed to be putting up something of a professional distance between the two of them.

However, every now and then, he'd let the mask slip. Anna would make a joke about one thing or another and Jason would laugh harder than, it seemed to Anna, he would've liked, or their hands would accidentally touch when reaching for the same thing, or Anna would catch him looking at her out of the corner of her eye. Anna sensed there was something there, but it was something Jason was trying to hide. Then, at times, she thought she must've just been being paranoid. Or hopeful.

And the symptoms of whatever her strange condition was had only worsened. At least three times a day Anna dealt with the strange, drunk-like feeling that took over her body for nearly a minute at a time. And always, the drunken feeling was followed by that same euphoria. It was as though her body was putting her through something unpleasant, then rewarding her for her patience. As time went on, she knew she had to tell Jason sooner or later.

And on a Saturday morning, as she sipped her coffee on the balcony while the kids slept in and Jason showered, she knew today had to be the day. Right at the moment she decided this, Jason stepped out of his hallway and into the living room. Taking a deep breath, Anna stuck her head into the living room and spoke.

"Hey," she said. "Can we talk about something?"

Jason nodded, a concerned expression on his face.

"What's up?" he asked, stepping onto the balcony.

And as if a dam had been broken, Anna let loose with everything about the strange symptoms she'd been experiencing. Jason took all of this in with deadly seriousness, not doubting her for a moment. When she was done, she felt out of breath, and as if another spell might come on.

"What do you make of all of this?" asked Anna.

Jason walked over to the balcony railing and looked out into the city for a time. Long minutes passed as he considered what Anna had just told him.

Finally, he spoke.

"I think that you and I should spend some time together this evening."

"Really?" asked Anna, surprised he was now extending an overture to her like this.

"Yeah," he said, his tone not betraying any emotion. "I'll get the kids set up for a sleep-over. We'll do some adult stuff."

Anna couldn't help but be excited, wondering just what the "adult stuff" meant.

Jason left soon after this conversation, and Anna hoped that tonight she'd get the answers she was looking for. The day dragged by for her, mostly spent with Anna making sure the kids had their homework done followed by them getting everything ready for their sleepover. Once the hour came to drop them off, Jason wished the kids goodbye with a kiss and a hug for each, and Anna walked them down the street to their friend's.

This is all weird, thought Anna, recovering from yet another spell that had come over her as she walked back to the apartment. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

The sun began to set as she walked back, and by the time she arrived home, it was nearly dark.

She wasn't ready for what she saw when she entered the apartment.

The lights of the place were dim, and soft jazz played through the space. Anna spotted the flickering of candlelight out on the balcony, and, confused, she walked out. There, she saw a table set up with a white cloth and expensive-looking flatware and plates. And standing looking out over the city was Jason. He turned as Anna arrived, his face in an uncharacteristically warm smile.

"What's all this?" she asked, her eyes locked on the setup.

"Our adult night," he said. "Have a seat."

She did, now feeling a little underdressed. Jason pulled the chair out for her then opened a bottle of wine.

"What's the occasion?" she asked, watching Jason fill her glass.

"It's been about a month since you started here, and in my opinion, things have been going quite well. I figured you deserved a little reward."

"Oh," she said. "I'll take that, then."

She couldn't help but let a smile form on her face.

The dinner was lovely. Jason ordered food from a nearby Michelin-starred restaurant, which was brought over freshly-prepared as the two enjoyed their wine. As they ate, the two of them chatted about lighter subjects, however, the subject of her condition stayed off in the distance. Though Anna was enjoying herself, she couldn't help but wonder if this was all Jason's way of distracting her from the topic. And it worked–she felt that bringing up the spells she'd been having would ruin the mood of the evening.

Once they were done, Jason stood up and began undoing his tie.

"Come with me," he said.

Is this the other "adult thing?" she found herself wondering, a little smirk forming on her face.

Anna followed Jason, the two of them taking the elevator to the roof. By now, the night was fully underway and the night sky was ink-black, the orange and white of the city lights spread out all around them. Jason removed his shirt and sat cross-legged.

"Give me a minute," he said. "I need to do an incantation."

"A wha-?" started Anna, cutting herself off when Jason closed his eyes and began mouthing something.

Moments later, he opened his eyes.

"I'm going to shift now," he said. "And you're going to climb on my back."

"Are…are you serious?" Anna stammered. "And then what?"

"We're going for a little ride. You liked the helicopter before, right? Well, that's nothing."

Again, before Anna could speak, Jason began his shift. It was the same process as before, and when he was done, a majestic silver dragon stood before her. He turned to Anna, Jason's gorgeous blue eyes still recognizable despite his new form. He gestured with his head for her to climb on. Hesitantly, Anna did just that, his scales solid as stone. Once she'd secured her grip, Jason beat his wings several times and, seconds later, the two were up in the sky.

Anna couldn't believe what she saw. They rose high in the sky, even higher than in the helicopter. The wind rushed through her hair as they flew, Anna held on for dear life. Her eyes were winced shut at first, but when she finally got the nerve to look down, she saw the city like she'd never seen it before. All of New York was below her, the city reaching out into the furthest stretches of the horizon. Behind her, she could see the length of Long Island, and ahead of her was New Jersey, all lit up with orange and white lights. Soon, they were high enough to see the clear shape of Manhattan, its long form surrounded by water.

