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Ice: Dragon Clan. by Skye Jones (16)


She followed the two men…males, as she ought to start thinking of them, down the hallway and toward the large bedroom they now all shared. They’d had a custom made bed handcrafted by one of the village males who worked with wood. The thing was huge. Bigger even than a super king. But the three of them slept together every night and Nathan liked to sprawl. He wasn’t exactly small, and when his arms and legs starfished out, it left her and Dom huddled on the edge. So they’d solved the problem with their custom made giant bed and matching mattress.

She’d gone to town on the décor. Instead of the original colors, the room now came painted in a wash of pale green. She’d added handmade wooden shutters to the windows, loving the way they looked. Nathan hadn’t blinked at all when she’d said she wanted a chaise lounge. She’d always fantasized about having one from being a small girl. Not particularly feminine in her dress, or her behavior, Ice let her inner princess out when it came to the décor and the guys let her at it. So now, a gorgeous robin’s egg blue chaise sat under the picture window. She loved to sit there and read.

She’d not gone over the top when it came to the interior job. No toile or endless piles of scatter cushions and throws, but she’d bought a couple of paintings she loved, and also a figurine. The sculpture depicted three bodies entwined with one another. Made out of clay, and painted in bright blues and greens, it reminded her of a Henri Matisse painting. It reminded her, too, of the three of them, and she loved it.

They all came to a stop in the entrance to the room and she gave a gasp. In the time they’d been getting bonded, someone had been in their room. The scent of roses filled the air and the bed was covered in hundreds of petals. Huge vases stood sentry each side of the room, also filled with the same palest of pink roses the petals on the bed came from. A silver tray with champagne sweating in an ice bucket sat on the dresser, alongside three crystal champagne flutes.

Soft, classical music floated from the speakers.

“Who? How?” She looked around the room, her arms held out. “I was in here two hours ago and this place didn’t look like this. And everyone was at the ceremony.”

“Not everyone,” Nathan said. “Glenda missed some of it so she could come do this for me. I asked her to, and she seemed more than happy to oblige.”

Of course she would be. Being asked to do such a thing by the clan leader bestowed a great honor. “It’s lovely, Nathan.” Ice wiped away a stray tear before it ran down her cheek.

She didn’t cry often, but the day had been beautiful and now it was just the three of them in this quiet room that smelled of roses and thrummed with the connection between them.

Nathan took hold of her hand, and then Dom’s. “I promise to make you both happy. You saved me.” His voice faltered slightly and he cleared his throat. “Both of you risked everything to come into the spirit world and bring me back. To do so took such bravery. I didn’t think I could love you more, but in doing this, you honored me.”

Dominic brought Nathan’s hand up to his lips and kissed his knuckles. “Of course we came for you. Life without you in it wouldn’t be bearable.”

“Come here.” Dom brought his hand up to Nathan’s nape and pulled the bigger man in for a deep, hard kiss. Ice watched them, her arousal spiking as it always did at the sight of the two of them together. They were both so powerful, so similar in some ways, and yet so very different. She loved the perfect whole their two halves created.

Done kissing Nathan, Dominic turned to her and pulled her in for a kiss. His lips brushed over hers, soft and gentle. He didn’t demand or take, he simply gave and she felt the love pouring from him.

When they’d done, Nathan kissed her, but his was harder, more intense. When he licked at the seam of her lips, she opened for him and let him in. The taste of him exploded on her tongue and she moaned and pushed herself against him, pulling Dom in close to her behind. With Nathan’s big, hard body at her front and the warmth of Dominic at her back, she rubbed herself against them both. Their matching groans spiked her desire even higher.

Suddenly things went from calm and controlled to heated and crazy. Clothes were dispatched with quickly, and she found herself losing her dress as Nathan unzipped the back and peeled it from her body.

Underneath she wore a cream lace bra, matching thong, and a satin slip reminiscent of something from the thirties. Nathan flat out groaned as he looked at her. Dominic came and swept his hands over the sheer satin fabric, running them down over her hips to her thighs, where he began to move them back up, taking the slip with him.

As her thong became revealed, Nathan sank to his knees, pulled the flimsy bit of lace to one side and kissed her right at her core. Dominic moved behind her and finished taking the slip off. Then his warm hands covered her breasts, kneading her sensitive skin through her bra. Slowly they moved down her body until he reached where Nathan licked. Dom spread his fingers either side of her sex and pulled her lips apart.

“Now you can really get at her,” he said in a guttural whisper to Nathan.

Okaaaaay. So kind of utterly filthy of him, but it totally turned her on.

