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Nanny to the Shifter (Stonybrooke Shifters) by Leela Ash (66)


     Callista awoke to the same vision that had greeted her moments before; only this time, she couldn’t help but notice this image seemed more three dimensional in nature.

     Plus now it talked. Criminy.

     She recognized immediately the pristine, out and out gorgeous image of Lord Nathaniel Barrett; his tall, muscular frame dressed in the same long jacket of azure jacquard, white satin shirt with a stately high collar, and oh so delightfully tight taupe pantaloons adorned with brass buttons, pictured in the portrait.

     Even more impressive was his chiseled face framed by the glorious mane of long thick ebony hair and featuring carved cheekbones, a cleft chin, and full, moist lips.

     Lips that now parted to say something that—immediately at least—seemed totally inappropriate and entirely too personal.

     “Well I must say it, Darling,” Nathaniel observed, staring into her bleary, half opened eyes with no small amount of curiosity. “This seems like a most peculiar case of déjà vu.”

     Callista parted her pert pink lips to inquire just as to who in the blazes he thought he was, calling her ‘Darling’—only to snap it shut moments later, as another woman stepped out from behind the tall imposing form of Lord Nathaniel Barrett, one whose round and bespectacled face she immediately recognized.

     “I’d like to think of it more as déjà vu all over again,” Jasmin observed, cocking her head in Callista’s direction.

     Nathaniel pitched his head back, letting loose with a deep sonorous laugh as he considered the words of his apparent lover.

     “I swear it, my love, I really don’t know as to how you manage to be so very witty, all day and every day,” he praised her, wrapping a loving arm around the surface of her sturdy shoulders. “You never fail to make me laugh and amuse me.”

     Gracing her lover with a cheeky grin, Jasmin nudged him gently in the ribs as she revealed, “Well that particular line, I must admit, is not mine to claim. It was baseball’s great Yogi Berra who coined the phrase, ‘It’s déjà vu all over again.’ But hey, since that dude hasn’t been born yet, I can claim these words as my own,” she paused here, adding as she pumped her fist triumphantly in the air, “Time travel rocks!”

     Callista rolled her newly opened eyes, expressing her sharp and abject disagreement with this point.

     Oh, she had to admit that Jasmin glowed in a period dress that fit and flattered her rubenesque curves; a smooth, glittery full-length satin frock with a boned bodice boasting lush satin bows, ruffled lace lining the neckline, additional lines of lace accenting its wide sleeves, and a flowing skirt that bustled soft and graceful around her buxom waist.

     Her friend’s lustrous mane of ebony hair was piled high atop her head; revealing a pair of glittering diamond earrings and a smile that glimmered brighter still.

    “I have never seen Jasmin so happy,” she observed with a slight smile. “She’s just radiant.”

     And their surroundings, when she finally got around to sitting up and examining them up close, glowed nothing but resplendent before her admiring eyes. 


     Recognizing immediately the glamorous interior of the Chez Victoria tea room, she nodded as she spotted the room’s shining wallpaper of scarlet brocade, and plush ivory carpeting; also noting the glow of brass chandeliers and the spectacle of a hand-painted mural that depicted angels in flight across a gem blue sky.

     Yet, replacing the full assortment of tables that generally came filled with customers waiting to be served, came a long, lace-covered single table adorning the center of the room; topped as it was by a gleaming setting of polished rose print china.

     “Cha, there is just one problem with all of this,” she decided finally. “While this joint does indeed look like an early version of the Chez Victoria tea room, it is not the elaborate tourist trap of a business where I work and pick up my paychecks four days out of the week. So in essence, I seem to have skipped out of work early to travel to a different country and century. Drat it to blazes, the boss is going to kill me!”

     Letting loose with a loud, frustrated groan, Callista pointed an accusing finger in the direction of her watching friend.

     “So it seems you’ve really done it this time, Lawrence,” she accused a still smirking Jasmin. “Now you’ve transported us both back in time, with little probable hope of return. Good job! So what do you plan to do for an encore?”

     Jasmin rolled her eyes.

     “Ah Callista, always the drama queen,” she scoffed, adding as she offered a helping hand to her confused, frowning friend, “And as far as what I plan to do for an encore. Well, how about a whole new and downright enchanting life in another place and time? Doesn’t that sound awesome sauce?”