It was like nothing she had ever seen before.

Just when Anna was comfortable, Jason turned in midair, Anna's hair falling over her face as the city now was above her. Her heart pounded, and she held on for dear life as Jason sailed through the sky. Eventually, Anna's fear turned to excitement, and soon, riding on Jason's back felt like the most amazing rollercoaster she'd ever been on.

Eventually, Jason flew to some place in New Jersey, far away from the city. They came to a landing, and when Anna climbed down Jason's back, her heart pounded more than it ever had in her life.

"That was…amazing," she said as Jason shifted back into his human form.

"Not too scary?" he said. "That's not exactly for the faint of heart."

"I mean, it was at first, but as soon as I go used to it…"

Her eyes were wide and she could hardly keep still. It was the adrenaline rush to end all adrenaline rushes.

"Glad to see you handled it well; I thought it'd be something you like."

"I…loved it," she said.

But before she could say another word, she turned and was presented with an amazing view of New York. They'd landed high on a bluff far from the city, and from where they stood, New York was a glimmering jewel on the water.

"The view's not bad from here, either," said Anna.

"This is where I like to come when I need to think," he said. "When I don't want to be surrounded by skyscrapers."

"I don't understand how you're not worried about people seeing us," she said. "We just flew right over millions of people."

"That's what the incantation was for," said Jason. "Dragons can hide from human eyes for periods of time."

"Then…how could I see you?" Anna asked.

Jason looked away for a moment as though he'd been caught saying something he didn't mean to.

"Because you were touching me," he said. "Hard to hide something you've got your hands on."

Wouldn't mind having them on you again, she thought, her eyes now on Jason's bare chest.

She didn't know if it was the adrenaline or what, but she needed Jason again, right then and there. And when he slowly approached her, placing his hands on her shoulders and bringing her close, she knew they were of the same mind.

Jason took Anna's delicate chin into his hand, tilted her head up, and kissed her. The kiss sent tingles running down Anna's body, and the thrill of Jason's touch blended with the rush of adrenaline that still pounded through her. Her hands latched onto his hard body, holding onto it as firmly as she did when they were flying through the air. Anna didn't simply fall into his kiss, she plunged into it, letting the world around them disappear, the only thoughts in her mind that of the man who was kissing her deeply.

Jason quickly went to work on Anna's clothing, slipping her blouse off over her head and removing her bra. The two of them went at one another with wild, heedless abandon, kissing and caressing one another as though it were the last night on Earth. Anna lost herself in Jason's kiss, moans already slipped from his mouth as his lips moved down and along her body. He kissed down her, stopping at her breasts and giving them some much-desired attention before tracking down along her stomach and to her hips. Anna ran her hands through Jason's hair as he kissed her, and before she could realize what was happening, he grabbed her by the waist and legs and with inhuman speed, and laid her down on the cool, prickly grass.

Taking his shirt off, Jason's gaze hung on Anna's body, taking in the sight of her supple form. Anna's breath was quick, her breasts rising and falling as she lay there wondering what Jason had in mind.

She didn't have to wonder for long.

Jason pounced on top of her, setting upon Anna with another flurry of kisses. He moved down again, but this time, when he reached her hips, he undid the button of her pants and pulled her pants and panties down with a deft tug. Anna couldn't help but giggle at the feeling of the pointy grass against her now bare rear, but her laughing soon subsided as she watched Jason's kiss move closer and closer to her sex. He spent time on her inner thighs, kissing the sensitive flesh, his tongue dragging along as he did in a manner that sent chills of pleasure up Anna's spine. She watched as he kissed her; he did so with such intensity that it appeared to Anna that he could hardly control himself. And this only served to turn her on even more.

Just as the tension began to drive Anna wild with passion, Jason moved to right where Anna wanted him. Pulling apart her lips, Jason dragged the wet, warm, flat surface of his tongue along Anna's sex. A passion-drenched moan slipped from Anna, the pleasure already almost too much. But Jason didn't stop. He continued in this fashion for a minute or so, dragging his tongue along her pussy, stimulating her in just the right way.

"Oh God," she moaned. "You're so goddamned good at that."

Jason flashed her a knowing smile before going back to it. After a long series of slow licks, he changed his technique. Now he licked her with the tip of his tongue while entering her with his fingers. His tongue was utterly focused in like a laser on Anna's clitoris, and she knew it wouldn't take much of this for her to cum hard. Anna moaned, thrashing her hips in a manner that forced Jason to hold on for dear life. He wrapped his arms around her legs, holding her in place as he continued to devour her. Something about this restraining pushed Anna even closer to the edge; she never thought of herself as the type, but Jason forcing her to stay in place was impossibly arousing to her. The orgasm came suddenly, pouring over her body like warm honey. Her hand shot to her mouth as she attempted to suppress her squeals of delight, but to no avail.

