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Granting Her Wish by Erin Bedford (6)



STAYING WITH ALY WAS VERY different than my previous masters. Most didn’t even bother to invite me to their home; they just assumed I’d show up when they needed me. Like some kind of spiritual being.

Pfft. I was a genie. Not some all-powerful being. If I had been, I’d be able to get myself out of here and back home whenever I wanted.

“I only have my bedroom,” Aly told me, her posture unsure as her eyes darted around the room, “So, I hope the couch is alright? Or do you sleep in your bottle?”

She pulled my prison for the last few centuries out of her bag and sat it on a small table. For a moment, I had the sudden urge to smash it to pieces.

No. I couldn’t do that. Shoving the desire down, I looked over at Aly. She was watching me with great interest.

“The couch is fine,” I said, ignoring the question in her eyes. No need to get too personal, I’d be out of here before long.

“Alright,” she drew out, seeming unconvinced by my answer. But then she moved further into the apartment. I followed after her, only half interested in where she lives.

Most of my masters had already been rich, or at least well off. Aly was neither of those things. The apartment was small and consisted of two rooms. The room held the couch she had mentioned, and a decent-sized bed. A small television sat near the couch with a beat-up coffee table in between them. A kitchen area, containing a two-person table, occupied the small space behind the couch. The other room I could only assume held the bathroom, which Aly entered and then exited moments later bearing a towel.

“Here,” she handed it to me, “I only have a few towels, so just hang it on the bar when you are done taking a shower so it dries out.”

I tried to hold back the pity that welled up in me, but it was no use. How can someone live like this? I could walk across the whole apartment in a matter of seconds. Even my bedroom back home was bigger than this.

Was. I reminded myself.

I didn’t have any of that now. In fact, I was worse off than my master. Nothing but a dusty old bottle to my name.

“Thanks,” I said regretfully.

Aly shrugged a shoulder and moved over to the bed where she grabbed one of the pillows and took a blanket from the foot of the bed. Putting the pillow on one end of the couch, she spread the blanket out, giving me a particularly nice view of her backside.

As if she could feel my eyes on her, she straightened quickly and spun around. A blush covered her face which I found endearing.

“So, you can sleep here and I’m going to be over there,” she pointed at her bed, avoiding my eyes.

“Alright,” I moved over to the couch and sat down, testing out the cushions. The couch itself might not have looked like much but at least it was comfortable.

Aly stood above me, her arms wrapped around her midsection. “Do you need anything else?”

“Are you going to make your wishes?” I couldn’t help but ask.

Scowling, she dropped her arms and stomped toward the other room. When she slammed the door shut behind her, I sighed. This was taking forever.

I pulled my black boots off and, after a moment’s thought, my t-shirt as well. If I was going to try and seduce her into making her wishes, I might as well start now. I stretched out onto the couch not covering up with the blanket she had provided.

Aly reappeared again after a few moments, her work clothing swapped out for a t-shirt and a tiny pair of shorts that left her legs long and bare. Instead of her drooling over me, it was me who jumped up from my lounging position to watch her float across the room.

Her eyes did flicker my way briefly, but if she was affected by my muscled body she wasn’t giving anything away. I, on the other hand, couldn’t keep my eyes off of her form as she slipped into bed. Even in the poor lighting of the room I could tell she has taken her undergarments off. The tips of her nipples protruded through her shirt, and I licked my lips.

“Goodnight,” Aly’s said in that sweet voice. Then she reached over next to her bed and pulled the switch on her lamp, putting us into darkness.

“Night,” I answered laying back down on the couch. I lay there for a few minutes but sleep eluded me. It wasn’t until an annoying repetitive sound wakes me that I even realize I had fallen asleep.

Groaning came from the bed and I cracked my eyes open to see Aly’s dark form turn over in the bed. A loud smack stopped the blaring noise and then the light from her lamp blinded me.

Closing my eyes quickly, I turned my face away. More groaning from Aly and then there was a thud. The string of curses which came from my master’s mouth caused me to open my eyes once more. She gripped her foot and glared down at the stack of books which I could only assume were the cause of her pain.

