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Lucien by Linda Mooney (15)

Chapter Fifteen




            This news stunned them both, and Lucien saw his father immediately tense. “You did? Where? What happened?”

            “A few weeks ago. He was leading a battalion of men.” Hobron waved at the battle lord. “But they weren’t wearing armor such as that. Or carrying such finely-crafted weapons.”

            Yulen glanced at his son, and the same thought passed between them before he turned back to the councilman. “Which way were they headed?”

            “North, I think.”

            “When did you encounter them?”

            “At our compound, or what’s left of our compound,” Hobron sadly mentioned.

            Lucien glanced around and took in what he saw with a fresh eye. Yes, these were all Mutah. Or, in Johna’s case, a combination of full and half-Mutah. But they were not all hunters. He was certain at least a couple of them were merchants. Shopkeepers who’d been pressed into service to carry a weapon if for no other reason than self-preservation.

            “Go on,” Yulen urged.

            “There have been a surge of attacks on Mutah compounds from Normals these past few years, ours being one of them,” the councilman explained. “It got to the point where we realized we weren’t being held under siege. Their intent wasn’t to starve us into surrendering. They wanted us dead by any means possible. That’s when we decided to escape at the first opportunity and seek a place of sanctuary.” Hobron gave Yulen a pleading look. “We’d heard of you, D’Jacques. Stories about you and Atrilan have fueled our dreams for years. Now, with the loss of our compound, they’ve brought us hope. Or, if not hope, at least the possibility of finding a safe zone where we can live out our lives without fear of persecution.”

            Lucien watched the barely visible tic at the corner of his father’s mouth. Ever since Yulen and Atty’s marriage, the couple had made it their life-long mission to bring Normals and Mutah together. And if not to completely eradicate, at least try to eliminate as much as possible the centuries old hatred between the two.

            “What was the name of your compound?” the battle lord inquired.

            “Asa Valley.”

            Yulen gestured to the others standing around. “Is this all that are left?”


            Johna stepped forward and faced Yulen. “Your guess was correct. Phillo and I were looking for game when I caught sight of you. But we had no intention of challenging you. I could see you were Normal, and we were about to retreat when I saw you.” She looked directly at Lucien.

            “You saw I was half Mutah, and that intrigued you,” Lucien remarked.

            The huntress gave a nod. “We never expected to find a Mutah, or a half-Mutah, in the company of a Normal army.”

            “This imposter you mentioned. Did he look anything like me?” Yulen questioned.

            “No. In the face, no. But he had all your distinguishing marks.”

            “Such as?”

            Hobron touched his head. “He had your color hair, although it didn’t look natural. And closer to the scalp, it was very dark. Almost black.”

            “Probably rinsed with a lightener. Go on.”

            The Mutah touched his cheek. “He also had a scar there, but it isn’t as long or as prominent as yours.”

            “And he claimed to be me.”


            “Was there a woman with him who claimed to be Atty?” Lucien asked.

            “No.” The man adamantly shook his head, making his long hair swish from side to side. “We asked where she was. He said she’d been killed by Mutah who’d contracted the madness, and that was why he was on a mission of vengeance. To avenge her death.”

            Yulen frowned. “Any mention of his children?”

            “No, but we didn’t ask about them.”

            “Wouldn’t have mattered,” Lucien commented. “He would have had some excuse to explain their absence.”

            “Even though he supposedly had all my characteristics, what made you believe the man calling himself D’Jacques wasn’t me?” Yulen pressed.

            “It was a feeling we had. Nothing we could prove, other than the belief that, after all we’d read and heard, the real Yulen D’Jacques wouldn’t do that. No matter what he’d been through, he wouldn’t try to destroy everything he’d accomplished. I have to be honest with you. We’re still somewhat skeptical of your claim, Battle Lord,” Hobron admitted.

            “Then why are we sitting here?” Yulen countered. “What gave you enough doubt to trust us long enough to bring us here?”

            “Because of the battle prince,” Johna answered. “Everyone who was with the other D’Jacques was a Normal.”

            “Curiosity,” Lucien remarked, earning him a fleeting smile from the woman.

            Yulen took a moment to think. “Tell me about the other D’Jacques. Did he say where he was heading?”

            “No. Only that he was on a mission to avenge his wife’s death by wiping out all the Mutah compounds he could find,” the councilman replied.

            “But he was heading north?”

            “Yes, but he wasn’t taking the roads. He and his men were keeping to the trees.”

            “If he planned to attack only Mutah compounds, it would explain why he avoided the well-traveled trails,” Lucien commented to his father. “Mutah don’t build their compounds near the roads.”