Once the orgasm faded, Anna decided she wanted to take a little bit of control. When Jason began to crawl on top of her, wiping his mouth clean in a manner that Anna found unbearably sexy, she placed her hands on his thick, hard shoulders and held him in place.

"I think we ought to stick with the evening's theme," she said with a sly little smile.

Jason raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? What's that?"

"Me riding you."

Jason gave her another lustful look and rolled over onto his back, slipping out of his jeans and underwear as he did. Once he was totally nude, Anna's eyes latched onto his massive, erect prick, the enormous member pointing straight up into the sky just like the towers off in the distance. Anna straddled Jason, stroking his cock slowly as she willed up the nerve to shove the gargantuan thing inside of her.

Come on, she thought. You've done this once before; you know it fits.

After a little more stroking, she was ready. Anna lifted herself up, positioning her sex over top of Jason. Then, she grabbed the base of his prick and held it straight up. With a deep breath, she lowered herself on top of him.

The feeling was like being split in half in the most glorious way imaginable.

Anna's eyes went wide as she lowered herself onto him; there almost seemed to be no end to Jason's prick. But once he was fully within her, the pleasure took hold. The feeling was unbelievably intense for Anna; she had to hold onto Jason's trim, solid stomach for a moment just to get used to it. Soon, she began to rock her hips back and forth, letting his cock do its work. Anna bucked gently at first, letting Jason take in the sight of Anna's body on top of him. He placed his hands on her hips, slowly moving his touch over her sensual curves. After a time, his hands found their way to her breasts, and he rubbed them in a manner that Anna found irresistible, paying special attention to her nipples.

Anna's bucking increasing in pace, and soon, just like when riding on Jason in his dragon form, she felt as though she needed to hang on for dear life. The pleasure was so incredible that she felt as though she might be blasted off from him at any moment. She leaned forward, resting her hands on Jason's solid shoulder. Now, she began bouncing up and down on top of Jason, ecstasy crashing through her body with each new impalement of his cock. Anna felt herself grow wetter and wetter by the moment, and she knew that another, more intense orgasm was just around the corner.

Jason moaned, continuing to nuzzle the heavy breasts that were now hanging right over his face. His hands were firmly affixed to her ass, holding tight onto the soft flesh. Anna continued to rise and fall on Jason, the sound of her flesh on his blending with their moans. Soon, she approached the point of no return. The adrenaline from the flight and the residual orgasm from Jason's stellar oral skills pushed her forward into yet another orgasm, this one so intense she felt it might rip her apart at the seams. She rode Jason through the pleasure, each burying of his cock pushing her further and further along. As she was in the grips of pleasure, she felt Jason cum, that incredible explosion of his cock inside her forcing her to even higher heights of orgasmic bliss. Anna eventually couldn't take any more, and collapsed on his heaving, sweat-slicked chest, his cock still deep inside her.

They lay like this for a time, recovering from the incredible throes of passion they'd both been riding.

"You're a natural rider," said Jason finally, giving her rear one last squeeze.

"I guess I've got talents I never knew I had," said Anna with a sly smirk.

They stayed like this for a little longer, holding one another close, their eyes on the beauty of the city in the distance.

"I think it's time we get back," said Jason.

Anna agreed. Standing and stepping back, Jason shifted once more into his majestic dragon form. Anna hurried into her clothes and mounted him for the third time that evening, and soon, they were off. After another whirlwind flight through the city, they arrived back at the apartment.

"I've got some business to take care of," said Jason. "So this is where our night together ends."

He gave her a kiss on the forehead and departed, stepping into the room with the silver crest door and locking it behind him. Anna started off for bed, but as she slipped under the sheets, she realized she hadn't received a single answer about what had been going on with her. She tossed and turned for a time, wondering if the evening was, indeed, a distraction. Realizing she wouldn't be able to sleep, Anna got out of bed and approached the door with the silver crest. She knew Jason wouldn't take too kindly to her just barging in, but she had to get some answers.

But right as she placed her hand on the door, she stopped short.

There was a conversation happening on the other side.

She listened carefully, but it was hard to make out the words. Anna rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a glass, returning to the door and placing the rim on the door. Then, she pressed her ear onto it.

What she heard next chilled her to the bone.

"…that's right…she's ready…it's done…it's time for the next phase of the plan."

I went to bed with the words that I'd overheard fresh in my mind. Climbing under the covers, I tossed and turned, wondering exactly what Jason meant, and who he'd been talking to. And on top of everything, I knew –just knew– there was a reason Jason was being so evasive about my spells. But I wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily. I wanted answers, and I wasn't going to let him distract me with a flight over the city followed by admittedly incredible sex. I closed my eyes, vowing to pin him down in the morning and get him to explain everything.

Lying in bed, part of me felt that I'd never be able to sleep, but just as I became convinced of this, another spell overtook me. The room swirled around me, this time more intensely than it ever had before. As always, this was followed by the euphoria which never failed to put a smile on my face. My body relaxed, and I fell into a deep sleep.

