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Hawk by Rasey, Patricia A. (31)









Chapter 30


Kaleb walked into the clubhouse, his eyes taking but a second to adjust to the lighting. Kane sat on the sofa with Cara tucked under his arm, chatting with Vlad, who sat across from them as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Cara laughed at something his great grandfather had said. He stood watching the scene before him, the whole thing surreal. He still couldn’t believe that Vlad was not only alive, but looked as young and healthy as he and his twin. He could even see the resemblance. His great grandfather, however many times removed, looked more like Kane than Kaleb due to them both having the straighter hair, though Vlad’s was at least a good six inches longer. The Romanian ruler certainly didn’t look as if he had aged in the past four hundred plus years.

His next thought was of Suzi, who he hadn’t spotted upon his arrival. She wasn’t among those in the front area of the clubhouse. Anton stood to his right on the opposite side of the bar while Tamera sat on a bar stool just a few short feet away. Kaleb could see the change had completed sooner than they had thought and that she didn’t bear any lasting effects. The redhead was downright stunning. Grayson could have done much worse for a mate. When he glanced back to the living area, Vlad took in his wild gaze with a smile.

“She’s here, son.”

“Where?” Kaleb asked about the time Suzi exited the bathroom.

“She doesn’t remember much,” Vlad said. “Which is probably a good thing.”

He hated the hesitancy he saw in her beautiful warm eyes. How much of her memory had been erased by Rosalee? He couldn’t stand the idea that she might not remember their morning together or the fact she had agreed to be his mate. Being that a very powerful vampire had hypnotized her, it was hard telling how much damage Rosalee had done. Hell, for that matter, Kaleb had no idea what Vlad might have done. After all, he had said that he had taken care of her, but hadn’t elaborated how.

“You okay?”

Suzi nodded, wetting her lips with her tongue. “At least I think so. I remember leaving for work this morning. Next thing I knew, I was here with Kane and Cara.”

“You do remember this morning then?”

A smile lit her face and centered in her eyes as her cheeks reddened.

“You haven’t changed your mind?”

Suzi shook her head. “Why would I want to do that?”

Kaleb opened his arms and she ran into them. He easily enfolded her within his large embrace, never wanting to let her go. Damn! He had almost lost her. He hadn’t been able to breathe, let alone think when Bird had his fucking grimy hands on her. He wouldn’t morn the dirt bag’s loss. Rosalee, on the other hand, he wished would’ve met the same fate. But for his own reasons, Vlad had spared her life, sending her back to Italy and her stepfather.

Kaleb fisted the hair at Suzi’s nape, tipped her head back and kissed her, one filled with possession and desperation. Her small hands slipped around his waist and gripped the soft material of his tee, holding onto him as if she felt the same sense of anxiety. Never had he been so scared of losing someone. He didn’t care that they had an audience. He only cared that Suzi was in his arms, alive and well. Kaleb wanted to pick Suzi up and carry her to his room, more than ready to make her his for all eternity.

Anton cleared his throat. Kaleb pulled back out of respect for his soon-to-be mate. She didn’t need to be the center of a bunch of gossipy vampires … even if Kaleb didn’t care what the hell they thought of him.

“Your rooms that way, Hawk,” Anton said, a smirk on his face, pointing his thumb over his shoulder toward the back of the clubhouse.

“Fuck you, Blondy. I’m fully aware of that. Don’t you have some place better to be? Like throwing back a few beers with your new roomy?”

He chuckled, not offended in the least. “I think I’d rather stay here and get to know your granddaddy.”

Vlad rose from the sofa, his sheer size filling the room. The man certainly knew how to command a presence. He strode over to the bar, grabbed the half-filled whiskey bottle and downed what was left of the contents. He then tossed the empty bottle into the receptacle at the end of the bar. Bracing his hands on the surface, his black eyes centered on Anton. Hell, even Anton was small in comparison.

“This isn’t your mate.” It wasn’t a question, but damn near sounded like a threat coming from Vlad.

Anton’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. “No, sir.”

“You going to let this woman come between you and a brother?”

“It isn’t my intention.” Anton toyed with the cap from the whiskey bottle between his thumb and forefinger. “Gypsy wasn’t stepping up to the plate to see her through the change. Someone needed to be there for her.”

“Cara was, from my understanding.” He crossed his muscular arms over his chest and held Anton’s gaze. “Kane filled me in when I noted the newly turned mate.”

Anton shrugged. “You and I both know I had the ability to take away some of her pain.”

“It’s my fault,” Tamera spoke up, squaring her shoulders as she looked up at the large, intimidating vampire filling the space beside her. “I take full responsibility for my actions.”

