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Fairytale Shifters by Alexa Riley (3)

Chapter 3


“I’ll lock the front door on my way out. You sure I can’t help you with anything else tonight?” Gwen asks.

I finish wiping down the display case, cleaning away fingerprints on the glass from customers today. I toss the paper towel into the trash, then put my key into the register, locking the drawer. “No, I think that’s it for today.” I drop the key into my bag and smile at her.

“Maybe we could go get a drink?” Gwen asks in a hopeful voice, a big smile pasted on her face.

She wants to hang out, but I’m beat after spending the afternoon making non-sexual Halloween treats to serve tomorrow. “Not tonight.”

Her face drops at my reply and makes me feel guilty. I’m new to this town, and she’s the only person who seems to have welcomed me with open arms. I can’t imagine someone as bubbly as she is not having other friends to go out with, or not having a swarm of men wanting her attention. But I can tell that despite her outgoing personality, she’s a little lonely. Something I can relate to, and if I wasn’t so beat I’d take her up on it.

“But Friday night I’m in.” I shoot her another smile, hoping it makes her come back. I should make a better effort if I want to fit in in this town. Maybe a night out with Gwen will give me a chance to really meet the locals in a more relaxed environment. I’m sure Gwen knows everyone and can introduce me around. I doubt there’s a person she doesn't know. I’m also guessing a night with her would be filled with fun. She has a contagious smile.

“Sounds perfect!” Gwen leans in, wrapping her arms around me and giving me a much-needed hug, squeezing me a little too tightly. It’s hard making friends in a new town, but she’s been solid gold. I wrap my arms around her and give her a squeeze back.

“Thanks, girl.” Letting her go, I pick up my purse from the counter.

“See you tomorrow,” Gwen calls over her shoulder as she heads out the front door, locking it behind her.

It’s been a long day but a good one. The good thing about working in a bakery so early in the morning is by five in the evening you’re done for the day. A lot of tourists came in today, despite the sheriff standing guard out front the whole time. It’s odd, but part of me likes the fact that he’s so close. It’s a weird feeling, but it’s as if I feel a bit safer knowing he’s near.

“He’s the freaking sheriff. He’s supposed to make you feel safe,” I mutter to myself, knowing that it’s more than that. I want to yell at him to move from the front of my store, but whenever I see him turn like he might be coming inside, my heart picks up a beat. I tell myself it’s the anger, but I know I’m lying to myself.

No locals came by today, and that part was beyond frustrating. But for some reason, Dominic says that’ll all change on Sunday. What does that even mean? What makes things magically change on Sunday?


Just thinking about his name has me tingling all over. I’ve never felt this way about someone before. He gets on my nerves the way he hovers over me, but I can’t stop my body from wanting to rub against him. It’s crazy because I don’t remember ever being so turned on. When he’s close I feel this hum radiate through me, and all I want to do is fall back and have him climb on top of me.

Jesus, Ruby, get it together. I mentally shake myself out of my sex fog and wrap up the rest of the baked goods from today. Surprisingly, a lot of the Halloween treats sold, the tourists snapping pics and posting them to Instagram. Maybe Red’s Goodie Basket will become internet famous. I can read the headlines now: ‘Red’s Goodie Basket has the Sweetest Pumpkin Spice Dicks Around!’ I can see people coming from all over, getting a cookie dick to swirl around their coffee and nibble on.

I have one tray of extra treats left, and I plan on taking it by the nursing home and then coming back here, opening a bottle of wine, and soaking in the tub before I crash. I still have a ton of decorating I need to do to the shop to make it more festive for Halloween, so I know I’ll be on my feet all day tomorrow. My toes need a nice warm soaking, and maybe if I drink enough wine, I won’t have any more of those dreams about that brooding giant of a man, Dominic.

My apartment above the bakery is small with an open floor plan and a full bathroom off to the side. It’s functional and always smells nice from the array of treats I bake each day. It’s convenient living above where I work, and it’s all I need since it’s just me, but I hope one day to be able to afford a home with some land. I’ve always wanted enough space to walk out on my back porch naked and not have to worry about prying eyes. Well, maybe there’s one set of eyes I wouldn’t mind prying. I stop in my tracks, trying to clear away that thought. I shouldn’t be thinking about Dominic like that. I don’t even know him, but it seems my mind does what it wants these days, even in my sleep. I should want to thump him in the head for being such a pain in the ass.