My dream was strange. At first, it seemed to be merely a replay of the evening I'd had with Jason. Hanging tightly onto his back, we flew through the sky above New York, dipping and spinning in the air. Just as in waking life, the thrill was beyond compare. But there was a difference–right at the point when we reached the highest distance in the sky, Jason turned upside down and began moving his body back and forth in an effort to shake me off. I held on as tightly as I could, but it was no use. I fell from his back and began hurtling toward the city below.

Just when I was convinced I was doomed, the panic overtaking me, I stopped my descent. As though by magic, I stayed suspended in midair, neither falling nor rising. My eyes wide, I looked all around me at the city frozen below and the sky above. In the distance, I caught sight of Jason, still in his dragon form, still flying through the air. He turned his body toward me and flew, cutting the distance between us by the second. Suddenly, he was right in front of me, flapping his wings, his brilliant blue eyes staring right at me. He flicked his head, as if beckoning me to follow him, then flew off. At that moment, I realized I had the same gift he did, and as soon as this thought occurred, I began to move through the air. I was slow at first, but soon, I was rocketing through the air as though I were wearing a jetpack. Catching up with Jason, I moved to his side and flew with him. When he noticed me at his flank, he nodded, as if this were something he'd been waiting to happen.

I woke up to a crashing sound.

Looking around and seeing that I was no longer in midair, but in my bed, I jumped to my feet. Another crashing sound cut through the silence, followed by the sounds of many footsteps in the apartment. I ran to the door, my heart pounding in my chest, and pressed my ear against it.

"Where is she?" a voice called out, which sounded like it belonged to a young man.

"Ionian!" called out Jason. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm here to claim what's mine. You haven't forgotten the deal, have you?"

The deal? thought Anna. What's going on?

"The deal is that when I confirmed she was pregnant I'd bring her to you. You bursting into my apartment in the middle of the night isn't part of it."

Pregnant? Anna thought, her eyes wide. What the hell?

"You're forgetting this deal is nothing more than a favor to you, Jason. A courtesy my parents were so kind as to extend to you. You should be thankful you're not rotting in a shallow grave for what your wife did."

"You little fuck," said Jason, venom dripping from his words.

"Careful," said the young man. "My parents are away…very far away. I'm in charge of Abraxis’ affairs in the city for the time being…so you'd better show me the proper respect. Now, get the girl."

The footsteps grew louder by the second, and soon, Anna could tell they were just outside the door.

"Well?" said the young man. "Go in and get her!"

Anna knew she should've backed away from the door, but before she could react, the door burst open, a half-dozen men in dark uniforms rushing in. Anna didn't have a chance to react– they were on top of her as soon as they entered. And once they had her, a handsome young man dressed in an expensive suit, a sneering look on his face, entered.

And Jason was behind him, a look of shame on his face.

"There's the girl," said the young man. "There's the girl everyone's been talking about. Less impressive in person, though who could hope to live up to the reputation."

He approached Anna, kneeling down in front of her and dragging the back of his fingertips across her face.

"But quite beautiful," he said. "No exaggeration there. She'll make a fine bride."

"Jason!" shouted Anna. "What the hell is going on?"

"It's…all part of the deal," he said, his voice low.

"What deal?" Anna screamed. "Tell me!"

"You'll learn in time," said the young man. "But for now, we need to get you someplace more…secure. We have big things in mind for you, young lady. Let's go."

The young man started off toward the main room, and the men with him pulled Anna to her feet and dragged her along, Anna thrashing in their grip all the while.

"What the hell is going on?" she yelled over and over.

And once they reached the living room, the entire group stopped and looked in the same direction.

It was William and Sophia. They stood in the hallway, confused looks on their faces.

"Go back to bed, you two," said Jason, his tone worried. "Just go, now."

"What's happening to Miss Anna?" asked Sophia.

"I'll tell you later," said Jason. "Just –please- go back to bed now."

"Beautiful children," said the young man, approaching Sophia and William. "And of the same powerful blood as their father. Two silver dragon children."

He turned, and for a moment, looked to be deep in thought.

"You know what? Take them, too. They'll be more than adequate insurance until the wedding occurs."

"No!" shouted Jason. "Ionian, you fuck!"

He rushed toward the young man, but before he could, the guards restrained him, one of them driving an elbow deep into his stomach. Jason collapsed to his knees, his eyes ablaze with rage.

"Leave them alone!" he shouted, straining against the grip of the many guards who held him.

"Dose him, now," said the young man.

With that, one of the guards pulled out a small, gun-like object, brought it to Jason's neck and pulled the trigger.

"Bring him, too," said the young man. "I want to keep a close eye on him."

The guards grabbed Anna and the family, and took them to the roof where a helicopter awaited them.

A sick feeling overcame Anna. Part of her felt as though she were walking right to her doom.

And as soon as they began to hoist her into the helicopter, another spell overcame Anna. This one was the most intense yet, so powerful it brought her to her knees, her consciousness slipping away by the moment, darkness seeping in from the corners of her eyes. 

Anna awoke in a cramped bedroom. The room looked like something from another time– the walls were made of gray stone, the furniture was dark wood and old-fashioned, and everything seemed to have a Victorian Gothic look to it. As soon as she came to, she rushed to the solid-looking wood door and began to bang on it, screaming and pounding until her hands became sore and her voice hoarse. But no one responded. Once she realized her cries were going to go unheeded, she collapsed onto the bed, her body wracking with sobs.