“You can’t take responsibility for Anton. His actions are his own.” He paused, his hot gaze pinning her. To Tamera’s credit, she didn’t so much as blink. “Are you prepared to be held accountable for Grayson? It’s in my power to punish him for his insolent behavior. Regardless how it came to be, you’re his mate. How he handled the unfortunate turn of events is inexcusable. Are you saying he doesn’t deserve to be reprimanded and that should I see fit to punish him, that you’ll take said punishment in his place?”

Tamera glanced down at the folded hands in her lap. “I will.”

One of Vlad’s brows rose. “Very well. A female without a mate is not allowed within our race. I placed the rules in place many years ago and they aren’t to be taken lightly. Grayson has one year to claim you. If he does not, then I give you to Anton.”

His gaze moved to the large blond vampire. “Do you dare to disagree with my decision?”

“If Gypsy doesn’t claim her as his mate … then I will.”

“You’ll not touch her. For if I hear that you acted inappropriately, I will return and you will rue the day you disobeyed me. Grayson is to be given one year, understood?” When no one offered an argument, he continued, “Then let it be known that what I have decreed this day will be carried out, in one way or another. This woman will be mated to one of you.”

Anton’s gaze traveled to Tamera, who still bowed her head. Kaleb detected the heat in Anton’s gaze. There was no mistaking that he wouldn’t mind Grayson shirking his duty and claiming Tamera as his own.

“Then if there is nothing else, I will take my leave. I fear I need to see that my gutless brother punishes that contemptuous brat of his. I still haven’t seen restitution for her causing my grandson’s death.”

“You know of that?” Kane asked.

“Dear boy,” he patted Kane’s cheek, “you may not have seen me, but I was never far away. I always knew what was going on.”

“Then you know of the cartel?”

He nodded. “I believe you and your brother will take care of the humans responsible?”

“We have a plan in place, a barkeep who is willing to hand over the key players to us.”

“Good.” He smiled. “Then see that they pay. A life for a life, Kane. I’ll accept nothing less.”


Vlad turned, pulled Kane into a hug and slapped him on the back. He then framed his face in his hands. “You do me proud, grandson.”

He walked over to Kaleb next and wrapped his muscular arms around him. Stepping back, he placed a large hand on Suzi’s shoulder. Vlad looked like a giant next to her.

Glancing back to Kaleb he said, “Waste no more time. She should’ve been your mate some time ago. Don’t be a fool and chance losing her to mortality.”

“I don’t plan to.”

“Good.” He nodded, then smiled, his teeth impossibly white against his red lips. “Then my job here is done … for now.” He turned without so much as glancing back, and walked from the clubhouse, his broad shoulders barely clearing the door frame.

Kaleb looked at Kane and whistled. “Jesus! I’d hate to be Rosalee when he gets to Italy.”

Kane was the first to chortle, followed by the lot of them. After the day Kaleb had had … it felt damn good to share in the humor.


* * *


Kane and Cara had taken Tamera to the Rave to teach her to feed and Hawk couldn’t be happier to finally get some alone time with Suzi. Hell, he was beginning to think he was going to have to kick Anton’s sorry ass to get him to return to his own fucking farmhouse. He was sure Grayson being there had something to do with his reluctance to leave … that or the cute redhead he helped transition into vampire. When Vlad had first made the demand that if Grayson didn’t step up to the plate within one year’s time, that Anton take his place, Kaleb was sure the large blond would back down in a moment’s time. Instead, he’d looked Vlad straight in the eye and agreed to his terms.

For fuck’s sake!

He sure in the hell hoped Anton did not have a thing for Tamera. No telling how Grayson might react, knowing a brother homed in on his territory even if Grayson was being a complete ass about it. Kaleb was positive, even though his VP didn’t want the redhead. Grayson wasn’t going to be open for someone else to take his place. Grayson may not appear to be the jealous type, but he did have a short fuse for a temper. And one of his brethren thinking to sneak and take what was rightfully his, might just light that fuse.

Suzi caught his attention as she fidgeted by the foot of his bed, bringing his focus back to what really mattered. Her. Let Anton and Grayson sort out their own fucking mess. He had other plans for his night, and it sure in the hell didn’t involve figuring out two grown vampires’ love lives. His soon-to-be-mate sat hesitantly on the edge of his bed, her eyes wide and not full of desire like he preferred them. He needed to get her mind on the physical and off the idea what was to come later. He would absorb every damn ounce of pain for her if it were indeed possible. Kaleb didn’t plan to leave her side once during the change.

