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Payne: Mammoth Forest Wolves - Book Four by Kimber White (14)



Darkness swirled around me. This time, it had weight. It reached for me with tendrils of ice that pressed against my chest and took the breath from my lungs. Only one thing kept me whole. Only one thing kept my mind tethered.


Her touch. Her breath against my cheek. I was drunk from her. Protective rage boiled through me.

Let it go! You know you’re stronger under my control. You have a gift, Payne. Stop trying to fight it.

No! Able was everywhere. His pull seeped through my pores. It was like trying to fight off a deep, heavy sleep. It would feel so good to just give in to it. My body needed it. I could stop. I could rest. I could lay down every burden I’d carried in the five years since I first broke free from him.

“Payne!” Lena’s voice cut through the din.

I carried her. Stumbling through dense woods, branches snarled in her hair. I lost my footing and we both went down. Sweat poured from me. My body was so slick from it, it’s a wonder I could keep my grip on her at all. She tumbled out of my arms and landed hard on the ground. But, she quickly rounded and pressed her palms flat against my chest.

“Stay with me!” she shouted. “Don’t you dare let that bastard in your head. You hear me, Payne? Fight it. Goddamn you. Fight him!”

The sight of Duke Miller’s wrecked body flared behind my eyes. Then, his face morphed into another. I didn’t even know his name. Any of their names. There had been dozens of them over the years. Men who Able Valent wanted to suffer or die. I had delivered all of them to him. Just like Duke.

“It could have been me!” I shouted. “Don’t you get it? That’s what I am. I was born for it.”

She slapped me across the face so hard, my jaw rattled. My wolf sprang to the surface and my vision went white. But, Lena had her hands on my shoulders now, gently shaking me.

“You weren’t born for it. Able made you believe that.”

“I’m an Alpha!” I shouted. “Don’t you get it? He didn’t make me do those things. I was too strong to subjugate. You said it yourself. I’ve hidden behind that for years. It’s a lie. I could have fought harder.”

“Then what?” she said. “Then you’d be dead or worse. Birch Haven would still be standing. I’d still be there, Payne. If it wasn’t for you, I’d still belong to them.”

She lies. She won’t tell you the truth. She’s using you.

I snarled and brought my hands to my head. She thought she knew, but she didn’t. I hadn’t said the words. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her the truth. Seven men. I had the deaths of seven men on my conscience.

“Get out!” I shouted. “Get the fuck out!”

Able’s wicked laugh seemed to come from everywhere. Lena’s horrified expression told me she could hear it too. How? Was it me? I hadn’t marked her. Now, I knew I never could. But was just being around me enough to bring him closer to her? I was a conduit somehow. Oh, God. I had only wanted to protect her. What if I was the very thing that brought her back to him?

“Don’t listen to him!” she shouted. “He’s a liar and a thief. You hear me Valent?”

Lena was on her feet. Her hair flew wildly around her face. Her eyes blazed with fury giving her an almost wolf-like quality herself. She still held the gun in her hand and she waved it in the air. “Do you remember what happened the last time you tried to control me?” Her words rose into a shriek. “You lost that psycho Shelby because of it. I turned him against you, didn’t I? Do you know how easy that was? They’re all like that, Valent. All your Alphas. You think they’ll follow you blindly, but they won’t. They’re going to figure you out just like Shelby did. God, I could feel it seething inside of him. Why couldn’t you? You’re old. You’re weak. You need their power to keep going. It’s fading though. That’s your secret. You can’t hold on forever. You’ll wither and die and there will be nothing left of you but ash. For what? For what?”

Something happened. Lena stumbled then dropped to her knees. Her gun hand trembled. She raised it, but her movements weren’t natural. It was as if an invisible hand had wrapped itself around hers and brought the gun up, pressing it against her temple.

“Stop!” I shouted. I didn’t know how he was doing it. Was it through me? Oh, God. I didn’t think so. “You want me? Take me! I won’t run. I won’t fight. But, you let her go. She’s of no use to you and you know it. She’s damaged. No other shifter will take her.”

I spun around, trying to get a sense of where Able was. I couldn’t track him. He had to be close. But, I couldn’t scent any other Pack members either.

“Lena, stop,” I said. I went to her, careful not to get too close. She pleaded with her eyes as her whole body shook. How was he doing this? I pushed back hard with my mind. But, this pull wasn’t coming from me. Able was in her head.

I moved around her, careful not to touch her. The wind lifted her hair and I saw her mark flaring red.

“Lena,” I said, my words catching. “Did he...did Able…”

“No!” she cried. “Payne, help me!”

My wolf sprang out of me. I couldn’t stop it. Every protective instinct in me burst forth. He would not win. If it meant I had to give myself over to the Pack, it would be worth it. I would see Lena safe. I would not let him hurt her.

I lunged for her, catching Lena’s wrist with a soft mouth. The gun skittered from her grip and discharged. The bullet ricocheted against a tree branch, sending a spray of wood chips in every direction.

Able’s influence was still strong, but the pull between Lena and me was even stronger. I threw my head back and let loose a howl from the depths of my soul. It seemed to take over my body and fill the air around us. Every creature within a hundred yards scattered. The sound drowned out Able’s voice and wrapped around Lena.

She got to her feet and came to me. My call drove her harder than anything Able Valent could do to either of us. She was mine. We were fated. I would not let him touch her again.

Lena wrapped her arms around my neck. I crouched low so she could climb on my back. Instinct kicked in and I ran for all I was worth.