She couldn't believe what had happened; she couldn't believe Jason had betrayed her. All this time, everything he'd said to her, he'd done with her, was all cover for whatever was now happening, this strange kidnapping she was now a part of. And on top of it all, not even the children were safe. Anna's heart ached as she thought of William and Sophia, both locked away in a room likely no different than this, in the grips of fear.

Anna paced back and forth in the room, her stomach tying itself in knots. Who was this young man, she wondered, and what did he want with her?

Before she could consider the questions for very long, however, the door unlocked with a metallic thunk and opened with a creak.

Anna's eyes shot to the door, adrenaline already pumping through her body. She balled her hands into tight fists, ready to fight anyone who would try to take her anywhere.

But it wasn't just anyone at the door. It was Jason.

Anna rushed toward him anyway, slamming her fists against his chest, trying to do him as much harm as she could.

"Calm down!" he said in a stern voice. "Stop!"

"You fucker!" she shouted. "What the hell have you done to me?"

Jason grabbed her wrists and easily restrained her.

"You need to stop this right now," he said. "I can explain everything, but you need to be calm or they'll leave you in here alone again."

Frustrated tears poured down Anna's face, but she knew she had no other options. Not to mention, she wanted answers.

"Sit," said Jason, pointing to the bed.

Anna complied. Jason shut the door behind him and took a seat in one of the deep-red chairs near the bed.

"Where am I?" demanded Anna.

"You're in the Hamptons," said Jason. "The rich part. The very rich part."

"And what am I doing here?"

Jason took a deep breath.

"You're here to get married."


"Let me explain."

"You'd better."

Jason looked away, as if wondering just where to begin.

"My wife," he said, the words tumbling out of his mouth. "She was an…ambitious woman. A dragon, like me. Though, not quite, exactly."

"What does that mean?"

"Silver Dragon Mercenaries," said Jason. "Named for the color of me and the other mercs in my crew. Silver is…the most prized of all the colors. And the most powerful, not to mention, rare. My wife was not a silver dragon like me, but she had the ambition of one. Elena was her name. She was a low-born dragon, one I fell deeply in love with. Caused quite a scandal- silver dragons are expected to mate with other silvers and, well, make more of our kind. But we were in love and didn't care. We were wed, and Sophia and William were the result of our love. For a time, everything was good.

"But, like many women do, Elena seemed to think I wasn't living up to my potential as a silver. So, around a year ago, she decided it was time I be…pushed in the right direction. That desire brought her into conflict with the Abraxis Clan, one of the most powerful dragon clans in the western hemisphere. She manipulated the Abraxis into pitting their own mercenary squads against mine. She figured that after enough conflicts, the Silver Mercs would eventually be drawn into open war with the Abraxis Clan. And she came close to making this a reality. The other mercs and I were right on the edge of debating whether or not to take the Abraxis Clan out for good.

"But right before things went too far, I got to the bottom of the ‘secret client' who'd been sending us on all those missions against the Abraxis Clan: it was Elena. I called her out on it, telling her she'd been putting my life and the life of my men on the line, but she seemed to think it'd all be worth it when we killed off the Abraxis Clan and ruled in their place. I would've forgiven and forgotten in time, but, unfortunately for her, the Abraxis found everything out at the same time I did. And they weren't happy.

"They captured Elena and I, and brought us out here. They dragged us in front of the elders, telling me that my failure to keep my wife in check nearly brought ruin to their clan. Their punishment was swift and severe. Elena was executed right before my eyes while I was held, helpless; my wife was burned alive in front of me and there wasn't a thing I could do about it."

Anna could hear the pain in Jason's voice as he brought the memories back.

"I was certain they were going to kill me, too. But, to my shock, they decided to spare my life. I asked why, and they told me it was because, in exchange for my children not growing up as orphans, they would let me live in order to perform a service for them at some point in the future. I agreed, having no other choice. That's where you come in."

Anna was shocked to hear this; how could she have figured into the plans of beings like these dragons?

"There's a concept in the world of dragons known as being ‘fated'. It means that one possesses a strain of dragon blood so similar to another's, their bonding would be nearly unbreakable and that whatever offspring they produced would be powerful beyond compare. And Anna, you and I are fated for one another."

"What…" she said, hardly able to believe this. "…is this another lie?"

"No," he said, "this is why you're here, why you were selected to live with me. We'd known of you for months, and knew that, due to your fated nature, you would eventually find your way to us, to me. And when you finally did, I was to make you mine."


"Because when your identity was learned, the Abraxis Clan let me know just how my favor was to be repaid: I was to bond with you, sleep with you, and impregnate you with my offspring. You see, your fated nature means you're not entirely human. Those spells you've been having? Those are symptoms of the dragon blood in your veins that'd been lying dormant becoming active due to the child that's growing inside you. It's a sign that you're becoming what you've always been."

"…Child?" she said, hardly able to speak the word. "Then that means…"

"That's right," said Jason. "It means you're pregnant."

The word echoed in Anna's mind. She couldn't believe what she'd heard.

