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Paranormal Dating Agency: Bearly Twisted (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Twisted Tail Pack Book 2) by Melanie James (13)


Are you fucking kidding me? That’s what Gavin really wanted to say. Who gave a rat’s ass about greetings and formality when his mate was literally dying in his arms?

“Sorry, lay her down on the table. Right here.” Erin flew into a flurry of motion. Cerulean whisps of energy glowed around her hand as she slowly worked her way up and down Bailey’s battered body.

“What are you doing?” Gavin edged closer to his mate. The air around them became ice-cold as the witch called forth her majik.

“Chill, bear. You’re going to have to trust me here. I’m checking to see how bad her injuries are, not only to her body, but to the spirit of her shifter, also.”

Daisy stepped closer to the table, “I didn’t know it was possible to do that.”

“It’s one of my gifts.”

It took every ounce of willpower he possessed, but Gavin nodded and took a step back. “Very well.”

“If anyone can help Bailey, it’s Erin.” Calder placed a comforting hand on Gavin’s shoulder.

Gavin wanted to thank Calder for the support he offered, but it did little to comfort him.

The witch had asked him to trust her, and he was trying with all his might. But it was his mate lying there on the cold table. Her blood pouring from wounds that should have started to heal by now.

“She’s in bad shape. As bad as her body is, her bear’s in worse shape. What the hell did they do to her?” Erin picked up the vial of purple liquid she’d placed on the table and popped the lid off.

“What is that?” Gavin demanded.

“The only thing that is going to save her life at this point.”

Calder grabbed Gavin by the waist. “Tanner, give me a hand.”

It took both men to hold him back. His gut told him to knock that fucking potion out of the witch’s hand.

“Any cost,” his bear reminded him.

Gavin took a deep breath, working overtime to calm his already frazzled nerves. “Fine! Do it. But know this, witch. It’s at your own peril. If my mate dies—”

“Gavin!” Calder scolded him.

“It’s okay, Calder. I’m used to it. Remember, I’m the big scary witch.” Erin opened Bailey’s mouth and dumped the liquid in.

“She’s not swallowing it,” Daisy remarked.

“She will, give her a minute.” Erin’s hand glowed once more as she placed it over Bailey’s throat, moving it slowly down to her belly. “There! Down the hatch.”

A collective gasp sounded in the room as Bailey’s wounds instantly started knitting themselves back together. Deep gashes that were visible moments ago quickly turned to ugly pink scars before healing altogether.

“I’ve never seen anything like this in my life,” Daisy said, astonishment evident in her voice.

Bailey’s eyes flickered before opening. “What happened?”

Gavin was by her side in an instant. “I thought I’d lost you!”

Bailey tried to sit up on the table, but Gavin was having none of it, and gently pushed her back down.

“You almost died! You need to rest.” He wasn’t about to take no for an answer.

“You stupid, stubborn beast! I’m fine! Let me up!”

Maybe he was going to take no for an answer after all.




“What happened? How did I get here, and why do you all look so shocked?” The last thing Bailey remembered was the darkness surrounding her as she fought off the attackers.

“Bailey, sweetie,” Daisy began, “you were jumped in the woods.”

“That part I remember. And who are they?” Bailey pointed to Erin and Tanner.

Gavin squeezed Bailey’s hand. “Calder and I found you in the woods. His wolves killed those bastards, and I brought you back here where Erin healed you. I think you should lie back down. You’ve been through a lot.”

Erin waved off Gavin’s overprotective statement. “I gave you a potion to accelerate your healing. And, Gavin, I know you want what’s best for your mate, but she’s fine. All healed and good as new.”

“You’re sure?” Gavin asked.

“As sure as a bear shits in the woods,” Erin grinned, clearly proud of her joke. “Seriously though, how do you feel, Bailey?”

“Just fine.” Bailey’s stomach chose that moment to rumble as if to say, you may be fine but bitch, I’m not! “Let me correct that. Starving, but otherwise fine.”

“I figured as much. Your bear is a little weak right now, lots of protein will charge her back up. So eat meat and lots of it tonight.”

“All done here?” Tanner asked, glancing at his watch.

“Yep.” With that, Tanner placed his hand on Erin’s shoulder and they disappeared into thin air.

“What the fuck was that?” Bailey jumped to her feet.

“Just Tanner’s way of getting around the world in a flash,” Calder answered. “It’s good to see you back on your feet again, Bailey.”

“Thanks. Now can we get out of here and get something to eat?”

“Absolutely! No worries. I have a bunch of steaks in the fridge that I planned on throwing on the grill tonight.”

“That sounds delicious. Lead the way.”

Gavin grumbled.

“Don’t you start with me. We’re going with Daisy and Calder. I need to let Gerri know that I’m okay. She must be worried sick.”

Daisy cleared her throat. “Actually, she had to rush home this afternoon. She tried to call your cell phone several times, but didn’t get an answer. She felt really bad about leaving you here, but said there was an emergency and she couldn’t wait.”

Bailey felt around in her pockets for her phone. “Fuck. I must have lost it in the woods somewhere.”

“I can send a few men out to look for it if you’d like,” Calder offered.

“That would be great.” Not that Bailey had to worry about missing any calls or anything, it just felt weird without having her phone nearby.

“Does this mean I can take you home?” Gavin asked.

“Home? As in my home or your home?” Bailey countered.

“Our home.”

“Yeah, about that.” Bailey hadn’t even given a thought to moving in with Gavin. Sure, he was her mate and all, but fuck, she’d just met the guy.

“You’re my mate!” Gavin shouted.

Bailey looked into the night sky and rolled her eyes. “I get that, but I also know that if you wouldn’t have been so demanding earlier, none of this would have happened.”

“I know and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been—”

“Shouldn’t have been so what?” Bailey interrupted him. Her rant continuing, “So bossy? Demanding? Dickheadish?”

“All of the above. Let’s get you fed, then we’ll talk more about it later.”

“Fine,” Bailey huffed as her stomach growled yet again, reminding her that if she didn’t eat soon there would be hell to pay.