Opening the basket, I place the tray of treats inside and head out. I walk out the backdoor with my basket of treats in one hand and my keys and purse in the other. Once outside, I turn and lock up. As I flip the key, and the lock clicks into place, I hear leaves crunching behind me. I twist around, holding tight to my basket, but I don’t see anything. It startles me, but I must have imagined it. Maybe it was just an animal running through the trees behind the back of the building. Walking over to my car, I hear some rustling again, and I stand there, staring into the woods for a second, trying to see if I can catch whatever it is. Being in Colorado it could be a lot of things.

Red’s Goodie Basket is located on Main Street, but the side I’m on backs up to the forest. There’s a ton of protected land here since we are so close to the national park, and behind the bakery lie acres and acres of trees and wildlife. Thinking maybe it’s a raccoon, I look around for something to scare it away with. I scan the ground around me. Maybe I can throw a little rock into the woods, and it will run off. I don’t need an animal ripping into the trash.

When I look up, I see a man I don’t recognize standing just a couple of feet away from me, like he came out of nowhere. Jesus, he must move fast. He’s really tall, and I’m not thinking that just because I’m super short. This guy has to be close to seven feet tall. His clothes are dirty and ripped, and it looks like he hasn’t bathed in a few months. Hell, maybe even years. His hair is way past his shoulders and matted up, and his long beard looks about the same. His face is covered, so I can’t really make out any features other than his mouth, and it’s scary-looking. He’s got big full lips, but his teeth are long and pointed. Did I just find Bigfoot? Those Instagram people are going to be so pissed they missed this.

“Hi. Can I help you?” I can hear the tremor in my voice, and I’m trying not to panic. Being a female and being on your own in a situation like this is scary as hell. I’m not sure what this guy is capable of, but I don’t want to make any sudden movements. I get the distinct feeling he would lunge after me if I were to turn and run right now.

When he doesn’t answer me, I start to repeat the question, but suddenly he moves. He takes a slow step forward and then tilts his head up, inhaling deeply. Some of his hair falls away from his face, and I can’t help the gasp that escapes my mouth. His features are jagged and rough, with a hard square jaw and high cheekbones. His appearance—and his teeth—remind me more of an animal than a man.

Slowly, trying not to startle him, I make a move to get into my car. I’m desperate to get in and lock it, but he’s instantly in front of me. Holy shit, he can move fast for someone so big. I could reach out my arm and touch him if I wanted, but believe me, I don’t want to.

“Mine,” he growls, inhaling deeply again like he’s trying to breathe me in. Is this, like, a Colorado thing where people just smell each other all the time?

Making my voice as soft as possible, I say, “Sir, I’m sorry, but

My words are cut off by a deep, resonating sound to my left, which makes me snap my head up. I see Dominic standing there, shoulders hunched forward, arms in front of him, his chin tucked. His stance is strong and he looks like he’s about to attack. His silver eyes seem to be glowing, but it must be a trick of the light. This is absolutely the scariest I’ve ever seen him look, and I lean back against my car to try to get as much distance from the two of them as possible.

I watch as Dominic’s chest expands as if he’s breathing really heavily. The stranger sidesteps, and he’s suddenly right in front of me, standing between me and Dominic, like he’s blocking me from him. Something inside me starts to panic at the separation, and I’m more scared than before. The urge to get to Dominic claws at me.

“Mine,” the stranger says through his sharp gritted teeth.

“She’s already spoken for, Xavier. Back away.” Dominic takes a step toward us, and the stranger—who I guess is named Xavier—takes a step back, getting closer to me.

I move my body a little so I can see Dominic better, the sight of him melting a little of my fear. Dominic doesn't look scared at all. No, he just looks pissed. If I had to guess, Dominic can take him. Even though Xavier is taller and scarier-looking, he doesn't look healthy. Maybe if he was in top shape, Dominic would have a reason to worry.

“I smelled it, she’s mine,” Xavier says, taking a step toward Dominic, blocking my view again.

“No.” The word comes from deep in Dominic’s chest, and I peek around Xavier's body to see what’s happening. “Step away from her or I’ll rip out your throat. It’s my right, and I’ll take it.”

Jesus, how did this escalate so fast? One second I was taking cookies to old people, and then all of a sudden I’m in the middle of a backyard brawl with people talking about ripping throats out.