"But that's not all," he said. "The favor owed is that once you've been given a child, you and the baby within you will be given over to Ionian Abraxis, the young man who brought you here. And once you're wed to him, the child will be bonded to the Abraxis Clan, and the power of your dormant ancient dragon blood and my silver dragon blood will result in a dragon of untold power, a dragon capable of ruling this city."

"And so why are you here now, to tell me just how fucked I am?" asked Anna, her courage rising.

"No," said Jason. "I was sent here to inform you of your situation, and to talk you into accepting it. Ionian doesn't want a weeping bride on the altar, after all. But this little fuck has killed my wife, taken my children, and stolen the woman I love. I'll be damned if he gets away with what he has in mind."

The woman I love? Anna thought. Does that mean that…?

And as she searched her feelings, she knew it was true. Not only that, but she knew she felt the same way. She should've hated Jason for what he'd done, but she couldn't bring herself to feel the anger she knew she was entitled to. All she cared about was getting Sophia and William home safe.

"Then what are we going to do?"

"I have a plan," Jason said. "You know I have a mercenary team, but you've only met me. Ionian thinks he has me here and out of contact, but he doesn't know there's a bond between us silver dragons that he can't begin to understand. And what I've got in mind, I'll need the power you don't even know you have…"

"Excellent!" shouted Ionian from his seat at the center throne. "We're all here."

He clasped his hands together as he looked out over the wedding. Most of the attendees were guards who worked for the Abraxis Clan– about a dozen in total. Jason and the children were in attendance, the three of them surrounded by a tight circle of guards. And Anna stood before the steps leading up to the throne, dressed in a white gown that was as old-fashioned as everything else in this home.

"Not much of a crowd, but I'm more interested in getting this, ah, show on the road than making sure this evening is the fete it ought to be," said Ionian, rising from his throne.

He was dressed in exquisite formal wear, his hair slicked back and his face painted with the haughty expression of a spoiled child on the verge of getting away with something.

"My wedding day," he said. "I never thought it would be like this, to be honest. I always thought there would be more fanfare, that I would be wed to a woman I loved, and it would be the start of ‘happily ever after' and all that bullshit. But if there's one thing being an adult has taught me, it is that love and all that nonsense is nothing compared to power. And so, by the end of the day, with my lovely bride at my side, I will have just what I want secured."

He stopped and looked around the room.

"And here I am, giving a little speech when I should be getting on with the show!"

He turned his gaze upon a wizened old man seated in front of him.

"All right," Ionian said, snapping his fingers at the man, "come on; let's get on with it."

The old man hurried to his feet and took a place at the makeshift altar at the base of the stairs.

"We are here today to–"

"No time for any of that," said Ionian, trotting down the stairs and standing next to the old man. "I want this as fast as possible while being both binding in the human and dragon worlds; I don't want this one slipping out of it on some technicality. Now, someone play some music or something!"

One of the guards turned on a stereo, which began playing a choral song that Anna didn't recognize. She guessed it was some dragon version of the wedding march. The music was alien and familiar all at once. She turned to Jason, who was watching everything unfold with a steely gaze. And the children were huddled together, fearful looks on their innocent faces.

"Now," said Ionian, his voice taking a bratty tone. "Let's get on with it!"

He gestured to Anna with an impatient movement of his hand. Anna took her place at the altar near Ionian. Before another word could be spoken by anyone, he kneeled down and pressed the side of his face against Anna's belly. Revulsion gripped her, and all of her instincts screamed at her to grab Ionian by the hair and shove him as far away as possible.

Wait for the signal, she thought.

Ionian looked up at Anna.

"Hard to believe there's so much power in such a little belly," he said. "My progeny inside of you will be so strong; I can't wait for him to grow and take what is rightfully his."

Ionian rose.

"And don't think that because this is a marriage of convenience you'll be exempt from your…wifely duties. I plan on taking full advantage of that lovely body of yours."

Anna didn't think it was possible, but she felt even more disgusted.

"Now!" said Ionian. "Let's get on with this!"

The priest fumbled through his books, which appeared to be a bible and some sort of dragon holy text. He flipped through the pages fearfully, landing on and reading just the essential parts, his watery blue eyes flicking to Ionian, as if to make sure he wasn't making the young man upset by taking too much time.

"Ah, the ring?" asked the priest.

Ionian shoved his hand into his suit pocket and withdrew a stunning ring fit with a beautiful silver jewel. It was unlike anything Anna had ever seen before, and she was able to appreciate the beauty of it even despite the circumstances.

The priest continued on, rushing through the vows.

"I do, I do," said Ionian, making a "move it along" gesture with his hand.

"And you, young lady?" asked the priest, turning his eyes to Anna.

Ionian looked at her with impatience. But Anna didn't say a word; she knew this was the signal. She looked at Jason, who offered her a solemn nod.

Now or never, thought Anna.

She opened her mouth to speak, but instead of saying a word, she pulled back her fist and drove it as hard as she could, right into Ionian's gut. The young man stumbled backward, staggering on his feet. Anna looked down at her hand, surprised she could have so much power in her punch. Jason told her that her dragon blood was beginning to show itself, but it was still a shock for her to see it in action.