He pulled his tee over his head and dropped it to the wooden flooring, her gaze traveling to his pecs before trailing lower to his abs. She drew her lower lip between her teeth, telling him he had her heading in the right direction. Getting her mind off the change might not be so much of an issue after all. Suzi had always been very sexual, which he loved about her. She had no problem going after what she wanted. The scent of her rising desire wafted to his nose.

Kaleb sauntered over to the bed, stopping just within reach. “You’re so beautiful, piccolo diavolo. You steal my breath away.”

Suzi dipped two fingers into the front of his jeans and pulled him toward her. “Make love to me.”

“With pleasure, sweetheart.” A grin split his face. God, how he loved this woman. “I’m all yours.”

Her heated brown gaze held his as her pink tongue darted out and trailed the line of hair leading from his navel, disappearing into the top of his jeans. Kaleb sucked in a breath. He had wanted to take it slow, show her how much he loved her. But his cock had a mind of its own. His need for Suzi turned into desperation, in all probability due to the fact he had almost lost her.

Kaleb placed his hands over hers, gripping her tiny wrists within his large hands and pulling her to her feet. He easily divested her of her shirt, his heated gaze taking in the red lacy brassiere covering her small, pert tits. God, she was perfect … and she was his. Working the button of her pants, he shoved them past her hips, where they pooled at her feet. She stepped out of them, leaving her in a matching red lace thong. Her hand found the button on his jeans, then slowly slid the zipper over his cock. She reached inside and pulled him free, causing Kaleb to growl.

He wasted not a moment as he lifted her from the floor. Her lean muscular legs wrapped his waist, bringing her center flush against his abs. Pulling the red scrap of lace to one side, he guided her onto his erection and swiftly entered her. Suzi gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck as she began rocking on his cock. Kaleb knew he wouldn’t last. He had wanted this woman for far too long, even if he was too damn stubborn to admit as much. Suzi’s hooded gaze centered on his mouth and the lengthening of his fangs. Tilting her head to the side, she gripped his nape and urged him forward.

Kaleb didn’t hesitate as he sank his canines into the silky flesh with a soft pop, tasting the sweetness of her blood. Suzi moaned, her breath coming in shallow pants. He could tell her orgasm wasn’t far off. And damn but it wouldn’t take him long to follow her over that peak. Turning, he backed her against the door and anchored her against the wood to get better leverage. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her ass as he started sliding in and out of her at a swift pace, continuing his communion as he did.

Her arms tightened about his nape, her heart beating heavily against his chest. Kaleb withdrew his fangs and licked the wounds to aid in healing, just as she cried out. His name tumbled from her lips as she fought to regain breath. Kaleb shoved into her, his balls tightening with each thrust, then growled as he reached his own climax. He leaned his forehead against the top of her head, attempting to catch his own breath.

Life was good.

Kaleb couldn’t remember a time he had ever thought as much. Wrapping her tightly in his hold, he carried her to the bed where he set her atop the sheets. He handed her his tee, which she quickly pulled over her head. The soft material pooled about her. Kaleb tucked himself back into his jeans, then joined her on the bed. He leaned against the headboard and pulled her against his chest so that she sat between his spread thighs and her back rested against his chest. He could feel her heartbeat.

“I love you, Suzi.” He leaned down and whispered into her ear, “Everything about you. Your spirit, your tenacity, your courage, the love you had for my nephew and for keeping his secret. But most of all, the way you never gave up on me.”

She snuggled more fully into him, taking his arms and wrapping her middle with them.

“I may have wished otherwise, Kaleb”—she looked over her shoulder at him, and he laid a brief kiss upon her lips—“but I’ve always loved you … though I didn’t always like you. Down deep, I could never truly hate you.”

“You make me a better person.” He placed a kiss in the crook of her neck where moments ago he had fed. “Are you glad that you told Kane about his son earlier?”

She nodded. “He needed to know. Ion loved his father so much that he feared disappointing him. Ion would’ve been happy to know that his sexual preference wouldn’t have mattered to Kane … or you for that matter. I just wish he would’ve lived long enough to know that.”

“Kane and I will get our retribution.”

“Don’t you dare do something stupid, Kaleb Tepes. I couldn’t bear to lose you.”

His arms tightened around her. “I am yours, Suzi, now and forever. I will never jeopardize that.”

He then brought his tattooed wrist to his mouth and bit. Red blood began to flow from the twin holes down his wrist. He held his arm out to her. Suzi stared at his offering, then gripped his large wrist in her tiny hand.

“Are you ready to be mine?”

“Now and forever,” she said, then took the wrist to her mouth and drank.


The End