I can see Xavier hesitating, and then he inhales deeply again. What is happening? This is just like that episode of Cops I watched where the guy ate some bath salts and then stole Funyuns from the gas station. It’s crazy!

“Scent her again, Xavier. She’s mine.”

Scent me again? Is he fucking nuts? I’m not letting him smell me! He could snap me in two! “Hold up a second,” I say, leaning around Forest Creature Xavier so I can give Dominic a piece of my mind.

Dominic locks his glowing eyes with mine, and I feel a chill of desire shoot down my spine, somehow pushing my fear out. “Not now, sweets.” he says, his tone completely changing when he addresses me.

“But I scent mine,” Xavier growls, turning his back to Dominic, his eyes running over me in clear confusion. It’s a mistake he turned, because Dominic is on him and tackles him to the ground instantly.

They both make growling sounds and gnash their teeth as they wrestle. I don’t know what to do, so I just stand there like an idiot, holding a basket of cock cookies watching two dudes fight it out. I should call the cops, but Dominic is the cops. I don’t even think this little town has a deputy. After a few moments, Dominic has Xavier in a chokehold from behind, his legs wrapped around his waist, caging the guy.

“This is your warning, Xavier. The next time you scent her like that, I’ll end you. I don’t care what arrangements we have. Do you understand me?”

Xavier looks at me and then looks away. For a second I thought I saw something sad flash in his eyes, but it’s gone before I can be sure. He’s probably not exactly happy in his situation right now, so I don’t dwell on it.

He nods his head and relaxes his body, opening his arms and turning his head to the side, exposing his neck. It’s a position an animal would assume were they to be held down on the ground. It’s almost as if it’s a submissive pose, and it strikes me as odd. Dominic then releases him, and they get up off the ground.

I look the guy up and down and see his clothes are in about the same state as when he first walked out of the woods: torn and dirty. He looks thin too. Not gaunt like he’s at death’s door, but slim and in need of a meal.

“Would you like some cookies?” It’s comical that I would offer up food to someone who just tried to attack me, but from what Dominic said, he’d take him out if he smelled me again. And from the part of the conversation I did understand, they know one another. This night is just getting weirder and weirder.

“You should go.” I look over to Dominic, and I don’t know whether he’s talking to me or to Xavier. He looks at me, and it’s then I realize he’s telling me to go. What the hell? This is my home.

I take a step toward Xavier, and I hear Dominic growl. I don’t know what the hell is happening, but this strange guy needs something besides meth for dinner.

“Here,” I say, holding out the basket. Xavier hesitates for only a second before taking the basket from me and nodding his thanks. “Sorry, they all look like cocks. But they taste wonderful.”

He looks up from the ground, and it’s then I see his eyes are glowing as well. The sunset is doing crazy things tonight. I wonder if mine are glowing too. Xavier smiles, just briefly, and then looks away again.

“It’s not her, but I can smell what’s mine,” Xavier says, making no sense, but none of this is.

“It’s not her, so stay away from her.” Dominic’s voice sounds like he’s been eating gravel. Can anyone talk normally around here? Why does everyone growl?

“She’s not mated,” Xavier responds, but it doesn’t sound like he’s challenging him; it’s more of a question.

“Sunday.” That must be Dominic’s go-to word, because for some reason Sunday is the answer to everything around here.

I don’t know what’s happening, but I’m annoyed with Dominic. Turning to him, I put my hands on my hips and give him my best sassy stance, but he doesn’t speak. Fine. Be that way.

“I’m going inside. I’d appreciate it if we kept the fights to a minimum, or at least take them elsewhere.” I walk toward the backdoor of the bakery and pull out my keys, but I turn back in time to catch Xavier before he walks back to the woods. “Hey, anytime you need something to eat, just leave a rock on that picnic table. I’ll leave a basket out for you.” I nod to the table I have set up in case employees need to go outside for a break, or on those rare afternoons when I get to go outside and enjoy a book in the sunshine.

Dominic just stares at me, not seeming to like my offer, but Xavier bows his head in acknowledgement. Ha! Now I got a local customer! He may not pay, but I’m counting it. After a second, I go inside, locking the door behind me and walk upstairs to my bedroom. Once I’m there, I gently pull back the curtains and look down to see that both men are gone. I step back and flop down on my bed. “What the fuck was that?” I whisper to the empty room.




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