But before she could think too much about the matter, Ionian spoke.

"Just what the…fuck, are you doing?" he sputtered, his eyes wide.

He didn't get a response.

"Now!" shouted Jason.

At his word, the glass on the left and right walls of the building shattered, three figures on each side bursting through them. Anna recognized them as human at first, but midflight, the six men shifted, each of them turning into a fearsome silver dragon, all of them taking flight.

The guards were now in a frenzy as the dragons flew overhead. Anna, as planned, rushed over to William and Sophia, covering them with her body as she rushed the frightened children to safety. The dragons overhead shot plumes of blood-red fire from their mouths, burning alive the vast majority of the guards. A few of the guards attempted to shift, but were snatched up by Jason's mercenaries and crushed in their claws. Whatever guards that remained fled the throne room, along with the bystanders.

Once the blitz was done, the dragons landed and shifted back to their human forms. Anna laid eyes on them, and saw they were all handsome, well-built men who looked born for combat. Jason ran over to Anna and the children, making sure they were all safe.

"Thank God," he said, pulling them all close and tight.

Then, he stepped back.

"Anna, allow me to introduce you to the rest of the Silver Dragons Mercenaries. Some of the best damn dragons you'll ever meet."

The men all nodded, pleased smiles on their faces from the perfect execution of their plan.

"Just what the fuck have you done?" shouted Ionian, who now struggled to his feet.

Jason rushed toward him with blinding speed, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.

"Don't you even think about shifting, you miserable little fuck," he said, his voice a growl.

"Do you have any idea what my family will do to you when they find out what you've done?"

But Jason wasn't in the mood for anything Ionian might have to say. He shifted to his dragon form, letting out a roar that shook the walls as he stood before the young man in his full, silver glory. Then, after a deep inhale, a plume of blood-red fire poured from his mouth, the figure of Ionian disappearing within it. When the flame died down, there was nothing left but smoldering ash.

Then, he shifted back.

"Nice work, boys," said Jason, moving from man to man and shaking one hand after the other.

After this, he rushed to Anna and the children and embraced all three of them. It was over. They were safe.

Nine months later…

"Easy, now," said Anna as Jason wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. "Still not quite up to a hundred percent."

Jason raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"You're telling me a woman with dragon blood in her veins is still recovering from having a child? You should already be thinking about the next one."

"Oh, really?" said Anna with a smile. "You try pushing a baby out of your, um, area and let me know how ready you are to do that again afterward."

"Fine," said Jason, his voice in a sensual purr. "I'll try to be gentle."

He ran the tip of his finger along Anna's smooth, flat stomach.

"But the operative word in that sentence is ‘try'."

Anna couldn't help but smile as her eyes lingered on Jason's body bathed in the light of early morning. They both lay nude in their bed, the first light of the sun warm with a mellow glow. A playful expression was on Jason's face, but when he knew it was time to have some fun, it shifted into a look that struck Anna as positively smoldering. He started by kissing her all over her body in the way she just couldn't get enough of.

"Almost a year and you're still not tired of that," she said, running her hands through his hair as he kissed her breasts and belly.

"If only you could see how you look from where I am," he said, "then you'd know getting tired of this view isn't gonna happen anytime soon."

Anna smiled at this reply and closed her eyes as Jason went back to work. He kissed along her curves, his lips moving over her hips and back up to her right breast. Then, he moved along the soft slope of her neck, the sensation of his lips upon her sending familiar tingles up her spine. And when he reached her mouth, he moved his body over her, spreading her legs apart with his hand.

"Right down to business, eh?" said Anna with another smile.

"I think I've done all the waiting I'm going to be able to do," he said. "A month without being inside you is enough to drive a man insane."

Anna was more than happy to oblige him. Her eyes locked onto his massive cock, that enormous member that, even as far into their relationship as they were, she couldn't believe she was able to fit inside her. Jason took himself by the base of his gorgeous cock and slid himself into her effortlessly, a shudder of pleasure running through his body as he fully buried his prick.

"Goddamn," he said. "I can't believe how good you feel."

"The feeling is more than mutual," said Anna with a sly smile.

Jason returned the expression as he began moving in her. He knew, well enough, by this point, that for the first minute, he needed to take it slow, especially now that Anna was still not too far-off from giving birth. But today, Anna sensed that Jason wasn't the only one among the two of them who had been waiting for this lovemaking session with impatience; the moment he entered her she could feel that she was already more than aroused enough to accommodate him.

Jason began fucking her at a faster pace, turning his attention to her creamy, full breasts. He sucked on her nipples in the way she loved, the sensation of his mouth on her breasts and his cock hammering into her beyond sublime. Anna reached down and placed her hands on his firm, round ass, guiding him into her at the perfect angle to stimulate her in the way she absolutely needed. Soon, Jason was giving her the pounding of a lifetime, the buildup of the sexual energy over the last month all coming out now in one vigorous series of plunging thrusts.

Anna knew she wouldn't be able to take much more before she came hard.  She wrapped her legs around Jason's hips as he drove into her over and over again, closing her eyes as she focused on the orgasm that was growing larger within her by the second.

