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Incubus by Celia Aaron (24)



I snuggled even deeper into bed, relishing the scent that filled my nose and made me feel warm and safe. Elena must have crept into my bed again. The witch had always had nightmares that caused her to wake shrieking into the dark, but cuddling up with me seemed to keep the dreams at bay.

But, no, this smell was different. It wasn’t the earthy scent of Elena. I wanted to wrap myself in this new smell, whatever it was. I inhaled deeply and ran my hand down…someone’s chest? My eyelids flew open, and I found myself lying curled up next to Roth, his arm draped protectively around my bare shoulders. The delicious scent in the air was him. The last time I’d woken up like this—with a man in my bed—I’d jumped three feet in the air and backed away. But instead of jumping from Roth’s bed, I lay just as I was, head resting on his chest as I listened to the steady rhythm of his breathing.

He was so warm, not the cold demon I’d come to expect from him. Though his temperature seemed to change based on his emotions, just like his eyes did.

My mind told me to bolt, but my instincts told me to stay right where I was, safe and warm in a powerful male’s arms. And I wanted to, enjoying the feeling of Roth against me.

His head was turned slightly toward me, the five-o’clock shadow tickling the sharp angles of his face. He looked almost boyish in his sleep, how he must have looked when he was a young centurion. He must have been a heartbreaker even back then. His dark hair fell across his face, and I reached up gently to smooth it away from his eyes. Though he was still asleep, my touch made him wrap me even tighter into him, my breasts pressing into his muscled side through the sheet. A thrill went through me, and I had the almost-irresistible urge to dot kisses up his chest. Was I losing my mind?

Just the thought of my mouth on him had my core slickening. I glanced back up to make sure he was still asleep. My gaze wandered to the goodie trail below his navel, and I thought about tarrying there for a while, teasing him with my mouth as he begged me to go lower. The idea of him begging for my mouth made me lick my lips.

As if he sensed my arousal, Roth turned toward me and pulled the sheet from between us, pressing my naked body into his. A throaty groan escaped his lips though his eyes were still closed. I bit my cheek to keep from crying out at the sensation of his strong body rubbing against my now throbbing nipples. My breasts felt heavy and oh so sensitive against him. Roth’s hard length pressed into my thigh, and I imagined how good it would feel deep inside me. I shuddered at the thought and the pleasure it evoked. This was wrong, maybe even some sort of madness on my part, but it felt so good that I couldn’t deny it.

His hand strayed to my breast. I sucked in my breath sharply as he cupped it, brushing his thumb over the hardened tip. Another low groan escaped him as he teased the tight bud. I wanted to let myself go, to wake him and let him take me.

But then I realized I was only being fooled again. Something I swore I would never do. Roth was just doing what he did with all the women who got into this bed. Seducing me. I was about to push him away when he whispered “Lilah” in his sleep and nuzzled into my hair. The husky tone of his voice made my body erupt in heat and sensation. He’s thinking of me, not some other woman. Despite all the females he’d had and could have, he’d said my name. Had I misjudged him?

“Gods,” I whispered as he continued stroking my nipple.

I rubbed my thighs together, the heat blossoming at my center. Chancing a glance at his face, I found he was still asleep, his dark locks falling lazily across his brow. If only I could rid myself of this destructive desire. Just the thought of his lips on me, his body entwined with mine made me go up in flames. I couldn’t stop myself. I moved my hand around the front of my hips, delving into the wetness that he had created between my thighs. My sensitive bud ached as I brushed my fingertips against it, sending a jolt through me.

Roth growled low in his throat, as if partaking in my pleasure. The sound spurred me on, my fingers circling and stroking. My thoughts lingered on him, as his hands lingered on me. The tension increased in my hips, and my rhythm quickened. I imagined him between my thighs—not my fingers but his tongue causing the deep need that threatened to overcome me. I couldn’t cut back the soft moan that left my lips.

The sound roused him somewhat. As his eyes began to flutter open, I balked at the idea of him knowing what I’d been up to in his sleep.

With all the willpower I possessed, I pushed myself away from him and rolled onto my back, pulling the sheet up to my chin. The friction on my stiffened nipples was almost too much to bear, and my body cried out for Roth’s touch, but I ignored it. I couldn’t risk getting any closer to him. Not now. He was no good, and I was going to offer him to Ares. And that was that. He’s a good man. He saved you from the crash. I swatted the thoughts away like a troublesome gnat.

Despite myself, my gaze wandered back to his hard body and the erection setting up shop beneath the sheet. I bit my lip. He could be between my thighs whenever I said the word, and I desperately wanted to say the word. Ah, gods.

“Good morning, carissima.” His smooth voice washed over me. I’d been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. He sported a wicked grin as he watched me drag my gaze from his prodigious erection to his face.