            “And by avoiding the roads, his ruse would be less likely to be discovered by someone who actually knew me. But he’s making a serious mistake if he’s heading north.”

            “How so?” Johna asked.

            “The further north he goes, the closer he gets to Alta Novis, and the sooner his lies will be outed. There are currently twenty-seven Mutah compounds flying my banner. They all know me, they know Atty, and they’ve at least met my other son, Mattox.”

            “Your other son, Mattox?” Hobron studied Lucien a bit closer, bending over to get a better look. His eyes widened, and he straightened up. “You’re not the red-eyed one?”

            “This one said his name is Lucien,” Johna informed the councilman.

            Lucien didn’t hide his amusement. “I’m the younger son.”

            “Where is your older son and heir?” Hobron queried.

            “Mattox isn’t my heir. All of my children are my heirs,” Yulen corrected him. “Mattox and Mistelle are back at Alta Novis, keeping it protected in my and Atty’s absence. Lucien is accompanying Atty and me on this rescue mission.”

            “To Whiterock?”

            “Actually, our destination is Green River. Have you heard of it?”

            “No. But, as I’ve told you, we’re from further south.”

            “You’re going to Green River to rescue them? From those Damaged Mutah?” Johna asked.

            “We were approached by an emissary from there, asking for help. It appears…” Yulen abruptly stopped and turned a stern face to Johna. “How many of you have had the madness disease?” he demanded in a stern voice.

            “None of us.”

            None of you? Are you telling me every one of you have managed to evade the virus?”

            “The disease is coming from the north,” another man answered. He moved up behind Hobron. “We’ve had some people try to enter our compound, but those we determined were ill were not allowed in. That is how we managed to stave off becoming victims.”

            Lucien looked to Johna. “Because of you. You’re the reason why your people haven’t gotten ill. Because you can tell who’s been sick and who hasn’t.” Another thought came to him. “Can you tell if someone is currently sick?”

            “Yes. Their body temperature glows almost white hot.”

            “With the virus?”

            She bowed her head. “I can’t differentiate what’s making them sick. It could be the madness disease, or it could be something else.”

            “Sadly, I have to admit we may have turned away someone who was legitimately in need of medical attention,” Hobron admitted. “Someone we might have been able to save. But we couldn’t take the chance.”

            “How did you find out about the disease in the first place?” Yulen asked.

            The councilman pointed at the huntress. “Johna and a couple other hunters were out looking for game. They came across some Normal merchants on the road. She could tell something was different about them, and they approached the caravan with caution. The merchants tried to defend themselves, but Johna was able to assure them they weren’t in any danger. That’s when they told her about the disease that was causing Mutah to turn rabid.”

            Lucien gestured to Johna’s crude spear. “You manage to find game and defend yourself with that thing? You’re a stronger woman than I first gave you credit for.” It was meant to be halfway teasing, halfway serious. Although he couldn’t tell from the firelight, he got the impression she blushed from the compliment.

            “So, let me get this straight. Your compound was attacked by a man claiming to be me. After you managed to escape, you’ve been traveling all this time to seek sanctuary in Alta Novis?”

            “That, and to let you know about the imposter,” Hobron admitted.

            “Dad, word needs to be sent to all your Mutah compound holdings about this faker,” Lucien address his father. “They need to be warned as soon as possible.”

            Yulen placed his fist to his lips as if contemplating, but Lucien knew better. He recognized that look, and knew what caused it. His parents had an uncanny ability to communicate with each other over great distances. At the same time, he sensed his mother’s approach from the top of the ridge. Getting to his feet, he turned to await her descent. At the same time, the others realized someone was making their way down the slope, and lifted their weapons in anticipation. Yulen waved a hand at them.

            “There’s no need for panic. It’s only my wife, returning from her exploratory mission.”

            Atty finally appeared, along with Echo and Mastin. She cast a cursory glance at those gathered around fire before taking a stance next to her husband. The other Mutah stood and stared in silent awe at the woman they’d heard so much about. Even in the firelight, her deep blue hair was unmistakable, as was the expression of concern on her face.

            “We have a problem,” she addressed her husband, foregoing asking about the others for the moment.

            Yulen gave a nod, responding before she could go any further. “We have more than one problem,” he noted. “There’s a man out there claiming to be me, and he’s making it his mission to kill as many Mutah as he can in my name. What is it that you encountered?”

            She momentarily blinked in partial disbelief at him. “Whiterock appears to be overrun with the virus. In addition, they’ve erected a blockade across the road to prevent anyone from going past it.”

            “It seems we have two problems for the price of one,” Lucien quipped sarcastically.

            The battle lord sighed loudly. “Why am I not surprised?”