"Goddamn, you fuck so good," she said, the dirty talk slipping out of her lips almost without her control.

Jason smirked and took this as a sign that he was giving Anna exactly what she wanted. He continued fucking her in this way, his enormous cock bringing her to the brink of the orgasm that she craved.

And, suddenly, she fell over the precipice and into a vast ocean of pleasure she was eager to be swept away in. The orgasm was warm throbbing, the sensual feeling crawling all throughout her body like some kind of wonderful drug. She moaned with passion as Jason fucked her through her orgasm, each thrust wringing just a little more pleasure out of her. By the time Jason came, she was more than ready to feel him erupt in her. He took a deep breath as he came, Anna taking sweet delight at him shooting himself deep into her.

When he was done, he collapsed at her side. Anna breathed in deep; part of her hadn't been prepared for just how intense their little session was going to be.

"I think I needed that more than I realized," she said, still drawing in deep, full breaths.

Several moments passed as the two of them lay in each other's arms.

"As much as I would love to spend the rest of the day with you, I think you and I both have far too much to do today to lounge around," said Jason, sitting up.

Anna sighed, knowing he was right.

Jason headed off to the shower, and as he washed up, Anna wrapped herself in her silk robe and stepped out onto the balcony. The city in front of her, she considered the whirlwind of events the last year had been.

After the death of Ionian, Jason hurried the children back to the city. The four of them kept a low-profile for the next few weeks, hoping to avoid the wrath of the Abraxis Clan. After a time, a note from the Abraxis found its way onto the main balcony of the apartment one evening. In clear terms, it stated that there would be consequences for the murder of Ionian, and that only their ongoing conflicts with the other clans that occupied their power was keeping them safe. Jason read the note to Anna, making it clear to her that he and the rest of the Silver Dragon Mercenaries would do everything in their power to keep her and the family safe.

The issue of the Abraxis Clan set aside for the time being, the four of them settled into a comfortable family life. Jason took the mercenary group to new levels of power, making them into something of a small army. Anna found herself wondering if Jason was preparing to assert his power by declaring himself the leader of a new dragon clan, but knew better than to pry; he was always mum about things of that nature.

Anna's pregnancy went along as planned, and she eventually gave birth to a beautiful boy named Mason. He had Anna's auburn hair and Jason's piercing blue eyes, and as Anna held him for the first time, she knew there was power and potential inside him. As she recovered from her pregnancy, she carried on with her duties as a nanny, becoming something more than that in the process. William and Sophia began to view her as more than just help, but more like family. She knew she could never replace their mother, but she vowed to do her best to give the children the love they deserved.

"Finally!" William said as he sat at the kitchen bar, Anna and Jason entering the living room, Mason cradled in Anna's arms.

Jason and Anna shared a sly look.

"You guys are gonna miss breakfast!" said Sophia, a plate of oddly-shaped pancakes in front of her.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," said Jason, giving each of his children a kiss on the forehead.

They ate together, enjoying one another's company and discussing their plans for the weekend, the two children playing with Mason happily.

Finally, Sophia said something that sent a jolt through Anna's spine.

"Daddy, are you gonna do it, or what?"

Anna shot Jason a quizzical look.

"What's she talking about, baby?" Anna asked.

Jason looked at Sophia with a narrow-eyed expression.

"Way to spill the beans, midget," he said.

"I mean, I know you bought it, like, a month ago. Do it already!" she said.

"Yeah, Dad," said William. "Don't be a pansy."

Jason tore off a piece of his pancake and tossed it playfully at his son.

"What are they talking about?" Anna repeated.

Jason sighed.

"Come on out to the balcony," he said.

"He's gonna do it!" said Sophia.

"Finally," said William.

Anna placed Mason in his crib and followed Jason out onto the balcony. The sun was out, and it was a beautiful late spring day in the city.

"What's going on?" she asked, not sure how to feel.

"Well, I was going to do this a little more ceremoniously, but looks like the kids beat me to it."

Jason reached into his pocket, and withdrew a small, red velvet box. He opened it, revealing a stunningly gorgeous diamond ring. Anna's heart soared when she realized what was happening.

"I'm one for big, romantic speeches," Jason said, "but after Elena passed, I never thought I'd love again. But here you came, to show me just how wrong I was. Anna Clinton, I love you, and w–"

"Yes!" shouted Anna, unable to contain herself. "Yes, yes!"

Anna and Jason embraced tightly for a time, Jason only moving her away to slip the ring on her finger. Anna held out her hand, watching the stone shimmer in the sunlight. It was the most beautiful ring she'd ever seen, given to her by a man she loved. What more could she ask for?

"I love you, Anna," said Jason, his eyes brilliant in the clear light of day.

"I love you, too," Anna said.

And out of the corner of her eye, she saw William and Sophia pressed up against the glass, Mason in Sophia's arms. They cheered as Anna and Jason embraced, and Anna couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with joy at all she had to be thankful for.

The future was uncertain, and there would surely be challenges ahead, but Anna knew that no matter what, they would be able to take on anything. As a family. THE END