Nathan wasted no time going to work on her, and the male was a master at the oral stuff. She began to struggle to hold herself up as her legs trembled from the sensations he wrung from her.

“I want you both. Now. In me.” Her voice sounded foreign. Low and smoky, like she channeled some inner femme fatale bursting to get out.

“No need to ask twice, beautiful.” Nathan lifted her and carried her to their ridiculous bed, Dominic keeping pace with him every step. They laid her down gently and as Nathan took her mouth in a punishing kiss, Dominic licked and nibbled at her neck, before working his way down her spine.

She heard the click of the bedside drawer and knew he’d be getting the lube. Sure enough, a moment later, cold slick fingers stroked at her behind. Dom always prepped her well. Not that they’d done this often. They were more likely to have Dom make love to her whilst Nathan took him from behind. But the few times they had, she’d loved it. Some sort of crazy magic existed between them whenever they had sex. It meant everything became ultra-heightened and wonderful. The heat that built within her each time they came together, never failed to take her breath away anew.

Dominic began to push his way into her. She forced herself to relax through the initial burn and mild discomfort. Nathan’s fingers working magic on her clit helped a lot. Then once Dominic was all the way inside, Nathan moved up her body. He trailed his fingers up her thigh and their eyes connected. She smiled at him and he returned it.

“Love you,” she murmured.

“Love you too,” he replied. His gaze moved beyond her and he said the same words to Dom.

When Nathan entered her, she closed her eyes for a moment and reveled in the sensation of having her two males taking her so completely. When she opened her eyes, the look on Nathan’s face blew her away. He watched her with utter awe written across his handsome features. Dominic kissed her neck and as if they’d flipped a switch, she began to orgasm. Taken by surprise, she gasped her way through it and Nathan swore as he stilled.

“Need a moment.” He shook his head. “You’re killing me here.”

“Sorry,” she said. But as she spoke she squeezed her internal muscles and laughed as both men groaned in unison.

After a few moments of them all moving languorously together, relishing the scents and sounds of one another, they began to pick up the pace once more.

She cried out as Nathan thrust particularly deep. Dom provided the perfect counterpoint his slow gentle thrusts a glorious contrast to Nathan’s more brutal movements. She’d already come, but another orgasm stirred, building inexorably.

Nathan halted, as deep as possible within her, and grasped her hand in his. Dom reached around and held on too. They stilled and she wanted to ask why when something jolted her body.

Nathan smiled at her and looked up, so she did the same and gave a soft cry. Swirling above them were three cloudy, but distinct, shapes. Three colored dragons. A steely gray one with emerald eyes glowing bright. A blue and green beauty, and a smaller dragon covered in iridescent oranges and golds. Her dragon.

The sight took her breath away, and she let a few tears fall, not caring if tough, battle hardened fighters did such a thing or not. The graceful creature twirled in midair, flicking her long tail. The two other dragons encircled her. They twirled together in a sinuous circle until they were nothing but a mixture of astonishing colors.

The cloud-like dragons broke apart, descending towards their hosts. Her dragon reentered her body and Ice gasped. Nathan and Dom where there. Inside her. She sensed them, their emotions, and their strength, nestled deep within.

“Now you’re truly ours.” Nathan slid in and out, and Dom matched his pace.

God. She’d been filled by her men in every way possible, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Her pleasure built, intensified by the echoes of pleasure from Dom and Nathan’s spirits. The three of them wound tighter, rising towards an incredible pinnacle.

When Ice finally came, it obliterated the old her. The tough, closed off woman she’d been. Only dimly aware of her two males reaching their release, Claire found herself again.

Once they’d stopped moving and were snuggled close, she spoke.

“I want to be known as Claire again. I don’t need Ice anymore. Don’t get me wrong,” she said. “She’ll always be a part of me, but I’m Claire.”

“Claire. Our Claire,” Nathan said, and took her mouth in a demanding kiss.


The next day Claire cleared a large space in the center of the side room of the village hall, and awaited her first pupils. She’d never made it to the championship. Ellie’s attack put paid to any such plans. But she missed training. And while she didn’t need her Ice persona anymore, the fighter would always be a part of her. Dom had been the one to ask her if she missed fighting. When she admitted she did, he must have had a word with Nathan, because the next day he started sparring with her. Nothing major, as he still hadn’t fully recovered, but they practiced basic moves together. She understood this was a big deal, not only because it went against clan culture and beliefs, but also because Nathan needed to protect her. She could now feel how much. But Nathan, also wanting to make her happy, decreed they needed to move with the times.

He shocked her by asking if she’d be willing to train the clan’s females and children in self-defense. Only the males learned how to fight and on reflection, Nathan thought this old-fashioned and stupid. If they ever did face an enemy again, it made for sense for the whole clan to be able to defend themselves.

