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Prancer's Fated Mate (Arctic Shifters Book 3) by R. E. Butler (7)



Chapter 8


Kerri was not really a bold person. She’d never just stood naked in front of someone like this, but something about Sullivan put her at ease and made her feel wanton at the same time. She knew that she was already falling fast for the sexy shifter. She wasn’t scared of the feelings because she knew that he was falling for her, too. She could see it his eyes.

He gazed at her for a long moment, and she took the time to appreciate him. He was so sexy. His body was thick with muscles, and a tattoo made of black swirls and sharp points stretched across his right bicep. The delicious V at his waist was like an arrow to his thick cock, which jutted from his hips straight and hard, with a drop of arousal glistening from the tip.

He snarled softly and moved to a tall dresser against the wall. The drawer creaked as he tugged it open, and he rummaged in it, the contents banging against the sides of the drawer. Shoving the drawer shut, he turned, holding a large pale blue candle in his hand. He set the candle on the nightstand and lit a match from a small book. When the candle was glowing, he blew out the match and then turned off the overhead light.

He was in front of her a moment later, moving so swiftly she hadn’t even seen him. “I don’t have any wine. Do you want me to get some?”

His large hands cupped her face, and he gazed down at her earnestly.

“What for?”

“Humans woo. Arian told me Charli said humans dated when they were wooing, and it involved candlelight and wine.”

“Damn you’re so sweet, Sullivan.” She rose on her toes and kissed him. “You’re talking about a date where a couple goes to eat somewhere that has candlelight, like a restaurant. I don’t need wine right now; I want to be entirely sober for when we rock each other’s worlds.”

He chased her lips with his own, tilting her head and holding her close. “I want to treat you right. I want to do everything right to show you how much you mean to me.”

She felt emotional, but she didn’t want to cry because he was being so adorable. She gripped his wrists. “You came for me, in the dark and in the cold when I couldn’t see a foot in front of me. You wooed me completely, I promise. I walked away from my life in the human world to be with you because I already know you’re the right guy for me. You can prove it by seeing how many times you can make me scream your name.”

The concerned look slid from his gaze and was replaced with an expression of desire that made her flush with heat. He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed and climbed on it, laying her down on the soft blanket. He knelt next to her, his fists pressed into the mattress on either side of her head as he leaned over and gazed at her. His expression was sexy, so full of heat and wonder, his lips curled up at one corner, and his eyes swirled from blue to gold and back again.

He leaned down farther and kissed her. His lips caressed hers gently, and she parted her lips with a happy murmur as their tongues touched and slid together. She wrapped her arms around his neck and scraped her fingernails gently against his scalp. He sucked on her tongue with a growl and then kissed down her jaw to her ear.

“Last time I didn’t get to taste you properly,” he whispered, his breath hot against her ear, making her skin prickle.

She curled her fingers, and her nails dug into his neck as heat swirled through her. He bit her earlobe gently and tugged, and then he kissed down her neck and sucked her flesh into his mouth. She felt his teeth, but he didn’t bite down hard enough to break the skin. He kissed her shoulder and her collarbone, and then he fit one hand around her breast and licked the nipple. She watched as he sucked it into his mouth, tugging lightly and nibbling on it as if it were his favorite piece of candy. Lifting from her breast, he inhaled with a snarl and tended to her other nipple, drawing it slowly into his mouth and driving her wild with his tongue and teeth. Her stomach twisted in anticipation as he began to kiss down the center of her body. His big hands moved slowly down her sides and cupped her hips, his thumbs rubbing on the sensitive skin.

He pushed her thighs apart with his palms, settling between her spread legs and gazing down at her center.

He kissed her clit, his lips lingering on her bud for a moment before he curled his tongue around it. She groaned as heat spiraled through her as he licked and sucked on her clit. Her stomach started to clench, and he eased off, flicking his tongue so lightly on her bud that she could barely feel it. As the pleasure ebbed, he probed her pussy with one finger and licked her clit faster. She felt herself tumbling toward pleasure, and he eased away again, holding his finger just slightly inside her as he leisurely tongued her clit.

She moaned and reached for him, fisting his hair and tugging. “Sullivan!”

He chuckled and slid one hand under her, tilting her hips and pushing his tongue into her pussy. He rubbed her clit firmly with his finger and growled, and she could feel the vibrations in her pussy. She arched and pushed herself against him, and he growled again, his finger moving even faster. She spiraled again, her climax rushing at her. This time he let her go all the way, growling loudly so she felt it even more, as his finger moved impossibly fast on her clit and sent her screaming over the edge. Before she could come down from the bliss, he pushed two fingers into her pussy and curled them up to rub against her inner walls as he pressed his tongue against her clit and growled. The vibrations from his tongue and his massaging fingers pushed her pleasure even higher. Her breath caught in her chest, and her toes curled as the climax twisted inside her. She couldn’t stop from screaming again, pressing her head back into the pillow as he licked and fingered her to an impossible height of pleasure. Lights sparked in her vision, and she felt as though the inside of her body had melted.

She tugged on his head, and he crawled up her body. She caged his hips with her legs as he hovered over her, his eyes bright gold and his fangs peeking from his parted lips. She’d never seen anything sexier. He pressed his cock to her, the thick head of him parting her so slowly as he pushed inside. His whole body tensed, his muscles flexing as he took his time giving her his whole length. He was hot and hard inside her when their bodies met, and she gasped as the connection between them grew even stronger.

They gazed at each other for a moment, that single second frozen in time in her mind as the exact instant she fell in love with him. He was her everything. Call it fated mates or destiny or magic, but they were truly meant to be together.

He slid out of her, never taking his gaze from hers, and then plunged back in. His arms slid under her, and he held her close as he thrust into her faster, pulling out and pushing in with a rumble in his chest. She pulled him down for a kiss as he moved faster. Their tongues tangled, and she linked her ankles behind him, urging him on. She tilted her hips up to meet him, and a hot button of pleasure sparked inside her, making her gasp. He snarled and pounded into her, and she relaxed into his embrace. She was tempted to close her eyes and absorb the pleasure, but she wanted to share it with him and not miss a moment of their first time together. He slammed into her, the bed cracking against the wall with the force of their joining.

She threw back her head and cried out as pleasure swamped her, her pussy clenching hard on his cock and her body tingling from head to toe. He pulled out of her and pushed her roughly to her stomach, lifting her up onto her hands and knees and plunging into her harder and faster. She met his thrusts, each press of his body into hers prolonging her pleasure.

He bent over her, his hips slamming into her as he kissed her neck and then bit down. His fangs cut through her skin at the same moment as he rubbed her clit with his fingers until she rode another wave of pleasure. He came inside her, and she could feel how hot his come was as his cock thickened in her sensitive channel.

Extracting his fangs, he pulled her to him and slid to his side, curling around her firmly. He licked the mark he made, growling softly. The vibrations in his chest made her back tingle and filled her with warmth. She reached behind her to cup his head.

“You taste like candy, inside and out,” he said, his voice low and growly.

She laughed and wiggled from his grasp, pushing him to his back. “I’m yours forever now.”

“Marked and mated. You’re mine and I’m yours.”

“Then I need to know something.”

She glanced down the length of his body as his cock thickened.

“What?” he said, his voice tipping deeper.

“How you taste.”