“Fuck,” she muttered once more before she stomped across the room to dig through a pile of clothing in the corner. I watched with increasing interest as she discarded her shirt and shimmied out of her shorts. The tiny pink panties that covered her backside made me sit up on the couch.

The couch wasn’t quiet and the noise caused Aly to spin around. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets when they land on her perfectly formed breasts. Each glorious globe was tipped with a rosy nipple that I ached to have in my mouth.

“What the hell?” Aly grabbed the nearest shirt to her and covered her chest, “You could have said something.”

I shrugged and smirked at her, “If I had done that then you would have stopped.”

“Of course, I would have,” she picked up a shoe from the floor and chucked it at me. I ducked just in time, but it skimmed my shoulder causing a slight burn.

Rubbing my shoulder, my eyes following after her as she marched passed me and into the bathroom. The door slammed behind her. I winced. Well, that went well.

I stood from the couch. Face scrunching up in pain, I stretched my muscles. The couch might seem comfortable but it was killer on the back.

Not bothering to put my shirt on, I moved around the room. The only way I could describe Aly’s apartment would be organized chaos. There were piles of clothes on either side of the room, one I assumed were for dirty ones and the other for clean. The books she had tripped over were only a few of a large stack next to a computer that’d seen better days.

I frowned. The last computer I’d seen had a thicker screen and not as nice of a casing. The world had come further in technology than I’d thought.

The shower turned on in the bathroom just then and I had the wicked idea to join my master. Closing my eyes, I envisioned her lovely breasts once more. My hands ached to touch them, to cup them in my palms and hear her squeal beneath me.

Shaking my head, I adjusted myself in my pants—which had become considerably tighter. If I went in there she’d just get mad again. Maybe even throw something else at me.

No. Aly seemed like the kind who needed a subtle seduction. Now, if it had been her friend Jade . . . I could have jumped into bed with her last night and it would have been all over with by now.

The water turned off and I leaned against the wall as I waited for her to come out. I didn’t have to wait long. To my disappointment Aly didn’t come out in a towel, but in a pair of jeans that hugged her hips and a tank top. Her wet hair brushed against her breasts which pushed up against the neckline displaying them as if on a silver platter. Just for me. While a tiny towel would have been better, I was beginning to think I’d be attracted to her even if she wore a burlap sack.

“What are you looking at?” she snapped, all of last night’s pleasantries gone.

“Just savoring the image,” I smirked as she glared at me.

She went into the kitchen area and rummaged through the cabinets. Reaching up, she tried to grab something out of the cabinet but didn’t seem to be able reach it. With little more than a thought I was suddenly behind her.

Aly jumped in place, my front firmly pressed against her back. I raised my hand and grabbed what she had been trying to reach. A box of some kind of breakfast bars. I shook my head, disgusted at the things these humans put in their bodies.

“Here you are,” I held the box out to her and inhaled deeply. Her shampoo’s scent was something floral and intoxicating. Much different than the sweet smell of her in the shop yesterday. Against my better judgment, I hardened against her, causing her to let out a gasp.

“Thanks,” she murmured but didn’t move from her position between me and the counter. I placed my hands on her hips and dipped my head until my nose brushed against her neck.

“You have the most tantalizing smell.”

Her body stiffened and then a shudder went through her. I was about to take things another step forward by pressing my mouth to her skin, but she moved abruptly out from my grasp.

“I’ve got to get to work.” Aly said her back to me as she begins packing her bag up. “I’ve got to open the shop for the morning shift and then go to class. I won’t be done until this afternoon.”

“Alright. I’ll come with you,” I followed after her, but she spun around and held a hand up, stopping me in my tracks.

“No,” she snapped, but then changed her tone, “I mean, no. You should just stay here. I can’t have you waiting for me in class. The teacher will have a fit.” Aly’s eyes move around the room looking at anything but at me.

“What do you expect me to do here?” I gestured to the disaster that was her home.

“You can watch T.V. or read a book,” she suggested as she grabbed her keys and the other bag she had been carrying the night before, “Look, just stay out of trouble. You can leave the apartment if you want, but make sure you lock the door.” Aly opened a drawer next to the door and handed me a metal key.

I frowned down at it, but before I could protest any further she was out the door, leaving me alone.

Running a hand through my hair, I scanned the room. What the hell am I supposed to do now?