Nerves fluttered in her belly, but they were matched by the fizz of excitement. The door to the room opened and a group of females trooped in, led by Teresa.

At the sight of her friend’s lovely face, Claire’s nerves dissipated.

The class went well, and by the end, the females seemed to positively enjoy the basic exercises they were doing.

That night, Claire shared her day with Nathan and Dom, and saw their swift exchange of prideful glances. She loved them so much, it filled her up until she thought she’d burst.

“I know our ways seem old fashioned to you.” Nathan took hold of her hand. “In many ways they are. But we are trying to change. To modernize, so you’ll feel more at home here with us, but also because I truly do see the way we boxed our females into such prescribed roles is restrictive.”

She sighed and nodded. “I love you both to bits. I’d stay with you even if I had to sneak off to a field and shadow box.” She smiled. “But this way I’m much happier. And I think letting the women…the females, sorry, learn how to fight is a good thing. They enjoyed the class and it is good for them to use their bodies and stretch themselves. I think you should think about easing up on the whole goddesses on a pedestal thing you do with your women.”

“What?” Dom’s brows drew together. “That’s not going to happen any time soon. It matters to us to provide for our female. To keep her safe and comfortable.”

“I know. I get it, I really do. But did you ever think about how your society keeps some males and females on the bottom of the pile?”

“How so?” Nathan took a sip of his wine and watched her. His face was relaxed and open, so she screwed up her courage and went on. “Well, the other day, I ended up talking to Derek.” The young man was one of their…well servants to be blunt. “It’s so hierarchical. Someone like Derek will always be expected to be a servant. But he’s so clever. I honestly think he’d serve the clan better in a more senior role. But his father was a servant, and his father before him. As well as giving women more freedom, you could try to ensure everyone in the clan has a chance to fulfil their potential. I don’t know how, but I honestly believe it would change the clan for the better in the long run.”

Nathan blew out a long breath, and she held her own as she waited for his response. “I’ll think about it,” he said.

She gave a nod and a smile. He’d already changed so much for her, and him even being willing to think about it cheered her. She hoped in time things would change and some of the more formal rules and regulations could be relaxed. And she’d a powerful ally in Dominic who agreed. Together, they’d hopefully get Nathan to see other ways that life for the clan members could be improved.

“There is something else we need to consider,” Nathan said. She gave him her full attention. “Your siblings. We really ought to find them. It isn’t safe for them to be out there, possibly not knowing what they are.”

She swallowed and nodded. Wow. If they found her brothers or sisters, she’d have a family. Of course, Nathan and Dom were her family now, but she’d have blood relatives. The thought almost made her dizzy.

“Will we look for them?”

Nate shook his head. “I thought of asking for a couple of males from each of the clans to start the search. They will all report to us, but it seems the best way to go about things. Put feelers out farther abroad, too. After all, your siblings could be anywhere. Don’t worry about it now, but it is something that perhaps we should discuss and consider putting into motion.”

The idea both excited and scared her. She’d love to see her long lost relatives but it also made her anxious. She’d grown so used to being on her own that the idea of being part of a larger family made her nervous somehow.

“Come, my fighter.” Nathan moved around the table to her. “Drop that frown. We can discuss this later as Nathan says. Right now, we have something for you.”

She followed her two males down the corridor to the bedroom. When she entered, she gave a laugh of delight. On the bed were two cute little kittens. An elegant calico with tabby markings, and a sweet tortoiseshell with orange flashes in its grey fur. The tortoiseshell flopped on its back for tummy scratches.

“Oh wow, they’re so adorable!” She picked them up, nuzzling their soft fur.

“I figured you missed your neighbor’s cat, George,” Nathan said, speaking of the old moggy she often fed.

“I do. Oh, but these are so beautiful. I can’t believe it!” She gently placed them back on the bed and watched them play for a moment.

“That’s not all.” Dom went to the bedside drawer and opened it. “We got you this, too. Figured you’d want to keep in touch with Sian and your parents. This way you can FaceTime and keep up between any visits to the city.” He handed Claire an iPad.

She blinked back tears and looked at her two males. “Did I ever tell you how much I love you?” she asked.

“And we love you,” Nathan answered. He looked at Dom. “And I love you too. You’re both mine.”

“Ditto,” Dom said with a grin. “Now how about we leave these kitties to get used to their new home and you show your guys how much you love them. This time using actions not words?”

“Insatiable,” she muttered. But, hey, she wasn’t complaining. She wanted them as much as they wanted her. Finally, she utterly and completely belonged.